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2 THE EXAMINER FEB 04 -10, 2017
168 Years

A CATHOLIC NEWSWEEKLY - Est 1850 MUMBAI Vol. 168 No. 05 FEB 04 - 10, 2017 Rs. 10/-

Fr Anthony Charanghat


Fr Joshan Rodrigues
Adrian Rosario
Carol Andrade 6 MARCH FOR LIFE
Dr Astrid Lobo Gajiwala
Kurt Jensen and Julie Asher...

Rosetta Martins
Bishop Percy
Neil D'Souza
Stalin Mathias
John Braganza


Fr Anthony Charanghat 11 ROMILA PALLIATIVE CARE...
for the Owners, Serena DSa
The Examiner Trust,
Regn. No. E 10398 Bom.
under the Bombay
Public Trust Act, 1950. 20 EPISCOPAL ORDINATION...
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Eucharistic Congress Bldg. III,
1st Floor, 5 Convent Street (Near
Regal Cinema), Mumbai 400001
2202 0221 / 2283 2807
2288 6585 NOTES & COMMENTS 22
email: LOCAL NEWS 24 COVER - composed by Rosetta Martins NATIONAL NEWS 26 Capturing the meaning and significance of
the Episcopal Ordina ons of the Auxiliary
INTERNATIONAL NEWS 28 Bishops for the Archdiocese of Bombay and the
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THE EXAMINER FEB 04 - 10, 2017 3



Sun-Thu Feb 5-9 CCBI Plenary Assembly, Bhopal
Fri Feb 10 4:30 p.m. Meeting with Consul General of Sri Lanka
Sun Feb 12 Rome


Sun Feb 5-9 CCBI Conference, Bhopal
Sun Feb 12 9:30 a.m. Administers the Sacrament of Confirmation at Holy Cross Church, Lower Parel
6:00 p.m. Administers the Sacrament of Confirmation at Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church,


Fri Feb 10 5:30 p.m. Celebrates Eucharist, First Day of Novena, Our Lady of Lourdes Church,
Shalini Bhavan, Sion
Sat Feb 11 6:30 p.m. Confirmations, Our Lady of Mercy Church, Pokhran
Sun Feb 12 9:30 a.m. Confirmations, Our Lady of Nazareth Church, Bhayandar
6:00 p.m. Confirmations, Our Lady of Victories Church, Mahim


Sun Feb 5 8:30 a.m. Celebrates Eucharist and administers the Sacrament of Confirmation,
St Francis Xavier Church, Vile Parle
11:15 a.m. Celebrates Eucharist and administers the Sacrament of Confirmation,
St John the Evangelist Church, Marol
Mon Feb 6 6:30 p.m. FILMC Meeting, Salvation Seva Kendra, Dadar
Thu Feb 9 6:30 p.m. Celebrates Eucharist and administers the Sacrament of Confirmation,
Holy Name Cathedral, Fort
Fri Feb 10 7:30 p.m. Celebrates Eucharist, Cross of Bamanwada Village, Sahar
Sat Feb 11 6:00 p.m. Celebrates Eucharist and administers the Sacrament of Confirmation,
St Anthony of Padua Church, Kalwa


Sun Feb 5 9:30 a.m. Celebrates Eucharist, Patronal Feast, Infant Jesus Parish, Pantnagar
5:30 p.m. Celebrates Eucharist and administers the Sacrament of Confirmation, St Paul Parish,
Dadar East
Mon Feb 6 6:45 p.m. FILMC Team Meeting, Salvation Seva Kendra (1st flr), Dadar
Fri Feb 10 7:30 p.m. Meeting with Parish SCC Coordinators, Thane Deanery at St Joseph Parish, Vikhroli
Sun Feb 12 9:00 a.m. Celebrates Eucharist, First Holy Communions, Divya Kripa Parish, Kharghar


Sun Feb 5 9:00 a.m. Confirmations at St Peter Church, Bandra West
Fri-Sat Feb 10-11 In Goa

Archdiocese of Bombay :

The Examiner News Site :

4 THE EXAMINER FEB 04 - 10, 2017


Two Auxiliary Bishops for Bombay

his is a day of great rejoicing in the Archdiocese of Bombay. A very historic day; for this day,
on the feast of St Thomas Aquinas, the great doctor of the Church, we are receiving a gi
from God of two new Auxiliary Bishops in the Archdiocese.
How happy we are! What a joy it is to each one of us, in a special way for the parishioners of Thane
and of Borivli, and for all of us in the Archdiocese of Bombay, the Western Region and the Church in
India. These pastors have been called by the Lord to a great leadership role; all of us rejoice, because
we have new Shepherds to assist in the leadership of the Churchnew leaders to guide us; holy
men to take us to the Lord.
Allwyn DSilva and Barthol Barre othrough the imposi on of hands following the ancient
tradi on, from the very apostolic mes, and saying the approved formulawill now join our ranks
as Shepherds of the Church. Being a Shepherd of the Church is most challenging at every me, but
especially in our mes. Our Chief Shepherd in Rome, Pope Francis, insists on the central role of the
Bishops, and has consistently been encouraging and guiding the Bishops in their role as leaders
of the Church.
Pope Francis has been insis ng "the Shepherds must have the smell of the sheep" (their
flock). This smell you will have if you are connected to them, in an approachable, welcoming,
understanding way, and opening his heart to them. It is not just the ques on of being physically
present, but the a tude of the heart, receiving, loving them, understanding them, sharing in
their joys and sorrows, and being of service to your people, just as the Lord was available to His
people throughout the day.
The Holy Father issued an Apostolic Le er Misericordia et Misera where he reminded us that the
Year of Mercy is past, but mercy and compassion cannot be forgo en. It is an essen al element
of Christs teaching. We have to promote a culture of mercy, says the Pope. That is why in the
Archdiocese of Bombay, in the coming year, we will have as our theme Promo ng the culture of
mercy so that every parish, every ins tu on, every religious house becomes an oasis of mercy
for our people, reaching out to all those on the periphery, welcoming all those in distress.
The Archdiocese of Bombay has had the privilege of having the system of Small Chris an
Communi es. This and other associa ons and groups can be used eec vely to promote the
apostolate of the laity. It is only with the laity that the Church can be vibrant. Hence, educate
them, confirm them, encourage them, work with them and teach them to work with others.
Mumbai is a cosmopolitan city. Not all are of our culture, language or even religion. Hence,
dialogue is important. Dialogue with people of other cultures, dialogue with people of other
religions, dialogue with people of other languages, and work hand in hand with Government.
We cannot transform all of society alone. We, as Chris ans, can be catalysts that can promote
harmony among people of diverse cultures, languages and religions.
Both Allwyn and Barthol bring a great contribu on to the leadership of this Archdiocese. Both
have been Parish Priests, successful, loved by people. Both have a special love for their people;
both have been associated with the Central Oce of the Archdiocese, the Archbishop and his
Curia. Both have been associated with the Seminary. And yet, both complement each other so
much. One has spent a lot of me planning pastoral work; the other has spent more me doing
pastoral work. One is very much con nuously doing things; the other is much concentrated on
planning things to be done. One has had much exposure in India and outside; the other has had
deep exposure in the Archdiocese. What richness for the Archdiocese to have these two men
with us. I very warmly welcome you to the leadership of the Archdiocese of Bombay; a very warm
embrace to you from me, the Auxiliaries, and from all the clergy in the Archdiocese of Bombay
and Religious and faithful.
Extracts from the Homily of Cardinal Oswald Gracias at the Episcopal Ordinaon

THE EXAMINER FEB 04 - 10, 2017 5


March for Life

'Life is winning again in America'

he leaders of the Pro-life movement are used The evening before the march, Pence also hosted
to having the ear of the President, as they had organisers at the Execu ve Oce Building, next to the White
with Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush and House. As a member of Congress, he had addressed the
George W. Bush. March for Life in 2002, 2003 and 2007.
During their respec ve administra ons, they addressed the "Our President is a man with broad shoulders, a big heart,"
March for Life via telephone, but this year, the event marking Pence said at the Rally. To loud cheers, he added, "His vision,
the Roe v/s Wade anniversary had the highest-ranking his energy, his op mism are boundless, and I know he will
government ocial ever to address the crowd in person. make America great again."
"Life is winning again in America, and today is a celebra on
of that progress," the ocial, Vice President Mike Pence, told
the March for Life rally on the Na onal Mall Jan. 27.
"More than 240 years ago, our founders declared these
truths to be self-evident that we are, all of us, endowed by
our Creator with certain unalienable rights and that among
these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness," he said.
"Forty-four years ago, our Supreme Court turned away from
the first of these meless ideals, but today, genera ons
hence - because of all of you and the many thousands who
stand with us in marches all across the na on - life is winning
again in America."
Pence said President Donald Trump had asked him to
address the Rally, which took place under a sunny sky with
temperatures in the 40s. "He asked me to thank you for your
support, for your stand for life and your compassion for the
women and children of America." He pointed to Trump's Jan. 23 execu ve ac on reinsta ng
Other speakers included New York Cardinal Timothy M. what's called the Mexico City Policy, which bans tax dollars
Dolan, chairman of the U.S. bishops' Pro-life Commi ee; from funding groups that promote or perform abor on in
Kellyanne Conway, Trump's campaign manager and now other countries. He said the administra on would work
special adviser to the president; Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa; and with Congress to stop taxpayer funding of abor on "and
Reps. Mia Love, R-Utah, and Chris Smith, R-New Jersey. devote those resources to healthcare services for women
Early that morning, Archbishop Christophe Pierre, across America."
Apostolic Nuncio to the United States, conveyed a message On Jan. 24, the House passed the No Taxpayer Funding
from Pope Francis to the March for Life, saying the pon for Abor on Act, making the 41-year-old Hyde Amendment
was "profoundly grateful for this impressive tes mony to the permanent. The amendment, which has had to be approved
sacredness of every human life." each year as part of the budget for the U.S. Department of
"As he has made clear, so great is the value of human Health and Human Services, prohibits tax dollars from paying
life and so inalienable the right to life of an innocent child for abor on, except in cases of rape, incest or threat to the
growing in a mother's womb, that no alleged right can jus fy woman's life. The Senate has yet to act on a companion bill,
a decision to terminate this life," the nuncio said. but Trump has said he will sign it into law when the measure
Pope Francis "trusts that this event, in which so many reaches his desk.
American ci zens speak out on behalf of the most "I urge you to press on," Pence told the Rally. "Let your
defenceless of our bothers and sisters, will contribute to a gentleness be evident to all. Let this movement be known
mobilisa on of consciences in defence of the right to life and for love, not anger. Let this movement be known for
eec ve measures to ensure its adequate legal protec on," compassion, not confronta on. When it comes to ma ers
Archbishop Christopher said. of the heart, there is nothing stronger than gentleness. I

6 THE EXAMINER FEB 04 - 10, 2017

believe we will con nue to win the minds and hearts of the "The only number I care about, and the only number
rising genera on, if our hearts first break for mothers and that we all care about is - 58 million. Since 1973, 58 million
their unborn children, and meet them where they are with Americans have died as a result of abor on," Mancini said.
generosity, not judgment." "We stand here today for them - for the li le innocent
"You can sense the joy in people today," Kristan Hawkins, children who have lost their lives to abor on. We also stand
president of Students for Life, told Catholic News Service. "I here for the mothers who regret their abor on decision."
hope it's not lost." Conway took the podium before Pence.
Earlier in the week, march organisers predicted at least "I am a wife, a mother, a Catholic, counsellor to the
50,000 would be there. But there were at least that many at president of the United States of America, and yes, I am
the Rally, and before it was over, marchers, including many pro-life," Conway said. "It is such an honour to stand with
busloads of parochial schoolchildren, covered the full width the Vice President of the United States and so many leaders,
of Cons tu on Avenue, en route to the Supreme Court, for families and students from places near and far (today)."
at least seven blocks. "Your courage, your convic on and your faith are
Trump drew considerable a en on earlier in the week by impressive and consequen al," she told the crowd. "This
telling Republican lawmakers at a Philadelphia retreat that is a new day, a new dawn for life. Why are we here? What
there could be as many as 600,000, eclipsing the Woman's does it mean to stand together to be part of this incredible
March Jan. 21, which had an es mated 500,000. movement, to face cri cism, ridicule, and laws and
Jeanne Mancini, president of the March for Life lawmakers (against life)? It means to protect and promote
organisa on, acknowledged that new spotlight. the most previous gi in the worldthe gi of life. It means
"There has been a lot of talk about numbers over the to stand up, stand tall and stand together against the
past week. The Women's March has talked about numbers indierence and the indefensible, and on behalf of babies
and Facebook likes, and people keep asking me about our in the womb."
numbers for the March for Life. Well, it is hard to add up how
many have come here over the last 44 years, but that really
isn't the point," she said.


