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Ataszleri ve Deyimler Szl

ingilizce - Trke - Arapa

'^G^.' ^ YILMAZ
Gaz, Egt. Fakltesi Drtyol .H.L. retmeni

ANKARA - 1993

Dizgi: n c Limited 2 3 0 7 3 5 2 - 2 3 1 2 0 2 6
B a s k - ICar Ofset
T u n a Cad. Trk- Pasaj 9 / 6
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Bu kitap Beyrut'ta Dru'l-bihr yaynevi tarafndan ya

ynlanan "A Dictionary of English and Arabic Proverbs" adl
eser esas alnarak hazrlanmtr. Esere ngiliz ve Arap
halklar arasnda yaygn olarak kullanlan ataszleri aln
mtr. Verdiimiz Trke karlklar incelendiinde bunla
rn bizde de ok yaygn bir biimde kullanldklar aka g
rlecektir. Bu ataszleri, ngilizceleri esas alnarak alfabetik
sra ierisinde verilmilerdir. Ancak ierisinde ataszlerinin
yansra az da olsa deyimlerin de bulunmas sebebiyle bizler
kitabmza "Ataszleri ve Deyimler Szl" adn vermeyi
uygun bulduk.

Ataszlerinin ve deyimlerin Trke ve Arapa karlkla

r verilirken ngilizce asllar esas alnmtr. Tam karlk
lar bulunabildii zaman aynen verilmi ancak bulunama
d hallerde eviri yoluna gidilmitir. Trke 'de ayn ya da
ok yakn anlaml ataszlerinin bulunmas halinde birden
fazla karlk verilmesi uygun grlmtr.

Arapa metin tekrar gzden geirilmi, gerekli grlen

deiiklikler yaplmtr. Bu deiiklikler bazen ilaveler yap
mak, birden fazla karlk vermek ve bazen de asln ksmen
ya da tamamen deitirmek suretiyle yaplmtr.

Bu almann, ngilizce, Arapa ve Trke renme a

basnda olan kimselerin yansra ataszlerine ve deyimlere
ilgi duyan aratrmaclara da yararl olaca midindeyiz.
almalarmz srasnda Arapa metni okuyarak bize bir
takm nerilerde bulunan Prof Dr. Raid Haddad'a ve diz
giyi titizlikle yapan nc Limited alanlarna teekkr
Proverbs (Ataszleri)

Proverbs are the adornment of speech.

Ataszleri konumann ssdr.

Proverbs are the wisdom of the ages.

Ataszleri nesillerin (ilmidir) birikimidir.

Proverbs are the off spring of experience.

Ataszleri tecrbenin rndr.

Nothing travels so much as a proverb.

Hibir ey atasz kadar yaygm deildir.
,1' " t

Popular proverbs flavour speech.

Yaygm ataszleri sze tat katar.

A Proverb never tells a lie.

Atasz asla yalan sylemez.
1. Abandoned property teaches people to steal.
Sahipsiz (terkedilmi) mal insana hrszl retir.

2. A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.

Eldeki bir ku, aataki iki kutan iyidir.

3. A black hen will lay a white egg.

Siyah tavuk da beyaz yumurta yumurtlar.

4 . A bird is known by its note and a man by his talk.

Ku sesiyle, kii konumasyla tannr.

5. A blind man will not thank you for a mirror.

Kr adam, ayna hediye ettiin iin sana teekkr
etmez. / Kre ayna satlmaz.
.<(_j i^i, srj-o ^ tj-^v d'j^X; y
f /

6. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

Ayrlk, kalpteki sevgiyi arttrr.

7. A chatterbox loses people's respect.

ok konumak (gevezelik) saygy azaltr.
.j.>Lv ^iij
8. A cock crows on his own dunghill.
Her horoz kendi plnde ter.

9. Actions speak louder than words.

Lafla peynir gemisi yrmez.
1 o. A constant guest is never welcome.
Dosta ok varan kii eki yz grr.
<-^'JnI ^ V ^fs\I' i7,Al)
1 1. A crooked stick will have a crooked shadow.
Eri pn glgesi eri olur. / Eri pn glgesi
doru olmaz.
.^ j j l j I ;> jr'^kVI Lkj I / . ^'^] I j 'JL I J^^iL;; V
12. A cunning knave needs no broker.
Hilekar adam aracya ihtiya duymaz.

13. A deceitful peace is more harmful than open war.

Hileli bar ak harpten daha ktdr.
. 4Jl^^jjtS-A t O- p I "I

1 4. A disease known is half-cured.

Tehis tedavinin yarsdr.
> i ' >' ^ i ' f ^
.(=1 j j J I S^-^ sloJI c J j ^ l j |
15. A dog is a dog though a golden collar is put around its neck.
Altn tasma da taksan kpek, kpektir.

16. A drowning man will catch at a straw.

Denize den yosuna (ylana) sarlr.
J L ^ JJL. J ^ ^ J I
\1. K drowning man does not fear getting wet.
lm eek kurttan korkmaz.

18. Advice was once worth a camel; now it arouses enmity.

Eskiden nasihatin karl bir deve iken imdi
dmanlk oldu.

19 A father's anger is part of God's wrath.

Babann fkesi Allah'n gazabndan saylr.

2 O. Affluence comes after distress.
Skntnn ardndan bolluk gelir.

2 1 . A foolish man is his own enemy.

Cahil kendisinin dmandr.

2 2 . A fault confessed is half-redressed.

Eilen ba kesilmez / Aman diyene kl kalkmaz.
.elit _JJ V t-J-JJ i-SJ-C jj-O

2 3 . A favour ill-placed is great waste.

Layk olmayana yaplan iyilik boa gider.

2 4 . A forced kindness deserves no thanks.

stenmeyerek yaplan iyilik teekkre demez.
. . b i J I j-^-nj V iK-.VlI 'L-^y
2 5 . A friend in need is a friend indeed.
yi dost kara gnde belli olur.

2 6 . A friend of the belover" iS a friend, and that of the foe is a foe.

Dostun dostu dost, dmann dostu da dmandr.
.j S c jS*J I . _ - > L.Q j ( . I j I _ J J"> 11 _-s L-a

2 7 . A friend's frown is better than a fool's smile.

Dostun surat s m a s , aptaln tebessmnden daha
. ^ jft'fc V I <o I I II "l J ^j_0 j (j-i J I r> I I 4 I 11 ir

2 8 . A friend who does no good: an enemy who does no harm.

Faydasz bir dost zararsz bir dmandr.

2 9 . A full purse never lacks friends.

Paran oksa dostun da oktur.
3 0 . After great effort he explained that water is water.
Byk bir uradan sonra, suyun su olduunu

3 1 . A gift with a kind face is a double grace.

Bir eyi gler yzle vermek kat kat basenedir.
.<L.I .An ^ 'i . ,1 -> j M
. I La. j-j s UajJ I
3 2 . A glowing coal burns only in its place.
Ate dt yeri yakar.

3 3 . A good anvil is not afraid of the hammer.

rs ekiten korkmaz.
.>_J V ^
3 4 . A good book is a great friend.
yi bir kitap iyi bir dosttur.

3 5 . A good example is the best sermon.

yi rnek, en gzel ttr.
> oy f .
.<ilij_0 1 'illi - I I 6 j j i J I
3 6 . A good heart makes a happy face.
Temiz kalp, yz parlak klar.
. I J J . A ' . < 1 ^ 1L u = 4 I ' - 7 ^ I

3 7 . A good name is better than gold.

Gzel bir hret altndan daha iyidir.
-o *' i '1 lit""***

3 8. A guilty conscience needs no accuser.

Eriyim neden korkarm, doruyum neden korkarm?
.(.l^yi ^ 1 V jJV ' , , ^ 1
3 9 . A high-hanging bunch of grapes is sour.
Yksekte asl duran zm eki olur.
(Kedi uzanamad ciere, murdar der.)
.f J L a ^ uj1 jjilJI

4 0. A house in the sun never calls a doctor.
Gnein girdii eve doktor girmez.

4 1. A hungry man is an angry man.

A adam, kzgn olur.
.-a ^ * f y ^ o ^ o t f ^

4 2. A Jack of ali trades is a master of none.

ok ile uraan hibirini iyi yapamaz.
.>.::.|VlJI o^ljliJI
4 3. A large head, but small brains.
Byk kafann, akl ksa olur.
j j * ' . y ^ a"lj
4 4. A lazy man's head is Satan's workshop.
Tembel kafa eytann i yeridir.
uiUj^ii 'S^ ^ ^ 't>"ij
4 5. A lie is for a while, truth till the Last Day.
Yalan bir anlk, doru ise kyamete kadardr.
.^LuJI ^ L i i ^ 1 ,3 -> i l < J ^ j L c U u J J o L J I J ^

4 6. A little learning is a dangerous thing.

Az bilgi tehlikelidir.
. ^ ^ V ^ l u i j Jlj
4 7. A living dog is better than a dead lion.
Diri bir kpek, l bir arslandan iyidir.

^ ** # " -
4 8. Ali cats are grey in the dark.
Karanlkta btn kediler boz renklidir.
.j>Lkjl ^ .7,Vr lolnSlI
4 9. AH doors are open to courtesy.
Gzellikle btn kaplar alr.

