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Due to the modernization of our country, there were new things that were added in

the basic necessities of individual. One of this are cork boards, especially in schools

where it is so much needed, since some cork boards are bought in high price. The

researchers find an abundant and renewable source of cork board that is low cost.

Cork board is a surface intended for the posting of public messages, for example, to

advertise items wanted or for sale, announce events, or provide information. Cork

boards are important component of classrooms. They provide a way to introduce new

material or display students work. It can also be used to revisit concepts that have been

previously covered in class. Material can be reintroduced before an upcoming test or at

the end of a unit, also used to prompt the students' memory of previously covered

material. Students will enjoy seeing a board full of information that they have already

learned about.

According to Kreuguret. Al (1999), Cork boards are very significant for each

classroom, students need a thing that will introduce them new concepts in an exciting

way to them.As of today, government has always a problem in providing materials for

schools, but due to lack of money and resources there are still some who cannot afford

to have those kinds of materials for the learning of students. This has driven the

researchers to conduct a study on using of Banana peel as Cork Board.

On the other hand, banana peelings are considered food waste after eating the fruit.

People can still use the peelings to segregate and recycle food wastes then create such

an alternative material for any useful things such as cork boards

According to Katie E. Ferrel (2006), banana peelings when heated by the sun, still,

the peeling have its soft part that is capable in making cork board.

Since banana peelings are capable in making out a cork board. The researchers

used Aldaba because of the thickness of its peel, the thicker the peel the greater

amount of starch it has where starch is used as a binder.

The researchers conducted a study Banana peel and newspaper board. The

researchers used materials that are commonly found in our community and Region for

making an alternative board and made it effective. These study is meant for classrooms

and public places that need a board for posting important matters. This study test the

capacity of banana peel and newspaper as a board. This may help future researchers

discover more about banana peel.

Research Problems

The researchers aim to create an affordable cork board that is very significant in

every school particularly in Calbayog City.

Specifically, it aims to answer the following research questions:

1) What is the characteristic of the cork board in terms of;

2.1) Appearance?

2.2) Texture?

2) What are the effects of the cork board in terms of:

3.1) Durability

3.2) Affordability

Materials and Method

A. Materials

To make the producing of the product successful the researchers prepared banana

peel, glue, and newspaper. Blender is also needed to turn banana peelings into mixture,

and a measuring cup for measuring the amount of liquid, banana peel and newspaper

used and container for the layout of the cork board.

B. Methods

First the researchers cut the banana peelings. Then, put the banana peelings inside

the blender. And 2 ml of water with the use of measuring cup inside the blender. Blend

the banana peelings. Put the old newspapers in the Blender. Add another glass of

water, then add 15 ml of glue in the blended banana peelings and newspaper. Put the

blended banana peelings and newspaper on the prepared tray. Add another 15 ml of

glue on the tray with the blended banana peelings and newspaper. Arrange the blended

peelings and newspaper so it will shape like a square. The researchers let it dry (sun)

for 2-3 weeks.


The researchers cut the Put the banana peelings

banana peelings. inside the blender.

Put the old newspapers in the Add 2 ml of water using the

blender, add another glass of measuring cup inside the
water. blender. Blend the banana

Results and Discussion

This chapter shows the dimension of the three set ups and thethe
Arrange result. The survey
blended peelings
Add another 15ml of glue on the and newspaper so it will
tray with the blended banana
conducted by the researchers in terms of appearance and atexture
shape like square. The
peelings and newspaper. researchers let it dry for 2-3
E x c e l l e n t Very Good G o o d F a i r P o o r

S e t U p Freq. P e r . Freq. P e r . Freq. P e r . Freq. P e r . Freq. Per.

amount of 1 1 73% 0 0 % 2 13% 2 13% 0 0 %
peel than

amount of
newspaper 9 60% 1 7 % 0 0 % 5 33% 0 0 %

amount of
0 0 % 0 0 % 6 40% 8 53% 1 7 %
peel and

Table 1: Appearance of the Product

Methods and procedures were used to attain valid and relevant results for the

study. The main purpose of this is to determine whether the three set ups has a good or

bad appearance. Table 1 shows that 11 out of 15 respondents agree that set up A which

has a greater amount of banana peel than newspaper has a good appearance. 9 out of

15 respondents agree that Set up B which has a greater amount of newspaper than

banana peel has a good appearance. 15 respondents say that Set up C which has the

same amount of newspaper and banana peel has a bad appearance.

The researchers conclude that Set Up A which has a greater amount of banana peel

than newspaper has a good appearance compared to the 2 set ups.

Table 2: Texture of the product

E x c e l l e n t Very Goo d G o o d F a i r P o o r

S e t U p Freq. P e r . Freq. P e r . Freq. P e r . Freq. P e r . Freq. Per.

amount of 9 60% 0 0 % 5 33% 1 7 % 0 0 %
peel than

amount of
newspaper 7 47% 0 0 % 4 27% 2 13% 2 13%

amount of 0 0 % 0 0 % 8 53% 3 20% 4 27%
peel and

Table 2 shows that 15 respondents agreed that Set Up A which has a greater

amount of banana peel than newspaper has a smooth texture. 9 out of 15 respondents

agreed that Set Up B which has a greater amount of newspaper than banana peel has a

smooth texture. 7 out of 10 respondents agreed that Set Up C which has the same

amount of banana peel and newspaper agreed that it has smooth texture. The

researchers conclude that Set up A which has a greater amount of banana peel than

newspaper has a good quality compared to other 2 Set Ups.

Table 3: Mode Controll

S e t U p Thickness W i d t h L e n g t h

A 7 c m 2 c m 5 c m

B 7 c m 2 c m 5 c m

C 7 c m 2 c m 5 c m


Based on the test conducted by the researchers, the researchers conclude that:

1) The Banana Peel and Newspaper Board should have a good appearance and

smooth texture.

1.1) Based on the survey conducted in terms of the appearance of the product, 11

out of 15 respondents agreed that Set Up A which has a greater amount of banana peel

than newspaper rated it as excellent.

1.2) Based on the survey conducted in terms of the texture of the product, 9 out 15

respondents rated Set up A as excellent

2) The effects of the corkboard in terms of its:

2.1) Durability: The set up A cannot be easily be broken and it is the one that exceeds

among all the other set ups.

2.2) Affordability: The amount of commercial corkboard is between 300-600 pesos

which is more expensive compared to the banana peel and newspaper board which

only costs 150 pesos. The costs of banana peel and newspaper board vary depending

on the size and dimension of the board.


The researchers would like to recommend the use of banana peel corkboard for the

posting of public messages, for example, to advertise items wanted or for sale,

announce events, or provide information. Although the researchers had been successful

in meeting their objectives and goals in conducting the study, the researchers would like

to recommend the future researchers to enhance the study in terms of its:

1) Appearance

2) Shelf-Life

3) Texture

Future researchers could research more about the chemical components of

banana peel to find out its uses and to conduct more study.


Greenin-Philippines (2011), Retrieved March 26, 2016 from

Effectiveness of Banana Peel (2010), Retrieved August 18, 2016

Banana Peel ( 2001) Retrieved August 6, 2016


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