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The Five Myths

of LTE Optimization

White Paper
Executive Summary
Mobile data optimization is a de-facto standard of 3G networks today. Most leading tier-one
operators have already implemented optimization to improve their network performance, increase
brand competitiveness, and save network costs in the most effective way. At the same time, most
leading operators have already started deploying or preparing for the next generation 4G LTE. 4G
networks enable operators to offer their subscribers new products and services, higher download
speeds, and lower latencies all of which contribute to an exciting new experience for subscribers.
However, there are also many challenges in implementing this new technology.
Flash Networks is a worldwide leader in 3G and 4G optimization with numerous successful web and
video optimization installations. By leveraging its extensive experience with Tier-1 operators, Flash
Networks can offer operators innovative architectures and solutions. This paper addresses the most
common myths related to the implementation of 4G optimization, analyzes video and web
optimization solutions for LTE networks, and demonstrates the need for an evolved optimization
solution in an LTE environment.
This paper will demonstrate that:
Web and video optimization for LTE networks is essential and beneficial from day one
Optimization is a cost effective and strategic investment for Tier-1 operators, with clear
benefits such as increased competitiveness, faster download, controlled expenses, advanced
policy enforcement, improved RAN efficiency, and many others.
Optimizing 3G and 4G networks is not the same; networks in different lifecycle stages need
different solutions
The best approach to 4G optimization involves a flexible and cost-effective platform that
enables dynamic application of optimization techniques to suit the changing needs of the
network lifecycle, rather than a quick fix for network problems as they arise.
LTE is a Game Changer
LTE brings revolutionary improvements to mobile subscribers and operators.

Better spectral efficiency, network simplicity, and cost-per-bit

The spectral efficiency of LTE networks enables more bits to be transferred on the same spectrum
the most expensive resource of a mobile network thus serving more users. A recent survey by
Infonetics Research showed that this is the number one reason operators upgrade to LTE.

Figure 1, Source: Infonetics Research Figure 2: Operators incentives for deploying LTE
Source: Informa Telecom Survey, 2012

LTE networks are much simpler than 3G networks because they are based on an all-IP flat
architecture system. This architecture reduces signaling traffic, which is a burden on 3G networks,
simplifies management, and reduces the cost-per-bit of data transport. Unlike 3G networks in
which circuit switched connections are used for voice traffic, LTE can use IP for voice
transportation, which also dramatically simplifies the network.

LTE dramatically reduces the latency in the RAN (radio access network) from an average of 50-80
milliseconds in HSDPA to around 10 milliseconds. While this can dramatically improve large file
download times (such as video progressive downloads), it has an even more significant effect for
web and app users who request multiple consecutive objects, and for VoIP users who may suffer
from intermittent or jittery service.

Increased ARPU through dynamic tiered pricing

With LTE networks in place, operators will likely stop offering all-you-can-eat tariff plans, which are
the standard in 3G networks. Although cost-per-bit in LTE is lower, the anticipated traffic growth
from new LTE capabilities is expected to continue skyrocketing, making such unlimited plans
impractical. With LTE, operators are expected to implement tiered pricing as already seen in the
US, a pioneer of LTE. As shown in Figure 1, the potential increase in ARPU derived by tiered pricing
plans is one of the major drivers for LTE adoption among operators.
Download speed
Another major improvement is the theoretical and practical download speeds enabled on devices.
While in HSDPA, the fastest 3G technology, theoretical speeds can reach up to 42 Mbps for
downlink (84 Mbps with multi-carrier technology) and 11.5 Mbps for uplink, LTE can theoretically
be much faster, especially using advanced technologies such as TD-LTE and LTE-Advanced. One
major reason for LTEs ability to produce higher bandwidth is multi-carrier multi-frequency
transmission (which is only partly available in the latest HSPA dual-carrier/MIMO modes).

Figure 3: Evolution of data speed and penetration for mobile and fixed networks
Source: Chetan Sharma Consulting, 2012

Devices: larger, smarter, connected

In the past, the limited release of LTE devices was a barrier to the adoption of LTE. Today,
numerous LTE devices have already been released, enabling HD and 3D video viewing on larger
screens, where higher resolution can be better perceived. In addition, small screen devices can
now be connected to larger screens, such as HD TV, for better video viewing quality. Device and
content resolution is also increasing, with some LTE devices offering 720p resolution, compared to
3G video which is normally available from 240p to 480p.

Figure 4, Source: Verizon Wireless Website

New revenue streams: Machine-to-machine
LTE capabilities have created the opportunity for operators to connect any mobile device, not only
handsets, laptops, or tablets. This creates the potential for new revenue streams for operators who
can now offer consistent wireless connectivity as a service for cars, remote metering, emergency
services, healthcare, asset management, and smart homes.

