Sulit 4551/2: 3.1 Movement of Substances Across The Across The Plasma Membrane

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SULIT 4551/2

Chapter 3: Movement Of Substances Across the Substances 2014

3.1 Movement Of Substances Across The Across The Plasma Membrane

1. (a) Figure 4 shows the fluid-mosaic model of membrane structure.

Trial Kelantan 2010 Trial Johor 2011

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(a) Name the component of membrane

(b) Name the structures M, N, X , Y and Z.

Trial Melaka 2009

Explain the main function of P


Module Biology Trial Paper Collection

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SULIT 4551/2
Chapter 3: Movement Of Substances Across the Substances 2014

Note: All the question refer to the Diagram 1

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(d) The Plasma membrane is said to be semi premable membrane
What is the meaning of semi-preamble membrane Trial Kedah 2008 Negeri Sembilan 2011

(e) State main component of layer P Kedah Trial 2011

(f) (f) Explain the causes that make plasma membrane have fluidity structure [kedah2008]

(g) Molecule P move across the plasma membrane follow the concentration gradient
Whereas Molecule Q move across structure X against the concentration gradient
Name the process of movement substances across the plasma membrane as
shown in molecule P, Q molecule R
Molecule P:
Molecule Q:
Molecule R:

(h) Give one example of particle that move through P,Q and R Trial Wilayah Persekutuan

(i) What type of passive transport occur at Q

(j) State two feature of the particle that enables it to pass through the phospholipids bilayers of the
cell membrane


Module Biology Trial Paper Collection

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SULIT 4551/2
Chapter 3: Movement Of Substances Across the Substances 2014

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(k) Explain how these molecules pass through the channel protein.

(l) On diagram 2 ,draw arrow ( ) to show the movement of oxygen across the cellular
component during the day time

(m) Explain the answer in (b)(i)

(n) Explain the arrangement of molecule P (Lipid) in Plasma membrane

(o) State the characteristic of phospholipid bilayer


Module Biology Trial Paper Collection

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SULIT 4551/2
Chapter 3: Movement Of Substances Across the Substances 2014

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(a) Essay Enhancement Coner
All movements of substances have to pass through a plasma membrane. Explain why the
plasma membrane is known as a semi permeable membrane

(b) The figure below shows a fluid mosaic model of the plasma membrane

Explain the functions of the structures X, Y and Z in the movement of substances across the
plasma membrane

Module Biology Trial Paper Collection

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SULIT 4551/2
Chapter 3: Movement Of Substances Across the Substances 2014

Simple Diffusion Trial Perak2009

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(a) Define Simple diffusion? [ESSAY]

(b) Based on the diagram, state one example of a substance that moves across the
plasma membrane. Describe the characteristic of that substances transport

(c) SPM Clone 2003[Essay]

Explain briefly the process illustrated in the diagram

Module Biology Trial Paper Collection

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SULIT 4551/2

Chapter 3: Movement Of Substances Across the Substances 2014

Os mosis


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(a) Based on the figure, name the process

(b) Define Osmosis

(c) Describe what happen to the volume of the solution on both side A and side B after
five Minutes

(d) State the molecule involved in this process

(e) Describe what happen to solute concentration on side B . Explain your answer

(f) State the differences of the process simple diffusion and osmosis

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SULIT 4551/2

Chapter 3: Movement Of Substances Across the Substances 2014

Facillitated Diffusion Trial Johor 2011

Trial Negeri Sembilan 2011

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(a) Based on the diagram, name the process occur

(b) Name molecule X

(c) Describe and explain the following:

The uptake of potassium ions by algae even that concentration of potassium ions is higher in
the cell sap the external environment

(d) Explain how amino acid molecule are transported across the plasma membrane by the process
shown in diagram 1.1


Module Biology Trial Paper Collection

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SULIT 4551/2
Chapter 3: Movement Of Substances Across the Substances 2014

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Essay Enhancement Coner
(a)The following information is about plasma membrane.
The plasma membrane is semi-permeable and allows certain substances to move across.
Based on the above statement, describe how an amino acid molecule is transported across the
plasma membrane into the cell.

