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Alonso, Rogelio.

"The Spread of Radical Islam in Spain:

Challenges Ahead." Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, vol.
35, no. 6, June 2012, pp. 471-491. EBSCOhost,.
In this source, the spread of radicalism to Spain is examined. The
data from this source shows an increasing number of radicalized
Muslim immigrants to Spain, and their building of radicalism in
the country. Practice of radicalism is observed in a growing
number of Mosques, and although the source regards to radical
growth in Spain, it shows that it can be spread and built upon
easily in other countries who do not stand against it.

Amble, John C. and Alexander Meleagrou-Hitchens. "Jihadist

Radicalization in East Africa: Two Case Studies." Studies
in Conflict & Terrorism, vol. 37, no. 6, June 2014, pp. 523-
This journal analyzes the process of Jihadist Radicalization in East
Africa. It discussed the motives and success of radicalization in
large parts of East Africa such as Kenya, as well as determinants
to how successful radicalization can be in certain East African
Areas. Again, although it is in East Africa, the examination of
radicalization motives can be taken into consideration when
discussing the threat of the same actions in the United States.

Doosje, Bertjan, et al. "Determinants of Radicalization of

Islamic Youth in the Netherlands: Personal Uncertainty,
Perceived Injustice, and Perceived Group Threat." Journal
of Social Issues, vol. 69, no. 3, Sept. 2013, pp. 586-604.
This journal researches the radicalization of the Islamic youth in the
Netherlands. It discusses the process in which Islamic children
are radicalized, and how things such as personal threat and
perceived superiority of Muslims can enable children to
radicalize. This is important because it shows the impacting that
invading radicals have on children and their efforts to grow
through children.

Lipka, Michael. "Muslims and Islam: Key Findings in the U.S.

and around the World." Pew Research Center. Pew
Research, 22 July 2016. Web. 26 Feb. 2017.
This source is poll from Pew Research that surveys the beliefs of
Muslims from the United States and around the world. The
survey includes the belief that Sharia should be the official law
for their residing country. This research poll is vital to the
argument of radical Islam, and is credible as Pew Research
conducted a poll that cannot really have a bias of some sort.
Mantzikos, Ioannis. "Somalia and Yemen: The Links between
Terrorism and State Failure." DOMES: Digest of Middle
East Studies, vol. 20, no. 2, Fall2011, pp. 242-260.
This journal examines the states of Somalia and Yemen, and their
relationships to terrorism in a failing state. The text provides
information of the history of terrorism in both Somalia and
Yemen, and how it has led to a failed state. With them also being
failed states, it is also important to consider that these failing
states can be incubators for terrorism in the future as they lay
vulnerable to rising terrorist groups such as ISIS and Al-Shabaab.

Wiktorowicz, Quintan and Karl Kaltenthaler. "The Rationality of

Radical Islam." Political Science Quarterly (Wiley-
Blackwell), vol. 131, no. 2, June 2016, pp. 421-448.
This source discusses the rationality of radicalism. It does not discuss
justification of radicalism, but more so, why radicals commit the
violent acts that they do. This text will help provide background
details to the violent actions of radical Islam.
Digital Components

This video is a brief overview by Ben Shapiro of a Pew Research poll.

He discusses several countries around the world and their beliefs
on radicalism by the numbers. The title of the video is The Myth
of the Tiny Radical Muslim Minority and as Ben Shapiro breaks
down the numbers, he displays that radicalism is not in the
minority of Muslims in these countries, but rather a majority.

This video is of an address by former President Barack Obama. Simply

put, Obama claims that Islam is more a religion of peace, rather
than of violence. This is important to the essay, as it will provide
backup details to the overall myth that radicalism is only in a
small majority of Muslims. As the President of the United States,
his firm belief that Islam is peaceful spreads to the minds of
citizens and undersells the severity of the violence in Islam.

This video also discusses beliefs of Muslims in several countries. Some

of the beliefs include the death penalty for those who leave the
Muslim religion, stoning of adulterers, and importantly the belief
that there is only one interpretation of Islam. The numbers in the
polls are way higher than just a minority of the population, and
countries commonly associated with terrorism such as
Afghanistan and Pakistan had the highest numbers. The most
important piece is that although the number of people who
commit these violent acts is small, the number of people who
believe in them is not small at all and is evidently a majority of

This video is a primary source video from a US marine deployed in Iraq

discussing the travel ban enforced by President Trump. He talks
more about the everyday actions of the Muslims in Iraq towards
Americans. He describes their predicted actions in a brutal
manner, that he would be killed, and made an example. He also
adds that this would be done by the locals, and not even by a
radical group such as ISIS. This goes to show that radicalism and
the ideology to exterminate any opposition is very real, even
amongst every day people.

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