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Lexus Patterson


South Asian Religious Traditions

Hindu Dharma simply translates to religion and has many meanings such as, health,

wealth, power, ethics, social welfare and more. Hinduism isn't completely different from other

dharmic traditions. Those traditions include Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism. The way of

Hinduism spans from supreme asceticism to supreme spirituality. 1 Asceticism is the extreme

form of self discipline and reverting from all types of indulgence. Hindus practice and review

sacred hymns called Vedas and are not the work of just any humans. They believe these vedas

have been revealed to us rather than written by ordinary mortals, they consider this shruti


Buddhism had basically the same teachings as Jainism. Buddha taught another way, he

preached earthly suffering and its cure. 3 Buddhism was different in the sense that it did not offer

comfort from supernatural solutions. Instead he taught liberation from own suffering. That means

you must understand how creating suffering from oneself you become free. 4 These teachings

spread widely from india to asia. The teachings of Buddhism have been ways of philosophy and

a way of life. As Buddhism reached new lands, it also took many new forms.

Buddhism rejects the idea that prayers should be directed at a god. Buddhism is a religion

of wisdom, not of god. Buddhists believe that Buddha which means one who is awake and

enlightened is inherent in us all as Buddha nature or Buddha mind. 5 The Buddha does not

focus on visions of an unseen reality, origin of the universe or life after death. The Buddha said
that having curiosity about those subjects was like being shot and waiting to get help until you

know who shot you and in the meantime you died. The Buddha's teachings are a raft to take

you to the farther shore known as Nirvana or liberation.

The Buddha was a Hindu Prince before he found his path of enlightenment. As I

mentioned earlier Buddhism rejects the view of the ultimate reality being united as one, instead

views it of nothingness. Buddhism also rejects Vedas, Upanishads, the Gita and the Ramayana,

those of which are Hindu scriptures. It could be said that Hinduism has all gods and Buddhism

has none. 6 Buddhism share the strong belief in reincarnation, which is also the endless cycle of

birth and rebirth. Hinduism agrees that attachments to a person place or things leads to suffering

and practice non-attachment. Hinduism and Buddhism both practice meditation as it is the real

truth. Lastly they both have the belief that everyone and everything will achieve liberation and

enlightenment. 7


1-Fisher, Mary Pat. Living Religions. Ninth ed. Boston: Pearson, 2017. Print. Pg. 71

2- Fisher, Mary Pat. Living Religions. Ninth ed. Boston: Pearson, 2017. Print. Pg. 75

3- Fisher, Mary Pat. Living Religions. Ninth ed. Boston: Pearson, 2017. Print. Pg.137

4- Fisher, Mary Pat. Living Religions. Ninth ed. Boston: Pearson, 2017. Print. Pg. 137

5- Fisher, Mary Pat. Living Religions. Ninth ed. Boston: Pearson, 2017. Print. Pg. 143
6- "How Does Hinduism Differ From Buddhism? [Google Questions Answered]." The White

Hindu. N.p., 13 Mar. 2015. Web. 14 Mar. 2017.

7- "Buddhism And Hinduism: The Similarities And Differences." Sivana East. N.p., 10 Sept.

2014. Web. 14 Mar. 2017.


This course and this assignment in particular, made me think differently about the influence

religion can have on culture in the following ways, how individuals chose to live their lives and what

they strive for after death, find faith and security and spiritual awakenings. Hinduism and Buddhism

Are both very interesting religions and share similar teachings and traditions.

Of those teachings and traditions the most used is Asceticism. Asceticism is the extreme

form of self discipline and reverting from all types of indulgence. Hinduism and Buddhism both

participate in asceticism. They strive to gain physical skill, mastery over the body, self-discipline

and refraining from self indulgence.

I learned a lot about the differences as well. Hinduism followers believe that an

individual is able to enjoy bliss through moksha or reunion with god. Buddhism focuses on

suffering in the existing world. Although they have key factors separating the two religions they

share a similar ritual.

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