Effective Evangelization
W hen the missionary E. Stanley Jones asked Mahatma
Gandhi why he rejected becoming a follower of
Christ, the Mahatma responded with these words: "Oh, I
In one of the lectures I a ended in the USA in the 1980s,
the speaker told us that a learned Behavioural Scien st once
declared that there are three absolutely necessary quali es
don't reject Christ. I love Christ. It's just that so many of you for any one to be considered a successful leader: the first to
Chris ans are so unlike Christ. If Chris ans would really live be kind; the second, to be kind, and the third, to be kind!
according to the teachings of Christ, as found in the Bible, all This concurs with what Jesus, the Mahatma and Dr Albert
of India would be Chris an today." Dr Albert Schweitzer, the were convinced about, and is the most eec ve way we
Nobel Laureate once said, "Example is not the main thing to have in our hands as Chris ans, whatever posi on we may
influence people. It is the only thing!" Jesus Christ said, "By be holding, or holding no posi on at all!
this shall people know that you are my disciples, that you Let us read the ar cles on this subject, by all means,
have love one for another." and listen carefully to the well-wri en and well-delivered
Any amount of ar cles are being wri en in Chris an homilies, as they will definitely enhance our responsibility to
books, magazines and periodicals about the many ways evangelize, but the follow-up cannot be anything else than
Eec ve Evangeliza on is possible. But can using all these our determina on to be Christ-like in our behaviour, so that
methods ever compare with what Mahatma Gandhi, Dr people who come in contact with us will recognise Jesus and
Schweitzer and Jesus Himself were convinced about? Are His teachings, as He Himself has assured us by His direc ve
we fooling ourselves by imagining that a beau fully wri en given to us in Jn 13:35, that by this will men know that we
and eloquently delivered homily will do more good than a are His disciples, that we have love one for another!
li le kindness shown to a poor widow who knocks at our
rectory door with a begging bowl, asking for something with
which she can feed her children for the day; or the parents
of a boy, who come at non-oce hours, asking for a birth
cer ficate urgently needed by his school, are helped even
though they come out of me?

THE EXAMINER FEB 04 - 10, 2017 7

8 THE EXAMINER FEB 04 -10, 2017
STALIN MATHIAS and dance. Unity and Diversity were the
heartbeat that engaged us all.
We from the Archdiocese of Bombay
along with the Dioceses of the Western
region came together as a family, and

Touched by Jesus,
put up a stage performance. We had the
privilege of showcasing our talents through
ac on songs that youth from the other
dioceses loved tapping their feet to.

walking His Way A Peace Rally was conducted on January

22, with over 8000 youth taking part. The
Rally began at Rosario Cathedral church
and went right up to St Aloysius College

grounds, where it came to an end. A short
outh - 2800 of them - waved rites, celebrated in liturgical and para- programme was held at St Aloysius College.
"goodbye" to a Billboard liturgical services. High on the agenda His Eminence Oswald Cardinal Gracias
a tude and welcomed a of the ICYM was faith forma on. We celebrated the Holy Eucharist there to
Springboard a tude, with were oered insights on a variety conclude the Conven on.
a new slogan "Touched by Jesus, of themes that are relevant and As Bishop Henry D'Souza (Chairman of
Walking His Way." And so trending contextual to our lives as young CBCI Youth Council) stated, "The Youth of
away from Billboard which is people. We were introduced to the today need to have dreams in their heads,
sta onary, mere words to dynamic teachings of the Church oered in and fire in their bellies."
movement Springboard Youth. YouCat, even as each of us found a We have returned with a bagful of
A Springboard is a strong, stable copy of the DoCat in our kits. memories. From mee ng dierent youth
pla orm that catapults and helps a The five days of the Conven on had and learning about their perspec ves
higher leap forward. And this seems eminent speakers who enlightened about the Catholic Church, as well as
to have met the purpose at this mega us on topics like 'Evangelisa on of sharing our thoughts and ideas with
event. A new vision that empowers Youth by Youth', 'How do Catholics them. Grooving to dierent ac on
young minds, so that they engage in respond to today's challenges', panel songs performed by dierent regions is
Chris an lifestyle, thus engineering discussions on 'Entrepreneurial something we will never forget.
and influencing society. Leadership', 'Leadership in Public This has been an experience of a life me.
"Hey, young man, you are the Life' etc. Not forge ng our very own We thank the DYC and our Bishops who
world," said Pope Francis. Deacon Ivan Fernandes, who was are high on offering us such beautiful
And that message had a full one of the esteemed speakers for the opportunities that turn into occasions
throated resounding 'YES' at the Conven on. Indeed, he got the youth of grace. A 'High Five' to ICYM and the
Na onal Youth Conven on held electrified through his wonderful and Organisers at Mangalore for helping us
at Mangalore, organised by the inspira onal talk, and connected in a to be touched by Jesus, as we pledge to
ICYM, from January 18-22, 2017 in beau ful way to the youth present. Walk His Way.
Vamanjoor, Mangalore. During the span of these days,
All filled with zeal and enthusiasm, dierent regions from India had an
we youth from the archdiocese opportunity to
of Bombay, set out for the Youth showcase their
Conven on, with our Diocesan Youth culture through
Director leading us from the front. a cultural
We also had Dn Ivan, our Assistant programme on
Youth Director and Sr Roselyn, who stage. Dierent
accompanied us as Animator. spiritual
Having returned, our minds are ac vi es like
etched with a week of youthful energy Taize Prayer,
as we encountered young people from Confessions,
all across the country. Our minds and Adora on and
hearts are uploaded with the thrills of Night vigils were
being Young Disciples. conducted.
The Conven on reflected our The evenings
Chris an faith, rich in all the three resounded with
high decibels of
Stalin Mathias DYC Bombay member youthful music

THE EXAMINER FEB 04 - 10, 2017 9

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10 THE EXAMINER FEB 04 -10, 2017


Romila Palliative Care Centre

n Friday, around seems full of despair, trea ng Doctor to support fore which have to be dealt
January 27, that life ma ers. the pa ent and his family with. The concept of pain
SNEHA (Society The essence of pallia ve and caregivers. management is at the very
for Nutri on care is to improve the It oers a support founda on of pallia ve
Educa on and Health quality of life of pa ents, system that enhances the care. Going beyond pain,
Ac on), a Mumbai-based not focusing on the days quality of life of pa ents we cannot emphasise
NGO launched the ROMILA they have to live, but rather by working to alleviate the enough that pa ents need
PALLIATIVE CARE CENTRE on how they live those pain and discomfort they compassion, hear elt care
on the grounds of Holy days," comfortably and experience through any and posi ve energy that
Family Hospital, Bandra, without pain, and to help other symptom. Teaching come from arma ve
Mumbai. This Pallia ve the caregivers and families the caregiver simple nursing beliefs, deep faith and a
Centre, oering OPD and loving environment.
home-based services aims In India, pallia ve care
to address the cares of is rela vely new. However,
pa ents with life-limi ng quality services ranging from
and debilita ng condi ons, hospital-based, hospice-
primarily those with based and home-based
cancer. Romila (meaning care have already been
hear elt) symbolises the started in a few centres in
love, compassionate and Kerala, Delhi, Bangalore and
competent care that this Mumbai. Given the need
project wants to give to for such services, there is a
help people suering from definite requirement for a
life-limi ng illness to live stepped up response. Hence,
a life of dignity and hope the Romila Pallia ve Care
through their illness, and at has started with an OPD
the same me, enable their Centre at the end of January,
loved ones to look a er face, with knowledge and procedures, and being the and this will be followed
them be er, with greater confidence, the problems liaison between the trea ng by home-based care. The
assurance and confidence. associated with a life- doctor, the pa ent and the service will commence with
The term 'Pallia ve Care' threatening illness. Pallia ve pa ent's family in itself will cancer pa ents, and will
o en conjures up an image care starts when the illness relieve much of the stress expand to include other
of care that is given in a is diagnosed, con nues they experience. Pallia ve life-limi ng and debilita ng
situa on when there is through treatment, during care also recognises the illnesses. To help run this
no hope, when everyone follow-ups, un l the end importance of addressing much needed Pallia ve
else seems to have given of life. The Pallia ve Care the concerns and needs of Centre, SNEHA plans to
upan image that is o en team consists of the doctors, the pa ents family. have a fund-raiser on March
depressing. However, we nurses and counsellors Caregivers need not only 19, 2017 a musical play
at Romila Pallia ve Care trained in this field, skills on how to look a er 'BOMBAY JAZZ' followed by
want to make people realise together with nutri onists, their loved ones, but also Brunch at the Hard Rock
that, in pallia ve care, physiotherapists, reassurance and support and Caf. For details on how you
there is a ray of sunshine, occupa onal therapists informa on during these can help, please log onto
a reassurance of our faith and volunteers, who work dicult mes of the illness.
and belief, when everything together with the primary Most importantly, help them We hope to get a posi ve
to deal with the psychosocial response in order to make
Serena DSa is a member of the Core Team at Romila and spiritual issues that this endeavour a success.
Palliative Care. such illnesses bring to the

THE EXAMINER FEB 04 - 10, 2017 11

1st Death Anniversary Mass BIRTHDAY REMEMBRANCE
In Loving Memory of our
Beloved Darling Mama

Mrs. Elvira Louis Rodrigues

You left us beautiful memories,
your love is still our guide.
and though we cannot see you,
you are always by our side.
Birthday wishes we send today,
Some days are hard
when weakened by sorrow To a star in the sky, not far away.
remembering you inspires us Everyday in some small way
to face our tomorrows. Memories of you come our way.
In fond remembrance by daughter, son
in law, grandchildren & family A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY
1st Death Anniversary Mass
at St Theresas Church Bandra west Fondly remembered by:
on 11/2/2017 at 7p.m. Marie, Cynthia, Anita

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12 THE EXAMINER FEB 04 -10, 2017

me, and was enraptured by him. Now she is sixty-five, and
OBITUARY the experience of this rela onship is s ll constantly renewed.
The gospel of today had to be the Bea tudes. I like to imagine
that Jesus had Fred in mind, or someone like him, when he
pronounced them for the first me. 'Blessed are the poor!' That
A Citizen of Heaven: Fr fits perfectly Fred's lifestyle, giving away things, no metable,

Fred Sopena ready to meet any one any me.