5 0. All roads lead to the mill.
Btn yollar, deirmene kar.

5 1 . Ali is well that ends well.

Hayr, sonu gzel olandadr.

5 2. AH that glitters is not gold.

Her parlayan ey, altn deildir.
.I_jj Lo JS Lo
5 3. Ali that goes up must come down.
Her kn bir inii vardr.

5 4. Ali truth is not always told.

Her bilinen sylenmez / "Kr kad" diyecek kadar
doru sz de ie yaramaz.

5 5. A long tongue has a short hand.

Uzun dilin eli ksa olur / Adadn ok verdiin yok.
.6jJ <r\\ O j Jjjlxll jjLuJjl
5 6. A lover of his money has no lover; an enemy of his money has
no enemy.
Parasn sevenin dostu yoktur. Parasna dman
olann da dman yoktur.
. < L j A c V < U j j ^ j ^' .I y La -_.->

5 7. A man can do no more than he can.

Kimse gcnn yetmediinden sorumlu tutulmaz.
. l ^ l l i j VI '^^yA::, l i k i V
5 8. A man cannot serve two masters.
Bir kii iki efendiye hizmetilik yapamaz.

5 9. A man is known by the company he keeps.

Kii arkada ile tannr.
.OAJ (2h> J ^ ^ ^ ^ L - ^ ( > (c-l / <-Jj-^'"-^ "=^1 ^
y * y y y' "
6 0. A man's safety is in holding his tongue.
nsann emniyeti dilini tutmasindadir.

6 1. A man without reason is a beast in season.

Aklsz kii azgn bir hayvan gibidir.

6 2. A mare is known on the race-course.

Kou at, yar meydannda belli olur.

6 3. A messenger has only to convey his message.

Eliye zeval olmaz.
.J.SLJVI J j L ' ^ l c ^ I-

6 4. A moment's patience is ten years' ease.

Biraz sabr on yllk rahat getirir.

6 5. Among women are gems, whores and malignants.

Kadnlar arasnda cevherler, fahieler ve ktcller
->-*'> a 4 ^ J i > f i ^ sLuAJI

6 6. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

Sabah a karnna elma, bir daha ila alma.
_ j I" 11 i l l ' r J j u j j ^ > J ^ I ^LLj

6 7. An empty belly hears nobody.

Bo mide kimseye kulak vermez / A ay oynamaz.

6 8. An eye cannot oppose an awl.

Gz bize (ta) kar koyamaz.

6 9. An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.

Gze gz, die di.
.^yuX^ ^ ' j t^*-"-^ l>^^*-"

7 0. Anger begins with madness and ends in regret.
fkenin ncesi delilik, sonu pimanlktr.
(fke ile kalkan zararla oturur.)
. 4 - 0 I j j 6 _ ^ l j j j j j . ; ^ I_ I n ' \ 11 J j l
7 1 . An ounce of prevention is better than a pound a cure.
Birazck korunma ok masrafl tedaviden iyidir.

y y y y iS y ' y

7 2 . A penny saved is a penny gained.

Biriktirilen her kuru bir kazantr.
|>-AjJ ^^.^vXlj |>-AjJ

7 3 . A prophel is not without honour, save in his own country.

Peygamber kendi lkesinde saygn deildir.

7 4 . Art is long, life is short.

Sanat uzun, hayat ise ksadr.

7 5 . A scaby sheep infects a whole flock.

Uyuz koyun hastaln btn srye bulatrr.

7 6 . A scholar is mightier than a knight.

Alim (ilmiyle) valyeye galip gelir.
y y f l y y y * SS-"

7 7 . As clear as the eye of a cock.

Horozun gz gibi temiz.

7 8 . A secret between more than two is no secret.

ki kiiden fazlasna taan her sr yaylr.

7 9 . As long as the blanket, so far you may stretch.

Ayan yorganna gre uzat.

8 o . A smart person's mistake is a very grave one.
Zeki bir kiinin hatas ok daha vahimdir.

8 1 . A stranger is blind though he may have open eyes.

Yabanc, gz ak da olsa, krdr.

8 2 . As you make your bed, so you must lie in it.

Yatan nasl dzenlersen zerinde ylece yatarsn.
a f f o ^ ^ ^ f j> y f ^ y

8 3 . As you sow, so shall you reap.

Ne ekersen onu biersin.

8 4. A stranger in your house is a witness.

Evindeki yabanc, aleyhinde bir ahittir.

8 5. A stitch in time saves nine.

Bir mh bir nal kurtarr, bir nal bir at kurtarr.

8 6. A thousand devils are in the head of an idle person.

sizin kafasnda bin eytan olur.

8 7. A thoroughbred mare is never disgraced by its saddle.

Asil at, semeriyle ayplanmaz.

8 8. At least say hello!

En azndan merhaba de.

8 9. A well-to-do farmer is an unseen monarch.

Zengin ifti grnmeyen kraldr.
a y ^ y ot o .- v' V-

9 0. A wise lad is better than a foolish old man.
Akll bir gen, cahil bir yaldan iyidir.
. J j b U . j t j - i -o _ULc ^ i L t

9 1 . A tree is known by its fruit.

Aa meyvesiyle bilinir.

9 2. A truth which hurts is better than a comforting lie.

Aci veren gerek rahatlatan yalandan daha iyidir.

9 3. A wise man's doubt is worth more than the certainty of a fool.

Akllnn phesi, cahilin kesin bildiinden iyidir.
-a yo 'oy y o ; S y

9 4. A wise opponent is better than a fooHsh supporter.

Kar kan alim, aptal destekiden iyidir.
* o ^oy y ^ ^ y

y S y ' y " y 'y

9 5. A woman's jealousy is the key to her divorce.

Kadnn kskanl boanmann anahtardr.

y y y "

9 6. A word to the wise is enough.

Anlayana sivrisinek saz, anlamayana davul zurna az.
^yy y y Oy y jS $

' " y y y * y

9 7. A wound caused by words is more painful than one caused by an

Sz yaras ok yarasndan daha ok ac verir.

9 8. Bad news travels fast.
Kt haber tez duyulur.

9 9. Bankruptcy makes one blind.

Yoksulluk (iflas) gz kr eder.
( _ , ^ '_>LI
1 0 0 . Barking dogs seldom bite.
Havlayan kpek srmaz.

1 0 1 . Beggars must not be choosers.

Dilenciye bir hyar vermiler, "eri" diye

1 0 2 . Beauty without virtue is a curse.

Faziletsiz gzellik bir beladr.

1 0 3 . Beating one to frighten another.

Birini korkutmak iin bakasn dvmek.
(Kzm sana sylyorum, gelinim sen anla.)

1 0 4 . Beggars breed and rich men feed.

Fakirler rer, zenginler beslenir.

1 0 5 . Be Hke brothers and divide justly.

Karde olunuz haka paylanz.

y y ^

1 0 6 . Better a blush in the face than a spot in the heart.

Yzn kzarsn da kalbin kararmasn.

1 0 7 . Better a devil you know than a devil you don't know.
Tandn eytan, tanmadndan iyidir.

t y y y

1 0 8 . Better a good lie than hannful truth.

Faydal yalan, zararl dorudan iyidir.
. ^ Lja ^ Xu ^ j - f i ^.J,.'a>. ..si1 c j j ^

fi ^ ** ' ^

1 0 9 . Better a tooth out, than pain forever.

Devaml ar ekmektense, aryan diini ek.
^y y i f y , y f a '

1 1 0 . Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow.

Bugnn yumurtas, yarnn tavuundan iyidir.
f ' ' y a * a ' ' a ' a ' a '

1 1 1 . Better alone than in bad company.

Kt arkadalarla birlikte olmaktansa yalnz kal.
' a * a ' f ' a ' a '

1 1 2 . Better be envied than pitied.

mrenilmek acnlmaktan iyidir.

fi ^ i- ^

1 1 3 . Better be sure than sorry.

Tedbirini al ki zlmeyesin.

1 1 4 . Better face a danger once than be always in fear.

Bir defa tehlikeyi gze almak, her zaman korku
iinde yaamaktan iyidir.

1 1 5 . Better give the wool than the whole sheep.

Koyundan vazgemektense ynnden vazge.
Az bir eyden vazgemek her eyi kaybetmekten
. I 6 j L u i (j-o J j I 11 tjx. 11
1 1 6 . Better a wise enemy than a foolish friend.
Akll dman, aptal dosttan iyidir.
l ' . '

117. Better late than never.
Ge kalmak hi gelmemekten iyidir.
Ge olsun da g olmasn.

118. Better spared than spend.

Biriktirmek harcamaktan iyidir.

119. Better starve free than be a fat slave.

A olan hr, iman kleden iyidir.
s a y o y 4 o y f y o iy a y
. 1^ n I .,r, 1 I ' ' l jj_o J '~ X-!lLJI j - a j I

120. Better to ask the way than go astray.

Yolu sormak, kaybolmaktan iyidir.
. J j j III 11 <j:L-<a| J-:?^ -^ J l j l u j l

1 2 1 . Better to improve the citizens than to increase the police force.

