Malik J. Norman Professor Gabrielle Turgeon UWRT 1101-007 1/25/2017

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Malik J.


Professor Gabrielle Turgeon

UWRT 1101-007


We are all subjected to change, my son. When you are confronted by that beast, do not

run but go forth and wield your fresh as a weapon, for it is on a conduit for your soul. For

generations specific male member ofs have suffered for a genetic alteration. I was born with skin

enriched with melanin just like Ma but I was blessed, according to Ma, with a body that

converts its skin, hair, and facial features to a state that is similar to our King, King Genn

Greymane. The change began to take its toll on my body when I hit puberty, which was at the

ripe age of thirteen. The children always bullied me because of my every changing

physiquephysique; they would sing a hymn about me. My peers would throw rocks at me while

singing No one wants to play with the, Because you are strange, wierdweird, and a freak., The

abominations of a kid name isd Zek, Ifif one touches him youll sure cry., For the infection hell

give you will make sure youll die! I never could fit in with anyone so I spent most of my time

in the woods exploringe and surviving off the land. Sometimes I would stay weeks at a time in

the woods. When I came back home, Ma would sit mey down and utter those words that I live by

and comforted me. Ezekiel, we are all subjected to change, my son. When you are confronted

by that beast, do not run but go forth and wield your fresh as a weapon, for it is on a conduit for

your soul. About seven years have passedt and, during those years, I have lived on the outskirts

of the Kingdom of Gilneasof Gilneas, and away from my family but, more importantly, Ma. I

was a changed man, not just my physical body but mentally, and I came to accept who I was. I

was unrecognizable to myself butbut once I walked up, to when I made it home, Ma recognized

me and welcomed me with open arms. She said Welcome home, my son, I could recognize that
Malik J. Norman

Professor Gabrielle Turgeon

UWRT 1101-007

aura from a mile away. I broke down with joy and kissed every inch of her wrinkled face, time

didnt do her any favors. I could tell that she was sick, but her smile was as radiant as ever. That

is what I loved most about Ma, she wouldnt let things get her down. Ma, how are you doing? I

asked her while guiding her back to bed

I am doing well for my soul is ready to be set free.

Dont say that! You still have time and I have so much to tell you!

Oh I know and I have been watching over you this whole time. You have grown so much and

become such a handsome young man


No let me speak! I dont have much time. I want you to know that you did not break my heart

when you left. I knew there would be a time when you would need to go. I was prepared and I

am prepared now to tell you what you need to do next....

I know what I must do and that is take care of the only person who loved and accepted me

You are wrong, my son, now listen to your mother and take heed to what I have to say. I had a

vision and because of this visionvision, I used the rest of my life force so I could know the truth

and every detail about this prophecy. Our kingdom needs your help. Your kingdom which you

must serve and provide your skills with the knife, too.

Why? The citizens never did me any favors! All they did was ridicule me and I was just a form

ofa cruel entertainment to them.

That may be true, my son, but the weak only know ignorance. ItsIts up to the strong like you to

enlighten them to the strength of being different. Our kingdom has lived in peace and comfort
Malik J. Norman

Professor Gabrielle Turgeon

UWRT 1101-007

but that will soon change (she places a hand on Ezekiel's chest) . ). You must be there for the

change so you can grow and protect those who cant protect themselves.

Ma begins to fade but at the same time she hais release some power into me.

Ezekiel, I am giving you the rest of my life force so you can awaken your power to protect. I

love you and remember that we are all subject to ch ch. cChange

She disappeared within me. I was overwhelmed with a sense of joy because she been watching

over me with her powers then and now. I took heed to what she said and made my way to the


All I are wolf man people attack the people of Gilneas. The Prince of Gilneas tells me to go forth

and help the citizensforth, help the citizens, and protect. Before I went off on my quest, the

Prince stopped me and looked down at me from his horse and says said "Hey you, sir what is

your name?" I look around and, confused to as to whom he is speaking to.o

"Wwho? Mme?" I point at myself.

Yes, you, Ive never seen you before where are you from?

I am from the outskirts of the grand city.

I don't know if this city is grand being amidst this chaos and everything. But, kind sir, what is

your name?

My name is Eze *cough cough* I see a cavern titled BlackAnt.

You okay or do you need a doctor sir.

Excuse me, for t I am fine. People call me BlackAnt.

Malik J. Norman

Professor Gabrielle Turgeon

UWRT 1101-007

Thats a strange name but it is nice to meet you BlackAnt. Thank you for serving your kingdom,

you will be rewarded handsomely.

Thank you, sir, Ill will go and help my fellow citizens.

