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Running Header: DDDM II Artifact 1

DDDM II Artifact Paper

Assignment 2-Week 2

Christian Gonzalez

ORGL 4352 BV3 Capstone I

Dr. Romeo Benavidez

Week 2 2

Final Project Part I...........................................................................................................................3

The following question can be answered with the data:..................................................................3

What product is the most expensive the company sells?.................................................................4

Week 2 3

Final Project Part I

The data provided in the Excel workbook shows different order made by multiple companies

from different countries buying different products. It contains detail on each particular item

being sold such as product category, unit price, and quantity purchased. The data also contains

order numbers and dates.

The data can be used for multiple things. The data could be used to formulate graphs which can

showcase the data in a more physical way. It can also be used to track each company and the

items they order the most. Different sale reports can also be compiled with the data.

Each column of data provides different type of information that can be utilize to analyze the

company. For instance, some of the columns provided in this worksheet include: Order_ID,

Customer_Name, Order_Total, and Product_Name. Therefore for every different item processes

the column will identify the data in each row. Without column we would not be able to identify

they information.

The following question can be answered with the data:

1. How many orders did we have in 2013?

2. What product is the most popular?
3. What country do we do more business with?
4. What month do we have the most order for in 2012 and 2013?
5. What product category do we sale the most?
6. Who are our top 10 customers?
7. Are the top 10 customers mainly in what countries?
8. What company have the biggest order in 2013?
9. What is the total number of units sold in 2013 of each product?
10. Did sales increase for 2012 to 2013?
Week 2 4

What product is the most expensive the company sells?

I feel like the data provided needs to be reorganized. The data could be separated by year. Also, I

feel as if the data of the order could have been complied into a single column instead of having

three different ones. In addition, I thought that the Order_Price_Total was extra. I believe this

because if the order had different products in the Order_Price_Total each numerical value for

each row within the same order had the number repeated. Which could cause misunderstanding

of the sale total. Different chart can be used to highlight the areas of the data that are most

important to answer the question. Overall, the data provide has a lot a valuable information that

can help the company focus its resources and know where and what products to market. Raw

data come be very useful to can company as long as they know how to sort through the

information. When it data is just in one big worksheet it can be overwhelming to look at but

know what information you want to know about can help with the sorting. For example, I want

to know the products that USA is more interested in purchasing. I need a few essential pieces of

information from the raw data. Which means a lot of the other columns are just excess


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