Halk slah etmek, polis saysn artrmaktan daha

y f y " "y /

122. Between the hand and the lip the morsel may slip.
(Kiinin ksmeti olmayan) lokma aza ulamadan
.^JJI jL J _ l 2 - l 11 jj

123. Beware of a silent dog and still water.

Durgun sudan, sessiz kpekten sakn / Yava atn
iftesi pek olur.
^^ TjJ I ; , I j c:^ LoJ I J J I j ' j l I
124. Beware of the one who raises you above your worth.
Seni deerinden fazla yceltenden sakn.

1 2 5 . Be slow to promise, quick to perform.
Sz vermek kolay, i onu tutmakta.

1 2 6 . Be slow at giving advice, ready to do service.

Nasihat verirken yava ol, hayr ilerde ise acele et.

^ ^ y ^

1 2 7 . Birds of a feather flock together.

Ayn tr kular (insanlar) bir arada bulunur.

1 2 8 . Bitterness can only be removed by that which is more bitter.

Aci acy keser.

1 2 9 . Blood changes not into water.

Kan suya dnmez / Kan ba gldr.
fi ' t y a ' * ^ '

1 3 0 . Brave actions never want a trumpet.

Cesurca davranlar borazana ihtiya duymaz.

1 3 1 . Brevity is the essence of eloquence.

Ksalk gzel konumann zdr. ^
(Gzel konumann esas az ve z ifadedir.)
.<iLJl jLa-jV'l
1 3 2 . Bribery makes people overlook one's guilt.
Az yer yz utanr.

1 3 3 . Burn not your house to frighten the mice.

Pire iin yorgan yakmak.

1 3 4 . Business is the salt of life.

Nerde hareket, orda bereket.

1 3 5 . By their fruits ye shall know them.
nsan eseri ile bilinir.

1 3 6 . By the little is known the much.

Byk eyler kk ipularyla bilinir.

137. Care killed the cat.
Aac kurt, insan dert yer.
', U ' ' - i y

1 3 8 . Cast not dirt into the well that gives you water.
tiin suyu kirletme.
ui ^'jij j l . > -i / .^lil .ijir.". ^ ^ rlujV j l i V

1 3 9 . Catch not at shadow and lose the substance.

Glgeyi tutmaya alma, asln kaybedersin.
d'JSj j k J L I t l ^ V
1 4 0 . Certain words are more cutting than a sword.
Bazi szler kltan daha keskindir.
.^tluajl ^ ^ n 'l ^ S l ^ l < _ K ^
1 4 1 . Change of habit cannot alter nature.
Can kmaynca huy kmaz.
Ll 'jlik I / . jliiAj ILJ y < j I
1 4 2 . Change of pasture makes fat calves.
Otlak deitirmek buzalar imanlatr.

1 4 3 . Charity begins at home.

Akrabalarn iyilie ncelik hakk vardr.
(nce can sonra canan.)

1 4 4 . Charity covers a multitude of sins.

yilik ok aybi rter / Her hayrn mukabilinde on er
.6j_l_l I -J < j " l I II I t j l I II VI

1 4 5 . Children are poor men's riches.

ocuklar fakirlerin servetidir.
..r^JiSjV!; JVJVI

146. Children and fools have merry lives.
ocuklar ve deliler her zaman mutludurlar.
(Deliye hergn bayram.)

1 4 7 . Choose a wife by your ear, rather than by your eye.

Kz alan gz ile bakmasn, kulak ile iitsin.
'I " ' V ill I 'jL liLLa.jj _H^|
148. Choose your neighbour before your house, and your companion
before you set out.
Evden nce komu, yoldan nce arkada se / Ev
alma komu al.

149. Cleanliness is next to godliness.

Temizlik imandandr, (hadis)
150. Complaint to other than God is utter disgrace.
Allah'tan bakasna ikayette bulunmak utantr.
.tj'jl. d J I ^ ^ j ^ l
151. Climbing a ladder is one step at a time.
Merdiven adm adm klr.
i. j J <L^jJ AIIII I I JjJLx^

152. Conciliation is the master of the law.

Uzlatrma, verilen kararlarn en iyisidir.
.^K^Vl jJJI
153. Confession of a fault makes half amends.
Hatay kabul etmek fazilettir.
aij.^' L l i l>l;y I
154. Confidence is the companion of success.
Gven baarnn arkadadr.
^1 ~ II L J L j W\\\

155. Confine your tongue, lest it confines you.

Dilini tut ki o seni tutmasn.
.I'llV S d l , ' c i b L J Ji^

156. Congruity is the mother of love.
U y u m iinde olmalc sevginin caynadr.
K i l l >4 i-> I I 1 ni i n
1 5 7 . Consideration is the parent of wisdom.
Bakalarma saygl olmak Iiikmetin kaynadr.
. j l a l l j <<liaj1
158. Constant dropping wears away a stone.
Devaml den damla ta andrr.
. jl^ L o 1 ^ 1 'o. fjLI] I
159. Consultation wards off confusion.
stiare eden armaz.
. j L i J L u o l jj-o j L i . Lo
160. Contempt is the sharpest reproof
Kk grme en sert azarlamadr.

161. Content is better than riches.

Kanaat tkenmeyen hazinedir.
. ^ ^ j i l V 'y. ' L i J '
162. Conversation teaches more than meditation.
Konumak dnmekten daha reticidir.
.jlilj ^ jhk] jjlj iujjlj
y y ' y ~ "y

163. Courage is one hour's patience.

Cesaret, bir saat sabretmektir. y y oy J y y J

164. Courtesy costs nothing.
Nezaketin klfeti yoktur.
.lA^ i K j V . alnlll
165. Cowards die many times before their deaths.
Korkaklar, lmlerinden nce defalarca lrler.
*j ^ j ^* ^ "' 1^ ^ 6J-C ^ ^ ^ j ) n t fil 1 1*^ 11
166. Custom is a second nature'.'
Adet insanda tabiat olur.

1 6 7 . Dead men tell no tales.
ller konuamaz / ahitlik yapamaz.

168. Dearer than the son is the grandson.

Torun evlattan daha deerlidir.
.j;^rjjV jjj;>>
169. Death defies the doctor.
lm doktor ile alay eder.

170. Death is the great leveller.

lm herkesi eit klar.
' ' o ' o *

1 7 1 . Death makes all equal.

lm herkesi eitler.
' o ' ' t f a ' o '

1 7 2 . Debt is the worst povert>

Borlu olmak en kr .d fakirliktir.
._>1I * ^ < i I a H U V i

1 7 3 . Deeds are judged by gv)od intentions.

Ameller niyetlere gredir.
.c^IllL 'jllv
174. Defer not till tomorrow what may be done today.
Bugnn iini yarna brakma.

.Jlji^ij.:j;ji j : ^ j i p v
175. Deh ver your words not by number, but by weight.
Az konu, z konu.

176. Despair gives courage to a coward.

Korka ok kovarsan bahadr olur.
f ' ' ' ' ' ' a t 9 t > '

. < - c l M tjl_->ll < _ i J j u J

1 7 7 . Desperate diseases must have desparate remedies.
Aci aciyi bastrr, su sancy.
,0 t ^ ^ a ^ ^ af o ^ o y f ^ o f ^ ^

.^_J AJaJLiJjaJI ( j | / (_>iILiJ I ^!ilJ I ;_j^j"lMi_ ^juliLx} I ^j-LI

178. Diamond cuts diamond.
Elmas, ancak elmas keser.

179. Disciphne your son while young and you shall not lose him when
he is grown up.
ocuunu kkken eit ki, byynce yitirmeyesin.
fi ^ ^f fi y . ' ^ O . - ^
. IJ IJ-JJ^Lj < I J J l i L i j I L_J J

180. Discontent is the first step in progress.

Honutsuzluk ilerlemenin ilk admdr.
.jAjJI S>la^ J j l fiIjMVI

181. Discretion is the better part of valour.

Basiret cesaretten saylr.

182. Discourse is silver; silence is gold.

Hocann dediini yap, yaptn yapma.

* ^ # ^ X I

183. Do as I say, not as I do.

Dediim gibi y a p , yaptm yapma.

184. Do as you would be done by.

Sana nasl davranlmasn istiyorsan yle davran.
" f ^ t a ^ * f ^ ' - S,,
. t d j J - o U - l j j l " I r,*\ _>iUj I J-oLc

185. Do as most men do, then most men will speak well of you.
Elin/Herkesin getii kprden/kapdan sen de ge.

186. Dogs do not bite dogs.

t iti srmaz.
.|^,iJll I l / , A / . j j A l V L i K I I

1 8 7 . Do good and cast it into the sea.
yilik yap, denize at.
u L l I j fj^ j l l l
188. Do not be phant lest you are twisted, nor dry, lest you are broken.
Yumuak olma sklrsm sert olma krlrsn.

189. Do not change horses in mid-stream.

Irmaktan geerken at deitirilmez.

190. Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.

Dereyi grmeden paay svama.

191. Do not criticize your day before it is over.

Gn bitmeden eletirini yapma.

192. Do not cry over that which is gone.

Gemie pimanlk duyma.

