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Heat transfer systems _ operating with organic media Safety requirements and testing IN 4754 \Wirmedbertragungseniagen mit organischon Warmotragern: Supersedes January 1980 ection, sicherheitstechnische Anforderungen, Prifung In keeping with current practice in standards published by the International Organization for Standerdization (ISO), a comma nas been used throughout as the decimal marker. ‘This standard includes safety requirements within the meaning of the Gerdtesicherheltsgesetz (Equipment Safety Law). ‘The design and construction of heat transfer systems operating with organic media require special skills, uch systeme may thus only be manufactured and installed by companies that have the relevant expertise. The content of this standard has been harmonized with the stipulations of the Oruckbehalterverordnung (German Pres- sure Vessels Regulation) The eicuit diagrams included in the standard are merely simplified representations of basic circuits; hey are not recom- mendations for particular types of circuit. Contents rae fae 1 Scope and field of aplication. {S inspection tog 7 2 Concests . 2.8 Operating instructions 7 2.4 Heat transfer system 2 Maintenance and repair 22 Heater... a77 P 8 23 Minimum volume flow rate 2 Appendix A. Diagrams of heat transfer systems ... 24 Permissible working pressure 2° Appendix 8 Guideline for the calculation of the 25 Temperatures : z Highest film temperature in fuol-fred 21 slerrzaaubarnente 3 heaters of heat transfer systems 31 Materials 2. Appendix © Descriation of system for purposes 52. Corsinvation and manulacture 2 of obtaining approval for the 53 Heater instalation 5 Construction and operation of 34 Protection against accidental contact end 2 01N 4754 heat transfer eystem «... 16 feiprotaction: a 7 Standards and other documents referred to 19 4 Initial inspection and routine inspections 7 4.1. Pressure vessels | anneal 2 42 Heating medium 7 Explanatory notes 21 Heat transter systems utilizing organic media, besides being covered by this standard, are also subject to the Urfellver~ hhutungsvorsenntt (Accident Prevention Regulation) WarmeUbertagungsaniagen mit organischen Warmetragern (Heat transfer systems operating with organic heat media) (VBG 64) issued by the employers’ liability insurance associations. ‘The present standard and VBG 64 have bean coordinated in terms of content and cross reference each other in clauses tnat can facilitate comprehension of the specifications. wher ‘The purpose ofthis standardis to provide the concrete data implicit the safety aims described in VBG 64 and to spec: ity methods of tneir technical implementation. 1 Scope and field of application This standard deals with heat transfer systems in which organic media are heated to temperatures below or above ‘heir initia! Boling point at atmospheric pressure. t applies to heat consumers anly in so far as the heat transfer me- cium passes through these. Unialiverhitungsvorschvit Kalteanlagen, Warme- This stancard does not cover reftigerating plant"), heat pumps and cooling devices, portable radiators (used as ingividual heat eources),nor to solar heating systems with selar collectors where the heating n the circuit concerned 1s generated solely by solar energy. n> = ae ct umpen und Kihleincichtungen (Accident prevention ‘regulation for refrigerating plant heat pumps and cooling devices) (V8G 20), obtainable from Car! Heymanns Ver- ag KG, Luxemburger Steade 449, D-8000 Koln 41, Continued on pages 2 to 22 Din a75e Eng Price group 13 Page 2 DIN 4754 2 Concepts 24. Heat transter system ‘Avheat transfer aystem is a system in which organic heat ‘ransfet media are containedin a closed circult andinwhich the heat input is effected by way of heaters, it comprises all sms of equipment and installations, including those stocked for replacement purposes, specified for he given mode of operation. Inneat transfer systems, the mediumisheatedin the heater, conducted by gravity or forced circulation tothe heat Consumer and ie then returned to the heater for reheating (et. figures At to AS). 2.2 Heater Heater ie @ system component that is heated by fuel, flue gas, or electrically in order to heat the organic medium passing through it 2.3 Minimum volume flow rate 1 forced-eitculation heaters, the minimum volume flowrate is the volume flow rete specified by the manufacturer of the system as that which must atleast Be maintainedin orderto avoid excessive overneating of the heating medium. 2.4 Permissible working pressure ‘The permissible working pressure is the maximum safe working pressure as specified by the client or the manutac- turer. 2.5 Temperatures For the purposes of this standard, temperatures shail be {akon to refer to the different temperatures of the heating Jum at the various points in the circuit (neatar, heat ceneumer, flow and return pipes). 2.5.1 Permissible working temperature The permissible working temperature is the maximum safe temperature of the heating medium as specified for the various components of the system by the client or the manufacturer, 2.5.2 Heating medium temperature The heating medium temperature is the temperature of the medium in the centre of the flow section, 25.3 Feed temperature ‘The feed temperature is the temperature of the heating medium at the heater outlet, 2.5.4 Return temperature ‘The return temperature is the temperature of the heating mecium at the heater inlet 2.5.5 Film temperature The film temperature is defined as the wall temperature on the neating medium side, Le. the tube inside temperature (ct. tigure 6.1), Where tube walls are heated or cooled. it will deviate considerably trom the heating medium tempera~ ture, The point at which the film temperature is highest is where the medium is subjected to the greatest thermal tress. The highest film temperature is, among other things. 2 parameter in estimations of the useful life of a heating ‘necium (ct subelauses 32.2 and 32.7), whereas the gra lent between highest film temperature and medium temper~ ature measuredin the same plane is an essential quantity in any design assessment of a heater. See appendix B for the batis of design for fuel-ired heaters, and the footnote on age 19 for heaters heated by flue gas or electrically. 3. Safety requirements 3.1 Materials 3A.1 The Technische Regeln (Ur Druckbenaiter (Codes of practice for pressure vessels) (TRB), 100 series, shall apply for the materials used to construct heaters, vessels and heat consumers, ‘9.1.2 The materials used for tubes shall be selected in ‘accordance with DIN 2401 Part 12 (at presentatine stageot ‘raft, the quality ofthe tubes being attested by submission of atleast a DIN 50049+2.2 certificate (test report),and for, high-temperature steel, by a DIN 50049-3.18 inspection centficate. 34.3, A suitable high-temperature steel (eg. DIN 17245, cast steel) shall be used for the casings of pumps and valves, For temperatures up to 350°C, nodular cast iron to DIN 1693 Part 1 may also be used. In systems designed to ‘operate at temperatures up to 200°C, rated for a pressure (of 10 bar, and having a connection of size DN 200 maximum, DIN 1691 lamellar graphite cast iron (rhinimum grace: GG-25) may be used for pumps and valves that are not designed forheating and cooling purposes and in which the heating medium is net heated above Its bolling point at atmospheric pressure, - 3.1.4 For sealing purposes, metallic packing, soft metalic, ‘lands and thermally stable sott sealants of quality It 0 or better, as specified in DIN 9754 Part 1, are suitable. 