Annotated Bibliography On Art Education

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Annotated Bibliography on Art Education

Cesarone, B. (1999). Benefits of Art and Music Education. Childhood Education, 76(1), 52.

This article was created by a professor that specializes in special education. Cesarone

connects the benefits of Art, and Music to the basics of learning, and expanding thinking

skills. For example the arts foster an understanding of people and their cultures, it is able

to teach students the differences and similarities different societies and or cultures may

have. Art enhances a student learning ability by catering through all the different senses.

These senses are stimulated by activities involving art, music, dance, and drama. The

different senses improve a students significant skills more than when compared to those

of in a controlled matched group. This involves my topic by giving evidence as to how

valuable Arts Education is.

Goodwin, C. D. (2005). Kenneth Clark: His Case for Public Support of the Arts. History of

Political Economy, 37(3), 557-592.

Goodwin, a University Administrator, created this journal to bring awareness, while also

publically showing support for the Arts. Goodwin believes if the public actively shows

support for Arts Education, itll greatly benefit not only the students, but the entire nation.

Art involved education teaches students by having the involved more in their education

than regular teaching would. It affects them emotionally, and motivates them to learn. By

publically show support to the Arts is the same as showing support to education. If Arts

Education got more recognition in the public eye, it would het funded more, and pushed

more into a students education. This relates to my topic by showing how beneficial Art

Education is overall.
Greer, W. (1983). Arts versus Art Education. Journal of Aesthetic Education, 17(1). 85-92.

This academic journal was created by a Professor at the University of Arizona. Greer

focuses on the issues and problematic areas in education related to the Arts. The lack of

growth in Arts Education, and funding for it, brings it to be a disadvantage to students.

When compared to other school subjects, Arts Education seems to never advance. For

example Science education changes as more discoveries are made, but for Arts Education

for the most part stays the same. Many students need a creative influenced education to

learn to the best of their ability, but because they are unable to get the proper, advanced

art influenced education, their education suffers from it. This relates to my topic by

giving evidence that Art Education should be encouraged more.

Grytting, C. (2000). The Benefits of Art Education. Forum: Thoughts to Share. Arts & Activities,

127(3), 66.

This magazine involves the thoughts an educator has on the benefits of Art Education. It

covers the outline of how Art Education benefits a students overall learning. By having

Art involved education; it helps grow a students mind. Art fosters the joy of learning,

while helping students intellectually by covering different learning styles. It covers the

spatial, kinetic, interpersonal, and intrapersonal learning styles. Art supports emotional

growth, inspiration, and it teaches students how to become leaders. Art strongly

contributes to the development of a student, mentally, and emotionally. This relates to my

topic by displaying that Art Education is actually more effective than we think it is.

Kathleen Thomas, M., Singh, P. & Klopfenstein, K. (2015). Arts Education and the High School
Dropout Problem. Journal of Cultural Economics, 39(4), 327-339.

This academic journal brings up the topic of how Arts Education is a tool that helps

prevent high school dropouts. Created by three professors, they followed the dropout

rates of high school students for 5 years. In a high school where it is not mandatory to

take Arts classes. The conclusion was that students that do take more Art classes have a

lesser chance to drop out of school, but it is not by a lot. Even though the three professors

did not have enough evidence to support their theory, they still believed Arts Education

should not be removed from schools. This is related to my topic by showing that Arts

Education is important since it affects some students more than it does others.

Lorimer, M. R. (2009). Using Interdisciplinary Arts Education to Enhance Learning. Principal,

88(3), 8-12.

This magazine was put together by a principal, in involves their views for using Arts

influenced education. Even though most schools lack the funding and time to push Arts

influenced Education, it is an important learning tool that without it, it deprives students

from their education. Using visual images or symbolic representations teaches students

difficult themes involving things like slavery or immigration. The article also gives of an

example of a math teacher, teaching her students about fractions by having them act out a

play all about fractions. Arts influenced education brings positivity not only to the

students but to the teacher as well. This article relates to my topic by giving explanations

as to how impactful Arts Education really is.

Sowden, P. T., Clements, L., Redlich, C., & Lewis, C. (2015). Improvisation Facilitates
Divergent Thinking and Creativity: Realizing a Benefit of Primary School Arts

Education. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity & the Arts, 9(2), 128-138.

This article, created by four University Psychology majors, mentions the benefits of Arts

Education in a cultural, academic, and economic aspect. They made two experiments

involving children in primary school. In one experiment they had a group of kids do an

improvised dance performance, while another group of students had a non improvised

dance performance. The children that were involved in the improvised circumstances

showed better creative and thinking skills. The other experiment also had a very similar

outcome. This involves my topic by showing that making better use of the Arts benefits a

students skills even at a young age.

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