2017 Nutrition and Feed Survey - Feed International - April - May 2017 (6 - 7) PDF

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6 | Feedinteraiona! 2017 NUTRITION & FEED SURVEY: Antibiotic-free animal feed production grows worldwide Fifty-seven percent of survey respondents report more than half of their company’s production is antibiotic free. BY JACKIE ROEMBKE Driven by globalization, regulation, social responsibility and consumer demand, what was once pethaps charac- terized 2s a regional issue ~the move to reduce antibiot- ies From livestock production — continues to gain tra tion around the word. The shift hs eft many animal fed producers and formulators looking for feed additive solutions asthe key to developing effective amibioicre~ Placement and elimination strategies, eport respondents to WATT Global Media's 2017 Nutrition & Feed survey. ‘The annual survey was conducted in early 2017 and includes the feedback of 364 participants from around prospective profitability for the year ahead. In 2017, 238 percent of participants cite negative or deteriora- ing profs. In contrast, 40 percent of 2016 respondents reported improving profitability this year, the number hovered around 31 percent ‘Taking a closer to look to identify what may have spurred this trend, 80 percent of respondents strongly feel the cost of grain and/or exchange rate fluctuations was the top challenge facing ther business, Sixty-seven percent fear the effect of mycotoxins and other ant-ntrtional factors on their 2017 proit- ‘the world Lain Amaia, 3 percent Unie SiatewCana, 18 pect Asin Paci 17 perce Attica, 1 perent 20 fr Mile Eas, pen Bs Morethan al ofpansnans | B35 were ntitonst, constant nd vet : a crnuins witthereminaaporie | B19 of respondees comprised of operators, 5 mares and ans zon Animal feed profitability outlook, challenges Profitability outlook, 2011-17 a WHS | = Improving peofablity — Negative or deterring profitability duo te economic conditions 2i2 2019 2014 2015 20162017 = No change in prcfiobiy For seven years, survey respon- dents have been asked to gauge the market and offer thee feelings bout Inthe 2017 survey, respondents were less optimistic about their company's profitability compared wih their 2016 outlook. However, an increasing amount fel lke it’s business as usual. ura WTA com Feedhneratonal | 7 Greatest challenge to your company’s 2017 feed formulation program and/or feed costs Antibiotic resictons Siou-gowing bles fae IR ZS Cgetree production Other: Most survey respondents cited increasing restrictions on antibiotic use as being the greatest chellenge to their feeding programs. ability Fifty-eight percent identified tight or deteriora- ing margins as their next major concer, High energy costs related to feed transport and feed mill operations (57 percent and the cost of fed ad Lives (56 percent) were also noted 28 major concerns. sizable group of sponds! the elimination of anit duet regulation or consumer pressure (64 percent) wl ose varying degrees of dificult in 2017 Thinty-fve porsn of respondent are concerned about how —and it — they wil be able to overcome the prodction loses afer removing abate growth promoters (AGPS. > The imporlance of implementing a mycotoxin contol program ‘Regarding rising costs, 42 peteent of respondents feel antibiotic-free production will be the single greatest. challenge o thet Feeding program, Slow-growing bril- rs (27 percent) and cage-free egg production 22 pet cent also will suse problems, note survey participants ‘pi/May 2017 wen WATAGNatcom NUTRITION & FEED SURVEY AT A GLANCE The editors of WATT PoulryUSA, Indusria Avicol, Poultry International and Feed International surveyed 364 people producing and using poultry feed worldwide, The survey sough! fo define the feeding ond externa ends shaping these businesses during the past 12 months. The survey was conducted in English and Spanish Participants included: = Notitioniss 5 27 percent = Consultants... z 16 percent ® Veterinarians i = 10 percent * General administration 9 percent # Poultry form owner/grower 9 percent = Marketing and soles ........ 9 percent ® Live production management. . «8 percent ® Feed mil/plant operations coe S percent = Quality control, purchasing agent, processing manogement/other 7 percent Responses from: ® Latin America 32 percent "United States/Conoda s+ 18 percent = Asia/Pacific «17 percent * Europe we - 15 percent = Arica ‘ 14 percent = Middle Eos. 4 percent Sectors: ® Feed manufacturing - 18 percent = Consultant/veterinarian/nutitionis 17 percent ® Broiler production = 17 percent 1 Manufacturing/dstrbuting feed additives. 10 percent ® Egg production . «9 percent ' Breeder form/hatchery. = 8 percent 1 Premix manufacturing. ........+++++-6 percent * Turkey/duck production... 