193. Do not fail him who puts his trust in you, though you may not
be trustworthy.
Gvenilir olmasan da sana gveneni hayal krklna
.LjIiL. ._ 1^ .>^J V ili ' ti i ^j-b
194. Do not shoot an arrow which you can't ward off.
Sakinamayacaksan ok atma.
t t t ' ' 0 " f f a ' a ' '
.6Jj i;l j l f i._it I nd III j j J J V

195. Do not live to eat, but eat to live.

Yemek iin yaama, yaamak iin ye.
.OT,_.,-, J J:. , J K I J V
196. Do not make yourself a mouse, or the cat will eat you.
Fare olma, kedi yer.
. ' ^ l 'villk' i L ^ I j ^ V

1 9 7 . Do not put the cart before the horse.
Arabay atn nne koma.

1 9 8 . Do not stretch your feet beyond your carpet.

Ayan yorganna gre uzat.

1 9 9 . Do not put ali your eggs in one basket.

Btn yumurtalarn bir sepete koyma.

2 0 0 . Do not wash your dirty linen in public.

Kirli amarlarn gzler nne serme.

2 0 1 . Do not praise the beginning until you see the end.

Sonucu grmeden balangca vgde bulunma.

2 0 2 . Do your duty, then claim your right.

Grevini yap, hakkn ara.

203. Each door has its own key.
Her kapnn kendi anahtar olur.
t t ' a ' i f
.<a.LlLo w j L i j U
' If " ' >

204. Each new thing has its glamour; each old thing is cast away.
Her yeninin bir cazibesi olur, her eskiyen ise atlr.
' ' i f ' t, ' ' f f
. < J U J ,3 T r J U j 4.a.J6j J_A=. |J:IJ
f ' ' ' ' f ~y '

205. Each soil has its suitable seeds.

Her topran, uygun tohumu vardr.
' f ' o f i f'

206. Each house has a drain.

Her evin bir lam vadir.
'# '

207. Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and
Erken yatp erken kalkmak kiiye shhat, servet ve
hikmet kazandrr.

"' '" "' ' ' "y ' ' "^ ' ] /

208. East or west, home is best.

ster douya git ister batya, vatan gibisi yok.

209. Easy come, easy go.

Haydan gelen huya gider / Selden gelen suya gider

210. Education is worthier to a man than his gold.

Kiinin terbiyesi altnndan daha hayrldr.
Eitim grmek, mal sahibi olmaktan iyidir.
.<_ILAJ J - : ? ^ ' ' - ' '-r''^'

2 1 1 . Empty vessels make most sound.
Bo anak ses getirir / Bo f ok langrdar.

2 1 2 . Enmity among relatives is more painful than scorpion's stings.

Akrabalar arasndaki dmanlk akrep sokmasndan
daha fazla ac verir.
. L _ j j l i j < J I ^IjlJ jj-a j1 t_jlVl 4JJ.C

2 1 3 . Entertain like brothers, but deal like strongers.

Kendi aranzda karde gibi geinin yabanc gibi
muamele yapn.
.X>Jlk IjLlliij fjLi^k lj'_>liii
2 1 4 . Envy never enriched any man.
Hased eden iflah olmaz.
^ y y > y

2 1 5 . Even Homer sometimes nods.

Bazen Omiros bile hata yapar
(Herkesin yanld zaman olur)

2 1 6 . Every ass likes to hear himself bray.

Her eek, kendi anrmasn sever.

7" >' * " fi y

217. Everbody sides with the rich.

Herkes zenginden yanadr.

2 1 8 . Every dog has his day.

Her itin bir gn vardr.
. J LU ' f j ^ / c_Jk
2 1 9 . Every generation has its men and state.
Her devrin, devleti ve adamlar vardr.

y fi y y

2 2 0 . Every malady has a remedy, except death.

lmden baka her derdin aresi vardr.
* # y y y

2 2 1 . Every man has his lot.
Herkesin nasibi vardr.
. < i\ i=(5 j - o i JSLI
2 2 2 . Every man is remembered by his deeds.
Herkes yapt ile bilinir.
^ y o ^ fi y o * o i fi

/ " fi y ^

2 2 3 . Every medal has two sides.

Her madalyonun iki yz vardr.

^ fi "y "y

11 A. Every rule has its exception.

Her kuraln istisnas vardr.

2 2 5 . Every slip is not a fall.

Her ayak kaymas dmekle sonulanmaz.
fi ' a y S' i fi o y a '
.CUu.o<Jj J
2 2 6 . Every sun has a sun set.
Her gnein bir bat vardr.
.L^il o ^
2 2 7 . Everything comes to him who waits.
Sabreden dervi muradna ermi.

2 2 8 . Everything concealed is desired

Kapal olana rabet edilir.
fi fi o ' t a r i f i

. t _ j j ^ j _ o L_ j > -> n

2 2 9 . Everything must have a beginning.

Hereyin bir balangc vardr.
fi y y a y ^ fi

2 3 0 . Everything you plant you pluck out, except man; if you plant
him, he will pluck you out.
Ektiin hereyi skebilirsin; ancak ademolu
mstesna, sen onu ekersen o seni sker.
^--yy o yy >0 a .*>yoy.^yoy y

2 3 1 . Every tide has its ebb.
Her kn bir inii vardr.

2 3 2 . Every "Why" has a "Wherefore".

Her sorunun bir cevab vardr.

fi y * fi^ y y

2 3 3 . Evil communications corrupt manners.

Kii refikinden azar.
y a a * a P P y & * y a

. jiii^V ,-. r,j, 6 _ ^

2 3 4 . Example is better than precept.
rnek olmak t vermekten daha iyidir.
a ' o f a ' t ' o f

s ' '

2 3 5 . Expectation is better than realization.

Bizim iin l yaptmz deil,
bilakis yapmak istediimiz eydir.
a ' f ' a ' ' a ' f t af ' y t t ya o ^ oy
. < _ j j | p n U 'l Lo J j . 6 j - \ \ Lo j J k I J S 1, I (J. J I
2 3 6 . Experience is the best school.
Tecrbe en iyi okuldur.

2 3 7 . Experience is the mother of wisdom.

nsan yapa yapa ustalar.
^> a y o t y f t y o

238. Faint heart never won fair lady
Yreksiz adam akta baarl olamaz.

* f y" y*

239. Fair faces need no paint.

Gzel yzler makyaja ihtiya duymaz.

fi y ^ / ^ "y '

240. Faith may move a mountain.

man da bile yerinden oynatr.

241. False friends are worse than open enemies.

Sahte arkada, ak dmandan daha ktdr.
' - ' ' - ' . - _ , - < ,, s '

**/ fi y y -

242. Fame is a magnifying glass.

hret (n) bytetir.
f y ^ yj ^ t y o i
.6j S 1 6 _ ^ MJ I
243. Familiarity breeds contempt.
Sk gidersen dostuna, yatar arka stne.

244. Fear drives away pain.

Korku acy giderir.
. j ^ ^ ' l i_iJJ j ^ j J I

245. Fear him who fears not God.

Kork Allah'tan korkmayandan.
.dji ^ ^ A l l jX'-x V /<Ji l i i l l V^
246. Fear is one part of prudence.
Saknmak tedbirdendir.

247. Fear you enemy once, and your friend a thousand times.
Dmandan bir kez, dostundan bin kez sakn
' ' . , ' - ' , ' . ' - - s < - .

fi "y y

2 4 8 . Feasting makes no friendship.
Dostluk, ziyafetlerle elde edilmez.

2 4 9 . First come, first served.

Sona kalan, dona kalr.
" n y y y " '

2 5 0 . First thrive and then wive.

nce baar, sonra evlilik.

2 5 1 . Forbidden fruit is sweetest.

Haram helalden tatldr.
4 a y ^ 4 f a y f a y

2 5 2 . Friends are the nearest relations.

Dostlar, en yakn akrabadr.

2 5 3 . Friendship is the perfection of love.

Dostluk sevginin olgunluudur.

2 5 4 . Future is at the door.

Gelecek yakndr.

255. Generosity is in tons, but when it comes to business it is in
Cmertlik tonlarcadir, fakat icraata gelince gramla
yo.M t.' " ya o % f

' y * * y y * '

256. Generosity is virtue and misery is vice.

Cmertlik fazilet, cimrilik ise rezalettir.
f y y f a r ay 4 y y fi y y

"y * "y '

257. Gentlemen accept excuses.

Saygn insanlar, mazeretleri kabul ederler.
.1 fi a y i y ' a fi t fi

ocuktan al haberi.
^ y y y y ^

259. Give and spend, and God will send.

Ver ve harca (nk) rzk Allah'tandr.
. d i l aJt j_o j j ' j J l j . J i ^ l j iall
y y y y y

260. Give a man luck and throw him into the sea.
Adama bir ans tan ve onu denize at.

261. Give no pearls to the hogs.

nciyi (deerli eyleri) domuzlara atma!
Deerli eyler kymetini bilmeyenlere verilmez.

y y y

262. Give the labourer his wages before his sweat dries up.
alann hakkn alnnn teri kurumadan ver. (Hadis)
fi fi y y i fiya^yayfi^y y ( a

.<J I a j ( j I J_J LLi. j - J ^ V1 l a j t I

263. Give your dough to a baker though he may eat half of it.
Yarsn yeme pahasna da olsa elindeki hamuru
frncya ver.
(i ehline brak)

264. Gluttony kills more than the sword.

Oburluk kltan daha ldrcdr / Bol bol yiyen,
bel bel bakar.
.I i 11 - f i l 'ia. L I JA

265. God helps those who help themselves.

Bir toplum kendini deitirmedike Allah onlar
deitirmez, (ayet) / Allah gayret edenin
o y ^ t ^ ' oy y f ^ y t . . . .