Blessed are those who mourn! How many tears have dried up,
On Republic Day 2017 in India, Fred Sopena may have been perhaps in your own eyes, talking and listening to Fr Sopena!
swearing by the Heavenly Cons tu on. He succeeded last year Those who are meek! Have you ever seen Fred angry? Always
in becoming an Indian ci zen. He has now (January 25, 2017) gentle, to the level of the impossible.
succeeded in becoming a ci zen of heaven for ever. And we,
who have walked with him, are now invited to come forward Those who hunger for jus ce! The great hunger and thirst of
as qualified witnesses, through faith, when he swears loving Fred! Our Jesuit companion Tony Dias calls Sopena a "gentle
fidelity to God for an eternity. In a way, today, Fred is divinised revolu onary": strong convic ons, daring plans, but always far
and finds his full iden ty in becoming one with God. from violent confronta ons.
I wish to talk to you as Fred would. So I am Blessed are the merciful! Never a
thinking only of your good: what will help you condemnation from his lips; encouraging,
at this moment; what will give you joy? doing good of every kind.
I met Fred for the first me when he was Blessed are the pure in heart! No
fourteen and I was eleven, and I can say room for ambition or power, no self-
that the life of Fred Sopena has been a righteousness. Even, I would say, no
success all through. Why do I say that? religious certainties, for even his
Because the amount of good he has done faith had a margin of doubt; even
is not normal. It is a mystery how a single the best faith has room for darkness.
man can touch so many hearts, and do 'If there is God', he would say with
it so deeply. his mischievous look and with that
inimitable gesture of his hand.
Fred joined the Jesuits when he was
fi een. But even at that early age, he knew Blessed are the peacemakers! Anything
what he wanted, though he was not fully to be said about this? Yes; his passion for
aware of that; and this slight shadow of doubt and dialogue at any level. There is no Jew, no Greek,
uncertainty accompanied him always. Call it rela vism, says the Bible. Fred said: There is no Chris an, no
or an invita on to search further, or a sense of humour when Hindu, no Muslim, no unbeliever. All are children of God.
nothing seems to be clear, but one has to live and move The eighth bea tude is perhaps the only one that hardly fits
forward S ll, this rela vism or uncertainty did not come from Fred, for he was never persecuted. Who would persecute Father
lack of knowledge. No! For Fred was extremely intelligent - he Sopena? True, there were some misunderstandings with zealots
could have easily been a professor of any subject. It was not to of the law, for Fred seemed to be some mes outside the law.
be that way. Fred was appointed as a formator of young Jesuits, He was not; he was above the law, for the Bible too reminds
but understandably, he lasted only a short me in the job. He us that there is no other law for those who love.
was meant to grow and become a full fledged person in places Last night, as I was trying to put a few thoughts together for
like Achanak Colony, Tara, and finally in the fer le re rement this moment, I realised that men of the calibre of Fred Sopena
of Vinayalaya, in a room next to the porch and open to all, a are in short supply. Maybe it is up to us to mul ply their number.
place that he turned into a public square. Will you be one of that number? This would be the kind of
Then, what is the secret of the success of Sopena, of his funeral Fred expects: a change in our life for the be er.
magne sm, of his power? It seems a pla tude, but it is not. It One of the messages just received says this of Fred: "Even
is the same secret of the unbelievable success of the carpenter when he died, he has not gone, for he took possession of our
of Nazareth. Fred had no other Ego, but Christ, who was the hearts here on earth, and he will remain always with us."
centre of his life (as of the life of any Jesuit). And so his iden ty I invite you to look at the sky tonight. I know it is dicult in
was outside himself, as Christ's was. 'Get out of yourself!' He got Mumbai. But if you try, you will see a new star. It is Fred Sopena
out of Spain, and came to India; he also got out of the prospect looking at you, twinkling at you like stars do, and above all,
of a brilliant future in the world to turn himself into a source of guiding each one of you. The way he has always done.
light as a poor Jesuit. And so his greatest wealth was to have
found the way to the poor and to be one with them. And this Funeral Mass Homily by Fr J. M. Feliu, SJ
exposure to the poor made him "religious" in the best sense on January 26, 2017
of the word. This was the secret of Fred's magne sm. A lady at Holy Family Church, Andheri
from Madrid wrote two days ago that she was thirteen when
she, accompanied by her parents, met Sopena for the first

THE EXAMINER FEB 04 - 10, 2017 13


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14 THE EXAMINER FEB 04 -10, 2017

THE EXAMINER FEB 04 -10, 2017 15
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16 THE EXAMINER FEB 04 -10, 2017

217-226 - with input from Fr (Dr) Stephen Fernandes, Professor
BOOK REVIEW of Moral Theology, Bombay Diocesan Seminary] which touches
on contracep on, masturba on et al. As for the select sketches
in the book, if chapter 5 Murder by the Mother [pp 47-54]
doesnt convince the reader of the satanic implica ons of
Im Pro-Life; Are You? abor on, nothing ever will!
Pope Francis says, The right to life means allowing people
by Dr Jeanee Pinto
to live and not killing, allowing them to grow, to eat, to be
In every genera on, people have risen to the challenge of educated, to be healed and to be permi ed to die with dignity.
speaking authorita vely and pro-ac vely on cri cal issues IM PRO-LIFE; ARE YOU? is an arma on of the seriousness
of the day. In this book, Dr Jeane e Pinto puts together well of the writers pro-life endeavours.
researched pro-life ar cles and papers In fact, so seized of the issue has
presented by her at conferences and she been, that it was precisely at the
seminars, projecting values of love, behest of the then Archbishop of
life and family that uphold the dignity Bombay, Cardinal Simon Pimenta, that
of the human person, including the she set up the Diocesan Human Life
unborn. They reflect the reality and Commi ee in 1997 to help cul vate a
truth of life situa ons that challenge culture of life in the city and diocese.
us to choose, cherish and celebrate the In the two decades gone by, she has
beau ful gi of life. addressed several audiences on Pro-
IM PRO-LIFE, ARE YOU? [ST PAULS Life issues, and talked to hundreds
pp 238 Rs 220 ISBN 978-93- of young adults on Human Sexuality,
5015-290-4] throws light on various earning the Diocese of Mangalores
pro-life issues and the anti-life coveted 'Rachana Outstanding Woman
mentality of people in general, by of the Year Award' (2014).
touching on topics such as abor on, Dr Pinto, a parent and grandparent
assisted reproductive technology, herself, has been an educator,
h o m o s e x u a l i t y, e u t h a n a s i a , counsellor and trainer for personal
pornography, human tracking etc. growth for five decades, having taught
This book will help enhance the at and been Vice Principal of St Xaviers
readers understanding of crucial College, Mumbai, before re ring as
anti-life issues and the culture of Principal of Sophia College, Mumbai
death prevalent in the world, to (2001). As such, with her global
enable one to choose, cherish and mindset and Chris an outlook, all of
celebrate life, in the process crea ng her books viz. The Indian Widow, Life-
the environment needed to produce giving Heroes, For Youth on Love, Life
a genera on of pro-lifers. and Sex, Wonder Women of India and
There is no gainsaying the fact that the authors study IM PRO-LIFE; ARE YOU? resonate with and reflect the innate
encompassing life from the womb to the tomb, her book dignity of the human person, making for a God-experience that
purports to answer a host of queries, clarifying numerous has one enthused to be ever pro-life!
doubts, chapter 33 being par cularly informa ve. Deserving of
special men on here is chapter 35 on Ethical Dilemmas [pp LADISLAUS L DSOUZA

THE EXAMINER FEB 04 - 10, 2017 17

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18 THE EXAMINER FEB 04 -10, 2017

contact. And it is women who make the best teachers and health
BOOK REVIEW workers, so it's no surprise then that women are the mainstay
of the HPT system.
Second, the health worker undergoes a training to help her
diagnose the ailment, and prescribe the necessary medica on.
Health for All They are taught the many potent secrets of ordinary herbs
and plants, and how these may be used beneficially in mes
Measures for Healthy Living : For a Healthy Body, Mind and
Soul Think Preventive Health published by the Health
of illness. The local centre acts as the focal point for this, much
Promoon Trust of the Archdiocese of Bombay, 21 N. Parekh
as a pharmacy or dispensary does.
Marg, Mumbai 400 001 (pp. 194, illustrated) No price given, but Which brings us to the third aspect of the programme:
donaons are gratefully accepted. For private circulaon only. prescrip on. Most of the centres stock herbal medica ons
in the form of pills, oils and ointments, which are cheap
The Health Promo on Trust (HPT) is an organisa on of the
and easily available. Naturopathic and herbal medicines are
Archdiocese of Bombay geared to promote healthy habits and
therefore a godsend to the poor in an age which has seen the
a tudes through preven on, rather than cure. HPT promotes
cost of patent medicines simply shoot
naturopathic means of healing,
through the roof.
cautions against the artificial
ingredients found in so many The book, 'Measures for Healthy
foods today, and recommends Living' is therefore a compendium
regular, moderate exercise. of practical information. Not only
The Trust is presently headed does it describe the medicinal
by Fr Rocky Banz (St Joseph values of well-known fruits and
Church, Vikhroli), and engages vegetables, it also prescribes rituals
the services of a trained and for healthy living, like exercise, yoga,
dedicated team of animators to meditation, acupressure, sexual
spread its message of "Health hygiene, conscious die ng, etc. Every
for all" by the year 2020 (a UN family should possess a copy and refer
campaign goal). to it regularly. (A simplified version of
this informa on is also available on
T h e C at h o l i c C h u rc h i s
DVD in English, Hindi and Marathi,
concerned about both the
for those who prefer an audio-visual
spiritual health and the physical
method of informa on.)
well-being of its members.
In many places, the Church The work of HPT has not gone
runs hospitals and clinics, and unno ced, whether at the local or
lobbies in public whenever the na onal level. Last year (2016),
governments enact laws which the Archdiocesan Family Commission
impinge on the rights of the recognised the work of Fr Rocky and
poor, especially poor women. his team with a public award. And
This is only natural, considering in December 2016, HPT was the
that the Gospels present Jesus proud recipient of the Indira Gandhi
as a healer, who spent so much Sadbhavana Na onal Award in New
of His public ministry "preaching Delhi. But even more pres gious was
and healing", and reached out especially to the poor. the cer ficate and cash award given by the Interna onal Centre
for Diakonia, Rothenburg (Germany) for HPT's "ini a ves in the
But the aim of HPT is not merely cura ve; it is preven ve. It
field of public health".
aims to reach out as a priority to marginalised groups, whether
in the city or in rural areas, and inform them, not just about When we look around, we see the health tradi ons of so
not falling sick, but how to live a healthy and produc ve life. many dierent cultures being re-discovered and re-vitalised. So
So 'holis c health' that is, of body and soul is HPT's goal it is a ma er of pride that the Archdiocese of Bombay's Health
and challenge. This is specially relevant, considering how Promo on Trust has given new life and wide publicity to our
impoverished we are in India, regarding even the very basic own local treatments.
condi ons of well-being. Today, as we increasingly realise the limita ons of allopathic
How does HPT set about doing this? It has a three-fold medica on, we are also becoming aware that good health lies
methodology. Firstly, by training groups of 'health workers' or in our hands, and are grateful to Health Promo on Trust for
'para-medics' and se ng up clusters of centres from where they showing us how.
can operate. Presently, 50 such centres exist, and Fr Rocky's
ambi on is to double the number within three years. The key
to HPT's approach therefore is not technology, but interpersonal