3.2. Construction and manufacture 3.24 General Heaters, vessels and heat consumers to which the heating ‘medium is supplied and which fall under the provisions of the Onuckbebditerverordnung, shall be rated (TRS, 200, series) and manufacturec (TRS 200 series) as pressure vessels, Fuel-tired heaters shall be designed for a minimum pres+ sure of 10 bar.all other heaters and vessels (including those vessels that have an open connection to atmosphere), fora ‘inimum pressure of 2 bar, unless tha design of the sysiem Fequires them to be cated Yor a higher working pressure, 3.2.2 Heaters The design of heaters in which 2 medium is heated shall ‘ensure that he walls and the medium are atno pointheated above acceptable limits this requirement being generally Satisfied by forced-circulation heaters. Where tubular coils, are connected in parallel in the heater, particular care must be taken to ensure that the permissible film temperature of tthe medium in the separate tubes is not exceeded, Fulfil ment or non-fulfiment of the requirement must be detect- {ble at least for the parts of the heater exposed to flame impingement (2.6.09 controlling the flow with the ai oftlow Controllers as specified in subclause 8.2.11.) (of Explana~ tory notes) The manutacturer of the heater shall state the temperature gradient betwean the highest film temperature occurring and the feed temperature and shall submit proof,atleast by way of caleulation, for the value of the film temperature (et Appendix @ for guideline for the calculation of the highest film temperature in fuelfired nesters of heat transfer systems), {a volatile medium is heated in its liquid state and is then conducted via a device designed to reduce its pressure into ‘an evaporater (flash tank),with the consequent separation (of the liguid and vapour phases, the heater shall be Gesigned and made in compliance with the same require- ments as apply for forced-circulation heaters. Heaters in which the medium is evaporated can generally bbe operated with gravity circulation. The design of such heat ers, especially in the zone of tha heating surfaces subject 210 nigh loads ( aresultottlame impingement), shall trsure tnat the bubbIes of vapour forming can be released. 5 rapidly 83 possible, The maximum heating surface load ‘nd the permissible operating temperature shall be com- patible with the heating medium. 3.23 Pipework and fitings Difeental ermal expansion shal be allowed for in the euign ofthe layout ofthe pipewarkorbyinstalaton of Sut~ 28 xouien fois Reena ard tgs sal be Sesigned fora minimum nominal pregsura ef T8bar and for the Nghest heating medium temperature townich they may bu exposed inthe case ofeating mecia which are operat~ 0 above theirboling point at atmosphere pressure inthe "vapour phase, pipework and fittings shail be designed fora orl usta chap pact ON 240 Fan 2) he lig Syatem sta be eaepraattct Explanatory notes) Welding shal preferably be used for jinting pipework and fittings, he joints being executed as specified in DIN 8564 Part 1 bywalders who can submit proof ethaving qualified in accordance with DIN 8560. 3232 Screwed joints Serewedjointswhich are pressure-tight are only tobe used Up te size R1'% as specified in DIN 2999 Part 1,and only for devices and fitings located in parts of the system in which the temperature ofthe heating medium does not rise above 50°C 3.23.3. Flanged joints Pipes, valves and fittings shall preferably be permanently Jointed (e.g. by welding), However, where that is not practi= cable, langed joints are permitted (e.g joints as specified in DIN 240% Part 12 with bolting complying with DIN 2507), 4) flanges with flat face and seal (such as It seal, edged seal, spiralbwound soft material seal, graphite seal); ) flanges with raised ©) flanges with tongue and groove face! ) metal-tormetal pressure-tight joints, except for com- pression couplings in sizes greater than ON 25; ) screwed joints of measuring instruments not pressure tight on the thread 3.23.4 Flexible fittings Flexible fittings shall be welded on or connected by tlanged joints, with due consideration being given to the manufac ers instructions, In particular it shall be ensured that fittings such as expan- sion joints of flexible hoses are not concealed from view when mounted, Tubing shall be laid so as to have an ade~ quate bending radius. Fiexible metal-braided metal tubes for metal insulated tubes mace from materials as specified in DIN 17440 shall be used, Stopvalves, controllers and rotary transmission leadthroughs All stopvalves, controllers, and rotary transmission lead throughs used shall be of praven suitablty or this shall be Gocumented (e.g, by presentation of the results of testing by the valve manufacturer or by an accredited expert). ‘An example of proven method for sealing spindles of stop- valves and controllersis the use ofbellows-type seals orthe newal of packing (et. Explanatory notes) 3.2.4 Pumps ‘Pump casings shall be designed to withstand at least a rat- #24 pressure of 16 bar (ct, Explanatory notes). The shatt seals shall be of proven suitability, or this shall be documented DIN 4754 Page 3 (e.g. by predentation of tha rasuits of testing by the pump manufacturer or by an accredited expert). Pumps with an extended cooling saction (ct. (2}) ha proved suitable for use in systerns with the heating medium Dperated below is intial Boling point at atmospharie pres. Itthe bearings or shaft seals require cooling, then it shall be ensured that a warning dovice is actuated in ease of failure of tne cooling system. Provision shall be made to ensure that any leakage othest- ing medium through the shaft sealsis safely drained oft and collected. Such heating mediums generally not sultabie for reuse (ot subciause 73), The transmission of excessively high forces or moments from the pipework to the pumps shall be prevented, In the case of media that are heated to above theit boiling point at atmospheric pressure, pumps without shaft seals (eg. canned motor pumps and magnetically coupied pumps) have proved suitable. 3.2.8 Thermal insulation Heaters, pipework and fittings, as well as heat consumers, shall be installed in such ¢ way that at he permissible opt ating temperature of the heating medium the surface tem- erature of neighbouring components comprising com= bustible materials does not exceed 85°C. Ifthe surface temperature of walls, supports, ceilings, or ether loadbear- ing bullding elements can rise tomora than 50°C, itis to be ‘ensureaby suitable structural measures, by special thermal insulation or by provision for adequate clearances, that no damage occurs which might impair the stability of the Bild ing elements concerned, Thermal insulation shall be mace from non-combustible materials (e.g, mineral fibres or lass fibre). [At points at which there is a risk of thé heating medium escaping (eg. at flanged joints and valves), the thermal insulation shall be applied'so that leakages can be detect: ed (ct Explanatory notes). 3.2.8 Heating ‘Systems built to this standard shall be equipped with nest- ing that responds quickly to contral and shutdown com= mands. The heating equipment shall be designed for sate ‘aperation without the need for constant monitoring (for n> tallation in workspaces, see subclause 3..19),This require ment may generally be deemed fulfilled in the case of ol trical heating, or gas-fired oroilired heating or waste heat systems equipped with suitable and reliable?) controllers and limiters. Furnaces designed to operate with liquid andor gaseous fuels snallatieast meet the requirements of DIN 4767 arts and 2, DIN 4788 Parts 1 to 3, while solid fuel furnaces shall meet those given in TRO 473 and TAO 414. 