((>jra'Lj La fjl-i L . j-Ai^ V <LLII l

' y y y y fi' f y

266. God's hand is above ali.

Allah'n kudretinden daha yce bir g yoktur.
.14^^ till 'L'j V j l - y U
2 6 7 . God stays long, but strikes at last.
Allah imhal eder, ihmal etmez.

268. Good and quickly seldom meet.

Temiz/iyi i alt ayda kar.
( j l * n"-^" LaJJ < x j l u J l j J ^ ^ I

269. Good fame is better than a good face.

yi hret gzel yzden daha makbuldr.

270. Good for good; he who begins is the nobler. Evil for evil; he who
starts is more cruel.
yilie iyilik; ancak ilk yapan daha ycedir; ktle
ktlk; ancak nce balayan daha zalimdir.

271. Good husband makes good wife.
yi Icocadan iyi kadn olur.

272. Good reputation is better than accumulated wealth.

yi bir hret, birikmi maldan daha iyidir.
> a a y y * y f y y 9* #
. ^ J J S U I J U I ^ ^ ( > ^ I .-.j.nll
273. Grasp ali, lose ali.
Az tamah ok zarar (ziyan) getirir.
. j l III I - ( j l j ^ n U I ff ^JLJ La j n U 11

274. Had it not been for hope, work would have come to a standstill.
Umut olmasayd, i olmazd.
.jll j ^ J J-V i'^
275. Hair grew on my tongue.
Dilimde ty bitti.

276. Handsome is as handsome does.

yi insan cmert olandr / Kii davranlar ile

2 7 7 . Happiness is in grams, sorrow in tons.

Mutluluk gramla keder ise tonladr.

278. Happy is he who is fortunate with his children.

Mutlu insan iyi ocuklar olandr.
. 6 j y j u j ..11 jj- j j M II
279. Haste brings regret; produnce brings safety.
Acelede pimanlk ihtiyatta ise esenlik vardr.
.'il'Aj y.' 'tiaJJi ,^li
280. Hate not something which may ultimately turn out to be of good
use to you.
Nefret etmeyin; nefret ettiiniz ey olur ki, sizin
hayrnza olur.
<LJ ij^1 ^ ^ y
281. Hatret is blind as well as love.
Nefret, sevgi gibi krdr.

282. He benefits himself that does good to others.

yilik yapan iyilik grr.

2 8 3 . He bought the saddle before the horse.
At almadan nce eyerini satn almak.

2 8 4 . He builds castles in the air.

Havada kk ina etmek / Hayaller peinde komak.

2 8 5 . He had the manger ready before buying the mare.

Ksra satn almadan nce yemliini yaptrmak.

2 8 6 . He has bought fish while stili in the sea.

Bal denizdeyken satn almak.
a y yy

2 8 7 . He has plucked out the roots of modesty.

Haya perdesi yrtlmak.
.fi t i k i I 'fJaJk

2 8 8 . He himself brought the bear into his vineyard.

Ayy kendi bana getirmek.

2 8 9 . He cannot speak well that cannot hold his tongue.

Dilini tutamayann, konumas gzel olmaz.

y y y * ^ " y " ' y " * y

2 9 0 . He deserves not sweet that will not taste of sour.

Ekiyi tatmayan tatly hak edemez.

2 9 1 . He hides in the shadow of his finger.

Kendi parmann glgesinde gizlenmek.
y yy * y o y

2 9 2 . He hit me and cried; he went ahead and made a complaint.

Hem sulu hem gl.

293. He hit two birds with one stone.
Bir tala iki ku vurmak.
- y y ay o f y y y

fi y fi yy "

294. He is a good orator who convinces himself.

Kendini ikna edebilen kii iyi bir hatiptir.

295. He is never alone that is in the company of noble thoughts.

Asil dnceler tayan kii, yalnz deildir.
^Ij'll j l ^ V I (jl^ tJ- '^^-^3
296. He is well-fed from his mother's milk.
Anne style iyi beslenmek.

297. He is carrying his ladder cross wise.

Merdiveni enlemesine tamak.

y y ' y

298. He kills one and then walks in his funeral procession.

nce ldrp sonra cenazesine katlmak.
y y y t y y y y o t t o y

. < j j L l ^ ( _ J I MI J J J J "l t I I J l j
yy ' y "y " y

299. He laughs best who laughs last.

Son glen, iyi gler.
300. He lives long that Hves well.
Mutlu insan uzun yaar.
. h j I I I ot A * - :y? y- fi ^ ^ l "

301. He pulled it out as he would a hair out of dough.

Tereyandan kl eker gibi.
.r; t II S j j i j i J I j l - o I d '-^ I H

302. He that always complains is never pitied.

ok ikayet edene acnmaz.

303. He that always fears danger always feels it.
Tehlikeden korkan daima onu hisseder.
. I L J < j 'J:^ > 1 1

304. He that boasts of his own knowledge proclaims his ignorance.

Bilgisiyle v n e n , cehaletini gsterir.

305. He that cannot obey cannot command.

taat etmeyen emir veremez.
y y a ^ y O y y > ^ O ^ fi- O '

306. He that does tend, does lose his friend.

Kim arkadan borlandrrsa onu kaybeder.
* o y o y fi y ' o a f a '

307. He that fears you present will hate you absent.

Yannda iken senden korkan kii, yokluunda senden
nefret eder.

308. He that fights and runs way may hve to fight another day.
Savap kaan sar kald iin yeniden savaabilir.

309. He that has no charity, merits no mercy.

Acmayana acnmaz.
yyO ^ Qy y g ^ ^ O y y f O"

310. He that has no children knows not what is love.

ocuu olmayan, sevginin n e olduunu bilemez.
. 4 J J J J V ( > a (_.->.LL _ I j J l - J V
y "

311. He that has been bitten by a serpent is afraid of a rope.

Ylann srd kii ipten korkar.

312. He that is down needs fear no fall.
Islanmn y a m u r d a n pervas/korkusu olmaz.
i jXJi) ^ 'c;.
313. He that is innocent may well be confident.
M a s u m insan kendisine gvenir.
oy y y fi ^ ^ ^ a ^

314. He that speaks ill of his wife dishonours himself

Kars hakknda kt konuan, kendisini de aalar.
. ^ '^-^jj ' ^ j - ^ ci*^"'j (>
y yy y '

315. He that will steal an egg will steal an ox.

Yumurta alan, kz de alar.
'JJ-' '*-"=^ ( J - > ^
316. He that would eat the kernel must crack the nut.
Cevizin ii, ancak kabuu krlarak yenir.

3 1 7 . He that would have the fruit must climb the tree.

Aaca trmanmadan meyvesi alnmaz / Emeksiz
yemek olmaz.
. ^ 1 j l L , V : ^ jlS
318. He that would have eggs must endure the cackling of hens.
Tavuun gdaklamasna tahamml etmeyen,
yumurtaya sahip olamaz / Gl seven dikenine
.rL-aJI l i j - j l k j i Vl (jA_ 1 il ^jLc j V
^ * y ^ y " * *"

319. He that would the daughter win, must with the mother first begin.
Gen kz kazanmak, annesini raz etmekle d u r .
y y y y o o f fi y yy fi y

.LfjjJlj fiLajJJuuiL SLJLi j>-il

320. He who begins many things, finishes but few.
ok eye balayan ancak azn bitirir.
J j I t t I L (_y^JLj j j ' i ' v L ^

3 2 1 . He who comes to the market-place sells and buys.
Pazara gelen al veri yapar.

3 2 2 . He who brandishes the sword of tyranny, by that sword will he die.

Zulm klcn savuran onunla lr.

3 2 3 . He who confesses his shortcoming is absolved.

Kim suunu itiraf ederse gnah olmaz.
.<Ilic i_J-JJ V <-J-JJ-J J - 5

3 2 4 . He who cooks poison, shall he eat.

Zehiri hazrlayan yer.
.<kl ^ 1 'j^LU

325. He who digs a pit for his brother falls into it himself.
Kardeine kuyu kazan iine der.

y ^ y y ' y

326. He whose house is of glass, doesn't throw stones at others.

Sra kkte oturan komusuna ta atmamal.
y y a y i yy y f a f f o y y y O y

y y y fi y y

3 2 7 . He who is absent cannot be blamed.

Kii gyabnda yerilmez.

3 2 8 . He who knows the truth but keeps silent is like him who tells lies.
Doruyu bilip s y l e m e y e n , yalan sylemi gibidir.

3 2 9 . He who leaves children behind is not dead.

Arkasnda ocuk brakan kii, l deildir.

3 3 0 . He who is careful is never pinched.

Dikkatli d a n i m d i k l e n m e z .

331. He who fears birds does not grow corn.
Kulardan korkan msr ekmez.

332. He who gives fair words feeds you with an empty spoon.
Tatl szler syleyen, bo kakla besleyen kimsedir.
y y y y a y > o t y f a y a y y y a y f o f e y
.LcjU llxL^ , ; , U U j Jj),.u.JI ( i K J I .-l. . , _ -
y fi y y' y " ' ^ "

333. He who handles a nettle tenderly is soonest stung.

Isrgan otuna dokunan dalanir.

