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National Park Reflection

Sergio Paniagua
Econ 1740 1pm

What I have learned from doing this project on the Martin Luther King Jr.

Memorial. The memorial was opened fairly recently, in 2011 and that it was opened the

on the 48th anniversary of the March on Washington. I knew that Dr. King was against

violence in general, but during this project I learned that he despised America for going to

war and participating in both WWII and Vietnam. I also found it really intriguing on what

the park has to offer tourists, as well as how it is/was architecturally designed and

created. One of my favorite things/exhibits this park has is a 450 ft. inscription wall that

contains fourteen quotes from Dr. King.

The overall project was a collaboration between Jordan, my partner, and I. We

first decided to research what the park was, where it was located, and just overall

information we could get about it in 15 minutes. The next step was to go more in depth

with the park itself, as well as the life of Dr. King. We both decided that we would split

the work up as following, Jordan with the PowerPoint presentation and myself with the

questions. We both research the park and the life and shared our research with each other.

In preparation before giving the presentation in class, we discussed what each one would

say and contribute.

This course/class related to my life as well as my humanities course. It related to

my course by learning about race, religion, and culture. Race was related in learning and

discovering what was going on with the Civil Rights Movement and Dr. Kings

involvement with it. Culture was related in researching how all the states acted differently
towards certain ethnicities in the United States. These topics and more were related

towards this course for the fact of that we learned about these topics in class.

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