2) Proof ofthe relisbily of temperature controllers, tempera ‘ure rele valves, flue gas temperature limiters, pressure relief devices, safety valves, liquid level controllers and limiters, anc low controllers shall generally be provided in, the form of a type test DIN 3440 temperature controlers andreliefdevices count aseliable',on the basis ofthe suc- cessful completion of a type test. they have been marked with the OIN-Prif- und Uberwachungszeichen (DIN Test- ing and ingpaction mark) and a corresponding registration number, Details of testing laboratories for OIN 3440 Ceviees,DING2728 iquid evel limiters and DINS2 727 tow controllers may be obtained trom the Normenausschus Heiz-und Raumluftechnik (Heating and Ventilation Stand- ards Committee) of OIN, and thase responsible fr testing otherdevices, trom the Vereinigung der Technischen Uber wachunge-Vervine eV. (Federation of Technical Inspect tion Offices), KurtirstenstraBe 58, 0-4300 Essen 1 rueitired heaters shall Be provided with a suitable safety cekice (e.g the form of a reliable?) flue gas temperature seNeriwhich can be relied upon to prevent thermal over- ging of the heater by shutting down the heating, s.n7 Heating medium S274 The supplier of the heating medium shall indicate the data requiced for assessing its serviceability and the permissible feed temperature at which the heating medium (nil remain fit for use fornot less than one year.This assumes that the heat transfer system has been designed in accord nce with this standard and is operated properly. Due con- sideration is also to be given to VOI-Aichilinie (VDI Code ot practice) 3033, The supplier of the heating medium shall provide the manufacturerand operator ofthe system with details of si physical characteristics and chemical properties of the medium that are of relevance for the construction and Speration of the system and for aspects of safety (ct DIN 1522 and DINV5t528),The manufacturer or supplier Of the medium shall state the nighast temperature’ that is fot to be exceeded at ‘any point in the system. 3.2.8 Expansion chamber, safeguarding against ‘overpressure for heating media operate: liquid phase ansion chambers shall be designed to accommodate at least 1 times the increase in volume of the filing volume ceurting between the fling temperature and the permis- Sibie operating temperature above the minimum filing level their In the case of designs as shown in figures A and ‘A. the expansion chamber shall be connected to etmos- phere via a suitably large opening in order to prevent the Sccurrence of a dangerous pressure differential between expansion chembet and atmosphere. This is ensured ifthe ross section of the opening concerned at least meets the fequirements specifies in table t (ct Explanatory notes) Intheéase ofdesignsas shownin figures ASandA4, the expansion chamber shall te fitted with a reliable device rotecting it against overpressure (e.. safety valve, stand- ise) Standpipes are permitiedifthe maximum gas overpres- Sure in the expansion chamber dees not exceed 0,1 Dar. See DIN 3920 Part 1 for concepts relating to safety valves. {ofthe adequacy of the safety device (e.g.2s specified in AD-Merkblatt (AD Instruction sheet) A2) shall be provid 2d by the builder of the system with respect to the volume flow which the inert gas system can release in the event of failure: ») the capacity ofthe filing pump in the case of overfilling: ) the increase in volume under maximum absorbed heat. Overtiow pipes and rellet devices of safety valves ton expansion chambers of systems 9s specified in sub- clause 328.2 shall connect to any receiver vessel (ef. Sub- ‘clause 2.2.10) provided, ar to ancther open vessel of ade quate size (cf. subclause 32117). It the devices safeguarding against overpressure in sys- tems as shown in figure A2 are mounted on the receiver vessel instead of an the expansion chamber, there shall be ne means of shutting off the piping connecting the pansion chamber to the receiver vessel and the pipes Shall have the same nominal clameteras that givenin table All system components capable of being indi- vicually shut off from the expansion chamber, such as the heater pipework, and hest consumer.and in which the heat~ ing medium can expand asa result ofheat applied from out- side, shall be provided with a reliable) device safeguarding against the overpressure produced thereby. see page 3. Systems fitted with expansion vessels shall be provided with at laast one expansion pipe connecting to the expansion vessel Expansion pipes shall be capable of preventing an increase in pressure of more than 10% above the permissible work: ing pressure of the system. They shall be sized to suit the ‘Output of the heaters, and be at least aslarge as specifiedin table 1. Expansion pipes shall belaidin a continuous upwardinctine wih as litle lateral otfgat as passible,The exeansion vessel is. however, not to be located directly above the furnace, except where other provision is made to prevent any hea! ing medium eseaping from coming into contact with the heater (cf, Explanatory notes), In the case of systems which are safeguarded against over- pressure only at the expansion vessel, there shall be no Theans of shutting off the expansion redustion inits {cross section and it shall be laid with a constant upward in- cline to the expansion vessel ~ ‘able’. Nominal sizes tor expansion and overtiow pipes, and for discharge and vent pipes, as a function of heater output Nominal ste of | Nominal size of Output af mente! ‘Sspansan and | dscharge and mnkw, "| ert apes | von pes oN ON 25 a 20 100 20 a 00 25 a2 309 52 0 1200 “0 50 2400 £0 6 000 5s 50 12000 £0 100 24000 100 450 35000 150 200 ‘To receive the entire expansion volume,a small vessel may be installed in place af a large high-level expansion vessel, this small vessel having a permanently open connection to another vessel located at a point below it. In this case, the liquid level in the high-level expansion vessel shall be main tained by means of an automatic controller and a refill pump. The overflaw pipe between the two vessels shall be of the same size asthe relief and overtlow piping ofthe system, In order to avoid flow of heating medium trom high-level expansion vessels with a total content of more than 1000 litres in cases of system failure, suitable measures shall be taken as ilystrated in figures A.S and AS. ‘Quick-acting stopvalves (ct figures A.) shall be designed ‘30 a8 to Switch off the heating once theybecome operative. Fast-draining devices connecting to a receiving vessel located below it (of. figures 4.8) shall be operable from a sate position. The nominal size of the drain pipe shall be Selected in accordance with table 1 t shall be run to the Teceiver vessel over as short distance es possible and with a constant gradient.A tast-draining device shall be installed” in the pipe which when operative switches off the heating fand the circulating pump. The heating medium shall be protected against oxidation (e.g. by application of an inert ‘gas blanket). In the ease of systems with an overlying layer of inert gas, the constant supply of gas shall be ensured. It shall be pos sible to monitor the pressure in the expansion chamber from the system control panel Liquid level indicators with glass tube, inspection glasses (except for inspection glass plates made to DIN 7081 and marked accordingly), and combustible or thermally un- Grable components ara not to be used. Fittings must be Gesignated by the manufacturer as suitable for the given Spalication (e.g for the highest hesting medium tempera ‘ure in the heater),ln the case of systems with an open con tion to stmesphere, sealable inspection pipes level with the lowest liquid level. and fuel level plungars are deemed suitable means for checking the liquid level. ‘The expansion chamber shall be provided with a reliable?) tevice which i the liquid drops below the minimum permis sible level, willautomatically switch off andlock the heating, as well x generate an optical or acoustical warning signal. 