334. He who is destined to live long, distress kills him not.

Kimin kaderinde uzun yaamak varsa skntdan
^ i f ff y y f a f f y o y
. S j - i I \ '\\'\ V J - O X <

335. He who makes no mistakes makes nothing.

Hata yapmayan hibir ey yapamaz.

336. He who marries your child becomes your child.

ocuunla evlenen, ocuun olur.

337. He who pays the piper calls the tune.

Kavalcya para veren arky seer / Paray veren
dd alar.

338. He who prepares poison will swallow it one day.

Zehiri hazrlayan, gn olur kendisi yer.
(Kuyuyu kazan, iine der.)
.'<k J l j '^LU

339. He who rides a tiger is afraid to dismount.

Kaplana binen inmekten korkar.
y y y ^ y fi y O y y y ^ y O y a y
.LjAx J k j J I MI ^ J c_.L-^l n 'l n J -

340. He who seeks dihgnently shall find.
alan kazanr.

341. He who treats you as an equal cannot be cruel to you.

Seni kendine denk tutan, sana zulmedemez.

342. He who works for the good is like him who does good.
Hayr iin alan, onu yapm gibidir.
. < i c U ^ ^ J L |_^LuJI
y yy y ** y'

343. He who would climb the ladder must begin at the bottom.
Merdiven basamak basamak klr.

344. Health is better than wealth.

Shhat servetten hayrldr.

345. History repeats itself

Tarih tekerrrden ibarettir.

346. Hitch your wagon to a star.

Yksek bir ideal peinde ko.
t ya y y yyy e>0|
} y y y

347. Honesty is the best policy.

Drstlk en iyi yoldur.
.U^ dJI / 'J^ '<J>LcVl
348. Honour the dog for the sake of its owner.
Kpee, sahibinin hatr iin ikram et.

yy'y y

349. Honour yourself and you shall be honoured.

Kendine saygl ol, sayg grrsn.
y t t y y a y i

. BJ^iJJ ILL a '

350. Hope deferred maketh the heart sick.
Zenginin gnl oluncaya kadar fakirin can kar.
.LJi Lul j.j. j 'jIoV
351. Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
ini k tut da yaz karsa bahtna.

352. Hope springs eternal in the human breast.

nsan gnlnde srekli umut panrlar akar / Dnyada
mitsiz y a a n m a z .

353. Hope without work is like a fruitless tree.

abasz umut meyvesiz aa gibidir.

# / ' fi y

354. How many people shed tears without sorrow!

znt duymadan, nice gzya dkenler vardr.

355. Hunger is an infidel.

An iman olmaz.
356. Hunger is the best sauce.
Aa arpa ekmei etten lezzetli gelir.

357. Hunger makes forts surrender.

Alk kalelere boyun edirir / Alk padiah bile
OS yy y y y y fi afifi fi

. j i j l r">ll 6 j - J 1-^11 ^

358. Idle brains are the devil's workshop.
Bo durana eytan i bulur.

359. Idleness is the key to poverty.

Tembellik: fakirliin anahtardr.
. ^ 1 rLLo JloJI
360. If a man once fall, all will tread on him.
nsan bir kez dmeye grsn herkes onu iner.
. ^ . j n'-^ll AtL '^J l ' j u , ' L ^ V ' l 'inV... l'jl

361. If angels come in, the devils disappear.

Melekler geldii zaman, eytanlar kaybolur.
Oj Ll'_, A II C J J I <K!ISI -j'--'-^ l'jl

362. If each would sweep before his own door, we should have a clean
Herkes evinin nn sprse ehir temiz olur.
\ k ' <J_J-o ^ i c I < < U L ^Lol f / < j - o l 0 ^ I ' I j l

363. If the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.
Kr kre rehberlik ederse, ikisi birden ukura der.
.6>Ji L^S^ jLilo ^ 1 Slj J fji

364. If the wicked rule, honest men perish.

Ktler idare ederse iyiler yok olur.

. j ^ u V j L . / j ' j j V ! I d L l'jl
365. If two men ride on a horse, one must ride behind.
ki kii ayn ata binerse, birinin arkaya oturmas
j j M i V j l Lo-Aji . L . r . ^ - > ( j ^ ' j (^'in'"j l'jl

366. If you chase two horses both will escape you.

ki at birden kovalarsan, ikisini de karrsn.
. J ' M II .'.l 11 t n \ ( j l ^ .(j-j-^l cjJjLUljl

3 6 7 . If you sing before breakfast, you will cry before night.
Kahvaltdan nce ark syleyen akam olmadan

368. If you want a thing well done, do it yourself.

Bir eyin iyi olmasn istiyorsan, onu kendin yap.
(Sana vereyim bir t, kendi ununu kendin t)
. ( ^ j j j l j t5j4Ji i L , L / d M i \ \ j ^ L i I < I n J . J I .:ijjl I j l
369. If you want peace, prepare for war.
Bar istiyorsan savaa hazrlan.

370. If you wish to be obeyed, order what is possible.

Kendine itaat edilmesini istiyorsan yaplabilecek
eyler iste.

371. Ignorance is a voluntary misfortune.

Cehalet istemli bir talihsizliktir.
<^lj|jj |J4^I
372. illegal money will never last.
Haram mal tkenir.
f t y y f y y a % y

373. Intelligence is a gem.

Akl cevherdir.
4 y y a y a '

. 6 j - A _ ^ IJJLXJ I
374. In the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
Krlerin memleketinde alar ba (padiah) olur.

375. It is a goat, though it flies.

Kei usa bile yine keidir.

376. It is foolish sheep that makes the wolf his confessor.

Aptal koyun, srlarn kurda verendir.

3 7 7 . It is a sad heart that never rejoices.
Mahzun kalp hibir zaman sevinmez.

y y y "

378. It is a sad house where the hen crows louder than the cock.
Kt ev, tavuun sesi horozunkinden yksek olan
at ^ , y i t a ' ta ' ^ ' t t ' a t a t

.LLJJ l o j . u a (JIC L^I-3.XI I CJ yjSk <-i-A J I 1 JJ I j * . ''^ I I T' I ^

379. It is better to be safe than sorry.

nlem almak, piman olmaktan iyidir.
380. It is God who bestows livelihood.
Rzk Allah'tandr.
" . < i j ^ j j > J i "

381. It is no use crying over spilt milk.

Dklen ste alamak fayda vermez.

382. It is your own hand that wipes away your tears.

Gz yalarn silen kendi elindir.
y y ^ ^

383. It is useless to flog a dead horse.

l at kamlamak bounadr.
y y y T y y . y

384. Injuries may be forgiven, but not forgotten.

Eziyet balanr ama unutulmaz.
V ^ ,^jV
385. I see the case but I can't do anything about it.
Gz gryor ama el ksa.
(Durumu gryorum ama elimden bir ey gelmiyor.)
' ' t ' a ' ' t a '

386. I treat you just as you treat me.

Ne ekersen onu biersin.
.dl'jl L . ^ l ' j i Lo

3 8 7 . Judge not, that ye be not judged.
Gze gz, die di / Ksasa Icsas.
fi y fi fi

3 8 8 . Keep sometime for yourself and some for God.
Bir saat kendine, bir saatte Rabbine ayr.

3 8 9 . Keep your penny for a rainy day.

Ak ake kara gn iindir.

3 9 0 . Keep some till more shall come.

ou gelinceye kadar azn sakla.

3 9 1 . Kili not the goose that lays the golden eggs.

Altn yumurtlayan kaz ldrme.

3 9 2 . Bundle not a fire that you cannot extinguish.

Sndremeyecein atei yakma.

3 9 3 . Know your own faults before blaming others for theirs.

Hatalarndan dolay, bakalarn sulamadan nce
kendi hatalarn dn.
(uvaldz nce kendine, sonra bakasna hatr.)

3 9 4 . Know yourself.
Kendini tan. (Kendini bil.)
.IJMI i "l l _ ^ 1
3 9 5 . Knowledge is power.
Bilgi gtr.

396. Laugh and the world laughs with you, weep and you weep alone.
Glerken herkes seninle gler, alarken tek bana
(Denin dostu olmaz)
:. . L j i ^ < y - . . . ' . i j . : . \ ' , \ y u . ' r - ' - ^ j ! . ! x i

397. Laughter without reason is unbecoming.

Sebepsiz gl, yakk almaz.
..-.JVI <ii t > ,..,.,,,::>(-. , ' U , A l i
y y y ' * y * y

398. Laziness corrupts.

Tembellik batan karr.
^yy By ^ yy

.6Ji. n^1 ^ 1
399. Learning is the eye of the mind.
lim, akln gzdr.
.JJLJI -^ 11

400. Let bygones be bygones.

Gemie mazi yenmie kuzu derler.

401. Learning in childhood is like engraving on a rock.

Kk yata verilen bilgi taa nakedilmi gibidir.
.^ 1 ^ ,Asi > l = j I ^ I k jI
yy y y ' y

402. Let every man pluck his thistles himself

Herkes kendi dikenini, kendisi sker.
.6 <kj j l j
y y "y* ^ "

403. Let not your tongue cut your throat.

Dilinin boynunu kesmesine izin verme.

