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Hannelore Rogers

ECE 232
ITERS Assignment
1. Space furnishings

Indoor space

Rated a 6 for having ample indoor space for children and adults to move comfortably and
freely. The furniture does not overcrowd the room. There is space for equipment needed
by children with disabilities. The space is accessible to children and adults with
disabilities. One half of a wall is a floor to ceiling window that allows in natural light that
can be controlled by blinds. However, there are no windows that can be opened for
controlled ventilation. The door to outside does not have a screen door or safety gate. The
floors, walls, and surfaces in the room are easy to clean materials.

Furniture for routine care and play

Rated a 7 for furniture that promotes self-help (low open shelves, steps near sink), most of
the tables and chairs are child-sized, convenient and organized storage for extra toys, and
comfortable adult seating (blocks) for helping feed children during snacks and lunch and
three plush rocking chairs to rock infants for nap time. There is ample storage for each
childs diapers and supplies near the diapering table and cubbies can be easily accessed
by parents and staff.

Provision for relaxation and comfort

Rated a 7 for having all day accessible special cozy areas plus softness accessible in
other several areas (soft rugs, soft foam areas, pillows). Soft toys are accessible all day.
Cozy area is placed right beside books for reading and other soft toys for quiet play. Cozy,
quiet area has a roof and one wide opening and another half opening that children can
climb into and lay down.

Room arrangement

Rated a 6 for the arrangement of the room making it possible for staff to see children at a
glance, all play areas easily visible during food preparation, quiet areas (books, cozy
nooks) are separate from active play, there is suitable space provided for different kinds of
experiences (low table for art, sensory area), low open shelving are used making it easily
accessible to children. The flow of the room does not interfere with activities and routine
care areas are conveniently arranged (feeding tables are over the easy to clean floor,
cribs and cots can be easily accessed, and wipes are always nearby for when they are

Display for children

Rated a 6 for having childrens artwork displayed, photographs of children with their
families or other familiar faces displayed and protected by being tucked in the pockets of a
hanging fixture made from transparent/sheer material (some photos are not at eye level
and are a bit hard to see), hanging mobiles and other colorful hanging objects for infants
to look at while they are laying on their backs, and new materials (childrens work, photos
of them engaging in a certain/special activity are added/changed monthly.

2. Personal care routines


Rated a 7 for each child and parent being greeted warmly and an inviting atmosphere to
encourage parent(s) to spend time in the classroom during pick-ups and drop-offs
(chatting with the teacher about how they slept at night, activities during the weekend, and
new developments on what the child is enjoying eating or playing with). There is also
individual written records of each infants daily feeding, diapering, and napping given to

Rated a 7 for the relaxed and pleasant atmosphere the educators provide during feeding
times. Children are fed in small groups, the menu is posted for parents to see, staff sit with
children and use feeding time as another learning experience by making eye contact,
naming foods, encourage self-help skills like holding and using fork or spoon to feed
themselves or hold their own sippy cup. They also use this time to teach the infants sign
language by signing for words like more, all done, banana, etc. Basic sanitary
procedures are always practiced like children and staff washing hands before eating and
wiped clean after eating, eating surfaces are cleaned and sanitized, and food preparation
is separate from eating, playing, toilet, hallways, and bathing areas.


Rated a 7 for personalized naps (crib/cot placed in same place, their own special blanket or cuddly
toy from home to help them sleep) and supervision is pleasant, responsive, and warm. Soft music
is played to help children relax and/or back patting and rubbing. Other children who are not
napping are provided with soft toys to explore with, are redirected to quiet activities, or taken to the
outside classroom.


Rated a 7 for always maintaining sanitary conditions, child sized toilets and low sinks are provided,
self-help skills are encouraged by staff as children are ready. Sanitary conditions are easy to
maintain with easy to clean surfaces, warm running water right beside toileting and near diapering
table, and no potty chairs are used. The staff make this process a pleasant time for one-on-one
interaction and bonding. Before the staff brings in child to change their diaper, they ensure that
everything is cleaned and sanitized (sprayed and let sit for 2 minutes and wiped) for each child.
They prepare and make sure there is enough wipes to clean childs bottom, their hands, and the
childs hands after soiled diaper is thrown away. They use non-porous gloves and prepare clean
diaper, plastic bags for soiled diaper and clothes, and clean clothes (if needed) beforehand.
Provisions convenient and accessible (toileting is adjacent to room, easy to reach storage for
diapering next to changing table, changing table is comfortable for staff to use). However, there is
not handrail for child with disability in the toileting area.

