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Summary of Investigation

Case: E1212003 Waiver: Main Waiver DIDD Investigator: Robin Bailey

Date: January 9, 2013

I. Initial Allegation(s):

It was reported that the person served was seen eating something and he fell
to the floor. The OGC school nurse and OGC Health Care Services
responded and began CPR. He had a lot of food in his airway that appeared
to be part of a sandwich; however, it is unknown where he got the sandwich,
but it is not believed to have come from the OGC cafeteria. The person
served had eaten lunch earlier with his staff and his mealtime plan was
reportedly followed. His mealtime card is to cut meat into 1/2 inch pieces and
he is on a regular texture diet. The person served was taking his usual walk
that he does after lunch when the incident occurred. He does not require staff
assistance during his walk. The fire department arrived first, but OGC had
been administering CPR for fifteen minutes. The fire department took over
CPR until EMS arrived. The person served was taken to the hospital where
he had a heart attack. His conservator made the decision to remove him from
life support and provide comfort care after she was told by the hospital that
the person served had sustained a great deal of brain damage due to lack of
oxygen. He passed away at 12:17 PM on 12/1/12.

II. Conclusion(s):

The preponderance of the evidence does not support that the person served
was abused or neglected when he obtained a sandwich/food item from an
unknown source and experienced a choking incident that later resulted in his
death. A violation of the DIDD Provider Manual, Chapter 18, 18.3.A.2, for
Community Providers, is not substantiated.

III. Recommendation(s):

A. For substantiated investigations, it is recommended that Agency

Management develop a response and plan of correction.
1. As relevant to the incident investigated, a plan of correction shall address
the following:
a. What has been done to safeguard the person (i.e. staff removed,
equipment repaired, accounting procedures for property updated, etc);
b. What procedures, if any, have been developed and implemented for
protecting people from further abuse, neglect or exploitation; and
c. If the incident was reported to DIDD in an untimely manner (as
identified in this final investigation report, section IV.B.) what has been
done to address late reporting.
CONFIDENTIAL-The information contained herein is property of TN Department of Intellectual and
Developmental Disabilities, and is not to be disseminated or duplicated.

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2. The Agency Management response to substantiated investigations shall
consist of:
a. The Plan of Correction;
b. Copies of disciplinary actions that were a result of the investigative
findings; and
c. Verification that the implicated staff person(s) were notified of the
outcome of the investigation.
3. It is recommended Agency Management email the response and plan of
correction to within fourteen (14) calendar
days from the release of this report. The release date is the day the
Investigations Office forwarded the report to the Provider via email.
B. For unsubstantiated investigations, it is recommended that Agency
Management develop a response (do not submit to DIDD) to include:
1. Verification that the implicated staff person(s) was notified of the outcome
of the investigation;
2. If the incident was reported to DIDD in an untimely manner (as identified in
this final investigation report, section IV.B.) what has been done to
address late reporting; and
3. Verification that all incidental information was addressed.

NOTE: Incidental Information for Provider Follow-up

During the course of this investigation it was noted:

The agency provided excellent assistance providing documents and

scheduling interviews.
The staff responded immediately to the scene and assessed the person
served and began life saving measures.

Per the DIDD Provider Manual, Chapter 18, 18.4.D.4, for Community Providers,
the summary of this investigation should be discussed with the involved service
recipient(s) within fifteen (15) business days of the receipt of the report. If a legal
representative has been appointed, they should be invited to participate in this
discussion. The space below has been provided for your convenience as a means by
which for you to document the fulfillment of this requirement.

Service Recipient or Legal Representative:

Signature Date & Time

Printed Name

Signature Date & Time

Printed Name

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