404. Let sleeping dogs lie.

Uyuyan kpei uyandrma.

4 0 5 . Let women spin, and not preach.
Kadnlar t vermesin, yn eirsin.

406. Let your son go hungry and you shall teach him thieving.
Olunu a brakrsan ona hrszlk y a p m a y retirsin.
. < J j 11,1,1 I I - I a .'I .1

4 0 7 . Lies have short wings.

Yalancnn mumu yatsya kadar yanar.
4 y y o f o y

4 0 8 . Life is affluence and privation.

Dnya bolluk ve yokluktan ibarettir.
(Dnya kolaylk ve zorluktan ibarettir.)

4 0 9 . Life is borrowing and paying back.

Dnya dn alma ve geri demeden ibarettir.
J , , , t o , , oi

4 1 0 . Life is one hour with you, and another against you.

Zaman bazen lehine bazende aleyhinedir.
, 0 , , t ' , , ' , ^ , , t o o

4 1 1 . Life is like a turning wheel.

Dnya dnen tekerlektir.

4 1 2 . Life is short and time is swift.

Hayat ksa ve zaman akp geiyor.
fi o fi a , fi a , o, fi , ' ' ( ' ' k

4 1 3 . Life is short, yet sweet.

Hayat ksa, ama tatldr / Can tatldr.
, 0 , fi' of fi,,
.La j r> j i ^ j j I" l -ll

4 1 4 . Life is the best teacher.

Zaman en iyi eiticidir.
fi o * fi f fi o , o

415. Like a cat he Hcks a file.
(i dt zaman) Kedi gibi eeyi yalar.

416. Like a ring on a finger.

Parmaktaki yzk gibi.

417. Like a snake in a straw pile.

Saman ynnn altndaki ylan gibi.
j j 1 "l i I I 7 t "fc "t 4 _ J I _Jj-6

418. Like duck like duckling, an expert swimmer.

rdek yavrusu annesi gibi iyi yzcdr.
.'^'^ L I
419. Like father, like son.
Armut dalnn dibine der.
i fi a fi y y ^ i fi y y
.<_ij| u-i / <_ij| j^JjJI
y "y y y *"y y

420. Like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Saman iinde ine aramak.
o o ^ y o a " O'-o-'

fi y y fi y

421. Little but continuous is better than much but intermittent.

Azn devamls, oun aralklarla devam etmesinden
y a fi y a fi a y fi y fi y

. n ' n j ' i ^ J - " ^ -JJ (J-ii-2

fi^y fi "y y ** ' ^ "y

422. Like one who drinks from a well and throws a stone into it.
Su itii kuyuya, ta atan ahs gibi.
423. Little wealth, little care.
Azck am kaygsz bam.

424. Live and let Uve.

Yaat ki yaayasn / lm ile alnmaz.

425. Livelihood is gained by hard work, not high hopes.
Rizik almakla kazanlr, umutla deil.

y y y y y

426. Live long and you shall come to know much.

ok yaayan ok bilir.
**-' y

427. Living is good planning.

Yaamak tedbirli ve planl olmaktr.
^ o y A y

428. Long absent soon forgotten.

Gzden uzak olan gnlden uzak olur.
. j l j i J I ( j - t c j l i ( j I i J I - ^ L _ j U -o
429. Look before you leap.
Dne dne grmeli ii, sonra piman olmamal

430. Lost time is never found again.

Kaybolan vakit geri gelmez.

431. Love laughs at lock-smiths.

Sevgi, anahtarc ile alay eder.

432. Love is particular; hatred is general.

Sevgi zel, nefret geneldir.
^3-^ ( j -A^ t* .'l'j
l I 4 <' c /KySbltl
>-^ n'^ << t -k i I
433. Love me little, love me long.
Az sev, uzun sev / ok muhabbet tez ayrlk getirir.

434. Love me, love my dog.

Beni seven kpeimi de sever / Gl seven dikenine
Lsf- Lff^ L*-^'
435. Lucky at cards, unlucky at love.
Kumarda kaybeden, akta kazanr.
t a f , t t o ,

4 3 6 . Make haste slowly.
Acele ie eytan karr.
. j _ W S La J L . j ^ ' G / fiJ=-i-
# y ^y

4 3 7 . Make hay while the sun shines.

Su akarken testiyi doldur.
o ^ y y fi y y o yy o fi a ^

4 3 8 . Man learns only at his own expense.

Kii tecrbe ile renir.
. < u a ^ ^ Vl 'ilulv l l l i l V
y y "y y ^ ^ 1 "

4 3 9 . Man proposes, God disposes.

Tedbir kuldan takdir Allah'tan.
.^^A I ^ 'di 1 j ^ ^ e p ^ I ^ 7 ^ I
4 4 0 . Manners make the man.
nsan insan yapan davranlardr (ahlakdr).
y o y t a y

4 4 1 . Man's livelihood shall be maintained as long as he is alive.

nsan yaad srece rzk da olur.
i y t fi o i y c , y o

4 4 2 . Many hands make light work.

Bir elin nesi var, iki elin sesi var.
y y a y o fi * y fi fi fi y i
. | _ U j J I fil_l-C I i ^ J (jjLjLiJI
4 4 3 . Many kiss the hand they wish lo cut off.
Kesilmesini diledikler eli pen nice insan vardr.

4 4 4 . Many waters cannot quench love.

Ak atei suyla snmez.
t-^ll J L j pLfi-kj 6 ^ j J L I aLj-LI j < "t

445. Many words hurt more than swords.
Baz szler kltan daha keskindir.
.^jLul 'jJLi j i t i J l '(jiJ_>
446. Marriage is a lottery.
Evlilik ans/nasip iidir.
j U1. ^ I j jJ I
4 4 7 . Marriages are made in heaven.
Evlilik bir ksmet ve nasip iidir / Herkesin bir
ksmeti vardr.

448. Measure for measure.

Gze gz, die di / Ksasa ksas.

449. Men's livelihood depends on other men, but all get their living
from Good.
nsanlarn rzk insanlara baldr. Fakat hepsinin
rzk Allah'tandr.
.<ill ^ jkjI V j j J < o - I I 'Sjj
y y y y y A

450. Misery of the scholar, misery of the world.

Alimin sefaleti, alemin sefaleti demektir.
451. Misfortunes never come singly.
Musibetler pei peine gelir / Dert gitmez, deiir.

452. Misfortunes make us wise.

Musibetler bizi filozof yapar.
(Bamza gelenler gzmz aar.)
r-d'.y-, ^ U
453. Moderation in ali things.
lerin hayrls orta olandr.

454. Money begets money.

Para paray eker.
.Ln^-. j ^ l j j J L j ^ l j . J I / Jti'l'jll'jll

455. Money brought by the winds, the gales squander.
Rzgarlarn getirdii mal frtna datr.
(Haydan gelen huya gider.)
.'^IjjjI r L j J I <^ jP*G I JI
^y y y yy y y

456. Money is man's enemy.

Mal (para) insann dmandr.

4 5 7 . Money is like mercury.

Para civa gibidir, (elde durmaz)

458. Money is the root of all evil.

Para btn ktlklerin kaynadr.
fi y fi fi o < fi y

.^J^J^] JUI
459. Money is the substance of lust.
Para ehvetin kaynadr.

460. More haste, less speed.

Acele ie eytan kai r.
-i Uj,7,ll j > ^ U t l l / J j l J I j l j UiJI

461. Much ado about noth ng.

Bir bardak suda kyamet koparmak.

4 6 2 . Native oxen alone can plough the native land.
Her tarla kendi kzyle srlr.

4 6 3 . Nature follows its course, and a cat a mouse.

Huylu huyundan, kedi de fareden vazgemez.
t i - - f f i o, , , a , t t , t , i

^y y "y

4 6 4 . Necessity has its own law.

Zaruretin kendi kurallar vardr.

4 6 5 . Necessity knows no law.

Zaruretler yasaklar mubah klar.
, f o , a f f t , >S

k 1 I ^ _1 I "l lOl J J j - u o J I

4 6 6 . Necessity is the mother of invention.

Zaruret insana hereyi yaptrr.

4 6 7 . Never fish in troubled water.

Bulank suda avlama.

4 6 8 . Never judge by appearances.

Grne aldanma.
yy > ^ J i j . o y ti y

4 6 9 . New griefs awaken the old.

Dert derdi tazeler.

4 7 0 . Ninety percent of inspiration is perspiration.

Terlemeden Allah insana yardm etmez.

4 7 1 . No advice like a father's.

Baba nasihati gibi nasihat yoktur.

472. No claim dies while someone tends it.
Hakkn arayan kiinin liakki lmez./Aranan hak

473. No tlying from fate.

Kaderden kalmaz.
. j j l I ( > . 'jjLO V
474. No gains without pain.
Emeksiz (zahmetsiz) kazan olmaz.
. <:LC J - ^ -o ' '1*^ ft V

fi y " ^ *

475. No one can appreciate the extent of a calamity except one who is
struck by it.
Felaketi, ancak ona maruz kalan bilir.
476. No one can satisfy all mankind except God, the lord of mankind.
K u l l a n , AUahtan baka kimse raz edemez.

