Name: Sari Ardiani Class: 1A

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Class : 1A

Of The National monument (MONAS)

Development consist of three stages. The first stage in the

1961/1962/1964/1965 began with the commencemenet of formal construction
on August 17th 1961by soekarno, said in a ceremonial get a spike of concrete.
The total 284 pegs the concerte used as the foundation of the building. A total of
360 pegs the earth be for the foundation of the history museum

National Memorial or a popular shortened by the monument of the

monument is the warning as high 132 feet which was established to
commemorate the resistance and the struggle of the people indonesian to win
independence from colonial rule the Dutch East Indies.

The monument was started in August 17th 1961 under command of

President Soekarno and is open to the public on july 12th 1975. This monument
crowned a blaze which is covered with sheets of gold that syimbolizes the spirit
of the flaming.

National Monument is located right in the middle of the Merdeka square

central Jakarta. The monument and museum is open every day strating at 08
03 pm. On Monday last week of every month is closed to the public.

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