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1.characteristic or suggestive of tragedy :
tragic solemnity.
2.extremely mournful, melancholy, or pathetic:
a tragic plight.
3.dreadful, calamitous, disastrous, or fatal:
a tragic event.

He could not believe

He refused to believe
Anyone could love
So much as he

He showed her love

As he would as her brother
He never had trust
Nor did her mother

He left in fear
He could not hear
He left her in tears
He came back with a sneer

She left him in cold water

He loved her as his sister
Or Daughter
And now she was gone
Filled to eyes with water

The funeral followed

His eyes filled with rage
And wallow
He who brought this pain
Burst upon the stage

How could he
He was gone
Or should be
How dare he

His transgression would not pass

Every breath brought him closer to his last
His end approached him fast
The final hours would come for he did to the lass

With a blade of poison

For that would destroy him
Lain across his neck
Would crash he and him both
Onto the deck

The Queen would follow

The King as well
All because
Poor Ophelia fell

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