Health practices

Rated a 6 for properly caring for children to meet the health needs indoors and outdoors (dressed
properly and wet or soiled clothes are changed. The hands of children and staff are washed
constantly to protect health (washing hands after coming in the classroom everytime, before and
after meals, after touching something dirty or soiled, after wiping a childs nose, etc.) Staff are good
models of health by dressing appropriately for the weather. Children are modelled on how to wash
their hands and staff make it a pleasant experience.

Safety practices

Rated a 7 for no safety hazards indoor and outdoor that can cause serious injury to children. Staff
anticipate and prevent safety problems (by wiping up spills, keeping doors closed to adult only
areas, or gates locked to only adult supervised areas, no breakable glass materials are in the
classroom). Staff model safety practices or behaviour for children (modelling how to gently touch
other friends, sitting in chairs and on the floor and only using tables to do work on). The staff also
explain reasons for safety rules to children (be careful, that hurts him/her).

3. Listening and Talking

Helping children understand language

Rated a 7 for staff talking to children frequently throughout the day during care routines and play.
The staff talks to the child through narrating, copying the sounds the child makes, and explaining
the actions that will be performed on the childs body (for example, Your nose is dripping so I am
going to wipe your nose.). What the staff say to the children are meaningful and they use simple
sentences with a wide range of exact, descriptive words in communicating with the children. Staff
also talk about many different topics with the children (feelings, childs intentions, and naming
objects and actions).

Helping children use language

Rated a 7 for staff maintaining a good balance between listening and talking (talking more for
babies and giving toddlers more time to process information and answer. Staff engage in dialogue
(turn-taking conversations) with children. They imitate infant sounds (going back and forth in baby
conversation) and repeat what young toddlers say. They respond positively, timely, and pleasantly
to childrens attempts to communicate (crying is answered quickly, verbal requests are attended to,
and during play childrens communications are responded to with interest). Staff are keen and
skilful at interpreting childrens attempts to communicate (when they are fussy, hungry, tired,
frustrated, etc.) and frequently responding appropriately by preparing and warming their bottle,
putting them down for a nap, or providing other options of objects to explore with.

Using books

Rated a 7 for having a wide selection of books accessible to children all day and having a book
area set up to use independently. The books are added or changed to maintain interest and book
areas are made cozy and warm by soft rugs, small sized floor bed/cushion, pillows, baby blankets,
and soft toys. Infants and toddlers are held if they want during book reading and are allowed to
turn pages, point to, and touch the book. There are more than 12 appropriate infant/toddler books
accessible to children all day.

4. Activities

Fine motor

Rated a 7 for many, varied, and appropriate fine motor materials that also differ in levels of
difficulty accessible. Infants are provided grasping toys, nested cups, textured toys, and busy
boxes. Toddlers are provided shape sorting games, simple puzzles, stacking rings, crayons,
markers, big pegs with peg board or container, and large stringing beads. Materials provided help
children practice many varied skills like grasping, shaking, pushing, pulling, scribbling, etc. They
also vary in color, size, shape, texture, sound, and action.

Active physical play

Rated a 7 for having all space and equipment appropriate for children. Their outdoor space is
specifically for their class and does not need to be shared by older or more children. There is
ample materials and equipment for children to explore and have access to with little to no waiting.
The outdoor active play area is large and is not crowded or cluttered. It also has more than two
types of surfaces permitting different types of play (grass, sand, quilt, blanket, outdoor pillows,
bean bag, cement). There is protection from the elements (shade in the summer, uncovered area
for sun in the winter). Materials used daily stimulate a variety of large muscle skills (crawling,
walking, balancing, etc.)


Rated a 7 for introducing a variety of materials as children are ready. The staff take their cues from
the children and provide materials according to childrens abilities. Staff model appropriate use of
materials and individual expression is encouraged (children are not asked to copy an adults
example, coloring books or ditto pages not used, and expectations of childs art is based on childs

Music and movement

Rated a 2 for the many pleasant sounding musical toys that children have access to all day and
these are rotated to provide variety. Staff informally sing to children daily with familiar songs that
are sung everyday and a CD is played during singing time with the children where they are
encouraged to dance, clap, wave their scarves along with the music. There are various types of
music being played (different culture music, songs sung in different languages, classic and
popular). Quiet and soothing music played during nap.


