Zachary Plott

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Zachary Plott

Professor Malcolm Campbell

UWRT 1104


Topic Proposal: Stereotyping in Our World


My topic of interest is the evil known as stereotyping that exist anywhere that it fits in the

world. Stereotypes are everywhere and are used to describe many groups of people, usually not

in the most polite or considerate manner and this problem still affects our societies today. Commented [RM1]: My topic of interest is the evil
known as stereotyping. Stereotypes are everywhere
and are used to describe specific groups of people in
I will be looking at the different stereotypes, the causes and effects of those stereotypes, an impolite and inconsiderate manner. This problem is
the root of deeper issues which consume our society
and how the media makes everything worse. today.
Commented [RM2]: Is a major contributing factor.
Stereotypes are used to pick out certain characteristics of certain people, and use those

characteristics to describe other people who happen to share the same gender, race, sexual

orientation, or economic status. The idea of stereotyping people based of how they looked is

without question morally wrong but yet if its so wrong then how can most everyone honestly

admit to having once stereotyped someone based of their appearance. Commented [RM3]: I understand what you are trying to
say but I would suggest rewording this in clearer way.
Me and Dad actually spend a lot of time discussing political topics. So stereotypes comes

up conversation quite often and we have talked about before that how much power is being given The idea of stereotyping people based on how they look is
without a question morally wrong. However, if it is wrong,
why do we continue to pass judgement on individuals based
to our government with organizations and movements like black lives matter and gay rights
on their appearance?

protesting for change and expecting laws to be passed in their favor. Saying that we even

questioned whether can government actually fix these problems or do we really need more social

changes within our towns, churches, and neighborhoods. Commented [RM4]: Make this paragraph more clear or
delete it. I had a hard time understanding it.
Though stereotyping is unjustifiable and without question wrong, the media is no help to

the situation. With all the new reports of racial crimes, creating untrue images that are used to Commented [RM5]: Good sentence!

reflect many racial groups as a whole. Also, movies, they for the majority only have white male Commented [RM6]: Images are being created that reflect
many racial groups as a whole.
leads, which depending on which movie youre watching will portray white males as heroes and

secondary characters such as women as defenseless and black men as thugs living in the

ghettoes. But the on the other side of things, there are comedy shows and comedians that actively Commented [RM7]: In addition, movies play a role in
defining and categorizing specific groups of people. For
instance, the majority of movies which cast white male
discuss and even make fun of groups of people using stereotypes and they for the most part get
leads often portray white males as heroes. The women
however are often defenseless and viewed as weak while
away with it. With these images being constantly fed through our computers, our televisions, and black men are portrayed as thugs living in the ghetto.

our phones without questioning the truthfulness of any of it we just except them as facts. So, Commented [RM8]: Accept
Commented [RM9]: Delete comma
unfortunately, instead actually meeting people of different cultures, races, and religions we
Commented [RM10]: Instead of

google them and absorb a countless number of bias in which we sometimes interpret and make Commented [RM11]: Add comma

into our own opinions without even scanning it through our own moral codes. Commented [RM12]: Good sentence!

Initial Inquiry Question(s)

Whats a solution to wrongfully stereotyping?

Are stereotypes always completely off?

What power does the government have over things like stereotyping?
My Interest in this Topic
Im chose my topic because it bothers me that stereotypes exist and that they are being Commented [RM13]: I chose

used to insult people. I was once a victim of bullying and so when I hear that are people are

being stereotyped and discriminated against simply because theyre a woman and a long time

ago someone jerk said woman cant drive or because theyre black and once upon a time
Commented [RM14]: I was once a victim of bullying
someone said all black people love fried chicken. This attitude in which someone feels the therefore I have sympathy for individuals who are victimized
for being themselves. Pointless stereotypes such as "women
can't drive" or "all black people love fried chicken" are
need to insult someone else to make themselves feel better absolutely drives me insane. stereotypes that are accepted which lead to the mindset
that stereotypes are okay. By accepting these, it creates a
leeway for more insulting and hurtful stereotypes. This
attitude in which someone feels the need to insult someone
Next Steps
else, to make themselves feel better absolutely drives me
Next I plan to search some websites and finding some statistics on percentages of racial Commented [RM15]: Some websites and databases to
crime that is reported on the news versus the number crimes that happen that we dont hear Commented [RM16]: Number of

about. As well as some number of films without white male leads and the number of films that Commented [RM17]: Replace with the

dont portray women as defenseless or black men as thugs. So I will be just looking for evidence Commented [RM18]: In all, I will be .

to back up my statements and more statements to prove my point. Commented [RM19]: Great job, I like your topic!

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