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Student-Teacher: Laila Mohamed

Date: 9-3-2017

Course: EPC 2403

Grade Level: KG2/E

Subject: science
Strand: To understand and explain the effects of different weather on the environment and
living things.
Learning Outcome (ADEC code and words):
3ES2 explain how changes in weather affects living things

Resources (what materials/equipment Preparation (what do you need to make or

will you and the students use? Be check before class?)
T: ppt includes the pics of the weather. - Checklist.
S: papers and pencils. - Weather PPT.
S: poster papers. - Video about weather changes.
- Stickers (rewards).

Key vocabulary

Opening (warmer activity + teacher introduction/demonstration of small

Time: 15 min Whole

group activities)

1- Show them a video that describes the changes of the weather.

2- What today weather look like? Is it windy or sunny or ...etc
3- Asking them, how many different types of weather can you think of?

Guided and Independent Experience (group working with the teacher)

15 min Whole

T: Share WEATHER PICS Powerpoint (Key vocab for this week) .

T: motivate them to describe the weather e.g. ( what makes you think that the weather
is cloudy? Is it because there are a lot of clouds on the sky?)
S: make them use the vocabulary words by asking them the questions about the
S: encourage the low-level students Blue group to interact with me by giving me the

right words for the picture that I will show it to them using mini boards.
S: make them do a weather changes poster with sentences ( if they finished the
activities in the book).
S: make them do poster with senteces (middle-level students).

My focus will be on the blue group (low-level students).

15 Whole - Share poster ideas and sentences with the class.
- Share a special day on their life and describe it using the vocabulary words e.g.
my graduation was a sunny day, it was so hot.


- Review with them the vocabulary lesson words.

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