THE EXAMINER FEB 04 - 10, 2017 19

Episcopal Ordination Ceremony

n the Catholic Church, a bishop is an ordained minister, since they had already been anointed at their
and always a man who holds the fullness of the sacrament presbyterial ordination.
of Holy Orders. He is responsible for teaching doctrine, The Book of the Gospels was presented to the newly
governing Catholics in his jurisdiction, and sanctifying ordained Bishops, reminding them of their important duty of
the world and for representing the Church. Catholics trace preaching the Gospel. The Bishops are called to build up the
the origin of the office of 'bishop' to the Apostles, who people with the Word of God.
were endowed with a special charism by the Holy Spirit at
Pentecost. Catholics believe this special charism has been Investing with the ring, the mitre and the Crozier
transmitted through an unbroken succession of bishops by Elect publicly affirmed their obedience to the Holy Father, given to Jesus, who gave it to the Apostles who founded the The new Bishops were then invested with the ring, which
the laying on of hands in the sacrament of Holy Orders. their fidelity to the Gospel of Christ and the teachings of Church, wherever they were able to, for God's greater glory. signifies the Bishop's fidelity to and the nuptial bond with the
An auxiliary bishop is a full-time assistant to a diocesan the Church and their willingness to shepherd the faithful It is a prayer that seeks blessings on the Bishops-elect to be Church, his spouse, and the mitre to be worn at important
bishop. Auxiliaries assist the diocesan bishop in a variety entrusted to their care. shepherds of God's flock, as they minister to Him night and liturgical ceremonies. The pastoral staff (or crozier) was
of ways, and are usually appointed as vicars general or Having accepted their responsibilities as Bishops, they day, presenting their lives as a fragrant offering to God. handed over to them by the consecrating Bishop, Cardinal
episcopal vicars of the diocese in which they serve. sought God's blessings on them and their work. As they The bishops-elect remained kneeling. The assisting priests Gracias, which symbolises the shepherd's staff and the
On January 28, 2017, the Archdiocese of Bombay was prostrated themselves, the Litany of the Saints was sung by took the Book of the Gospels from the Altar, opened it and Bishop's role as the shepherd of the flock entrusted to
blessed with two new Auxiliary Bishops as Rev. Msgr Allwyn the choir and joined by the congregation in the responses. gave it to the principal consecrator, who opened it and his care.
D'Silva and Rev. Msgr Barthol Barretto were consecrated The Litany of the Saints is a prayer to the Triune God, placed it over the head of the bishop-elect. The two assisting
at the hands of His Eminence, Oswald Cardinal Gracias, as which also includes invocations for the intercession of the priests, standing at either side of the bishop-elect, held Seating of the Bishops
Principal Consecrator, and His Grace Archbishop Felipe Neri Blessed Virgin Mary, the Angels and all the martyrs and saints the book over his head, until the Prayer of Consecration The new Bishops were led to their places in the sanctuary,
Ferrao of Goa, Diu and Daman and His Lordship Bishop Bosco upon whom Christianity was founded, and those recognised was completed. where they received the kiss of peace from His Eminence
Penha as co-consecrators. as saints through the subsequent history of the Church. The principal consecrator put aside his mitre, and with Cardinal Oswald Gracias and the other concelebrating
After the Proclamation of the Gospel, the sacred and Following the invocation of the Saints, the Litany concluded hands extended over the bishop-elect, said the prayer of Bishops, signifying their reception into the Episcopal college
meaningful rite of the Episcopal ordination commenced. with a series of supplications to God to hear the prayers of consecration. The concelebrating bishops joined in. After the and the collegiality of Bishops.
The Bishops-elect were presented for ordination. Bishop- the worshippers. prayer, the two assisting priests removed the book of the
elect Msgr Allwyn D'Silva was assisted by Fr Percy D'Silva Gospels and one of them placed it on the Altar. The principal At the Post-Concluding rite, the new Auxiliary Bishops,
(his brother) and Fr John D'Mello (a close friend of Msgr Laying on of hands consecrator and the co-consecrators then (after wearing Allwyn D'Silva and Barthol Barretto, blessed the congregation
Allwyn), while Bishop-elect Msgr Barthol Barretto was The Bishops-elect knelt before His Eminence Oswald Cardinal their mitres) returned to their places, while the bishops-elect The new bishops put on their mitres and took their
assisted by Fr Elias D'Souza (his classmate) and Fr John Gracias, His Grace Archbishop Vincent Concessao, His remained standing. pastoral staffs, and were led through the congregation by the
Barretto (a close friend of Msgr Barthol). The Apostolic Lordship Bishop Bosco Penha and the concelebrating Bishops assisting priests to bless the people.
Letter announcing their appointment as Bishops was who laid hands upon their heads in silence. The laying on of Anointing of the Bishop's head
then read; first in Latin by Msgr Henryk, the distinguished hands symbolised the bestowal of blessings, authority and The Bishops-elect were anointed with the sacred chrism. (Composed from the Liturgical Commentary by
representative from the Vatican embassy, and then in distinctiveness. It was a symbolic act designed to represent Oil is a symbol of anointing by the Holy Spirit. In the Old Fr Reuben Tellis)
English, followed God Himself Testament, the
by the consent setting a person high priest was
from the people apart for a holy consecrated by
of God, as the use, whether for anointing with
congregation service, healing, oil and clothing
joined the choir protection and with vestments.
in singing the guidance or In the New
acclamation: blessing. Testament, it
"Thanks be The Prayer of was transposed
to God." consecration was to anointing
This was read, as the Book with the Holy
followed by the of the Gospels Spirit and the
Cardinal's homily was opened and ornament
(see Editorial, pg placed on the of virtues.
5) followed by an heads of the The hands of
examination of bishops-elect. The the Bishops-
the candidates. prayer invoked elect were
The Bishops- the Spirit of God, not anointed,

20 THE
- 10,
- 10,
2017 THE
04- -10, 2017 21
Pope: Consecrated life
NOTES COMMENTS should offer the "freshness"
of the Gospel
Pope prays for Religious ASIANEWS.IT

'victims of kidnapping' Pope Francis spoke to the Plenary Session of the Congrega on
for Ins tutes of Consecrated Life and Socie es of Apostolic Life
"If one member suers, all the members suer together," on Jan. 28. In a world ruled by a culture of the transient and
said Pope Francis, quo ng Saint Paul, to express his grief money, consecrated persons should shy away from the "logic of
for the Churches in the world that are constrained daily to worldliness" and instead "maintain the freshness and novelty of
witness the rage of violence and terrible acts perpetrated the centrality of Jesus"something to oer to young people.
by fundamentalist extremism. "Your suerings are our Pope Francis pointed out that consecrated people must
suerings," stressed Pope Francis to the members of the Joint maintain fidelity, even when it is tested. He noted that
Interna onal Commission for Theological Dialogue between sta s cs show that the Church is "haemorrhaging," which is
the Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Churches. weakening consecrated life and the Church. Given the number
of dropouts, there is every reason to be very concerned, and
Therefore, he joined in their prayer to invoke "the end
to wonder why it is happening.
of conflicts and the closeness of God to tried populations,
especially the children, the sick and the elderly." The First, he said, there are the factors that "aect fidelity in this
Pope's thought went particularly to the Bishops, priests, era of change." Indeed, "we live immersed in the so-called
culture of the fragment, the provisional, which can lead to living
consecrated and faithful, "victims of cruel kidnappings,"
'a la carte' and be slaves to trends. This culture induces the need
and all those "who have been taken hostage or reduced
to have 'side doors' always open to other possibili es; it feeds
to slavery."
consumerism, and forgets the beauty of a simple and austere
Situations of such "tragic suffering," he lamented, are life, and in many cases, causes an existen al void."
more easily rooted "in contexts of poverty, injustice and This "also produces a powerful prac cal rela vism, according
social exclusion, due also to the instability generated by to which everything is judged in terms of a self-realisa on that is
party interests, often external, and by previous conflicts, o en extraneous to the values of the Gospel."
which produced miserable conditions of lifecultural "We live," he added, "in a society where economic rules
and spiritual deserts in which it is easy to manipulate replace those of morality; laws that dictate and impose their
and instigate hatred." "Every day, your Churches are own frames of reference at the expense of the values of life; a
close to suffering, called to sow concord and to patiently society where the dictatorship of money and profit proposes a
reconstruct hope, comforting with the peace that comes vision of existence in which those who do not contribute to it
from the Lord, a peace that we are held to offer together are discarded." In this situa on, "it is clear that we must first be
to a wounded and lacerated world," affirmed the Pontiff. evangelised and then engage in evangelisa on."
Pope Francis also hoped that they will be able to Pope Francis then turned his thoughts to "the world of
continue "together" the "path towards that much awaited youthcomplex, but at the same me rich and challenging". For
day in which we will have the grace to celebrate the Lord's him, "there are many wonderful young people. Yet, even among
Sacrifice at the same altar, as a sign of "fully re-established young people, many are the vic ms of the logic of worldliness,
ecclesial communion." In this context, he encouraged the which can be summarised as the quest for success at any price,
work of the Commission, set up in 2003, in the hope "that for easy money and for easy pleasure."
your work can indicate precious ways for our course." "This logic seduces many young people as well. We must
He added that "there is always a certainty, which is what commit ourselves to stand by them, so as to infect them with
the Apostle Paul proclaimed: we Catholics and Eastern the joy of the Gospel and [a sense of] alia on with Christ.
Orthodox were baptised through one Spirit, and we belong This culture must be evangelised if we do not want young
to one Body." people to succumb."

The martyrs, continued Pope Francis, are also "the point

of reference for the path towards full unity." Please send your Adver sement
with your name,
"As in the primitive Church the blood of martyrs was address, contact number,
the seed of new Christians, so today, may the blood of so to or
many martyrs be the seed of unity between believers, sign
and instrument of a future in communion and peace."

22 THE EXAMINER FEB 04 - 10, 2017

THE EXAMINER FEB 04 -10, 2017 23
Apparently, the mentally unstable man lives on the street,

and was drunk when the incident occurred. "The police
told us this, and we decided not to file a complaint. They
said they would take care of the issue," said Randel. A Khar
police officer confirmed the incident, and said they had
Quest Programme ques oned the man. "We asked him why he vandalised the
Cross, and he said that he did not know." said the ocer.
The Diocesan Voca on Service Centre (DVSC) is organising
a Quest programme only for working youth (both men and
women) or those discerning a voca on to the priesthood
and religious life on Saturday, February 11, 2017 (overnight) Centre for Social Action at the
to Sunday, February 12 at Muk sagar Prabodhan Kendra,
U an. We leave at 4 pm sharp on February 11, 2017 from Mumbai Marathon 2017
St Pius X College, Goregaon. There will be a registration The Standard Chartered Mumbai Marathon (SCMM) is
fee of Rs 100/- per person which can be paid at the venue, a day when corporates and sports come together for a
but prior in ma on is required. Last date for registra on is cause, by suppor ng a charitable organisa on. This year,
February 8, 2017. The programme will include interac ve SCMM had 279 NGOs and 150 Corporates fielding 42,379
sessions, prayer and vocational guidance. The theme is runners, making January 15, 2017 a day when people from
'Discerning God's Will in my Life'. all walks of life showed their patronage towards the cause
Those interested in attending may contact Fr Godwin they believe in.
Fernandes or Br Ashwin Castellino or Br Cli on Mendonca Among these was Centre for Social Ac on (CSA) the
at St Pius X College (Diocesan Seminary), Goregaon East (Ph: Oce of Social Work for the Archdiocese of Bombay. CSA is
2927-1217/-1554/-1560/-6891) or SMS/Whatsapp 98201 working for the empowerment of vulnerable communi es,
29173 or e-mail : especially women and children, across the districts of
Mumbai, Thane and Raigad.

