Goal Sticker Paper

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Cristian Espinoza

Cristian Espinoza

Professor Caruso

UWRT 1102

24 January 2017

Goal Sticker Project

I am going to be completely honest I do not like writing. This has been true since I began

to learn to read and write. Reading and writing were the subjects that did not click quickly at a

young age. I do not enjoy writing because when writing comes to mind,I think about writing I

think about long pointless essays that take too much of my time. I know essay writing is only

onethat is only one of the many forms of writing but that is what comes to my mind when in find

out that I will have a writing assignment. Writing is something that affects us in our daily life and

is very important because without it we would be lost, but when it comes to essays and long

papers on topics that I have no interest in, I dont see the point of writing it. Although I dislike

writing long essays having recently leaned the topic, long essays come to my mind when

someone says writing, enjoy writing small essays on topics of which I already had some

knowledge upon are quicker to or writings that capture my interest. and let me use my

imagination. I enjoylike writing small essays, reports or reflections because they a brief and I

dont feel the need to be redundant when I am explaining myself..

I was never a strong writer or reader, and I feel that I am still a weak writer and reader.

Writing and reading is not for me, that is something that I have known since a young age. I have

always been better at mathematics and science because it clicks for me and I sometimes enjoy

learning about the new topic. However, Writing has never caught my attention because I would
Cristian Espinoza

prefer to play video games or soccer and although I know that writing is more productive than

playing video games even at this age I still find myself locked onto the television screen playing

video games until my eyes start to hurt. I can still remember that when I was in elementary

school in the fourth grade, when my teacher was trying to teach the class about the types of

writing and the grammar portion I would be very distracted and I would start to draw on my

papers instead of taking notes and listening to what my teacher had to say. In conclusion,I know

I know that my writing is weak and can be improved if I put enough time and effort to change


I have written many things in my life and most of the things that I have written I have

turned them in and have completely forgotten about them once I got the grade. I do remember

however, what I wrote forin UWRT 1101 with professor Kelly Bladl. . InT heUWRT 1101 I first

major paper that I wrote in UWRT 1101 that class was the a Literacy interview. I interviewed a

friend who was a different gender, race, and age than myself. me The purpose of the interview

was to and tried to find out how their gender, race and age affected their literacy. After the

literacy interview was completed and turned in, I picked an image to rhetorically analyze for my

second major writing assignment. For my last writing assignment of 1101, I was asked tasketo

write a whole novel in six words which was called the six word memoird with writing a literacy

novel in six words. The six word memoir was the project which I The one I enjoyed the mostd

the most was the six word memoir because it made me think small scale but at the same time I

had to think about the bigger picture.

My writing process is not very good, in fact it is probably the worst writing process

possible. I usually try to write everything at once and I procrastinate too much so I am always

rushing to finish assignments, that is one thing that I do not like about myself. This semester I
Cristian Espinoza

plan to change my ways. I willTo change I will work on my writing process, meaning thatand I

will also have try to stop procrastinating. I always tell myself this is the day that you will be

productive! but unfortunately, I am always distracted by something or someone and I forget

about trying to be productive and I start to procrastinate. The way I plan to combat my

procrastination habit is to set a tight schedule for myself every day. This goal sticker will come in

handy when I try to procrastinate because it will remind me of what is important and a priority in

life and what can wait for a better time. To change my writing process I will start on the

assignment as soon as possible so that I am not rushing to get it finished last minute and. Making

Revisions after I finish the assignment and before I turn it in is something that I will have time

for if I so that I can make revisions as I go along.

I think that the same student learning outcomes that applied to UWRT 1101 apply to this

UWRT class 1102. The SLOs is a new term for me, I had never heard about them before this

class. I have many goals for this semester. First I want to become a better reader and writer

because I know that those are two very important skills, and I feel that I am slacking and I know

that there is room for improvement in my reading and writing skills so I hope this class helps me

with that goal. Since my writing process is also not the best I will plan outplan my writing more

so that I have time to go back and revise my work to make sure it is my best possible work. The

only thing that will interfere with me trying to reach my goals is my procrastination and the

desire my want to play videogames instead of doing homework. The way I plan to solve these

problems is to post my sticker on my wall and whenever I am not moving towards my goals I

will see it and it will motivate me to persevere through the work.

For my sticker, I came up with my own quote which rhymes and will help me stay on

track,. ToTo relax and have fun, you must first get it done. This quote or saying works for me
Cristian Espinoza

because when I say it out loud or look at it, I am reminded of the homework that I should be

doing instead of playing video games. I know what I when I will want to start playing I will see

this quote and be reminded that I have tomust prioritize finish my homework and then if I have

spare time I can play some games. and school work always comes first. The Eagle represents the

freedom that I will have once I finish my assignments. The phone on the upper right represents

the distractions that I will have to ignore and push aside for later.deal with and tThe images at the

bottom will physically remind me of what I should be doing. The graduation cap is there to

remind me of my long term goals and the brain is there to show that it will not always be easy

and that sometimes it will take a lot of brains and guts to push through and reach my all my goals

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