Figure 5: Operators incentives for deploying LTE

Source: Informa Telecom Survey, 2012

The Five Myths of LTE Optimization

The benefits of web and video optimization for 3G networks are clear. 3G optimization reduces
traffic during the busy hour by reducing the amount of data using lossless, unnoticeable, or lossy
compression. It also improves subscribers video experience by eliminating stalls, shortening video
start time, cutting response time for smartphone applications, and accelerating web page
3G optimization saves large amounts of operational and capital expenditures. It enables 30%
savings in data traffic, which means the same size network can handle 30% more traffic, delaying
the need for additional network investments.
The need for optimization in LTE networks is obviously, being revisited. There are five common
myths surrounding LTE optimization, which we will review in the following paragraphs.

1. There is no need to optimize LTE

Since LTE networks provide many improvements such as cost-per-bit, latency reduction, and
available bandwidth per user, many operators are questioning the need to optimize LTE networks.
Although LTE designers used sophisticated technologies (e.g. SON) to improve network planning,
web and video optimization can still provide additional benefits:
Controlling LTE network growth
While LTE provides a significant reduction of 50-70% cost-per-bit over the network, Flash
Networks worldwide statistics show that total traffic, for most operators, doubles every year. With
todays growth rates, the cost reduction will be eliminated in a little over one year, but traffic
growth with LTE networks is expected to grow at an even faster rate.
Optimization solutions enable operators to control the additional expenses associated with this
increasing traffic growth. With messaging and voice already stagnating, data will clearly be the
primary source for the increasing expenses. While offloading and small cell solutions may gain
popularity, their benefits are limited and usually require a change in network architecture for data
and signaling.
After optimizing two major generations of mobile data, Flash Networks experience proves that,
even if the network is well provisioned and planned, optimization must be part of the strategy in
order to relieve bottlenecks.

Speed, speed, speed

Although LTE networks are faster, and maybe even because they are faster, operators will be more
competetive on providing the fastest service, especially when dealing with downloads, subscriber
apps, and web browsing. Advanced optimization solutions can provide up to 50% reduction in web
page download time, and a dramatic reduction of video load time. This has a strong influence on
subscriber satisfaction and abandonment rates. A recent Flash Networks study revealed that
subscribers who experienced eight or more seconds of video stalls (buffering) were 73% more
likely to abandon video viewing. In addition, as 4G is far superior to all previous mobile internet
technologies, when users get a poor 4G experience will notice the difference much faster than in

Figure 6: Page load time and user satisfaction

Source: Akamai, 2012
Coping with congestion
Like 3G, LTE is also radio-based, so regardless of how well planned LTE networks are, network
congestion will continue to be a problem. Users will still compete for the same limited resources,
and overloaded cells and poor reception will be a problem during peak hours. Optimization can help
relieve these situations, while improving user quality of experience.

2. Optimizing video is enough

Following Ciscos latest research predicting that by 2015 70% of network traffic will be video, some
optimization vendors believe that implementing only video transcoding will provide network relief.
While video is anticipated to take up the majority of bandwidth, optimizing only video traffic is a
partial solution.

Figure 7: Typical traffic distribution, Source: Flash Networks Analytics, 2012

Web browsing and apps still provide ~30-40% of network traffic.

Users spend more time browsing and using apps than watching video.
Almost all videos are accessed via a web page or app, either by searching content or
selecting popular videos.
Software downloads, such as operating system or app upgrades, have become a significant
part of mobile traffic sometimes up to 30-40% in major upgrades time.
By ignoring these significant segments of traffic, optimization benefits are not fully realized.

3. Optimizing congested traffic is enough

Optimizing traffic on congested cells can provide significant benefits, using techniques such as
compression and transcoding, especially during busy hours. But there is little sense in optimizing
congested user sessions only; an optimization system must process all traffic, at least at wire-
speed levels.
Besides compression, there are other optimization techniques, such as transport optimization and
caching techniques, that provide significant acceleration. Transport optimization provides up to
30% improvement in speed. Advanced caching techniques add value as latency in the radio is
reduced on LTE, making latency on the IP transit relatively more significant.
In addition, optimization systems that handle only congested sessions cannot provide accurate
analytics on all network traffic since they handle only up to 5% of total traffic.

4. LTE manages its own QoS

LTE networks are designed to provide better end-to-end quality of service (QoS), assuming there is
enough bandwidth for users. However, even if there is enough bandwidth, there is still doubt if
self-managed QoS implementation is feasible. QoS bandwidth allocation is not cost-effective for
data services. QoS managed networks are more relevant to voice and IMS. A recent study by
Informa Telecom shows that many operators do not plan on using built-in standards for voice in
the near future, and prefer to fallback on other bearers (CSFB), dual radio or simultaneous carrier
(SVLTE), and OTT voice.

Figure 8: Operators plans for Voice in LTE networks, Source: Informa Telecom, 2012

5. Theres no difference between 3G and LTE optimization

Although many techniques (such as transcoding, compression, caching, pacing, transport optimization,
and rendering optimization) are used in both 3G and LTE, they differ in their architecture, settings, and
network sensitivity.
LTE optimization puts more emphasis on handling congestion, improving user experience without
degrading video and image quality, implementing policy awareness and user control, saving battery life,
and more. In addition, LTE optimization must be more scalable since it needs to support dozens of
Additional Challenges of LTE
Battery Life
One of the biggest issues with LTE adoption is higher power consumption for LTE-enabled devices,
due to its multi-carrier architecture and high bandwidth technology. Until a better solution is found,
users will have to make do with larger batteries that require frequent charging. Optimization
systems can extend battery life of devices by deliverying data more effectively.

