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Teacher Name: Grant Washburn

Date and time lesson will be taught: TBA

Lesson Title: Five Favorites of Christmas using Copy and Paste

Name of Secondary CTE Course: Computer Applications 1

Curriculum Framework Unit: Unit 4, Word Processing

Standard(s): 4.3 Explain copy and paste

4.3.1 Copy text using various copy and paste methods
4.4 Describe copy and paste between multiple documents
4.4.1 Copy and paste between multiple documents

Objectives: The learners will be able to

1. Move and copy text using drag-and-drop and the Clipboard by following
along with teacher-led instruction and then by taking an on-line assessment

Content to be presented in lesson:

Explore the effects of the cut and paste function

Understand the uses of the copy and paste function
Differentiate between the two text moving functions

Introduction to the Lesson/Hook: Allotted Time: 5 minutes

(Students will sit at their assigned seats)

Good morning and welcome to class this morning. Please come in and take
your assigned seats and start on your daily warm-up, Micro Type. Once you all are
warmed up, we will begin on lesson 4.3 and 4.4. Okay, please find a stopping point in
your Micro Type lesson so we can continue exploring Unit 4. If you are going to
remember one feature of Unit 4, todays material should be that feature. It is
extremely important and vital to know how to use the copy and paste features
within Microsoft Word. Can anybody please tell me why it is so valuable to know
this information?

Learning activities/procedures: Allotted time: 35 minutes

Please open up a blank word document and place your header and save to
your personal folder. We will be discussing how to properly copy and paste text,
using three different methods. Do not work ahead and only edit this document once
I am finished talking. I will notify you when you can appropriately edit the

To copy text in one location to another location, you need to use the COPY
command. To do so, you need to select the text you want to copy. Once the text is
selected, click the COPY command in the clipboard. To paste the text that you have
copied, find an insertion point for the desired text you wish to paste, and then click
the PASTE command in the clipboard group on the home tab. What is the main
difference between cutting/pasting and copying/pasting? When you COPY selected
text, it remains it its original location and a copy of it is placed on the clipboard.
When you CUT selected text, it is removed from the document and placed on the
clipboard. That is the major difference between the two features. On your blank
document, copy and paste the objective of todays lesson which you will find on your
school email.

When using the PASTE command, the paste options button appears below
and to the right of the pasted text. When this icon is clicked upon, a gallery of
options appears. The options include paste the text so its appearance matches the
original appearance (source formatting), so its appearance matches or merges with
the text in the location where it is being pasted (destination formatting), or so it is
pasted as text only, with no custom formatting (Keep text only).

An activity that incorporates all the features you have learned in this unit is
the creation of a Christmas season list of favorites. Each one of you will create a
document that lists your 5 favorites aspects of the Christmas season. The document
needs to include at least 3 graphics from the Internet that are incorporated with you
list of favorites. Please look at the board to see an example document of my
Christmas Season favorites list. Does anybody have any questions regarding the
assignment? I will give you all 20 minutes to complete this document. Once you have
completed this document, please save it to your personal folder and print of one
copy. Turn in your copy into the correct tray at the back of the room.

Lesson Closure/Review of Content: Allotted time: 5 minutes

For todays closure, we are going to perform an activity called whip
around. Students will pass the tennis ball from one peer to another. The person in
possession of the tennis ball must proclaim one thing they learned in class today or
one feature of the clipboard they deem beneficial in the future and why. Answers
cannot be repeated so make sure to pay attention to your peers who answer before
you do.

Evaluation/assessment of student learning: Allotted time: N/A

I will be assessing students on their learning by grading their Five Favorites
of Christmas Season documents. I have provided a template that the
students can base their documents off of. These documents will show me
whether or not the students properly know how to copy and paste between
multiple documents
I will also be assessing students on their learning by observing their answers
during the closure activity. They will proclaim what they had learned during
that lesson. This will give me an idea of what material stuck with the students
and what I need to emphasize for review the next class.

Accommodations for exceptional learners:
I could modify this lesson for the exceptional learners that are present in this
specific class. The modification would be increasing the demands of the Five
Favorites of Christmas Season activity from 5 items to 7. I would also have a
modification for students who do not celebrate Christmas. Instead of listing their
favorites of Christmas season, I would have them select their favorite holiday and
list their favorites of that season.


Pasewark, W. R. (2011). Microsoft Office 2010: Introductory. Boston, MA: Course
Technology/Cengage Learning.

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