3.2.9 Expansion chambers for operating systems with heating media In thelr vapour phase ‘The design principles applying for expansion chambers in systems operating with heat media in the vapour phase f= fr from those applying for systems operating with liquic heating media, the size of such chambers being a function of the required evaporation volume, ‘The'expansion chamberin such systems generally serves to separate the vapour phase of the heating medium from its liquid phase, It may be integrated in the heater or installed a a separate unit. Safety equipment shall be installed in line with the requirements specified in subclause 3.2.10. Receiver vessels systems with’a permissible filing’ volume of more than (0001 shall be fitted with a receiver vessel for drainage pur- poses (ct. UntallverhdtungsvorschvittVBG 64) which shall be Gesigned s0 as to be capable of receiving at least tne volume of the largest system section that can be isolated. Receiver vessels shall preterably be installed at the lowest point inthe system and equipped with a filing tevel indica for or a feclity for cnecking the fling level, ag well as with drainage and vert devices. Where necessary. the vessels snail be provided with heating to avaid coagulation of the heating medium. In the case of aystems in which the heating medium is heat: above its initial Boiling point at atmospheric pressure, ‘receiver vessels shall always be provides. Vapours emitted from the vanting facilities shall be discharged safely. where sparopriate, by way of a condenser. Inne case of systems having a ow iling volume, the heater may be designed to fulfl the function of both expansion chamber and recewar vessel, 3.211 Equipment 32.114 Heaters, vessels and neat consumers felling within the scope of the Druckbehalterverordnung shall be ‘equipped and marked in compliance with TRB 401 to 404. ‘The permissible working pressures indicated on the name- pilates of the individual pressure vessels are a function of the permissible working pressures in the associated seo- tions of the aystam and not of the rated pressure specified in subclause 3:21, Vessels that are not covared by the Technische Regein fur Druckberalter because they have an open connection to atmosphere (e.g, expansion vessels and receiver vessels) shall be provided with a nameplate on which a permissible working pressure is not stated, A temperature measuring instrument shall be ‘mounted in the flow pipe and a pressure gauge in the return pipe, In the case of closed systems, the expansion chamber shall be provided with a reliable 2) pressure relief device which, “when operative isto ewitcn aff and lock the heating as wel as generate an aptical or acoustic warning signal. The pres- sure must be set at a lower value than the response pres: sure of the safety valve, OWN 4754 Page S The electrical compononts of pressure relat Gevlees, as well as the associated ausiary power ecu, fhallnat be connected on the open-reuitpriciple,unless in conjunction with an ambivalent connection Preumate or mycraulic control cieuits downstream of the relief Gevices thal be designed so that the switching of ana Tocking functions are ensured even I the contr! powers interrupted. The devices shal ifthe permisiie Hrtng valve is exceeded, switch of and lock the heating a wel ag Generate an optleal or acoustic warning signal Heaters in which an unacceptably high heating medium temperature can coeur shel be filed Rea the ow note Dein the flow pipe atthe outlet frm the heater wit a rele able?) temperature controiler and a reliable?) DIN 3440 Jomperature reli! valve. Controlies and relefdevices shall. fave tanemiting devices that are independent of each ther (et Explanatory nates). These devices may also be installed elaewnere {0 contol incvicusl heat consumers. In the case of forced-circulation heaters in whieh the falute of 1 pump may lea to an excessive se inthe temperature of tho heating medium. two pumps. one In reserve,otacequate capacity shalbe provices Te operation ot these pumpe salle by way of two mutual independent ower sources The pumps halls continue tafuncanafter tach shutdown of the heating for as long a8 i needed to ensure that theres noone medium bing hetedexcos- Shey This does not epoly to cases wnere tno ast enutsown Seviee specified in suocouse 328.5 6 aetustes One pump and one power souree are suticient no undue fisein temperature of tne heating medium can occurinthe trent ofthe pump fang (e.g By largely dapensing with thaconty linings that act az nest accumulator), The puree Shell inal cases be connected in such away hat the heat ing is switched off and locked when & ceases to operate Dirt traps with removable rays orreverabie traps areto Be inctaleg In trontof tha puro. It a numer of pumas Share a single sucton pipe tisaufclent farone dt wap te Be installa in that pipe .2.11.8 In the case of orced-circulation systerns in w! ‘a reduction in flow may give rise to an excessive rise in em= perature of the heating mecium, a reliable?) flow controller Shall be installed which, i the minimum flow rate through the heaters not maintained, shuts off anc locks the heating and generates an optical or accustical warning signal (ct, Unfalvernitungsvorschrit VAG 64). ‘The volume flow rate or the highest film temperature shall bbe monitored in the case af heaters with an output of up to 50 kW, fr higher outputs, they must be measured and indi- ated (ct. Explanatory notes). On startup, it shal not be possible to ewiten on the heating until the circulating pump has become operational. In the case of a cold start, the flow controller may be by- passed until the heating medium has attained a viscosity ‘corresponding to the setting of the controller. By-passing may only be effected by means of a supplementary fellable2) limiter or of another non-locking central. While by-pasting is effective, controllable furnaces shal only be operated at their low load range. In some cases, it may be expedient to install a closable short-circuit between flow and return sides ofthe heater as a means of reducing the cold start time for the heater. Unfallverhdtungsvorschnt VEG 64 states that. in order to prevent the escape of larger quanitties of organic heating medium, supplementary stopvalves in the flow and return pipes are to be installed in systems containing more than 5¢ of liquid and that these must be operable from a position of safety. For), see page 3 Page 6 DIN 4754 ing a function of the size and design of the system,tha provi JE8 Sttunnor stopvalvas is recommended (ct. Explanatory notes) Vessels with an open connection to atmosphere Shall be equipped with vent pipes es specified in table 1 Vapours emerging from these shall be discharged safely. ‘Seon vessels shall be ragularly Inspected to ensure that water is not present. Itistobe ensured tat the heating medium is,es@ fanctlon of the operational and safety requirements, of sut~ ficiently low vigeasity (e.g. by provision of trace heating). 3.2.11 Heat consumers that are heated by means of a heating medium (e.g. counter flow devices, evaporators, air heaters) shall be designed and built’so that the heating medium ean neither enter the product nor the product tnter the medium (e.g. By welding pipes to tube plates). Ifpeoducts are heated which have a corrosive ettect on the heating surface, appropriate corrosion pratection meas Lures shall be implemented. 32.1110 Equipment of expansion chambers. receiver ve! els and Heaters in systems operating with heating media ‘the vapour phase. ‘The requirements to be mat by the equipment of expansion Chambers, recelver vessels and heaters in systems oper ating with heating media in the vapour phase derive trom FRO 401 to 404: in the range of equipment are included: 1. excess pressure indicators; 2 pressure reliet devices: 3. prassure gauge: 4. temperature relief devices*): 5. Tigui¢ level gauges: feed devices for making up heating medium; 7. fiquid level tii Systems in which the return of condensate to the heater is not effected directly via gravity but via a condensation tank, Shall be equipped with feed pumps. \Whan the safety valve is actuated, heating medium in the Vapour phase escapes. This shall be liquetied via a condens~ ‘brand be cooled down untilit can safely be drawn oft to the Focelvervessel-The size of the condenser shall De such that it can condense the entire quantity of medium escaping from the valve. 