Field and Clinical Evaluation Second Placement

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Adapted from West Virginia State University teacher

Please select one: ______1st Placement _____ 2nd



Candidate: __Pam Davis (Hatfield) ______________________________________________________________________

Content Specialization: __K-6_______________ Semester: __Spring________________Year____2017________

BSC Professor: __Stephanie Musick _____________ ____________ Mentor Teacher: __Mrs.


Name of School: _Road Branch Elementary and Middle_______________________________ Subject/Grade:


Scale: 3 - Accomplished (Consistently): Candidate is proficient and able to work independently.

2 - Emerging (Sometimes): Candidate has achieved minimum level of performance, will need some
assistance and practice in order to full professional competence.
1 - Unsatisfactory (Rarely): Candidate requires significant growth and practice before being
eligible for certification.

Please indicate a scale score in each of the following categories (refer to the scale above):
3/27 4/3 4/10
I. Evidence of Planning Week Week Week Week Week
2 3 4 5 6
1. Evidence of appropriate planning for instruction, including thorough 3 3 3
lesson plan aligned with state
standards. (WVPTS 1D)
2. Knowledge of and appropriate use of content. (WVPTS 1A and 3A) 3 3 3
3. Selects strategies to accommodate individual difference. 3 3 3
(developmental skill level, cultural
diversity, and exceptionalities). (WVPTS 2A)
4. Plans appropriate assessment(s). (WVPTS 1E and 3E) 3 3 3
5. All materials including appropriate technology were ready for use. 3 3 3
6. Strategies encouraged creativity, innovation and problem solving. 3 3 3
II. Evidence of Teaching
1. Maintains a positive, supportive classroom climate. (WVPTS 3B) 3 3 3
2. Communicated with students in a variety of ways. (WVPTS 3B) 3 3 3
3. Used quality questioning techniques and engaged students in 3 3 3
discussion. (WVPTS 3C)
4. Strategies motivated and engaged students in a deep understanding 3 3 3
of the content. (WVPTS 3D)
5. Demonstrated the ability to adjust instruction based on the students 3 3 3
responses and needs of
students with diversities. (WVPTS 3E)
6. Used assessment data to make instructional decisions. (WVPT 3E) 3 3 3
7. Exhibits good communication skills (speaking, writing, and listening) 3 3 3
including consistent use of
Standard English Grammar.

Comments from BSC Supervisor

Observation 1 - Pam was reviewing spelling words this morning with the students. The spelling words
were new to the students. The students played Sparkle, which they enjoyed! She displayed wonderful
classroom control. Next, she had the students finish their sentences. She wrote their spelling words on
the board for them to copy.
Observation 2 Pam had wonderful classroom control when I arrived. She reminded the students to clip
down or close their mouth. She reviewed their new spelling words orally with the class. The words
ended with -er and -est. Next, she reviewed the words by giving each student a chance to spell the words
(a spelling bee). The students enjoyed the spelling bee!
Observation 3 - Pam taught a Reading lesson this morning. She reviewed the vocabulary words. The boys
were against the girls. The students were thrilled! Next, she had them define the words. Their sentences
were very creative! She had the students complete a short story/reader. The story contained le sound.
Adapted from West Virginia State University teacher
Please select one: ______1st Placement _____ 2nd

The students searched for the vocabulary words in the story. She paired the students together to read the

Reflection from Candidate

Observation 1 - I am enjoying this class!
Observation 2 - The morning goes by very fast! The students struggled with adding the ending on the
words. They try so hard.
Observation 3 - I think the lesson went well today. The students are very chatty.

__4/10/17______ ______________

Date Mentor Teacher/BSC Supervisor Signature Teacher

Candidate Signature

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