Rated 7 for having more than 3 sets (10 or more blocks per set) of different types (our town blocks,
soft multicultural blocks, alphabet blocks, colored window blocks, and cardboard blocks outdoors)
accessible daily all day for children. The examples stated above show they are sorted by type. The
space for children to use blocks is sturdy and out of traffic. The staff do and model simple block
play with children and provide a variety of accessories including toys, people, and animals.

Dramatic Play

Rated 6 for having many and varied age appropriate dramatic play materials accessible daily to
children. The props represent what children see/experience in everyday life (baby blankets, boots,
cell phones, food, and pots and pans). Materials are organized by similar items stored with like
items, the furniture is child sized and easy accessible (baby stroller, stove, small sink), and props
represent diversity (dolls representing different races/cultures), and the staff pretends with children
in play. The space for dramatic play is quite small and is not provided outdoors.

Sand and water play

Rated 7 for water play provided daily and different activities done with the water on different days
(washing dolls, floating toys, splashing, etc.)There is ample of space for a 4 children to play
comfortably at a time and the space is not too crowded for toys.


Rated a 7 for providing children outdoor experiences with nature daily (infants placed on blanket
on grass and young toddlers are free to explore dirt and trees as they wish. Everyday events are
used as a basis for learning about nature/science (blowing bubbles, talking about the weather like
the heat of the sun or the coolness of the breeze). Nature/science materials are well organized and
in good repair (the fish tank and snail tank is clean and staff show interest in and respect for nature
by caring and feeding the fishes and the snails.

Use of TV, video, and/or computer

Rated NA since none of these media are used.

Promoting acceptance of diversity

Rated 7 for having many books, pictures, and materials showing diversity (different races
represented in pictures expressing different emotions and facial expressions, books show different
cultures, dramatic play has cultural doll blankets). Dolls represent at least 3 races accessible
(Caucasian, African American, and Asian). Non-sexist images in pictures are accessible to child.
Cultural awareness shown in variety of activities (types of music, celebration of different holidays,

5. Interaction

Supervision of play and learning

Rated a 7 for staff watching carefully and usually acting to avoid problems before they occur
(redirecting active play before it disrupts a sleeping baby). Staff play with children showing interest
and appreciation of what they do. Supervision is individualized (staff are aware and stay closer to
child with greater needs, someone is always with an infant who primarily moves around the
classroom by rolling over and over and moves the infant to open space when the infant has no
room to roll anymore. Supervision also varies to meet differing requirement of activities (mobile
infants engaging in waterplay, when young toddlers are near infants). Caregivers are aware of all
children even while working with 1 child or small group and give help and encouragement when
needed (bringing objects closer to an infants reach when they seem frustrated at not being able to
grasp it).

Peer interaction

Rated a 7 for staff facilitating positive peer interactions among all children (infants are placed near
group of young toddlers to give them opportunities to interact with each other). Staff model positive
social interaction (using gentle touches on each other). Staff also explain childrens actions,
intentions, feelings to other children (explaining that other child did not mean to touch them roughly
or hurt them and that they just wanted to say hi and are still learning to use gentle hands). They
also point out and talk about instances of positive social interaction among children or between
adults and children (saying look how gentle a teacher is touching another child, notices an infant
smiling who is intently watching other children and talks to the infants about what they are seeing,
feeling, and observing).

Staff-child interaction

Rated a 7 for staff consistently and frequently having positive interactions with all children
throughout the day (shows delight in childs activity, initiates verbal and physical play, responds to
child initiating interaction). They are frequently smiling, using pleasant voices, and are relaxed with
the children. There is a lot of physical warmth throughout the day (patting, rubbing, holding,
tickling). Interaction is responsive to each childs mood and needs as well (soothing tired child,
active with playful child, reassuring frightened or upset child). Staff are sensitive about childs
feelings and reactions (always warn baby before doing anything with their bodies).


Rated a 7 for setting up the program to avoid conflict and promote appropriate interaction
(appropriate staff to child ratio, a caregiver is always present with a group of children, staff is
always watching children to prevent conflict, children are not overcrowded, and staff responds
quickly to problems). Positive methods of discipline are used effectively (redirecting childs
attention from negative situation to another activity). Staff frequently is attentive and show interest
when children are behaving well (smile, watch, observe while children are engaged in all types of
activities). Staff help children understand the effects of their own actions on others (calling
attention to childs crying face).

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