3.2.12. Electrical equipment 3.2124. Electrical systems on industrial premisesin which heaters, receiver vessels, pumps or other machines and Apparatus containing heating media are installed shall Comply with the specifications given in the DIN VDE 0100 Seres of standards (ct, Unfallverndtungsvorschrit VBG 64, 3.2422 The electrical equipment, such 2s wiring or Switches, shall be laid in the danger zone (e.g. near flanged Joints) so that itis protected against the action of the heat ing medium in the event ofits escaping e.g. by shielding or by concealed installation of the equipment (cf, Untallver- hutungsvorschrit VBG 84, clause 11). 9.2523 Electrical trace heating shall be designed and jaid ao that there is no risk of the heating medium igniting They shall switen of automatically when the prescribed temperatures reached, Such heating shallalso belaicsoasto be protected from external influences (of, Unfalivernutungs- vorschritt VBG 64, clause 11. 32.124 At an easily accessible and safe location, an emergency switch shall be installed governing those items Stelecirical equipment, including the heating, which would represent a source of danger if thay were to continue to Gperate under system failure conditions (ct, Unfailver- hutungsvorsentt VGB 84, clause 1). Equipment which must continue to operate even in the event of system failure (@.g.escape route lighting), shall be sateguarded against explosion hazards. 9.3. Heater installation 3.31 General For héaters used in a given fixed location, the following Specifications with respect to installation will,depending on {the approval procedures applying in the individual German Linder and as 2 function of the total nominal thermal out put,need to be observed. installation below or above rooms designed for occupation {is not permitted. Where solid liquid or gaseous fuels are used, the system, 2s a function of the thermal output of the furnace and where the Verordnung Uber genehmigungsbedirttige Aniagen (German Regulation on systems subject to, mandatory ‘approval) is applicable, must be approved with regard to Pollution control. in addition to the procedure to be imple rented to obtain building inspectorate approval (agrément). ‘The installation of the heaters in work spaces shell permit any heating medium escaping from the system-to be col- lected and discharged safely ifthe formation of a potentially explosive atmosphere in the room in which the heater Is installed cannot be precluded, measures as specified in paragraph 2 of clause 5 of Untall~ Tornuitungavorschrit VEG 64 shall be implemented (ct. Ex- planatory notes). Portable, electrically heatedheat transfer systems that arenot Gesigned to ful a given function in 2 given location are not subject fo any approval procedure under building regulations, 43.3.2. Installation in heating rooms Heating rooms shall comply with the relevant building regu- Tations and the relevant neating regutations of the German Linger Heating rooms forfuel-fited heaters shail be ventilated and Tested continuously when he heaters are in operation (et Eplanatory notes). ‘The installation of heaters and vessels in the same room is deemed safe. ‘The design of heating rooms shall ensure that any heating redium eseaping from the system is collected and dis Sharged safely. Gulies (loor drains} shall be equipped with Shutoff the room in which the heater installed $isign made of durable material shall be mounted, bearing the following inscription Keep gully closed at all mes. nly to be opened to drain off water! Receiver tanks have proved suitable for the safe discharge ff heating medium escaping "rom the heater. 3.3.3. Installation In work spaces By way of departure from subclause 33.2, heaters may De Dated in work spaces, assuming the permission of the Euilcing inspectorate, the trade inspection authorities, and the responsible employers’ liability Insurance association thas been obtained. The installation of afuel-fired heater in work spaces requires a egal exemption n accordance with {he regulations applying in the given German land, which 3) Gh Merkbian (Instruction sheet) ZH 1/201 issued by the Hauptverband der gewerblichen Gerufsgenossenschaften (Federation of the Employers’ Liability Insurance Asso~ Getons), obtainable trom Cari Heymanns Veriag KG, Luxemburger Strage 449, 0-500 Kéln 41. correspond to paragraph 2 of clause 7 of tne Musterteue: fungsverordnung (Model Heating Regulation), as amendad in September 1967, Besides that, the installation of usl-fred heaters with a total thermal output of more than SOkW out- Side heating rooms is only permitted by way of an exemp- tion or clspensation in accordance with the regulations ‘applying in the given Land, which correspond to paragraph 9 of clause 7 af the Musterfeverungsverordnung. Such an ‘exemplion may be granted ifrequired for operational reasons, ‘andifit ie encured that any heating medium escaping cannot ignite or be caused to explode, and ifthe nature ofthe opera thon and the rooms in which the heateris installed are deemed safe, This is generally the case when, during operation, the freater is under continual observation by a qualified person and when the total content ofthe heater,plus two-thirds ofthe Content of the expansion vessel, does not exceed 5001 for {uel-fred heaters, and 50001 for electrical heaters. ‘Application for approval shall be made early enough forthe responsible authority (building inspectorate, trade inspec tion office) to be able to Influence the project. Heaters are only to be installed in work spaces ifthe heat transter systems also meet the following reqyirements. a) The heatersin the work spaces shall be installed in such a way that any heating medium escaping may be cot lected and discharged satey. ) From every point in the work space two escape routes ‘must lead into the open air, at least ane of which shall not be longer than 250m to the open ait, to the stairwell Sr te roams offering an equivalent level of safety. c) The work space and the installation of the heaters shall, comply with the guidelines for the installation of fur- haces with a total nominal thermal autput of more than 50 kW in rooms other than heating rooms (cf. Explana- tory notes). 3.3.4 Open air installation For heaters installed in the open alr, the guidelines for the installation of turnaces with a total nominal thermal output cf more than SO KW in eooms ather than heating rooms shall be applied by analogy, 3.4 Protection against accidental contact and fire protection 3.44 Protection against accidental contact Parts otheat transfer systems with asurtace temperature in excess of 110°C shall be cladded with non-combustible material thereis arisk of accidental contact. This cladding shall be fixed permanently and be so sheped that no objects can be placed or left an it. 3.4.2. Fire protection [An adequate number of fire extinguishers satistying the requirements forfire class 8 as specifiedin DIN 14405 Partt shall be kept ready for use near to heaters.®) In the immediate surroundings of heaters, vessels, pumps and heat consumers, automatic fire extinguishing equip- ment operating with water (e.g. sprinkler equipment with a Uunitorm array of spray nozzles) shall be installed so that ‘water cannot come into contact with burning heating medi im. Permanent signs shall be located within easy reading distance of heat transfer systems, bearing the following in scription: Danger! Do not use water to extinguish burning heating medium! 