My Personal Culture

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By: Richard Udvardi

The Hungarian Language is
considered to be a modified version
of the Latin Alphabet. Hungarian
was first written in 1196 AD.

HUNGARY This is the

I was born in the United states, but my ethnic and cultural Hungarian flag.
background originates from Hungary. My ethnic language is The Hungarian
Hungarian, which is considered to be apart Finno-Ugric group of the word translates
Uralic language family. Most of these languages are spoken in to Hungary. The
Eurasia. The Hungarian alphabet has 44 letters, which makes it easy Language has
to express ones self. We are outspoken, both verbally and
been around as
physically. My first language was Hungarian, and I eventually
learned English in school. Also because of the region Hungary is in, I far back as 1st
also learned a little bit of Russian. millennia BC.
We also love food. The foods
that my culture mostly
identifies with are: I grew up In Los Angeles, and was apart of a very involved
Gulys (goulash) Hungarian Community. I have never left America, and I only hold
citizenship in this country, but being apart of this Hungarian
Palacsinta (crpes) community felt like I was abroad. Everything from religion to extra
Prklt (meat stew) curricular activities were all Hungarian. We celebrate holidays like
Krtskalcs (chimney cake) Christmas and new years eve, but we have our own special days
Gesztenyepr (chestnut for our culture. March 15th is Hungarians national day, which
remembers the 1848 revolution. We also celebrate names in our
pure) culture and its called nameday. A name day is a tradition that
consists of celebrating the day of the year associated with one's
given name.

Hungarian clothing
designs have several
characterizations. It
features large patterns
of flowers, vibrant
color designs and
plush embroidery

The religion I grew up in was Hungarian Roman Catholic.

We spoke, read, and wrote in Hungarian, and all the
Traditions, ranging from Christmas to Easter, were revolved
around Hungarian culture. We went to church Saturday and
Sunday and was an important cultural tradition for Hungarians.
The Catholic faith
has a deep and
lasting legacy in
the history of the
Hungarian people,
starting with its first
proclaimed king,
King St. Stephen.

Matthias church in
Budapest, Hungary.
This was built in the
14th century.
Being born in 1993, I grew up exposed to the after
effects of the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Understanding from my fathers point of view, I was
always grateful and thankful to live in such a free
society. I have learned that people take for granted
their freedoms if they never experienced true
oppression. I was always told how important
education is, and to never stop asking questions.

Growing up as a first generation America, it proved to be as
triumphant as it was challenging. Because my parents had no
social connection to Americans, I did not assimilated into American
culture until I began elementary school. I grew up in Los Angeles,
which is one of the most diverse cities in the world, and finding a
small community of any nationality is not difficult. So its easy to
come from abroad and feel like you never left. This proved to be
challenging because my parents never introduced me to
multiculturalism, school did. English was not difficult to learn, but it
was a terrifying to not understand what was being said.
I have lived in multiple regions in the united states; southern,
eastern, and western. Because of my exposure to different cultures
within the U.S., I grew custom to accepting and embracing other
point of views. Each area had different recreational sports to do.
This allowed me to experience sports and customs that I wouldnt
have otherwise. I did a lot of swimming in the west, biking in the
south, and skateboarding in the east. Traveling has opened my
eyes to others worlds. Each area was always In an urban
environment. Los Angeles, D.C., Austin, Atlantic city, all areas with a
large urban population.
I only went to schools in Los Angeles, and Las Vegas, both were in a
public format.
Because of my exposure to mountainous regions,
I have always had an interest in the outdoors.
Some interests include, hiking, bouldering, and
kayaking. With all these included, I also love to go
exercise and stay relatively healthy.

Longboarding is something I do as a hobby. I love

to go fast, and with a longboard you do just that.
I love music, but more specifically, I love classic
rock and reggae. Bands I love are slightly
stooped, sublime, rebelution, the beatles, bob
My number one interests would be history. More
specifically, colonial times, and world war two
era. I love the touch of vintage artifacts and the
sights of longstanding infrastructure.

From my deep cultural roots, to my exposure to Catholicism, certain morals and values have molded from
my life experiences. Some things I value are freedom of expression, respect for democratic institutions,
equality and equity for all, reasoning instead of violence, law, and respect. From the religious aspects of
my life, the ten commandments have stuck by me. Dont steal, dont lie, and dont be lazy are some of
the morals I have expanded on since my catholic experiences. These are the philosophies that I live my
life around.

Goals within my inner circle consist of just one thing, and that is to be happy. Money and materialistic
objects are not an important factor on how happy my friends, family, and myself are. If you love you job,
you will never work a day in your life. Its all about education, and being happy.

My high school years.

My brother, mother, and myself attending mass. My brother and I.

My family

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