I went to go help my fellow citizens evacuate their homes safely. Many wolf manMany wolf

men, I soon learned they were called werewolves, fell by my hands and, after every kill, I could

feel myself get stronger and stronger and powers that I did not know I had evolved from my

being. For exampleexample, I noticed that I could hide my presencets when creeping up on my

enemies. That must ofhave been one of the powers Ma bestowed on me. Ma protects me even

from the netherworld. I spent days fighting against the werewolves but iI could never tell, for it

seemed like the sun never showed its presencet. This land was not only cursed with the

werewolves, but also with eternal darkness. On one of my missions, I went down to help an

important public figure and he changed into a werewolf in frontm of my eyes. atAt the time I did

not know he was changing into a werewolf but, when I went to help him, he bit me and after that

day, or was it night, iI can't be sure, iI haven't felt the same. I have had a running fever but at the

sametimesame time, iI feel myself getting stronger. Iit's a strange combination., One day, iI was

protecting the castle and I was overcome by my fever and passed out. Then everything was red,

iI wasn't conscious as to what iI was dgoing but iI just knew what was taking place. I was turning

into the creature that I was destroying without second thought. My life flashed before my eyes,

all the changes I've been through as a teen and, once again, I feel my body evolving into

something else. Everything went black, even my consciousness of the rage that consumed meby.
Malik J. Norman

Professor Gabrielle Turgeon

UWRT 1101-007

No one wants to play with the, Because you are strange, wierdweird, and a freak, The

abominations of a kid name is Zek, If one touches him youll sure cry, For the infection hell

give you will make sure youll die! Then I heard Ma's voice again and she said We are all

subjected to change, my son. When you are confronted by that beast do not run but go forth and

wield your fresh as a weapon, for it is on a conduit for your soul. I woke up restrained and

began to live the new me


I remember as I kid I was sit in the snack area of my local gym and would watch

billions of commercials of World of Warcraft between shows. The animations of the commercial

trapped themselves in my adolescent mind and I began to act out the roles they showed. Flash

forward ten plus years and I'm finally playing the game. After playing I recognized that my older

brother played this game once upon a time I remember sneaking in his room just so I could look

at his computer to see what he was playing and who he was playing with. Ive played many

games that I think are like World of Warcraft (WoOW) for example Runescape and Eden Eternal

are games that function like WOW. I enjoyed playing the game but I dont have the luxury of

playing the game without the free trial because you know I feed myself. Overall, I had a

positive experience with WOW. The graphic are superb and I am sure if I had a better laptop the

graphic would be mindblowing. I can understand why you are so admit about integrating gaming

into writing. For one does have to be adaptable to learn how the game functions also the player

has the read and comprehend what they must do. As for the individual stepping into an
Malik J. Norman

Professor Gabrielle Turgeon

UWRT 1101-007

unfamiliar discourse community then we are player have to be able to assimilate ourselves and

we must communicate (write) properly to do so. The point of considering and participating in

discourse communities is so that we can excel but make influential connections and learn from

those how are in the community you are in. Its all about building connections. Specifically and

directly pertaining to me and my higher education goals building connection within discourse

communities will allow me to actively learn and give my more acceptable mentors so I can

excel in all my endeavors to the best of my ability. My personal literacy on how the game

worked allowed me to adjust more smoothly to game while for someone who has never played a

MMORPG before it make take longer for them to understand the game. There wasn't anything

that was unexpected about the game but when one is unprepared with how a certain discourse

community communicates and act then they are like not going to be able to mix with the

community. That concept goes beyond this game but in life when one is try to become part of a

client you have to meet the group's requirements to be apart of it. I did not have any problems

installing the game but if I did run into any problem I know that there are many forms dedicated

to find solving to installation issues. I played MMORPG games before so I allow found that I

enjoy playing melee type roles. I wanted to be a dark skinned character but I am not surprised

that World of Warcraft did not have much of character variety because most games dont. I

choosed the rogue role and I enjoyed that roles and when I realized I could go stealth mode I was

excited because I began to feel like my character was a ninja wolf. I enjoyed the game I can

understand why it is so popular but I still prefer League of Legends.

Malik J. Norman

Professor Gabrielle Turgeon

UWRT 1101-007


Your narrative was fun to read as it had a very distinct story to it. You want to just make

sure you are editing over your paper. There were a lot of mistakes that could have been fixed

after a proofreading. Did you write this in Google Docs and then transfer it to Word? That may

be part of the issue. Just make sure to really edit through your narrative carefully for the final

version. Your reflection will need editing as well if you use any of it for the analysis paper, but it

is very well thought out and I look forward to reading your analysis.

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