Migrating to LTE 3G is still here to stay

Studies show that LTE deployment will not be prominent worldwide until 2020 as operators strive
to get a full return on their 3G investments. Since LTE requires huge investments in spectrum,
operators would like to postpone its adoption and try to make the most out of their existing 3G
network. Moreover, 4G devices are more expensive.
In addition, even as LTE is deployed, it will take time until it will have the same level of coverage,
and many users will continue to rely on 3G. 3G will also be necessary for voice calls, at least until
LTE is able to provide the same level of service as circuit-switch, with technologies such as VoLTE.

Figure 9: Forecast for 3G/LTE worldwide dominance, Source: CDG, 2012

Requirements for a Successful LTE
Optimization Platform
The main building blocks for a cost-effective and beneficial LTE optimization platform are:

The right architecture

Managing mega-scale traffic with low TCO and footprint

The optimization platform must be scalable so that it can successfully manage dozens of gigabits of
traffic with minimal footprint, thereby lowering the total cost of ownership.

Latency improvement
As LTE RAN has relatively low latency, an optimization platform, which by definition accelerates
traffic, must not only avoid adding latency when applying data reduction features, but must also
reduce it. When this cannot be achieved, traffic must run on the wire-speed fast path.

Optimal dual network 3G/4G planning

An efficient LTE optimization platform should support 3G optimization, and provide a smooth
migration between the two systems. This is possible is if the same hardware and software
components are used.

PCRF-enabled smart policies and tariff plans

It is important for an LTE optimization platform to adapt dynamically to network policies by
following relevant standards, such as PCEF, TDF, and PEP in order to support new diversified tiered
pricing plans.

Open platform designed for advanced monetization services

In order to generate new revenue streams for the operator, an LTE optimization platform should
have the ability to provide operators with additional advanced monetization services, such as user
engagement layer insertion, parental control, analytics, and advanced charging.

The right capabilities

Congestion and RAN awareness

An effective LTE optimization platform must be aware of network congestion in real-time,
preferably without complex integrations, to enable activation of the appropriate optimization rules
in a timely manner. In order to effectively recognize network congestion from within the core
network, the optimization platform must accurately sense congestion on the radio in real-time.
Fast download everywhere
A successful LTE optimization platform should be designed to provide the fastest experience,
regardless of data type (video, app, browsing, download) or if the user is in a congested cell.

Advanced 4G content and device support

An LTE optimization system should be able to support all device and content types. With LTE, users
expect the same high quality regardless of screen size or content format (e.g. video).

QoE at the center

Quality of experience is top priority for operators; smoothness of video, fast browsing, battery
savings, etc. cannot be compromised. Operators can no longer afford to jeopardize quality in order
to reduce data and save costs.

Support all traffic

An LTE platform should be able to support download of all types of traffic that affect user
experience: video, images, text, HTMLs, software downloads, apps data, etc.

With all you can eat data plans becoming a thing of the past, LTE network users should have the
option to control their own data usage through the introduction of additional bandwidth packages,
temporary speed boosts, or data saver services.

Summary and Conclusions

The introduction and deployment of LTE networks offers real promise for both subscribers and
operators worldwide. It brings the potential for revolutionary change in quality of experience for
mobile broadband. However, it also introduces significant new challenges for mobile operators.
Flash Networks Harmony Web & Media Optimization solutions have proven their value and benefits
for numerous Tier-1 operators. In this paper, we presented our philosophy on optimizing video and
web on LTE networks, based on our extensive experience and discussions with leading operators
worldwide. Flash Networks believes that only an evolved optimization solution with the right
combination of capabilities focusing on subscriber quality of experience, controlling data growth
and capacity, handling congestions, and addressing all types of traffic can enable operators to
provide the best possible service for LTE networks.
About Harmony
Harmony Mobile Internet Services Gateway integrates
web and video optimization, analytics, traffic
management, web monetization, content control, cell-
based congestion awareness, centralized caching,
service orchestration, and an intelligent policy engine in
a single gateway. By leveraging its unique insight into
data traffic, Harmony provides mobile operators with the
most comprehensive and cost-effective optimization and
monetization solutions.


Flash Networks, the leading provider of mobile Internet optimization and monetization solutions,
enables operators to provide exceptional quality of experience, reduce network operational
expenses, and monetize the mobile Internet. With in-depth traffic analytics and user insight, Flash
Networks Harmony Mobile Internet Services Gateway helps operators manage the explosion of
mobile data traffic while generating revenues by offering personalized and targeted content. With
offices in North America, Europe, Latin America, and Asia, Flash Networks services over 500 million
subscribers daily and is proud to count among its customers top-tier mobile carriers including MTS,
Orange, SMART, SingTel Group, T-Mobile, Telefnica Group, and Telekom Austria Group. For more
information, visit


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