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Sneak Peek
Keep an eye out for up and coming Teaching and Technology Tips
from the Office of Instructional Technology and your Teaching and

Fall 2011
Learning Mentors. Examples of Tips coming your way this semester:
1. Compose and enforce a classroom laptop policy
2. Moodle Gradebook Tips
3. Optimize your discussion forums
4. Organize your email
5. Top Ten Things Employers Want in a New Grad & the
Technologies that Support Them
6. Effective Responses to Cheating
7. Netiquette Etiquette for the net
and more

Special Thanks

The Blended Learning Toolkit is

a free, open repository of information, resources, models, and
research related to blended learning. Funded by a Next Generation
Learning Challenge Wave 1 grant, the Toolkit is a collaboration
between the University of Central Florida and the American
Association of State Colleges and Universities. In this section you
will find introductory information about blended learning and the

Blended or hybrid learning, an instructional delivery

mode in which instruction is conducted partly online and partly
face-to-face, has emerged as one of the fastest-growing and most
successful instructional models to deliver flexible learning options
for todays learners. Its ability to be customized to fit learners
diverse needs and to be designed to accommodate a variety of
content places blended learning courses and programs in high

Instructional Technology
Workshops Offered

Blended Learning Series

Leveraging Moodle for on campus
courses A series of stand-alone workshops will be offered during the lunch
Innovate. Integrate. Engage.

hour. Workshops are modeled after the Educause Learning Initiative

Why use Moodle in an on-campus course? Join us in an Blended Learning Workshop Guide and the Blended Learning
exchange of ideas for using Moodle in any course. Toolkit. (See the back page for details)
Date, Time, Location TBA

What the Best Coll ege Teachers Do What Does a Bl ended Course Look Like?
Please join the campus-wide reading and discussion of the In this first session of the Blended Learning Series, we will review
highly acclaimed book, What the Best College Teachers Do. Title several examples of blended courses.
III will purchase a book for anyone who would like to read it Date, Time, Location TBA
and join our faculty mentors to discuss. Dates, times and
locations will be arranged in the future.
Design & Delivery of Blended Cours es
Session 1: Discussion of the first three chapters which include
Introduction: Defining the Best, What Do They Know Blended courses can provide opportunities to tap into a larger range
about How We Learn? and How Do They Prepare to of strategies and solve pedagogical problems. Discuss principles for
Teach? effective design and delivery of blended courses, such as KISS:
Keep It Simple Starting.
Session 2: In this session we will talk about Chapter 4, What Date, Time, Location TBA
Do They Expect of their Students? and Chapter 5, How Do
They Conduct Class?

Session 3: In our final discussion we will cover Chapter 6

Student Success Str ategies
How Do They Treat Their Students? and Chapter 7 How Discuss several helpful design strategies that will boost your
Do They Evaluate their Students and Themselves? as well as
students success in a blended environment.
the Epilogue, What Can We Learn From Them?
Date, Time, Location TBA.

Mobile Learning A n Overview

Best Practices for Bl ended Lear ning
In this session we will define mobile learning, discuss the
In this session we will discuss and experiment with several blended
advantages and disadvantages, and demonstrate how others
learning tools and artifacts from actual courses.
are using it. Bring your phones!
Date, Time, Location TBA
Date, Time, Location TBA

Note: Dates, times and locations will be posted on the workshop calendar
and announced weekly.

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