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ENGL101A Name _____________________________________

Grading Rubric
Assignment: Literacy Narrative Grade

Exceptional Above Average Meets Standards Underdeveloped Unacceptable

Central idea is clear, but not The topic may be There is little
Central idea or Central idea is clear, precise or developed enough about language and evidence of, or
exploratory claim is precise, and for the scope of this its role, but the relationship to, the
Purpose thoughtful, complex, engaging. assignment. central idea or purpose of the
intellectually and/or question is not clear. assignment.
emotionally challenging.

Writing is expertly Writing is mostly directed Writing is often directed to a

directed to a target to peers, though target audience, though not No rhetorical
audience (peers) and sometimes the audience is fully considered. At moments awareness
Rhetorical their expectations. The not considered (e.g. a the audience is confused by Audience is not clear demonstrated, i.e.
Awareness writer thoroughly context is unclear or not contexts or use of genre. and the contexts are no attention to
(e.g. explores context(s) that elucidated). Contexts are not fully explored. audience, context,
audience, shape his/her exploration not fully developed, i.e. How is the writer decisions as a
context, of identity as a writer or what meaning are you making meaning of writer, genre.
participant in literacy. trying to uncover in your his/her situation?
The chosen genre does analysis of your context(s).
an exceptional job Genre is appropriately
helping the writer best chosen.
tell their story.

Content has been divided Main idea has been divided The main idea has been The ideas and
into logical and and arranged into a logical arranged in a logical manner paragraphs are
The connection
comprehensible order and meaningful order throughout SOME parts of the unrelated OR the
between the
Structure that consistently throughout MOST of the essay, but seems
paragraphs or ideas
placement of ideas
contributes to the narrative. disorganized in others. seems arbitrary.
is unclear.
evolution of the central
idea, the exploratory
Writing includes vivid There are details, There are SOME description Writing has little There is little
descriptive language, descriptive language, and and/or recreating but the description, analysis, support for the
Support/ thoughtful reflection, and thoughtful reflection, MOST support does not always or reflection OR there main idea
Developmen complex analysis in ways of which lead the reader clearly connect to the central is no clear connection
t that leads the reader to a back to the central idea or idea. The reflection and between the support
clear understanding of question. analysis is clear in parts, but and the central idea.
the central idea about unclear in others.

Ideas are expressed in a Sentence structure and The word choice is clear, but Wording is imprecise Words are often
way that reveals a progression of ideas are not thoughtful or precise. or at times, used incorrectly
Stylistics & thoughtful, independent correct. Word choice is Sentence structure tends to inaccurate. and sentences are
Mechanics consideration of MOSTLY precise and be repetitive and simple. Sentences are overly not clearly
language. Diction and transitions are effective. There are several distracting simple or incorrect in constructed.
syntax show attention to There are few distracting grammatical errors. ways that interfere Grammatical errors
precision and smooth grammatical errors. with conveying ideas. make the paper
progress. There are few There are numerous very difficult to
or no distracting distracting read.
grammatical errors. grammatical errors.

There is clear evidence of There is clear evidence of There is SOME evidence of There is little There is no
Improvemen thoughtful improvement revision between drafts. revision between drafts. evidence of revision evidence of
t /Revisions between drafts. The final MOST revisions are Some of the revisions have between drafts OR revision or any real
draft reflects specific thoughtful and have led to paper improvement. revisions are not fully risk-taking or
and Risk feedback from peers improved the overall paper. Evidence of some risk taking integrated and do not trying new ideas
Taking and/or conferencing. The A few risks taken and improvement. improve the out in the drafting
writer has taken risks (i.e. throughout the drafting narrative. No process.
crots) in their writing process. evidence or
style, language or genre. risks/crots (rushed
and not considerate).

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