Unit Pacing Guide

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Standard 1.

2 a, b, c

a. The settlement of Virginia at Jamestown;

b. famous Virginians, such as George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, who helped form
a new nation; and

c. life in Virginia today, including food, clothing, shelter, transportation, and recreation.

Unit Pacing Guide

Day 1: Pre-test

Day 2: Events that helped shape Virginias history Settlement of Jamestown (2

important facts about the settlement).

Day 3: Famous Virginian George Washington who helped form a new nation. (He was
born in Virginia and the first President of the United States)

Day 4: Famous Virginian George Washington who helped form a new nation continued..
(Led the fight for freedom from England and helped establish a new country, leader who
helped develop the country, and is also known as the Father of Our Country.)

Day 5: Thomas Jefferson, also a famous Virginian who helped form a new nation. (Born
in Virginia, third president of the United States, and a leader who helped develop a new

Day 6: Life in Virginia today (How the environment affects the way people interact with
their surroundings Focus on how the four season affect foods people eat, clothing
they wear, and the types of houses they build.)

Day 7: Life in Virginia today continued How location and physical surroundings of
Virginia affect the way people meet their basic wants today. (This includes the foods
people eat, clothes they wear, and the types of houses they build)

Day 8: Life in Virginia today continued Geography of Virginia affects how people
travel. Communities in Virginia use various types of transportation to meet their needs.
(Focus on rural and urban)

Day 9: Life in Virginia today continued. The geography of Virginia affects how people
travel and determines what is available for recreation.

Day 10: Post-test.

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