3.4.3. Sate removal of low-bolling constituents Itlow-boiling constituents ofthe heating medium can accu- ‘mulate in quantities representing a hazard, then measures (21g. 85 shown in figures A.1f0 A., 0° provision for their Gis ‘charge to the open ai) shail be tekon which either ensure their safe dissipation of provide for inert conditions in the expansion vessel, DIN 4754 Page 7 4 Initial Inspection and routine Inspections Dotails of inspection are specified in the Druckbehatter verorinung. The most important requirements are do. seribed Below forthe information of he users ofthis stenc ard. 44. Pressure vessels, Inspection of haste, vies, esten comonari, a apparatus whlch fll under the Grickbehdlererotiung {hal be cared out onthe basa ofthe arter coated ther they do oot al uner ha regulon tne cent mio represertav shall inact tare saplrof ereng that the pressure ves ss auppea mut comalyanth he _roaulements of the DcbeNteneronnng: Pressure vetacl that are not requred fo be napected by a exper {or acceptance purposse salt be commisclone tn thoy have been subjected svecestly to an acceptance inepeston by a qualfed person in edt tothe routine inspections pescrbed Inthe Groctnenatervradnung, he ere ais obges fo neve the system mepetiea uncer opersing condtons ave «yea by «dul uaiied preon of designation ‘he taspection shal compris fhe entre sytem. Where Tproviate such nit shal be placed cna contac: tales, for the above purposes the operator ofthe yt shal provide the person pevoring ine apes wh the ovesway date, hry Gtects dicovead re fo be mace good a0 ected bythe napesto 4.2 Heating medium [As stated in the Oruckbehélterverardnung, the heating m ‘dium is to be inspected for ts serviceability by a qualified person at least once a year, and otherwise as required (e.g. tutien the mode of operation is changed). Reuse of the me lum is only permissible if the cesults of the inspection so indicate (et Implementing regulations pertaining to clause 19 (8) of Untativerhdtungsvorschritt VBG 64). Forthe inspection of the Nesting medium,a specimen. pre ferably of ttre, shall be taken from the main stream of the hot systam by means of a specimen cooler, or by ather rreans where tha temperature of the main stream is less than 100°C. The specimen shal be sealed immediately atter Ithas bean removed, and kept sealed. ‘The operator shall provige the following informaticn: a) age of fin ) maximum feed temperature; ©) top-up quantity a last inspection. 5 Inspection log Aninspection tog shall Be kept foreach system, which shall record the result ofthe original tightness inspection priorto| ‘commissioning, the results of the inspections subsequent to commissioning and restarts, the results of the annual system inspections, results of the heating medium inspec- tion and of any repair carried out (ct. Unfaiverndtungsvor~ shrift VBG 64). 6 Operating instructions ‘The manufacturer shall supply operating instructions for the heat transfer system that meet the requirements of DIN V 8478, These instructions shall contsin, among other information, the following particulars: a) name and address of system manufacturer: 'b) name, adaress and telephone rumber of customer ser For), see page 6. Page 8 OINATSA ©) trade name and safety characteristics of heating medium and the filing quantity required for normal ‘operation; 4) instructions on how to fill, start and shut down the system: @) details of emergency shutdown procedure, According to Unfallverhutungsvarschrift VBG 64, the opera tor is to prepare tne operating manual on the basis of the present standard, taking due account of the operating in- structions, 7 Maintenance and repair 7A Control and safety devices shall be inspected tor efficient operation (ct. table 1 of VDI-Richilinie 3033), 7:2 Repairs to the heat transfer system, and the filling, refiling and taking of specimens of heating medium shail only be undertaken by suitably trained and qualified per- ‘sons (ct clause 5 of TRB700 for details of measures relating to Installation ang maintenance), 7.3. Hoating medium that has escaped trom the system shall only be returned to it atarits continuing serviceability, has been verified, 7.4 Welding work shall only be carried out on system components when combustible vapour/air mixtures have ‘een removed by flushing with inert gas, and if this flushing process is kept up during the course of the work (of Unfal- verhiitungsvorschrit Schweiéen und Schneiden (Accident ‘Prevention regulation on welding and cutting) (VAG 16). 7.8 Saturation of the thermal insulation by the hesting medium (wick effect) gives rise to an ineraased firs hazaré, and-due allowance shall be made for this when selecting and placing the thermal insulation material, Saturated in- ‘ulation material is not to be reused, DIN 4754 Pages Appendix A Diagrams of heat transfer systems (examples only, not intended to be exhaustive) Figure At. Diagram ofa system with an open connection ‘Figure A2._Diagram ofa system with an open connection of the expansion chamber to atmosphere of the expansion chamber to atmosphere, but with a heater that can be isolated Figure A3. Diagram of a system with inert gas blanket in Figure A. Diagram of a system with inert gas blanket in expansion chamber and recelver vessel expansion chamber ang with @heaterthat car be isolated (ct. Explanatory notes, item 10) Page 10 DIN 4754 Figure AS. Safety circuit for systems with a high-level expansion vessel with a total capacity of more than 10001 providing for a shut-off facility to ‘be actuated in the event of ahazerd occurring (14), End of expansion pipe (7) here lies above Figure AS, Safety circuit for. systems with a high-level ‘expansion vessel witha total capacity of more than 1000 providing for a fast-draining device (12) to be actuated in the event of a hazard occurring (oesic system as per fig the maximum filing level in the expansion ‘vostel (4) (basic system as per figure A.1) Key to figures A.1 to A.7 Heater (ct subclauses 3.22, 32.9 and Heat consumer (cf, subclauses 3.2.1 and 3.2.11) Circulating pump (ef. subclauses 32.4 and 3.2.11.) Expansion vessel (of. subclause 3.2.8) Receiver vessel (ct. subclauses 9.210 and 82.11.10) Filing and draining pump Expansion pipe (ct, subciause 3.2.85) Overttow pipe (cf. subclause 32.83) Venting (connection to open air) (ct subclause 32.117) 10 " 12 13 14 15 18 w 18 ure At) Safety valve (ct. subclauses 3284 and 32.11.10) Safety valve (ct. subclauses 3282 and 32.11.10) Fast-draining device (ct. subciause 32.6.5) Fast-drainage pipe (ct. table 1 for nominal size) Shut-off facility (ct subclause rain valve Flash tank (cf. subclause 3.2.5) Cooler (ct. subclause $:2.1110) Heating (et. subclause 3.2.11.) UIN 4/38 Fagen 2) System with circulating fluid 'b). System with gravity cicculation (vapour phase) 16 ©) Heating medium heated in forced-circulation, with vapour generation in flash tank, Heating of consumer in gravity cieculation, Figure A, Olagram of systems in which the heating medium is heated above its boiling point at atmospheric pressure Page 12 OIN 4754 Appendix 8 Guideline for the calculation of the highest flim temperature in fuel-tired heaters of heat transfer systems As an aid the csleulation ofthe nighest fm temperature inthe heater of heat transter systems, Code of practice MB 8 was prepared by a working gtoup of the Fachveroand Oamptkessel, Behaiter-und Rohvletungsbau e.¥. (German Steam Soler ‘Vessel an Pigework Construction Association) with whose kind permission the complete textofthe code iseproduceahere (ct Exolanatory notes), The fila of application of this guideline (clause 4 of te following text) does not imply any limit stancard ‘he code of practice was elaborated inthe form of an instruction sheet jointly by Working Group Fimtempératu of the heat transfer system manufacturers organized in the above ‘association and the Technischer Uberwachungsverein Bayern @.V. (Bayern Technical Inspection Office). Oepertures trom the eade.are permitted where these can be justified by corresponding test results of analysis. of that of the present Contents 1 Field of application . 