Accountants' Guild At a marathon which saw both the young and the not so
young people participate, CSA had 38 runners (men and
Inviting all Catholics working in the field of Accounts and women)18 Half-marathon runners and 20 Dream runners
Finance for a meeting on Saturday February 11, 2017 at from Crompton Greaves Ltd and Larsen & Toubro Financial
5 p.m. at Salvation Seva Kendra in Conference Room No. Services. In addi on to these, were their colleagues who
1. Please contact Anand Castelino on 98211 33032 to turned up in full force to cheer their runners and support
confirm your presence. CSA. The social workers and administra ve sta of CSA also
joined in the Dream Run. All of them were wearing jerseys
which joyfully declared "We say YES to empowering
Mentally unstable man communi es with CSA."
vandalises crucifix Shirley Jathanna, employee at Crompton Greaves said,
"Par cipa ng on behalf of our company for a cause is a rare
A statue of Lord Jesus Christ was found broken and smashed
opportunity for us. We have been prac sing for a while now,
by a stone in the Carter Road area of Bandra on Saturday,
and are prepared to make our presence felt." In a world
Jan 28 morning. Residents said that they heard a noise and
woke up to see an inebriated man vandalising the statue; where you will be le behind, if you don't have the capacity
and nabbed him and handed him over to the police. Khar or the knowledge to live your life on your terms and know
police, which detained the drunk, said that he was mentally your rights, CSA has been helping women to become aware
unstable, and hence, residents did not register a formal of ways to be er their lives. "We as a company stand for
complaint; rather, they remanded him to a shelter home. what CSA believes in. Women empowerment is a very
important aspect of society, especially in the current world
According to Randel, a resident of the area, the incident that we live in," said Pauline Serrao, Manager of CSR and
occurred at about 1:30 am on Saturday. "The statue of Employee Welfare at Crompton Greaves. "We have been
Jesus is located at Carter Road promenade. There are some associated with CSA for almost three years now, and have
fisherfolk who stay in the area, and they woke up after collaborated on other awareness ac vi es as well, but the
hearing some noise. A man who seemed drunk was fiddling marathon makes us feel part of a whole big world full of
with their equipment, and he had a stone in his hand," said dierent causes where we par cipate and do the li le that
Randel. He added that they saw the broken statue of Christ we can," she added.
and chased the man. "We simultaneously informed the
police, and they came and took him away," said Randel.

24 THE EXAMINER FEB 04 - 10, 2017

Family Day 2017 at
Sacred Heart Church, Vashi NEWS LOCAL
Sacred Heart Church, Vashi celebrated Family Day 2017 on
Sunday, January 8, 2017. The backdrop for the Mass - 'The Joy
of the Church is the Joy of the Family' and the stage backdrop
"Working Together, Building the Kingdom' conveyed the day's
message eloquently. The specially designed logo announced
'One Church, One Family'. The homily by the Parish Priest, Christian Meditation Programme:
Fr Gerald Fernandes, set the tone for the day: fellowship, The Christian Meditation Community (WCCM, Mumbai) invites
togetherness, camaraderie, solidarity and companionship all to a programme of discourses and Silent Meditation on Saturday,
were presented as the hallmark. February 11, 2017 in the Meeting Room of St Andrew's Church,
Bandra from 9:30 a.m. to 12 noon. The topic of the discourse will
The piece de resistance of the event was the documentary be 'The Cloud of Unknowing'. This spiritual classic in the Western
Christian Tradition of contemplative prayer is an important text
drama about the history of the Church. Spread over three
in the teaching of the practice of meditation. There is no charge,
acts and ten scenes, spanning a me-line of more than four but a voluntary contribution will be gratefully accepted to meet
decades, the impassioned performances by home-grown the incidental costs incurred.
talent had the 800+ strong audience riveted to their seats,
Jesus Encounter Healing Retreat: From Friday, February
as the saga of the building of the Church and its community 10 (7:30 am) to Sunday, February 12 (5 pm) at Vinayalaya,
of faithful unfolded before their eyes. Andheri (E), behind Holy Family Church, Chakala. Conducted
by the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, Mumbai . OPEN TO ALL.
The drama was succeeded by an enthralling display of Registrations at the CCR Office, Dadar (W) - 2430 3626/2421 0881,
line dancing by the children of Sacred Heart High School; 98205 43622, 99309 40705. Register early.
they had the audience spellbound with their superbly
orchestrated dance routines to foot-tapping music. Next Prafulta Psychological Services (a Don Bosco enterprise) is
conducting a one-day workshop on 'Enhance your Emotional
up were the silver-haired ladies of Silver Liners from the Quotient', a workshop that enables you to add colour and zest in
Grace Age Elders Group of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, your life and relationships. Date: February 11, 2017
Chembur. With their de moves, smooth shues, delicate Venue: Prafulta Psychological Services, Dominic Savio School
piroue es and expressive gestures, they looked not a day Campus, Mahakali Caves Road, Andheri East, Mumbai 400 093.
over 16 years. Contact: 2830 2323, 2837 3739, 98204 84546.

The event proceeded with the tele-games. The four teams Inner Healing Retreat to be conducted by Anthony Lobo and
Team from March 2-5, at Vinayalaya, Andheri. For registration,
in bright team colours The Lords (Red), the Messiahs
please contact: Anthony 98198 49997; Audrey 98207 61532; Odette
(Green), the Saviours (Blue) and the Redeemers (Yellow) 98201 42085; Nazareen 98333 84096; Ralph 98333 98895. Fees: Rs
played blind hunt, balloon fight and mini-treasure hunt 1300/- per person.
with gusto, verve and vigour. Post-lunch, team activities
Bible Seminar on 'The Parables of Jesus' will be conducted by
were taken on stage, with each team exhibi ng their skill SVD Fathers at Atma Darshan, Andheri (E) from February 18
at choral singing by composing tunes for lyrics that had (Saturday, 8:30 am) to February 19 (Sunday, 5 pm). Kindly register
been distributed to them three days prior to the event. with Fr Nazareth Sequeira (98221 58763).
The audience and the team players had a whale of a me;
Creations 2017
alternately singing and laughing. Nirmala Niketan Polytechnic proudly presents Creations 2017 - a
During the lunch hour, the audience was entertained by display of the work done by students of the Interior Designing,
Commercial Art and Fashion Designing departments from February
groups of talented parishioners. The Tamil Group performed 24-26, 2017 at Nirmala Niketan Polytechnic, between 10:30 am to 7
entertaining dances, the Konkani Group (in an array of eye- pm. E-mail:
catching costumes) performed admirably choreographed
mandos, the Malayalam Group presented soul stirring
songs, and the English Group sang popular songs.
Soon a er lunch, audience a en on, especially that of
Suffice it to say, that a good time was had by all, that
the children was a racted by a clown who visited each of
the event contributed immeasurably to relationship
the team shamianas, and the Parishioners were only too
establishment, building and reinforcement; that families
eager to have their photographs taken in the company of
across the Parish came closer to one another; that the
the clown. And a while later, a black-coated magician with
theme of "One Church, One Family" was lived to the
a black hat appeared on stage to the delight of the children.
fullest and that it will con nue to be the lodestar for all
The adults tried their best to act nonchalant but every now
Parishioners of Sacred Heart Church, Vashi.
and again you could witness their mouths or agape or eyes
widening as the magician went through his bag of tricks.

THE EXAMINER FEB 04 - 10, 2017 25

NEWS NATIONAL Rich-poor gap challenges
the Church
The gap between India's rich and poor is increasing rapidly,
BHOPAL according to a recent study which has led to Church leaders

Catholic Church endorses SC to look again at their eorts to help the poor.

order on marriage annulment Anti-poverty advocacy group Oxfam recently found

that just one per cent of India's popula on owns 58 per
The Catholic Church has endorsed an Indian Supreme cent of the nation's wealth. In their report, released
Court (SC) order that invalidated Church courts (or Jan. 16, Oxfam said that 57 billionaires in India have the
ecclesiastic tribunals) annulling marriage of a Catholic same amount of wealth as the bo om 70 per cent of the
couple here on January 30. country's 1.2 billion people.
"India is hitting global headlines for many reasons,
The President of the Conference of Catholic Bishops of
but one of them is for being one of the most unequal
India (CCBI), Cardinal Oswald Gracias, said, "There is no
countries in the world, with a very high and sharply rising
contradiction in the SC order, as we have been following
concentra on of income and wealth," said Nisha Agrawal,
it even before." The prelate spoke at a press conference
head of Oxfam in India, in a statement.
organised at Pastoral Centre, Asha Niketan campus on the eve
of the 29th Plenary Assembly of the CCBI in Bhopal. However, India's budget for 2017-18 provides a major
opportunity to reverse the trend "and to put in place
The week-long assembly will conclude on February 8 with policies that will raise taxes in a more progressive way, and
the elec on of new oce-bearers to head the Church body, to spend those on basic educa on and basic healthcare to
comprising 132 dioceses with 182 Bishops. create a more equal opportunity country," Agrawal said.
The prelate also made it clear that the annulment of the A global issue
marriages by the Church courts does not violate any civil law,
The 48-page report tled "An Economy for the 99 Per cent"
and hence, commits no oence.
showed that the worldwide gap between rich and poor is far
The SC, in its January 19 order, declared the divorce granted greater than had been feared.
by the ecclesias cal tribunal under the Chris an Personal Law
The nonprofit said that new and improved data on the
as invalid, as it cannot override the laws of the land, while distribution of global wealthparticularly in India and
dismissing a public interest li ga on (PIL) that sought direc on Chinaindicates that the poorest half of the world has less
to legalise the marriage annulment by the Church courts. wealth than had been previously thought. Eight men own
The bishops would chalk out an ac on plan to revitalise the the same wealth as the 3.6 billion people who make up the
Family Apostolate in the Church in view of the theme of the poorest half of humanity, said Oxfam about the report's
gathering: 'Promo ng the Joy of Love in our Families'. findings. Oxfam International Executive Director Winnie
Byanyima said that it is "obscene for so much wealth to be
Elabora ng on the theme further, Archbishop Cornelio said, held in the hands of so few, when 1 in 10 people survive on
"We are not focusing only on Catholic families." The Church less than US $2 a day." She added that inequality is trapping
always focused on the welfare and happiness of everyone, hundreds of millions in poverty, fracturing our socie es and
irrespec ve of one's religious or linguis c dierences. "The undermining democracy.
thrust areas of our discussion will revolve around helping .........................................................................................UCAN
young couples cope with the dicul es of family life, and
leading an exemplary life, upbringing of children, loss of trust
among families, nuclear families among other things." PUNE
On insecurity among Chris ans, Bishop Cornelio said, "Fringe Film on martyr gets 6 lakh
groups a ack and threaten us, and the lethargy on the part of
the law-enforcing agencies is a cause of concern for us."
views on Facebook in two days
A specially made short film on martyr Havildar Hangpan
The Assembly began on January 31, with a solemn Dada, awarded the Ashok Chakra posthumously on Republic
Eucharistic celebration at Assumption Church, Asha Day, got six lakh views in just two days, a er it was uploaded
Niketan campus. on the Indian Army's Facebook page. The film is tled 'The
...............................................................MATTERSINDIA.COM Warrior's Spirit'.

