Required Financing: Table 1.1 Partner Contributions

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Required Financing
Required funding to enter this market and feasibility of raising capital (if necessary).


The business capital will come from the partners contribution from their savings,

assistance from families and borrowings from friends and relatives.

Table 1.1
Partner Contributions

Partner Contribution Percentage of Ownership

Habanez, Jhoan P100,000.00 20%
Inderio, Claudine Ann P100,000.00 20%
Lara, Ferdinand P100,000.00 20%
Lipana, Samantha Louise P100,000.00 20%
Martinez, Nicholson P100,000.00 20%
Total P500,000.00 100%

Table 1.1 shows that each partner will contribute P100,000.00 to raise the total
contribution of P500,000.00


Table 1.2
Project Cost

Pre-operating costs 3month-Operation

Building Improvement 4,700.00
Furnitures and Fixtures 43,324.00
Production Equipment 7,703.00
Table Equipment 680.00
Cleaning Equipment 535.00
Office Equipment 300.00
Office Supplies 150.00
Other Supplies 631.00
Permits and Licenses 5,750.00
Advertising Expense 10,000.00

Three-Month Working Capital

Water Supply 3,000.00 9,000.00

Electric Supply 7,500.00 22,500.00

Telephone 1000.00 3000.00

Rent Expense 7, 500.00 22,500.00

Raw Materials 1,801.00 5,403.00

Labor Cost 26,000.00 78,000.00

Total: 214,176.00

Table 1.2 shows the total investment cost that will be used by the partners to operate
the business.

Capital investede, is invested in current and long term asset

vehicles, machinery, buildings, inventory, computers, printers, and furniture.

professional fees and services

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