62 General ...... 7 83. Symbols, quantities and units BA Notation ......2 sree. BS Requirement 36 Calculation procedure 8.1 Field of application mean flow rate of heating medium: cua mis This code apples for DIN 474 heat transter systems. t Cs black Body radiation constant whim®- 4), serves to calculate the highest film temperature (i.e, high ‘S.67 Wi(m?-K*) tet tube inside wal temperature) infusltred heaters —_D_-mean elameter of combustion chamber ™ wich bie Reeling medium fs present init iquld phase.” £._attectiveatralght tube length in Pr Pranct! number B.2. General need ‘The calculation procedure is based on the assumption that A 2) the heater concerned ig assembled rom components __Re_Reyola's umber tccenlaly constting of heating surtaces in ine forrsof oT tibes in which ecultin fe fected by forced flows nee Zi b) the combustion chambers croularin oes sectionand ip sie and design i such that the fame comes into Tp flame temperature « contact with tre walls netheracross noralong Hs body, Ty pipe wall temperature = 2, + 27315 K €) the maximum donstyof heat flow rate Inthe combus- gy" heat tranafercoeticient of heating tion chamber occurs at ie citeumference and that iis medium wie?) ws cesgred ag mandactred to camly wi 880g clay (amalal) a sseane 22 of ON AEBS 1 dynamic viscosity at 3 Pas 5 mean beating elim temperature at 8.9 Symbols, quantities and units 9 Sant of manimum densiyatheat ow raie °C tp SERNA Rermalcipaay sto | AGG, abe ab otalin TORY e @,_tube outside diameter ™ 0 maximum heating mecium temperature dr flame ameter i attube wall nse *c uve inside diameter m AD temperature increase at thermalintertace =X 1 tectors thermal conductnty at 3 wrk) 7 esaximum density of neat tow rate Win? y_‘kinematie viscosiy t 3 mis 5.4 Notation Tube weil ‘Thermal interta Temperature protiie for Figure 8.1 Heating medium temperature profile in heated tube B.5 Requirement ‘The heat flow applied to the tube wall by way of the flame {and tue gaseé shall be dissipated by the heating mediumin Such away that the permissible film temperature at the tube all's not reached and the intial boiling point nat exceeded, B.6 Caleula 8.8.1 Determinat From the equation In procedure n of highest film temperature*) cn ao-t Ag, ay) aa with fo » 0.8,t0 allow for the tangential heat loss in tube wall nest film temperature is obtained as b+ B+ ao 2) This temperature is not to exceed the maximum permis- sible film temperature specified by the heating medium manufacturer 5s Oy ) the bi 8.6.2 Determination of the heat transmission coefficient at inside tube wall forthe heat transmission ina tube in which a fuid uns in {urbulent flow, the folowing equation apples [1] a Bin fs F + Ogre + Red? « prt 4 In which factor f, (~ 0,8) allows for the infivence of tube bends and the direction of heat flow (2] The equation Is valid for: wt missibie operating temperature ac. Capacity teas Component icentiication mark C.3. Data on the nameplate of the receiver vessel Manutacturer/supplier Serial number ‘Year of construction Permissible working pressure bar Permissible operating temperature "c Capacity lites Component identification mark C4 Data on nameplate of heat consumers (heating medium side) No.t Designation Manutacturer/suppiier Serial number Year of construction Pecmissibie working pressure nar Permissible operating temperate sc Capacty tag Component identification marke — No.2 Oesignation Manutacturer/supplier Serial number Year of construction Permissible warking pressure bar Permissible operating temperature *c Capacity, Mees Component identification mark No.3 Designation Manufacturer supe! Serial number Year of consiruction Permissible working’ pressure bar Permissible operating temperature *c Capacity tres Component identification mark No.4 Designation Manufacturer/supplier Serie! number Year of construction Permissible working pressure bar Petmissibie operating temparature ‘c Capacity litres Component identification mark No.5 Gialonadon Manutacturer/eupplior Serial number ‘Year of constuction Permissible working pressure bar Permissible operating temperature _____*¢ Capacity Component ientitication mark €.5 Equipment C51 Data on system nameplate System manufactures Manutacturer or supplier of heating medium Designation of heating medium — Permissible food temperature of heating medium +e Filling volume titra €.5.2 Temperature relief valves Number Manufacturer ‘Shut-off tempersture Component identifieation mark €.5.3 Flue gas temperature limiters Number Manufacturer Shut-off temperature ‘Component identification mark €.5.4 Flow controllers Number Type Manufacturer Minimum volume flow rate mh or bar" Component identitication mark C.5.5 Liquid level limiters (expansion vessel) Manufacturer ‘Component identification mark ) See document detailing tlow control ) Delete as applicable. C.5.6 Safety valves ©) Type of loading 'dentitication | c) Body materials (tandara ‘esignation) Number | Manufacturer 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2) Nominal size 2) Type(s) b) Smallest vaive o) Minimum ite” | Pace ot | Réspone ag elo | tation | Or iw 5.7. Pressure-relief valves for closed systems Manufacturer Response pressure set bar Place of installation Icentitication —_ C58 Safety circuit for systems with a high-level expansion vessel with a total capacity of mere than 10001 Type of circuit as in figure 5 or 8 Manufacturer ee Material of pressure-containing parts Pressure rating (PN) ——__ Nominal size (ON) C59 Detalls of heating Manufacturer Enerey ‘Adctional heating by flue gas (yes/no) a Adktional electric heating (yes/no) Description (to be given on an enclosure) €.5.40 Circulating pumps Number Type Manufacturer Flow rate Head m ee Pressure rating (PN) ——______ Forced cooling required/not required! —————— C5. Retum pipe pressure gauges Nominal range bar €.5.12 Flow pipe thermometers Nominal range C 5.13 Temperature controllers Manufacturer Shutoff temperature — c Weentifeation For ,3ee page 17. ) To be specified by manutacturer. Standards of the IN voE 0100 series Erection of power installations with rated voltages up to {kV GOES MOA? Stneinatsintcnrungen gegen Oruckiberschretung:Sicherheisventte (Pressure re devices; satety valves) Unialivernatungsvorschiit VAG 15 SchweiBen und Sehnelden Unialverhitungsvorschvit VBG 20 Kaltegnlagen, Warmepumpen und Kileiniehtungen Uniatverhdtungsvorschnit VBG 64 Warmeubertragungsaniagen mit organischen Warmettégem Technische Regela fdr Druckbehaiter (TRB): TRE 100 Werkstotte (Materials) . TRB 200 Hersteltung von Druckbehaitern (Fabrication of presture vessels) TRS 300 Berectinung (Oesign) TRS 401. Aushlstung fir Druckbehsiter; Kennzeichaung (Equipment for Pressure vessels; marking) TRS 402, Ausristung frDruckbehater Otfnungen und Verschidsse (Equlpment for pressure vessels; openings and closures) TREAGS. Ausrstung flr Druckoehaiter:Enichtungen zum Erkennen und Begrenzen von Drck und TemperaurtEquipment for pressure vessels; devices for detecting and limiting pressure and temperature) TRE 404 Ausrlstung fr Oruckbehdlter Ausrdstungsteile (Equipment for pressure vessels; components) TRB 70 Setrieb von Oruckbenaltern (Operation of pressure vessels) TRS-204 Besondere Oruckehaiter nach Anhang I! zu § 12 Oruckbehaitervererdnung (Special purpése pressure vessels ae ‘covered in appendix II to § 12 of the Druckbehdlterverordnung) Technische Regeln fdr Dampikessel (Codes of practice for steam boilers) (TRO): TRO 413, Kohlensteubfeverungen an Damptkessein (Puverized coal firing o! steam boilers). TAD 414 Holefeuerungen an Oamptke'ssein (Weod firing of steam beilers) woikaleces ite rhe srnerelsregeln fir che Averistung van Arbeitstatien rit FeverGschern (Rules forthe tunishing of workplaces with fre extinguishers) (oat