(b)State the s imilarities and diffe re nces between passive transport (facilitated diffusion) and
active transport in the movement of molecules across the cell membrane.
Similarities :

Differences :
Facilitated diffusion Active transport


Each differences 1 mark

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SULIT 4551/2

Chapter 3: Movement Of Substances Across the Substances 2014

Trial Johor 2009


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(c) Explain how molecule P move across the plasma membrane

Explain how gaseous exchange occur across the alveolus

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SULIT 4551/2

Chapter 3: Movement Of Substances Across the Substances 2014

Active Transport Kedah Trial 2008

JUJ 2009
Trial Johor 2011
Trial Kelantan 2011

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(a) Define active transport

(b) State the process that involved in the uptake of mineral ions

Explain what will happen to the uptake of mineral ions by the root hair
if the roots are immersed into the solution containing metabolic
poisons such as cyanide.

Sodium ions found to be higher in concentration outside a human cell while potassium ions is
found to be higher outside the cell
Describe the process that leads to the occurrence of the above situation

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Chapter 3: Movement Of Substances Across the Substances 2014

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(e) Explain why paramecium has to pump its contractile vacuole when placed in 0.25 sucrose

(f) Paramecium will and die when placed in the 0.25% sucrose solution added with respiratory

Explain the above statement

(g) How unicellular organisms living in freshwater maintain the water balance?

(h) What is the important of the process in (a) to an organism


Module Biology Trial Paper Collection

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SULIT 4551/2

Chapter 3: Movement Of Substances Across the Substances 2014

3.2 The movement of substances across the plasma membrane in everyday life
Plant Cell
In an experiment, the palisade mesophyl cell is immersed in distilled water for a certain period of

time Trial SBP 2012

Trail Johor 2011

Type of solution Question & Marking Scheme

Solution A (a) Based on the diagram, name the term use to describe the following/State the
properties of the following solution/state the type of solution

(b) State the condition of the cell in the following solution

(c) Explain the effect of the following solution to plant cell/ Explain what will happen
to this cellular component

Trail Johor 2011

Solution C (a) Based on the diagram, name the term use to describe the following/State the
properties of the following solution/ state the type of solution

(b) State the condition of the cell in the following solution

(c) Name a physical process of plant cell in solution C

(d) Explain the effect of the following solution to plant cell/ Explain what will happen to 30
this cellular component

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Chapter 3: Movement Of Substances Across the Substances 2014

Type of solution Question & Marking Scheme

Solution B (a) Based on the diagram, name the term use to describe the following/State the
properties of the following solution/ state the type of solution

(b) Explain the effect of the following solution to plant cell/ Explain what will happen to
this cellular component

A plasmolysed plant cell become turgid when immersed in distilled water

No Marking scheme
(a) What process does the plant cell experienced?

Explain your
(b) answer

Draw a labeled diagram of the condition of palisade mesophyl cell after being immersed in
(c) the

[2 marks]

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SULIT 4551/2

Chapter 3: Movement Of Substances Across the Substances 2014

Animal Cell
Trial Kelantan SPM

Type of solution Question& Marking sche me

Solution M (a) Name a physical process that causes the changes in erythrocyte cells L and M.

(b) What are the characteristics /properties of the solutions used to soak :/ state
the type of solution(must have word SOLUTION)

(c) State the condition of the cell

State what your

observe( / ) before (c) Explain the effect of the following solution to plant cell/ Explain what will
happen to this cellular component/ Explain what happen on the red blood cells
in solution M/Explain the phenomena(state the phenomena)


Solution K (a) What are the characteristics /properties of the solutions used to soak : state
the type of solution

(b) Explain the effect of the following solution to plant cell/ Explain what will
happen to this cellular component/ Explain what happen on the red blood
cells in solution/ Explain the phenomena(state the phenomena)
State what your 32
observe( / ) before
Normally get 1

Module Biology Trial Paper Collection

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Chapter 3: Movement Of Substances Across the
Substances 2014

Type of solution Question& Marking sche me

Solution L (a) Name a physical process that causes the changes in erythrocyte cells L and M.
/state the type of solution

What are the characteristics /properties of the solutions

(b) used to soak :// state
the type of solution(must have word SOLUTION)

Trial Kedah 2008

(c) State the condition of the cell

(c) Explain the effect of the following solution to plant cell/ Explain what will
State what your
happen to this cellular component/ Explain what happen on the red blood
observe( / )before cells
in solution L/ Explain the phenomena(state the phenomena)
Normally get 1

No Marking scheme
(a) Use a tick (/) in the correct column to identify solution L and solution M

Name of solution Distilled water 10% salt solution

Solution L /
Solution M /
Explain why paramecium has to pump its contractile vacuole when placed in 0.25 sucrose

(b) Cells P is mixed with detergent. The detergent dissolves lipids.