26 THE EXAMINER FEB 04 - 10, 2017

The Army uploaded the movie on Republic Day morning
on its ADGPI Facebook page. The 20-minute ac on-packed
film is based on the events of May 26, 2016, leading to the
martyrdom of the soldier in Kupwara district in Kashmir. The
film has interviews with Dada's wife, brother, son, school
friend, army ocers and fellow soldiers from Rashtriya Rifles The Carmelite of Mary Immaculate-run St. Joseph's
and Fr Pradeep of Don Bosco Church in Borduria village in College, Kozhikode came second in the rankings.
Arunachal Pradesh, where he used to go for mass.
Only these two colleges among a total of 328 assessed
A Lt Col-rank ocer told Times of India over phone, "This higher educa onal ins tu ons in the country achieved the
is a unique film which shows the courage of the soldiers of pres gious A++ grade awarded under a new grading system.
the Indian Army. Despite hailing from a remote village in the
northeastern state, Dada was determined to fight for the NAAC introduced the new grading system in July 2016,
country in extreme condi ons. And he did not hesitate to where it began grading ins tu ons based on seven grades
sacrifice his life for the na on." instead of the earlier four grades.

Philip Lishi, one of the viewers, posted a comment on the The council uses seven criteria to assess institutions
video, "Thanks for making the people of Arunachal Pradesh that include teaching, learning and evalua on, curriculum,
feel proud with your brave sacrifice for our country. Now no research, and learning resources.
one will discriminate against us, or call us Chinese." .........................................................................................UCAN

Over 17,000 people have shared this video in just two

Experts discuss social media

days. Besides, the film has got thousands of comments from
viewers. The touching aspect of the film is when the martyr's
son expresses his desire to become an army ocer in future.
Commen ng on the movie, an ocer from Army HQ, Delhi
values with parents, students
told Times of India over phone, "The movie has been specially A media group in Kolkata organised a day-long seminar on
made by the 4 Assam Regiment to pay tribute to the martyr Media and Family Values with parents, teachers, students
in a unique way. The movie will remind people of Dada's and media prac oners. Over 60 people par cipated in the
supreme sacrifice for the na on forever." event organised by Signis Bengal a unit of Signis India
member of World Catholic Associa on for Communica on
The brave solider was born on October 2, 1979 in Borduria held at Archbishop's House, Kolkata, on January 28.
village in Tirap district of Arunachal Pradesh. He was from
4 Assam Regiment. While being deployed in a high al tude The par cipants (faculty and students) hailed from five
area on pos ng in Kupwara district, Dada, in a hand to hand colleges (Loreto, Vivekanada, Salesian College Sonada,
combat, eliminated three terrorists single-handedly. iLead and Kalyani) and several schools in Kolkata and
neighbouring districts of South 24 Parganas, Nadia and far
Undeterred by the grave injury, he fought on, and was away Darjeeling, as well as NGOs and Church laity groups.
instrumental in eliminating the fourth terrorist who was
trying to infiltrate. In the process, he laid down his life. "Social media today poses a serious challenge to our
ways of paren ng, parent-child rela onship impac ng the
On Republic Day this year, President Pranab Mukherjee tradi onal family values that holds our society together,"
awarded the Ashok Chakra, India's highest gallantry said Signis India president, Mr Sunil Lucas, father of three
award in peacetime, to Havaldar Hangpan Dada of the children. Signis Bengal president, Salesian Fr Robin Gomes,
4 Assam Regiment. The honour was received by his wife insisted that "youth, teenagers, parents and teachers need
Chasen Lowang Dada. to update themselves with the cri cal knowledge required
...............................................................MATTERSINDIA.COM to secure their lives for a be er rela onship as well as risk-
free use of social media."

WEST BENGAL Secretary of Signis media group, Mr Dilip Rozario, listed

some of the topics discussed by eminent resource persons
Kolkata's St Xavier's College to be "world of media: print, electronic and social media;
tops education rankings current and future trends of social media; paren ng in the
digital world; risks and dangers associated with the on-line
St Xavier's College, Kolkata, in eastern India, has beaten 328 media; and knowledge of cyber-crimes and measures to
higher educational institutions nationwide to top India's protect children and family."
National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) ...............................................................MATTERSINDIA.COM
rankings. The Jesuit-run ins tu on emerged as India's top
college by attaining the highest cumulative grade point
average 3.77 to get an A++ grade.

THE EXAMINER FEB 04 - 10, 2017 27

NEWS INTERNATIONAL Shocking prison suicide
numbers need Govt action
Bishop Richard Moth has called on government to
USA redouble its eorts on prison reform, following the report
Bishops strongly oppose from the Ministry of Jus ce, sta ng that suicides in prisons
across England and Wales reached their highest ever
Mexico wall, deportations number last year.
President Donald Trump issued an executive order to Describing the 119 self-inflicted deaths, 37,784 self-
construct a wall at the US-Mexico border, to significantly harm incidents and 25,049 assault incidents as shocking
increase immigrant detention and deportation, and to and unacceptable, Bishop Moth said staff shortages and
disregard the judgement of state and local law enforcement overcrowding were major contributing factors. Last year,
on how best to protect their communi es. The US-Mexico thousands of staff walked out in protest over health
border, spanning approximately 2000 miles, already has and safety concerns, and a number of jails underwent
roughly 700 miles of fencing and barriers constructed under serious disturbances.
the George W Bush administra on. Bishop Moth said: "Today's statistics on suicide and
In response to the news, Bishop Joe Vasquez, Chair of the self-harm in prison are shocking. Each death represents
Commi ee of Migra on and Bishop of the Diocese of Aus n, a tragedy for the person themselves, their family and
said: "I am disheartened that the President has prioritised the prison sta who try to help. Allowing our prisons to
building a wall on our border with Mexico. This ac on will put get to this stage is unacceptable. Overcrowding and sta
immigrant lives needlessly in harm's way. Construc on of such shortages are a major contribu ng factor. This needs to
a wall will only make migrants, especially vulnerable women be addressed urgently. We have to ensure proper and
and children, more suscep ble to trackers and smugglers. necessary care is available to those with mental health
issues in our prison system."
Addi onally, the construc on of such a wall destabilises the
many vibrant and beautifully interconnected communities "Dostoevsky wrote that the degree of civilisation in
that live peacefully along the border. Instead of building walls, a society can be judged by entering its prisons. It is the
at this me, my brother bishops and I will con nue to follow responsibility of all of us to tackle this situation. We call
the example of Pope Francis. We will "look to build bridges again on the government to move as quickly as possible
between people, bridges that allow us to break down the walls on its reform agenda for our prisons. Meanwhile, through
of exclusion and exploita on."" our dedicated chaplains and volunteers, the Church will
con nue to support vulnerable prisoners by working with
In regard to the announcement of the planned surge in the government and those responsible for the running of
immigrant deten on and deporta on forces, Bishop Vasquez our prisons."
added: "The announced increase in immigrant deten on space .............................................................................................ICN
and immigration enforcement activities is alarming. It will
tear families apart, and spark fear and panic in communi es.
While we respect the right of our federal government to IRAQ
control our borders and ensure security for all Americans,
we do not believe that a large scale escala on of immigrant Jihadists used church as a
detention and intensive increased use of enforcement in
immigrant communities is the way to achieve those goals.
shooting range
Instead, we remain firm in our commitment to comprehensive, Iraqi Christians returning to their homelands trashed by
compassionate, and commonsense reform. We fear that the Daesh (ISIS) have described the horror of finding their
policies announced today will make it much more dicult for houses burnt and their churches desecrated.
the vulnerable to access protec on in our country." Speaking to 'Aid to the Church in Need', eye witnesses
Moving forward a er the announcement, Bishop Vasquez reported the destruc on caused by the jihadists, and how
noted: "We will continue to support and stand in solidarity church statues were beheaded, and mannequins from a
with immigrant families. We remind our communi es and our clothes shop were used for shoo ng prac ce.
na on that these families have intrinsic value as children of Manal Matti used to run a beauty salon near the now
God. And to all those impacted by today's decision, we are here fire-damaged Church of the Immaculate Conception in
to walk with you and accompany you on this journey." Qaraqosh, the largest Chris an town in the Nineveh Plains.
.............................................................................................ICN Speaking a er a visit to the church, she said: "The jihadists

28 THE EXAMINER FEB 04 - 10, 2017

used the church as a shoo ng range, and the mannequins

as targets. The mannequins are completely riddled with
bullets." She added: "I do not know when I will ever be
able to see the inhabitants of Qaraqosh coming again to my
beauty salon."
ACN reports show that Qaraqosh's St George's Syriac firefighter) as Chile ba les with the worst wildfires in its
Catholic Church was used by Daesh as an improvised bomb history: more than 120 separate fires are raging, destroying
factory, and contained hundreds of bombs and grenades. about 385,000 acres of forest. The fires have been raging
The extremists also wrote battle plans on church walls, in central and southern Chile, fanned by strong winds, hot
and chemicals were found in the building together with temperatures and a prolonged drought. Emergency services
instruc ons on how to mix them into explosives.
have ba led the flames non-stop for days, with thousands
Louis Petrus (another Christian who returned to of firefighters on the ground and helicopters and small
Qaraqosh) had fled when Daesh invaded on August 6, 2014. airplanes in the air. The le er, sent on behalf of the Holy
He said: "My house is damaged; most of my furniture has
Father by Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin, to the
been stolen, and my household effects are broken. I am
president of the Chile bishops' conference, conveys Pope
s ll quite well o, considering the damage that I can see in
my neighbours' houses. Many houses have been burned or Francis' condolences for the deceased and their families in
even completely destroyed." "this beloved country."
.............................................................................................ICN Pope Francis conveyed "his condolences to the families
of the victims and expressed his spiritual closeness to
VATICAN the wounded, and those who suer the consequences of
this catastrophe."
Pope orders fresh review of ....................................................................THETABLET.CO.UK
liturgical translations "Remember the Holocaust"
Pope Francis has ordered a new review of the principles
that guide transla ons of the liturgy, America magazine Pope Francis met with a delega on from the European Jewish
has confirmed. Congress on the Interna onal Holocaust Memorial Day, which
The Pope reportedly formed a Commission to review occurs annually on January 27. The Secretary of the Pon fical
Liturgiam Authenticam, the document issued by the Commission for Religious Rela ons with the Jews, Salesian Fr
Va can in 2001 that called for liturgical transla ons that Norbert Hofmann, was present at the mee ng.
adhered closely to the La n of the Roman Missal. That
document, which led to a new and more accurate English In an interview with Vacan Radio, Fr Hofmann said, "The
transla on of liturgy, has con nued to draw cri cism from Pope began the dialogue by men oning the importance of
liturgists who favour a more "crea ve" interpreta on of this Day for the Jews, but also for us, because remembering
the language of the Mass. the victims of the Holocaust is important, so that this
The Pope's decision to launch such a review has been human tragedy never happens again."
widely rumoured, but never officially announced. The The delegation represents more than two million Jews
Commission has not yet met, America reports, nor has
in Europe. Fr Hofmann said the President of the Congress,
the list of its members been made public. However, it will
be chaired by Archbishop Arthur Roche, the secretary of Moshe Kantor, spoke about "the importance of ethics, that
the Congrega on for Divine Worshiprather than by that is, of the values which Chris ans and Jews have in common.
congrega on's prefect, Cardinal Robert Sarah, who is known He said that in our world, we see much progress, but also a
to favour a more conserva ve approach. decline in moral and ethical values. Therefore, we need to
..........................................................CATHOLICCULTURE.ORG strengthen these values which we share. And then he spoke
Pope prays for Chile victims about the importance of educa on and the family."