6 percent ® Poulty processing .. <2 percent = Other 7 percent 8 | Feedinteatona ANIMAL FEED PRODUCTION Percentage of antibiotic-free ‘animal feed production NC 100 pace of olan scx. Been 50d 9 peo rein bic ton 25nd 49 peat ot ‘roduc is nbc fe eee 10nd 24 pacer rin oie es thn 10 panto ‘oducion is ntbioa fe ane of prin sn fe In 2017, 43 percent of survey respondents report 50 4099 percent of their production as antibiotic free; in contrast, only 26 percent of 2016 respondents cited such, Pethops related to this surge, only 11 percent of 2017 respondents report that none of their production ‘was anibiotic fee; in 2016, 20 percent id. ‘This year, percent of participants report 100 percent antibiotic-free animal feed production, Forty-three percent state their antibiotic-free feed ‘production is somewhere hetween $0 and 99 percent ‘Compared with 2016, only 23 percent reported production inthis range In your opinion, what are the biggest challenges faced by going antibiotic free? Response percent (2) os 88ss Feet ava ast Toco research, unknw ess leaning confor unis Aicaty iglening ches the foie Is your company actively exploring, (bg or using feel additives OY antibiotic alternatives/replacements? D8 NA tte} No Yes Given the consumer and regulatory climate, 70 percent of respondents report their company is actively exploring, testing or using antibiotic replacement feed eddiives. Aso of interest, n 2016, 20 percent of espondees said ‘pone of their production was antibiotic Free; in 2017, his ‘number dropped to II percent. ‘When asked what bes reflets their company's nut tional and marketing tance related to antibiotic use, $9 percent of participants cite "prudent or judicious use,” 37 percent sy “antibiotic free” and 16 percent tout “no ant- biotics ever” Survey participants cite the stress of high feed additive costs as being the greatest challenge to their feed formulation program. However, beyond the feed, respondents fear implementation of a holistic on-farm management program will pose the greatest challenge. ‘Spc Oecoing instants tell icone in nina welore loses ura WTA com 10 | Feedlneratonal ANIMAL FEED PRODUCTION Additives used to replace AGPs 5c 50 Response percent (%) 88 Gyms Pfogenis/semles —rzymes Probie Prbis Ot Organic acids, enzymes and probiotics ranked as the most popular feed additives used for AGP replacement. Efficacy of feed additives as antibiotic replacement TY Bae sss oss Response percent (7) 8 nore cds Pyogeic essen es———rzymes Prbits Pits Wi bfecie ME Unnfcte Dont know ‘Most respondents report having experienced the best results from probiotics (50 percent) and organic acids (49 percent Availabilty and experience may sway these numbers. or example, nearly one-fih of respondents “don't know” about the efficacy of phytogenics/essential oils (19 percent or prebiotics (17 percent Seventy percent of sgondens report tcircom- Efficacy of feed additives for AGP replacement pecy tect eplering ting osing Sod aves ne tein of uesioning became more specie, 20 asaniitc replacements aevatves Bu the mene percent prtcipun opted out because te did ohare oes some niue challenges indepth knowledge of ti crmpany’s fed formulation Foryourperet fps orth eenifthey The ening 80 peer deed inthe ed avs they ‘ind suitable feed formulation solutions, the adoption of prop- have been using o eliminate or reduce antibiotic usage and eronfam nanagenenecnigues i spprtaninalhen dieters, willbe difficult 1 implement They also are concerned about Probiotics were the most popular (46 percent) ani- ‘the akltonal feed additives cots (4 percent) and fel they ‘mal fee alte for eeplacing AGPs. Organic acids ned acces to more research and education (37 percent (43 percent) and enzymes (42 peroent also ranked high, wera WATBghNat com Feedlterationd | 1) Effectiveness of additive combinations for AGP replacement LEE 30 20 10 Response percent (%) Organic acids Probiotics + Orgonic occ + Tinc + copper Phytase + Antionidants + ++ pyogenes fui fitas ——-medumetnin at micodosage eve’ cic acid myceonn binders fety ects gars bortaio fee HL Noleny echo fioche ml Dartknw Forty four percent of survey respondents report using combinations of feed additives to replace antibiotic ‘growth promoters (AGP). Characterization of additive inclusions in poultry rations, 2016-17 | 60 50 40 30 20 10 Response percent (2) ccd" Sutherapovic” Theo Rabin "Peis Yost cll" Esenil ois" Mycoaxn rugs anitis anisms wal pods bine init WE Increased Reduced (WE Stoyed the some ME Kot used The use ofanticoccidial drugs will largely remain the same (60 percent} while the use of sub-heropeuiic “antibiotics decreased or were eliminated completely. Across the board, feed additives used to promote ‘animal health will increase in 2017, However in erm of else, probites and organic THE COST OF GRAIN and/or assaf ted oretsbenesinatiningteesied~— @ xchange rate fluctuations effec. Tha’s not o say respondents knew about or had natured tecameeqaias WS the top challenge. cited tey kre the leas about theese of pytogenic _inther AGP replacement tae. feed adtives 20 pecen) and preios (7 percent, -Accuding to 30 pent of response combine ton of organi cs nd pyogenic fed ade pro ‘Additive combinations offer solutions Aaced ie best synergic eet. Next, 26 percent ep Fortyfourprcentof survey pripnsreprtusing fading poe eet combining mediun-

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