After 10 minutes, the mixture is examined under a microscope; no cells P were seen but the
mixture turn red and cloudy.
Explain why?
SULIT 4551/2
Chapter 3: Movement Of Substances Across the Substances 2014

Trial Kedah 2008 Trial Kedah 2010

No Marking scheme
(a) Graph in Diagram 1.2 shows the percentage of red blood cells that are burst or shrink when
placed in salt solution of different concentration.
Based on the graph given, state the concentration which is isotonic to
blood plasma.

(b) Explain your answer in (b)(ii).

(c) Comment on the osmotic pressure at Q.


Module Biology Trial Paper Collection

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SULIT 4551/2

Chapter 3: Movement Of Substances Across the Substances 2014

Trial Kedah 2010

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(a) Name the process that causes the level of sucrose solution in the capillary tube change.

(b) Explain the process

(c) A laboratory test shows that at the end of the experiment, the distilled water in the
beaker did not consist of sucrose
Explain why

(c) The red blood cell in solution Z is replaced with a plant cell
Does the plant cell burst as the red blood cell did
Explain why 35

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SULIT 4551/2

Chapter 3: Movement Of Substances Across the Substances 2014

Trial Johor 2010

A strip of mustard green stem was placed in different of concentrations of sucrose solution

Type of solution Question& Marking scheme

Solution A (a) State the type solution A, when compared to the cell mustard

(b) Explain why do the strips placed in solution J and solution L curved

Solution B (a) State the type solution B, when compared to the cell mustard

c) State the solution which has osmotic concentration nearest to the cell sap
of mustard green

(ii) Explain your answer(c) (i)


Module Biology Trial Paper Collection

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SULIT 4551/2
Chapter 3: Movement Of Substances Across the Substances 2014

Type of solution Question& Marking scheme

Solution C 2008 (a) State the type solution c, when compared to the cell mustard

(b) Explain why do the strips placed in solution J and solution L curved as shown

(d) Draw and labeled diagram of the condition of one of the mustard green cells after
being immersed in solution A, B, C for 20 minutes


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SULIT 4551/2
Chapter 3: Movement Of Substances Across the Substances 2014

Wilting of plant Trial Terrenganu 2010

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Name the process that is occurs in the diagram

(b) What is the factors that affects that direction in (a)(i)

(c) Give an explanation what will happen to the plant of there is no water

(d) Explain the condition of plant after being spread with excess fertilizers

(e) A Chemical substance inhibits the respiration process in the root hairs cells of the plant.
Explain the effect to the transport of the mineral ions into the root hair cells of the plant

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SULIT 4551/2
Chapter 3: Movement Of Substances Across the Substances 2014

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(f) Explain how water move to structure T xylem tissue

Essay enhancement coner

Diagram A Diagram B

No Marking scheme Marks

(a) Diagram A shows a well watered plant .diagram B shows the same plants have not
been watered for week. Based on biological knowledge, explain what happens to the
plants in diagram A and B
Diagram A

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SULIT 4551/2
Chapter 3: Movement Of Substances Across the Substances 2014

Food Preservation Trial Negeri Sembilan

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(a) Explain the concept of osmosis in the preservation of mango

Essay enhancement corner Trial Pahang 2011

No Marking scheme Marks

(a) Explain how natural preservation can preserves the cucumber for a long per iod of time

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Chapter 3: Movement Of Substances Across the Substances 2014

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(b) Diagram 3.1.2 and 3.1.3 show two types of food which can be preserved.

Diagram 3.1.2 Diagram 3.1.3

Explain how vinegar and concentrated salt solution can be used in the food preservation.


Module Biology Trial Paper Collection

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