Sample Battleship Game Template

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Battleship - The Coordinate Game Put the following ships on your grid by placing the appropriate letters horizontally, vertically or diagonally. 1 - Aircrat Carrier AAJA AIA 1 - Battleship B |B |B |B 2 - Destroyers Do] [Dp Instructions (2 Players) : ayers their ships on the their gee sco fo te cart sve hoever goes first calls out a position Le. 2-5). The other pla either “Hit” or miter doreuthig opt ehatur one ot his ships is in the position called out. The person calling out should mark a hit or a mist on the “opponent se we ofthe shots The other other Id mark the shot on the “defensive grid”. If the: shot is a “Hit™, the pl 088 againee fancies tea alee plore: kets ton: ‘Once the ing player has scored a hit Ont ts cppedinn payed ‘must call out sunk my Cruiser” (or whatever type of ship it was). Once a has sunk all the Bee eg e eae

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