Pope Francis has sent a le er to the people of Chile, oered Pope Francis agreed completely with these themes and
prayers and met with the Apostolic Nuncio to the South shared a story from his childhood, Fr Hofmann said. "The
American country, Archbishop Ivo Scapolo, as wildfires Pope said that, in his family, his father o en received Jews...
con nue to wipe out en re towns and force hundreds of and thus, already as a child, our Pope learned to have
thousands to flee their homes. several Jewish friends."
So far, 10 people have been killed (including one ........................................................................VATICAN RADIO

THE EXAMINER FEB 04 - 10, 2017 29

Right to Life' es mates that nearly 58 million abor ons have

been performed to date. In India, because of 'Sex Selec ve
THE Abortions' i.e. female foeticide and illegal abortions, the
number of abortions are pegged at 6.4 million annually,
according to reliable sources.

Bombay blessed with two Pro-Life is about cherishing and protec ng human life at
every stage and in every circumstance: right from natural
new bishops concep on to natural death. It also means opposing the
Sir, On Saturday, Jan 28, 2017, the archdiocese of Bombay scourge of euthanasia or mercy killing! Because human
witnessed the ordina on of two new auxiliary bishops. The beings reflect the image of God, and are called to an eternal
archdiocese is now blessed with four auxiliary bishops and des ny with Him.
three very ac ve (re red) bishops to assist Cardinal Oswald President Donald Trump in his first Executive order on
Graciasa total of eight members in the hierarchy of the January 23, 2017, blocked Federal funds that provide abor on
archdiocese, which is much more than any other in the facili es for women overseas. Remember, "God from my
country. We thank the Holy Father for blessing us with two mother's womb had set me apart, and called me through His
new bishops, and Cardinal Oswald Gracias for bringing honour grace." (Gala ans 1:15)
to our archdiocese.
Dr Trevor Colaso, Bandra (W)
As a parishioner from the suburbs of Mumbai, I would
like to make a sugges on. The last three decades or so has
witnessed a huge demographic shi of parishioners from The Don Bosco Issue of
South Mumbai to North Mumbai. Thirty-five years ago, Mira The Examiner
Road did not have a single priest. Today, it is the largest parish
in the archdiocese! Borivli, Malad and Thane too are among Sir, I must compliment you on a beau fully brought out issue of
the most populous parishes in the archdiocese. Hopefully, The Examiner (Jan 28, 2017) featuring as its central theme The
Cardinal Oswald Gracias will consider giving these areas a Don Bosco Religious Community in India. The Editorial (wri en
Bishop with permanent residence. It is reported that the two by the Provincial of the Salesians in Mumbai) struck the right
new bishops will con nue to serve their exis ng parishes ll note, with the emphasis on the family, whether it is in the home,
May 2017. Hopefully, one of them will be allowed to con nue school or the community. He makes a right diagnosis that our
serving permanently in the suburbs. ills today stem from the absence of the feeling of belonging to a
family. People are alone, even in the midst of the congrega on
In this context, it is per nent to note that Pope Francis in church. The Salesians are working to remove this.
has bucked tradition by appointing a large number of
The other piece of wri ng which I found makes an impact
cardinals from all con nents, so as to make the Church more
was the ar cle 'The journey to priesthood' by Karen Laurie,
representa ve of its flock. Bishops too are being appointed
spokeswoman for the news agency of the Salesians. She gives
across the world for the same reasonso that the shepherd
thumbnail sketches of the five new priests of Don Bosco,
may be nearer to his flock.
ordained in December 2016. She has portrayed them as normal
Prof Robert Castellino, Orlem healthy individuals, with all their faults and foibles. They should
make excellent priests who can iden fy with the people they
March for Life! work for. In a way, this ar cle is an invita on for young men to
join the ranks of the Salesians or any other group of religious.
Sir, A 9-Day March for Life (January 21-29), was organised But there is no evidence of any hard sell in the ideas expressed.
by the United States Bishops' Commi ee (USBC) on Pro-Life If any youth is s ll si ng on the fence, the ar cle should give
Ac vi es, an annual feature. Thousands of families across him/her the right orienta on to enter the religious life. It is a
the US paraded, with women carrying placards, "I Regret tough decision, I suppose. I am reminded of the famous words
my Abor on." of Abraham Maslow, management theorist known for his theory
on the hierarchy of needs in mo va on. "What a man can be,
The theme: 'The Power of One' drawn from the movie,
he must be." I don't think he had religious voca ons in mind
'The Fellowship of the Ring', from its quote: "Even the Smallest
when he made the statement, but it applies to the priesthood
Person can Change the Course of the Future!" I sincerely hope
certainly. If a man finds himself drawn to a par cular field,
that our laity and Church authori es will conduct prayers,
whether it be in the arts, sciences, professions etc., if he has
novenas and walks for the unborn, disabled and the dying,
a feeling for a par cular voca on, he cannot rest un l he has
especially on March 25 - 'Pro-Life Day'!
fulfilled himself in that par cular field, using all the gi s that
Since 1973, a er the notorious Roe v/s Wade case, the the Good Lord has endowed him with. Hence the saying "What
US Supreme Court had legalised abortion. The 'National a man can be, he must be." I believe he cannot be thwarted in

30 THE EXAMINER FEB 04 - 10, 2017

the pursuit of this objec ve. In the case of youngsters op ng for

the religious life, parents will have to go along with the wishes
of the individual concerned, regardless of what plans they may
have had for their ospring.
Albert C deSouza, Bandra
some years ago to aspire for self-governance. Today, Act

Enlighten the darkness 21 of 2006 could bring out the harassed pensioner, the
hassled housewife, and all our laxmans (The middle class, so
Sir, The mo o of St Andrew's College, Bandra is 'Enlighten the beau fully sketched in our minds by late Mr R.K. Laxman) to
Darkness'. That's exactly what the students of the College set write to the mantri's layers and ques on Why.
out to do on January 25, when they staged the original musical We had a Gandhi then, but the s ck was held by a child. The
'A Streak of Blue' based on the life of St Mother Teresa at St Na on now is like an aged man, le with nothing but Gandhi's
Andrew's Auditorium, under the able leadership of Fr Magi S ck in his hand.
Murzello, who is the Principal of St Andrew's School and Rector
of St Andrew's College. A small beginning is being made by approaching the children
once again. This me, a child will lead us from the cocoons of
While the students of the College formed the main actors, our homes to the polling booths on Tuesday, February 21. Once
singers and choir, they were supported by dancers from we press the bu on to choose a good candidate to represent
St Andrew's School and Apostolic Carmel Convent. There us in the august hall of the Municipal Corpora on of Greater
was never a dull moment, as the young cast enacted the Mumbai, we will have started the process to bring about a
life of Mother Teresa, and stressed her message of loving physical transforma on to our great city.
and allevia ng the lot of lepers and society's marginalised,
irrespec ve of caste or creed. The 'dance of the lepers' was The Children's Crusade of AGNI, now fully supported by the
par cularly good, and so were the performances of the Archdiocesan Board of Educa on, Mumbai for its 150 schools
soloists. The cast invited the audience to join hands and (with an average of 2000 students each) is gathering steam.
sing the beau ful hymn 'Make Me a Channel of Your Peace' Other School Boards are being approached for AGNI's poster
along with them. and audio-visual presenta ons.
It was an evening well spent, and I do hope that the young This first essen al step to hold our children's hands and be
cast will put up more such performances in future. led to the polling booth will rekindle the Spirit of Freedom that
once saw this sleeping na on arise to take hold of its des ny.
Monica Fernandes, Bandra (W)
The s ck that will remain much a er the elec ons will be Act
21 of 2006, that every Mumbaikar must use to bring back this
Act against Corruption Great City on its feet.

Sir, ACT 21 of 2006this could be our Gandhi S ck. We dream Ausn Nazareth, Bandra
of a future following a few thousand cases of ac on against the
erring personnel in the dierent Government departments,
thereby disciplining the rest to become more du ful and
FAQ on BMC Corporators
conscien ous workers for the Public Good. Sir, With reference to the cap oned ar cle in the issue of The
Examiner penned by Willie Shirsat, I, Karen D'Mello, the si ng
This future will come forth from our present, if thousands
Municipal Councillor of Ward No. 96 of the BMC would like to
write le ers on Misgovernance and Corrup on. Act 21 of 2006
clarify that we get Rs 150/- per a ended mee ng, and not Rs
becomes a more powerful weapon in the hands of the ci zens
1500/- as quoted by him.
of Mumbai, because it demands a response from those who
govern. The governance characterised by silence on the work Karen D'Mello, Municipal Councillor
not done can no longer be covered under rolls of red tape. Ward No. 96
Respond, they must, to the ques ons of the ci zens.
Every le er wri en on the short tenure of an upright ocer,
non-commitment on service, and delays will shorten the gap
between the ci zens and the Government.
Please send your ar cles and
The few thousands who step forward to write on the reports with your name,
website of the Government will have a band of men file the address, contact number, author
RTI, if the portal becomes another black hole in our galaxy byline and relevant picture,
of Governance.
Once, the Middle Class gathered in Mumbai a century and

THE EXAMINER FEB 04 - 10, 2017 31

20th Death Anniversary 1st Death Anniversary

Ronald Edward Pierre Lucy Louisa Pierre

Heavenly Abode 4th February 1997 Heavenly Abode 7th February 2016

We were truly blessed to have you Dad & Mum in our lives as our parents.
You were a true source of inspiration to us for your selflessness, love, compassion humanity, humility,
kindness to one & all who needed your time & help. We love & miss you dearly Mum & Dad.
Wish you both much joy & happiness in your eternal life together.
God bless you both abundantly most loving children Nirmala/Binny, Premila/Rajeev, Anand, Sharmila/
Nelson, Sunand & grandchildren Malaika, Ronan, Mikhail & Karan

Available PG accommoda on
BED BUGS, GEL COCKROACH, (for Male) with Catholic family
WHITE ANTS (TERMITE) RODENT & ETC. from April 2017. One furnished
bedroom with bed, cupboard,
Flats, Society premises, Bungalows, Office study table, computer table .. AND
premises, Godown, Hospitals, Hotels, Churches a ached bathroom at Marine
and Schools.
Lines, near Metro Big Cinema Ideal
Cell :# 9820241321, # 9819594482.
for college student or working
Service available also at Thane, Navi Mumbai &
employee. Very friendly, quiet
Raigard Dist also. pleasant atmosphere.
Office: Military Road, Marol, Andheri (East), Mumbai-400 059. Call 9833927179.
Our Konkan Div Govt Licence No is 0101/17112/P/E.


