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Rodriguez, V. C., Gillen-Oneel, C., Mistry, R. S., Brown, C. S., Chow, K. A., &

White, E. S. (2015). National and Racial-Ethnic Identification: What It Means

to Be American Among Early Adolescents. The Journal of Early Adolescence,

36(6), 807-839.

Authors Credibility:

Victoria Rodriguez in the Department of Education at the University of

California is part of the Latino minority. Since she is part of such a minority

ethnic group, she is interested in the way other Americans view her specific

ethnic group, hence her reasoning for writing this article.

Authors Rationale:

Rodriguez herself is part of a minority ethnic group so she has definitely seen

differences in education between her ethnic group and others. Her reasoning

for writing this article is so that others are aware of the diversion of ethnic

groups within education. Due to the fact that adolescents are unaware of the

ethnic identification of what it is considered American, Rodriguez wrote this

article in perspective of being on the other side of the argument.

Authors Central Argument:

Before the article begins, the abstract discusses the mixed-methods study

explored by early adolescents on national American identification, and

meanings attached to being American. Rodriguez argues that the most

impressionable time on a person is in their youth. She argues that early

adolescence is the best time to push American values and identification on


Significant points the Relationships the author(s)

author(s) makes about the make between the points at the
ethnic or racial student left and some of the academic
groups culture in relation to indicators listed in my Social
the academic learning Construct Lecture located in
environment. D2L.
1) Self-identification is one 1) Self-identification is important
important belief that entails the because certain colleges allow
use of hyphenated American admissions based on race or
labels, such as: African- gender or cultural background.
American, Chinese-American, It can also have a negative
or Pan ethnic labels, such as affect because in certain
Asian or Latino. schools, such as African
2) Racial and Ethnic diversity American majority schools, it
among students with different could be argued that students
backgrounds is a key value to in these schools have fewer
the author, specifically opportunities than in a diverse
students who are not identified learning environment.
as American. The author 2) Studies showed that after
states that African Americans desegregation in the 1960s in
and Latinos have less positive the South, test scores and
perceptions of America. grades tended to go up for
3) The author states that feeling school that were more diverse
like you belong and having versus schools that were more
pride in American goodness, homogenous, for examples
certain American cultural grades and GPA were directly
behaviors, and having affected by diversity.
personality traits related to 3) Students that identify as
American ideals, such as being American or with American
free are important to values are considered to have
ethnic/racial inclusion. it easier in fitting into our
diverse country than students
Note: You may address one of with backgrounds who are
the above categories more considered to have un-
than once if necessary. American values.
Apply your Learning:

In my opinion, diversity is incredibly important to any healthy classroom

environment. I would agree that more diverse and integrated classrooms

lead to more successful futures for students. As a future educator, I think

that knowing the different backgrounds of each student is important in

teaching and meeting the basic needs for each individual. For example, I was

enrolled in a course, which required volunteering at a lower-income leveled

after school program for a majority of African American students. Being part

of their community while volunteering really made me understand the

different perspective these students have versus students considered

American. In conclusion, if you treat each student as equal as you would

any other and push for American values and ideals, students from all

backgrounds will have greater opportunities for success.

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