ante oes, qiimetbervagungsaniagen mit anderen Warmetriger als Wasser: Auloau, Beeb und instandhaltng (Heat transfer systems operating with heating media other than water; Construction, operation and maintenance) Wasse:taushaltsgesetz (German Water Management Act) Oruekbehtiterverorcnung (Pressure Vessels Regulation) Musterteverungsverardnung ronung iber genehmigungsbediirtige Anlegen Rents (Ur die Aufstettung von Feuerstétten mit einer Gesamtwarmeleistung von mehr als B0kWin anderen Rdumen als Hel (Gumen (Code of practice forthe installation offurnaces witha total neminal thermal output ofmare then SokW inroame othe than neating rooms) Previous editions OWN 4754: 10.74, 01.80, Amendments '" comparison with its January 1980 edition. the standard has been completely revised (cl Explanatory notes). Literature {3} YOlWérmeatias (VOI Heat Atlas), Sth ed. 1988, VD/-Verlag, Olisseldort, (21. Wagner, W. Warmetrdgertechaik mit erganischen Medien (Heating medium technology ith organi media) Ath ed, 1986, Technischer Verlag Resch KG, Gratelting Explanatory notes Legal provisions ‘The neat transter systems operating with an organic heat ing medium dealt with in this standard are doubtless to be considered pressure vessels in the wider sense af the term, even ifthe installation of switch circuits or other measures will prevent the medium being heated to above its boiling point at atmospheric pressure, This fact was duly taken into account in the preparation of the standard, The main technical requirements specified in the standard will aso be found in the Appendix to the Druckbehditerverordnung in its version as amended on ‘May 1989. The previous edition of this standard was already approved by the building inspectorates, so that the standard:is now binding on both the industrial and non- industrial sectors. in addition, the standard has also met ‘with approval in neighbouring countries. The design of heat transfer systems in terms of heating technalogy as spec~ ified in this standard in no way renders dispensable the design of the system under tne aspect of its mechanical strength, for which the specifications given in the AO- Merkbiatter of the 8 series apply. Re Foreword Owing to the high operating temperature of heating media it was considered necessary to include an introductory remark to the affect that special competence is required ‘rom the contractors invelvedin the design and installation cof such systems, Re clause 1 For specific reasons, attention must here be drawn to the fact that in the preparation of this stancard consideration was primarily given to tne most common types of heat transfer systems with proven performance records.Certain concessions are made with respect to smaller eystems, ‘Thus electrically heated heatersare to be manufactured for working pressure of 2bar, unless for operational reasons hey are to be designed to withstand higher pressures, Systems with a heating medium filing volume of less than (0001 no longer need to be equipped with areceivervesset /eviations from the specifications of this standard are per tied if proot is provided (e.g. by materials tests, experi- ments, stress analyses, cr experience in the operation of a ivan system) that thelevel ot safety implicitin he standard nas been realized by other means, In the preparation of the standarg, the requirements spec: ified by the Wesserhaushaltsgasetz were aiso taken into sceount, Re subclause 3.21 Subclause 3.2.1 includes information on design pressures ‘or various system components, ‘The following is to be noted in this respect. Fuel-fred heaters are to be manufactured for a working pressure of 10 bar. This working pressure is also to be indicated by the manufacturers of the heaters on the nameplate.A number of systems are nowever, operated at a lower pressure (pump head plus geodetic head), ‘Thé expert who is responsible for inspecting the given system can determine the highest working pressure for the heater under the physical parameters preventing -xcess pressure, and have this pressure entered on the eater nameplate instead of the working pressure of ‘Oban, Safety devices and the pressure to be appliad in testing the system for tightness as specified in TRE &Ot are to be selected as a function of the system pressure, The respective components are to be tested in the routine inspection with the same pressures as were applied in {he initia! inspection, Due attention shall ve given to the suitability of the safety devices. The test may be con usted using the medium thats intended to be used in the system, ‘The significant values in the determination of the pres: surevitre product for the heater and for the othe: pres: ‘ure vessels within aheat transter system are the actual working pressures resulting trom the pressure rele! devices installed 2. Sufficiently large vessels, such as expansion vessels land drain tanks that have an open connection to atmos- here are not pressure vessels within the meaning of the Druckbehalterverordnung, However, the responsible committee was of the opinion that certain minimum requirements should be specified for these compo- nents in order to ensure suitable design and adequate safety in service. Such vessels are then to be designed ‘and manufactured in accordance with the provisions of| the Oruckbehalterverordnung. Accordingly, in sub= clause 3.2.1, a pressure of 2bar was also specified for these vessels. Items of equipment which would be required for pressure vessels of similar size and working pressure, such as inspection glasses, are, however, not Fequired. They shall be equisped with @ nameplate on which as permissible working pressure the figure 0 oF ‘atm’ (for atmosphere) may be incicated, The manufac- turer is then responsible for providing proof that the vessels are of adequate size, The reference to the ‘ope connection to atmosphere’ is recommended. In such eases, the obligation to heve an inital inspection and routine inspections carried out by an expert dees not apply. Re subclause 3.2.3, As absolute tightness of pipework cannet be guaranteed the concept ‘leakproof’ was selected. the concept being Gefined as a condition uncer which the system, system components andaccessoriesincivcingaljoints are atleast 0 tight that tere is at no point any risk of fre or explosion, The concent includes non-hazardous leakages that are unavoidable for technical reasons, such as result trom du: sion processes ar that are inherent in the system. Such leakages cannot ne preciudedin tne case of certain sy components (e.g, pumps or valves) attar long service, 2s these, owing to their construction, include selas which are subject to dynamic stresses, Suen leakages can, however, be reduced to safe levels by proper maintenance or by in- stalling special items of equipment, The constant presence of an operator, or constant monitor- Ing, required in subciause 3.33 can also be effected byway of a remote monitoring facil. Re subclause 3.2.5 The insulation of heat transfer systems presupposes great expertise and experience. detailed treatment of tne sub. Ject wauld go beyond the scope of the present standard (see in this respect (2) Re subclauses and Supplementary ta subclause should be noted that proposals were received from various parties to cover in this standard the design of systems with low-level expan sion vessels, to reflect actual heating engineering practice, In the case oflarge-scale heat transfer systems operating with ‘organic tuids,however, safety problems are encountered (2.9, with regard to degasitving), The reeponsibie committee thus Considered it inexpedient to include designs of tnis type in this standard at this stage, The committee would welcome receiving specimen designs and reports on experience gained in the operation of systems with this type of vessel.

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