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Early Childhood Education

Learning Experience Plan

Name: Sara Hofner Lesson Title: Nocturnal Animal Sounds

Date: 4/25/17 Grade Level: preschool Circle one: ECE PKSN
Cognitive skills: Explainreasoningforthesolutionselected.



Pre-assessment of current knowledge: The teacher will use the data gathered during the previous lessons of the investigation to determine students prior
knowledge of nocturnal animals and whether some information needs to be covered again.

Instructional Objectives (1-2) Assessment of Student Learning Learning Experience

One/Two Assessed Instructional Identify Evidence: (What will you collect or record as data Academic Language: nocturnal, communicate
Objective(s): The student will be to demonstrate students have met your objective(s) and
able to... skill?)
Procedural steps:

Identify which nocturnal animal The teacher will listen to students responses to the The teacher will begin the lesson by reminding the students
they think a noise comes from and questions. The teacher will record anecdotal notes of the of what a nocturnal animal is. The teacher will ask the
why students responses and use them to determine whether students
each student was able to meet the objectives.
Explain why animals make their How do you communicate with your friends?
unique noises How do you think animals communicate?

The teacher will explain that nocturnal animals communicate

Program Monitoring: (How will you aggregate or compile by making a unique noise. The teacher will use a skunk
your evidence into a class or group view?) puppet and explain to the students that a skunk is a nocturnal
animal that makes noise sometimes. The teacher will play a
One Assessed Developmental The teacher will compile the evidence gathered from the clip of a skunk sound. Then, the teacher will ask the students
Skill: notes into a class checklist. The checklist will include a list questions such as:
of the objectives with a checkmark next to the students
names who were able to meet the objectives. Have you ever heard animal noises at night? What animal do
Inquiry skills you think it was?

Why do you think animals have to communicate with other

Safety Considerations:
There are no safety concerns The teacher will explain that animals make these noises to
during this lesson call other animals to them, warn other animals of danger or
Early Childhood Education
Learning Experience Plan

declare their territory. Then the teacher will explain that the
students will be hearing other nocturnal animal noises and
they will be guessing what animal is making the noise. The
teacher will play the students a clip of sounds made by an
owl, bat, raccoon, coyote, and cricket. After each clip, the
students will hold up a picture of the animal they think made
the noise from a pile of pictures of nocturnal animals. The
teacher will ask the students why they think it is the animal
they chose. Then, the teacher will inform the students of the
animal that made the sound.

Authentic Materials: (Describe authentic real life, hands-on

materials.) skunk puppet, animal sound clips, animal pictures

Adult Roles:

One adult will be the facilitator of the lesson. One adult will be
taking pictures during the lesson.

Resources & References:
Early Childhood Education
Learning Experience Plan

Reflection: (What have you learned about your students? How will this inform future instruction?)

Overall, I think the students enjoyed hearing the animal sounds and guessing what animal made the sounds. Some students even enjoyed imitating the animal

sounds that they heard. The skunk puppet engaged the students at the beginning of the lesson, and they enjoyed feeling, touching, and waving to the puppet. This

got their attention for the first part of the activity. Although I expected the students to be familiar with the idea that animals make sounds to communicate, some of

the students said they did not know that animals made sounds when I told them. Because of this, I would have introduced the idea of animal noises to them by

starting with noises made by animals they are familiar with such as dog, cat, duck, cow and horse. After reviewing the animal noises they already know, I would

introduce the idea the nocturnal animal also make noises. The students seemed to enjoy listening to the noises, but some of them got bored after listening to 2 or 3

and wanted to leave. If I were to do this activity again, I would make the activity a bingo game to make the activity more engaging for the students. I would also do

it in a more quiet and secluded area so that all of the sounds could be heard without interruption from the other noises of the classroom. At the time of the activity, it

had been two weeks since our last nocturnal animal lesson due to a class field trip. In the future, I would do the activities with less time in between so that the

students are able to remember the information we have discussed.

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