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HIS bandsaw, made largely of %-in.

Tplywood, has a 12-in. swing, a tilting
. table and cuts 2-in. stock with ease and
accuracy. If it is carefully constructed, so
that both wheels are in perfect alinement,
you will have no trouble with the saw blade
r q m b g off. The cost of building the orig-
inal saw from wgch these plans were tak-
en was four dollars. e

-.- For the base and core of the vertical

frank pfeee, Fig.l,l%-in. yellow pine is
used. The pattern for this part is laid out
on a piece of heavy wrapping paper, as in
Fig. 3. Cut the piece about I/s in. oversize,
to Leave emugh stock for finishing. The
plywood ,sides are then cut to size and
glued to the core, using casein glue, after
which additional strength at the edges is
obtained by driving in wood screws. After
the glue has dried, the edges of the rame
should be sanded on a drum or spindle instead of being flat and covered with a
sander. rubber band, should have a V-groove.
W e wheels are bhilt up of four 12-in. The hubs for the wheels and pulley are
plywood -5, which are glued together 4-in. ceiling-outlet covers, used in elec-
with the grain running crosswise to pre- trical conduit work. Drill a %-in. hole
vent warping. If desired, the outer, ex- through the exact center of each, and
posed disk may have its center cut out to screw them to the wheels as shown in Fys.
o m a ring. Th6 6-in. pulley is similarly 4 and 7, t a k i i care to get them on cori-
built up$wood disks, but the edge, centrically. If a %-in. bolt, with the head

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