Italian, Mexican, Chinese, For outright sale, Satpala, Behind St. Joseph College,
Virar (W) SSSS
Lebanese, Thai, Indian all types Residen al Semi-furnished two We Admit & Treat Senior Cizens
of Salad Soups Veg and Non Veg BHK flat on ground floor, / Adults (Gents / Ladies)
at Madel, Margao, *Physically / Mentally Disabled
Punjabi, Mughlai, Health Drinks, *Special Pallia ve Care Unit
near Kadamba Bus Sta on. *Special Unit for Schizophrenia /
Power Juices, Zero oil Cooking
Area 73 Sq. Meters. Demen a
taught by highly qualified teacher Registered Society. * In house Team of Doctors /
40 years experience Time 2 to 5 Paramedical Sta
Clear Title, Website:
Wednesday Friday Sat and Sundays Contact Owner - Email:
Contact Rina - 9322337856 09221046328 Phone: 8879646870 / 71 / 76 / 78.

32 THE EXAMINER FEB 04 -10, 2017


Beloved sister of: Late Robby/Annette;

Colette/Late Oswald; Late Renwick/Coral;
Melville/ Judy; Eula/Rufus & Vida/Gerry.
ETTY....darling sis., not with us anymore,
In good times we yearn for you so...
The void in our family moves us to silent tears
1st Death Anniversary As we reminisce of the days of yesteryears...
A year ago....your suffering did cease,
As God called you to His Eternal Peace,
But your absence in our midst makes our hearts so sore...
As with each new day, we miss you more n more.
Rest in peace darling Etty, in Heaven above....
And may God grant you eternally, His peace and His love.
Yours in grief
Anthony Francis Rodrigues Brother, Sisters, In-laws & families
11th May 1937 06th Feb 2016
Husband of : Lazarine Rodrigues First Anniversary Mass on Wednesday, Feb. 8th 2017, 6.30 pm
Father of : Sebastian/ Simran at O.L.H. Church, Sahar, Andheri (East)
Sylvia / Agnelo, Joyce / Peter
Assumption / Savio
Grandfather : Amanda, Sanford,
Andrea, Alister, Shania, Sheadon,
Adriel, Shalom and Late Baba Sherwin SACRED HEART HIGH SCHOOL & JR. COLLEGE
In life we loved you dearly,
In death we love you still; M.A. B.Ed - English, Hindi, Economics, Sociology, History & Psychology.
In our hearts we hold a place.
That only you can fill, M.COM .B.ED - Banking, Maths, Organisa on of Commerce, Economics,
Your memory is a keepsake, Book-Keeping & Accountancy
From which well never part;
God has you in his arms.
Interested candidates send their CV at
We have you in our hearts,
with recent photograph by 8th February, 2017.
Mass offered on 6th Feb 2017
at 7:00 pm at Our Lady of Dolours Only short listed candidates will be contacted through email or telephone
Church Sonapur. for the interview.

THE EXAMINER FEB 04 -10, 2017 33

Replies should be addressed to: The Advertiser, Box No.... The Examiner,
35 years old , 56, born and brought Eucharistic Congress Bldg No. III, 1st Floor, 5 Convent Street, Mumbai - 400 001
up in Dubai, completed her MBA and
currently working in Dubai. She is an RC working spinster 1982 born 54" LLB, working for MNC in Pune, from
active member of the Church and comes Navi Mumbai based, invites alliances from well qualified, well settled Bachelor with
from a family with good moral values. We RC qualified and well settled bachelors. pleasant personality, good job and family
are looking for a groom who is educated, Respond with complete Details and Pic to background, below 30 years. Kindly reply
qualified, well settled,God fearing, with or can with profile and latest fullsize photograph
good moral values, non smoker and non call on 9869606323. to
drinker and working and living in UAE or RC working spinster 1984 born 56"
Gulf ONLY. Please respond with details Navi Mumbai based, invites alliances from BRIDES WANTED
and photo to or call/ RC qualified and well settled bachelors.
whatup 00971507184041 You may call on 9969869698 45 Goan RC 58" athletic built
RC widow 35 years old 5'2" PARENTS of RC goan spinster, 1980 wheatish RC individual. Done higher
undergraduate, working for a corporate born, height-5'5", B.A. B.Ed, teaching in a Hotel Management from U.S.A. Working
office as a Team leader,seeks alliance reputed school in Mumbai, seeks alliance with a reputed U.S. based Cruise Liner as
from qualified and settled RC groom from well qualified bachelors upto 40 Manager. Respond at raisaraisa1212@
basically looking out for a suitable match years. Kindly reply with full details and
kindly reply with details and photo to a recent photograph to hazel162380@ GOAN RC bachelor, 42 yrs, 5'8", slim, or Mob: 9833412788 friendly and likable personality, possessing
contact 8879383059 PARENTS of RC goan spinster, 1989 good family values, Software Engineer,
GRC spinster, 31, 5'6", postgraduate born, height-5'4", B.E, working for US employed in reputed Company seeks
working for MNC invites suitable based MNC, seeks alliance from well alliance from RC Goan spinster, slim, with
alliance with good moral values. Reply qualified bachelors. Kindly reply with good Catholic values. If interested please full details and a recent photograph to reply with profile and recent photograph to
PARENTS of RC Goan spinster fair,
good looking, 82/5'3" MBA, working, RC Goan spinster, 28 / 5'4'' slim, fair, GRC 41 5'9" Degree in Hotel
well settled from a decent family invite CA, M.Com, working for a reputed MNC Management working in Mumbai as chef
alliance from well qualified bachelors in Mumbai seeks alliance from suitable, De Cuisine, good looking, well settled
upto 38 years, based in India. Please send well-educated RC bachelors. Reply with having own accommodation, non smoker
details to detailed profile and recent photographs to invites spinsters to reply on nfdes@
RC E.I. spinster 30/5'4", MBA,
working for a MNC as Asst. Manager RC Goan parents seek matrimonial RC Bachelor 36, 511 born in Mumbai.
in HR seeks alliance from decent well- alliance for their daughter, 27 years, 5' 3", Degree in Information Technology from
educated RC E.I. /Goan bachelors from slim, attractive personality, B. Tech., MBA UWS Sydney in Software Development.
decent family, God-fearing kindly reply from India's premier institutions, senior Professionally employed with a software
to or Call manager in renowned US based MNC firm in Sydney and settled in Australia
9820647186. from highly educated, professionally for the past 20 years. Decent family
MANGALOREAN Roman catholic qualified and well-settled Roman Catholic background with good catholic values.
spinster 1983 born height 5'8" complexion bachelors in India/abroad with good Seeks alliance from compatible RC
wheatish B.Com works with reputed family background and values. Kindly Spinsters based in Australia /New Zealand.
organisation in Bahrain seeks educated email detailed profile with recent picture Please reply with recent photo and profile
bachelors from India or abroad respond to to M: 27/5'11" Mangalorean RC spinster GOAN, Roman Catholic bachelor, 29
9820070077 born & brought up in Mumbai B.Sc. Nurse years, height 5'8", wheatish complexion,
MANGALOREAN Mumbai RC working in U.K seeks alliance from RC Edn., working as a Senior Analyst
Spinster DOB April 1989, Height 5'4", Mangalorean tall man age upto 33 yrs. Send in a reputed MNC. Non smoker & Non
M.Com (Accounting), GNIIT (Diploma in photo & details to geraldmoraes2002@ drinker. Seeks alliance from RC spinsters
Software Engineering) working for reputed upto 28 years. Open to all communities.
IT MNC Mumbai seeks God Fearing and RC East Indian parents of fair age 24, Contact Mobile no - 9769840021.
Professionally qualified RC Bachelors 53, graduate in home science thru Mumbai GOAN RC bachelor, 29 years, 6' has
working in India or Abroad. Contact Nos - University. Seek matrimonial alliance for completed his bachelor in Commerce and
9869077568 / 9930913027 / 022 6324478. has completed his DGR certification in
their spinster daughter, From Christian
Email ID - Aviation industry, currently working for
Bachelors who are well settled, And has good
CAVEAT moral character, please reply with photo and Qatar Airways, Doha as an Automation
The Examiner does not vouch for any claims made by the
Advertisers of products and services. It shall not be held details to Officer. Please do reply with a full length
liable for any consequences, in the event such claims are not MANGALOREAN RC parents photograph and complete details to maria.
honoured by the Adver sers. Cau on to verify par cularly the
bonafides of credit and financial ins tu ons is exhorted as there seek alliance for their daughter aged Contact
have been cases of duping.
24 years, 56, Company Secretary and Number 9167075613/ 9967607724

34 THE EXAMINER FEB 04 -10, 2017

THE EXAMINER FEB 04 -10, 2017 35
ARAMBOL, Goa are looking for
(Near the Beach) Land for Development
1 BHK Or
27 LACS onwards Redevelopment of Housing
No Brokerage Societies
in Mumbai & Goa
Debt Funds


Call : Luke Premium


email :
(+91) 9820197995 Luke : (+91) 9820197995

Send documents & parcels
containing Garments, Medicines,
Food items, Unaccompanied
Baggages, Gis, and any items
permissible by IATA.
PAC n DELIVER 1 bhk for 40 lakhs
Contact - Mr. Anuj Sangoi 2 bhk for 60 lakhs
Mob-9323673747, Tel -39698399 3 Bhk for 70 lakhs
20 Yrs of Quality Service

Praise Lord Jesus

Mul na onal company looking 1bhk Small compact brand new
for an e-commerce person with 2BHK apartments for sale well
400 area 66L in IC colony
at least 5 years experience maintained buildings in Bandra
1RK New Sale area 380 57L U/C
in HTML, SEO (Search Engine (West) Salse e Society (Only for
IC Colony possession 2017
op miza on), PPC (Pay per Roman Catholics) with car park.
1rk sale 325 area 37L opp d-mart
click), Microso Excel & Please contact -
dahisar west
Social Media. Person will be Joseph - 9820323068,
1rk rent new near IC Church 15K
working on Indian version of
1bhk rent IC colony 18k Girish- 9820159423,
company's website. Send CV to &
2bhk rent new I C colony 25k Nelson- 9820159056.
Randell Abranches 9820429916 We will also deal in leasing of apartments from Bandra to Andheri.


Repairs all types of Indian & Imported
Anniversary, wedding, christening, * DVD PLAYER, AUDIO SYSTEM
Easter, Christmas, Corporate Party, * WASHING MACHINE,
Also conducts classes for the * COMPUTER
same anywhere in Mumbai-
Flexible timing. For Home
Contact 9820536866 (whatsapp) Service & More
Also makes- burgers, hot dogs, detail call
chicken sandwich, 9820308174
cheese sandwich. 9322417064

36 THE EXAMINER FEB 04 -10, 2017

THE EXAMINER FEB 04 -10, 2017 37
38 THE EXAMINER FEB 04 -10, 2017
THE EXAMINER FEB 04 -10, 2017 39
Regd.No.MCS/115/2015-17 Without prepayment Licence No. MR/TECH/WPP-125/SOUTH/2017
Posted at Patrika Channel Stg. Oce Mumbai 400 001 every Saturday & Monday RNI 1976/57 Published every Saturday Dt. 4-2-2017.
Total pages Including Cover: 40

Edited, Printed & Published by Fr. Anthony Charanghat for and on behalf of The Examiner Trust (Regn.No.E 10398 Bom.)
Printed at Ace Printers, 212, Pragati Industrial Estate, Delisle Road, Lower Parel, Mumbai 400013. Tel.: 22630397 / 98.

40 THE EXAMINER FEB 04 -10, 2017

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