4 7 7 . No one envies the dead.

ly hi kimse kskanmaz.

y" "

478. No one is perfect except God.

Mkemmellik yalnz Allah'a hastr.
. l ' j l j <J J L a J I

479. No person dies before his time.

Eceli gelmeden kimse lmez.
^y a y o fi fi y y y y y fi o

fi > *y " f i *^

480. No reply is a reply.

Susmak cevaptr / Skut ikrardandr.
.1 >lj-^ Jj d j J ^ M l J l

481. No power, no respect.

Kuvvet olmadan saygnlk (ihtiram) olmaz.

4 8 2 . No smoke without fire.
Ate olmayan yerden duman kmaz.

4 8 3 . Not ali people can be driven by the same stick.

nsanlar ayn denekle gdlmez.
.ti^ o ^ 'o-Lj j l 4

4 8 4 . Not even in paradise can a man live alone.

nsan, cennette bile yalnz yaayamaz.
a fi a fi y fi fi f '

4 8 5 . Nothing goes higher than right.

Adaletten daha yksek bir ey yoktur.
a yy o fi y y fia y i y

4 8 6 . Nothing is secret under the sun.

Hibir ey gizli kalmaz.

y y

4 8 7 . Nothing can be hidden from the eye.

Gzden hibir ey gizlenmez/kamaz.

4 8 8 . Nothing dries sooner than tears.

Gz yandan daha abuk kuruyan ey yoktur.
y y y o ( i fi y y , y y

.^j_o J l -a i
4 8 9 . Nothing protects the stick but its bark.
Aac koruyan kabuudur.
fi fi o i fi yy i y y

4 9 0 . Nothing scratches your skin better than your own nail.

Trnan varsa ban (srtn) ka.
.J j\-a dia. till, ll
4 9 1 . Nothing tastes better than good health.
En tatl ey salktr.
.<:^ljfiilliVL U !

492. Nothing venture, nothing have.
Risk alnmadan bir ey elde edilmez.
. 5_ j)LI a->- on _ _I iX , '_yja
j > _o f I ' " r I V
493. No wisdom like silence.
Susmak gibi hikmet yoktur.

494. Numbers prevail over courage.

okluk cesarete galip gelir.

495. Offend not a nighbour though he may be tyrannical.
Komunu, kt bile olsa, gcendirme.
.j l l j j j jtlil j b

496. Offend them not as long as you are among them.

Aralarnda kaldn mddete, onlarla iyi gein.
j l j v U ^ J La j>-*jlj

'yy - y 'yy

497. Of two evils choose the lesser.

ki ktnn, en hafifini se.

498. Old men go to death; but death comes to young men.

Azrail gelince oul uak sormaz.
' i fi t a y , ' a, i , , a ' a , fi fi o ^ fi fi i

.C_L M 11 J C J^ 1 ^ 'OJJ-LI "-''^ ^ . " " I ^

499. One cannot be in two places at once.

Kii, iki ayr yerde ayn anda bulunamaz.
fi , I, , , , , fi,aifia,afi,,,

fi - > , , ^ "

500. One cannot get blood from a stone.

Yoktan yonga kmaz.
I y y a i, * y o 0 ^ y a y

O^^ V j ^ a ^ l / - 0 j * j J I ^ I j ^ " ' Mil J J -> "l Ml J

5 0 1 . One cannot put back the clock.
Zaman geri dndrmek imkanszdr.

5 0 2 . One does not fatten an ewe on pretty words.

Tatl szlerle koyun semirtilmez.
c ijUli j^L I 'tj'.M,-. V
5 0 3 . One does the blame, another bears the shame.
Hatay biri iler, bakas onunla knanr.
o yy f ' y > ' y yy y a fi y a ' fi y

. < j l r ^iLj ^ j IkAJI ._'s'Aa-lj

5 0 4 . One hand cannot clap.

Bir elin nesi var, iki elin sesi var.
f fi y fi y fi y y fi y

5 0 5 . One man's meat is another man's poison.

Senin iin uygun olan ey, bakas iin uygun
olmayabilir / Eein lm kpee dndr.

5 0 6 . One swallow does not make a summer.

Bir iekle bahar olmaz.
ay fi fi fi fi y fi y fi y t fi fi

5 0 7 . One volunteer is worth two pressed men.

Bir gnll iki gnlszden daha hayrldr.
o y a fi a y ^ a fi o y fi y fi fi y y fi

y y y y ^y

5 0 8 . Open confession is good for the soul.

Ak itiraf, nefsi rahatlatr.

X y y

5 0 9 . Opportunity makes the thief.

Ak kap grnce it (bile) dalar.

' ' y " ' y" y

5 1 0 . Opportunity seldom knocks twice.

Frsat kapy iki kez almaz.
a y t y y y y a fi fi o y y fi ' '^y afi

5 1 1 . Opportunities, neglected, are lost.
Deerlendirilmeyen frsatlar boa gider.
f t , o , f ^ - ' O f i a f , A

5 1 2 . Our custom is to eat before we are hungry, and when we do we

stop before we get our fill.
Ackmadan yemeyiz, yediimizde ise (sofradan)
doymadan kalkarz. (Hadis)
A " o y y oy < yy y f y fi y f f py y * o y f 9 y

5 1 3 . Out of debt, out of danger.

Bortan uzak olan, tehlikeden de uzak olur.
o , , a , f , 0$ , * ,

5 1 4 . Out of a litde grain he makes a dome.

Habbeyi kubbe yapmak.

5 1 5 . Out of sight, out of mind.

Gzden uzak olan kalbten de uzak olur. Uzaklk
y y ^ D ^ f> y o y a y ^ y o y 0 y f y

.plia. j 1 ll/.,._lII j j t \ <t>jJiJI - ^ AJJL-J

5 1 6 . Outspoken reproach is better than hidden hate.
Ak sulamalar, gizli kinden iyidir.
DO ^0^.10' , Ot ,

517. Parents' blessings to their children is next to God's.
Allah'n rzas, ebeveynin rzasna baldr.

518. Patience is a virtue.

Sabr fazilettir/erdemdir.

519. Patience is the best medicine for life.

Sabr, yaamn en iyi ilacdr.
. <Ac j l l o J I jJiJ U I j j

520. Patience is the key to relief.

Sabrn sonu selamettir.

521. Patience leads to triumph, and impatience to blasphemy.

Sabr zafere, sabrszlk da kfre gtrr.
y -^
522. Patience moves/tears down mountains.
Sabr dalar (yerinden oynatr) ykar.

523. People are always on the side of the victor.

insanlar, her zaman glnn (galibin) yannda olur.

524. People follow the lead of their kings.

nsanlar liderlerinin yolunu izler.

525. Pleasant hours fly fast.

Ho vakitler abuk geer.

526. Possession is nine points of the law.

Av vurann /atann deil alanndr/ yetenindir.
> y a y a ^ f y o ^ il
. ( j ^ L L l I <=l>.l 3 1 1 I I I J I n"11

527. Poverty blinds one's heart.
Yoksulluk kalbi kreltir.
..^\ JA\
528. Poverty is no sin.
Yoksulluk ayp deildir.
fi y o y fi o y

529. Poverty is the cause of every malady.

Azlk (yoksulluk) her hastaln nedenidir.
.<lc j k ' . , V , , / < l u
fi y y * *

530. Practice makes perfect.

dman yaparak ilerleme kaydedilir.
(Mek kemale erdirir.)
.CjLai ^ JLJI
531. Praise be to him who causes change but is changeless.
Deitirip, deimeyen (o Allah) hereyden
fi^yyyyyfifiyfi y y o fi

j.'*"'-' V j cS'i-ll .""

532. Praise to the face is open disgrace.
Yze kar yaplan vg, apak bir rezalettir.

533. Prevention is better than cure.

Korkulu d grmektense uyank yatmak hayrldr.
.^jriLt J L U J L ^ i j L i j jiJijj / ;7>UJ1 jj_o 4jJI
534. Pride in one's own merits is far better than in one's pedigree.
Kiinin iyilikleriyle vnmesi asl ile vnmesinden
iyidir. Benim aslm faslm budur deme, kiinin asl
ancak amelidir.
a y y o ^ o fi y y o ^ o y a fi y o ^ o y ^o y o fi o y
( 3 I ^ a J _yf^l J j J V / . d j - a U 6 > a J l jj-o J - u a l L L A J j i I j J > -
( / ' y o y 'y yy o'f O fi fiy^

jja L 'a 11 L o j ] < l i J

535. Procrastination is the thief of time.
Bugnn iini yarna brakma.

536. Promises are like pie-crust, made to be broken.
Szler tutulmamak zere verilir.
.-LLI V I V 6_,jkili jj-cjJI

5 3 7 . Prosperity makes friends, adversity tries them.

Dost sanma anl vaktinde dost olan, dost bil gaml
vaktinde elinden tutan.
afifi , o , fi > fi a, , t n e a fi afifi , i

5 3 8 . Providence is always on the side of the big battalions.

Allah'n inayeti, cemaatle beraberdir / Allah gayret
edenin yardmcsdr.
".ixLojl 11 <lj j l "
5 3 9 . Prudence leads to safety; rashness to regret.
Acelecilikte pimanlk, ihtiyatta ise esenlik vardr.
.SJi J^cA \ 'i'Aji 'X\~a\ 11

5 4 0 . Punctuahty is the politeness of kings.

Dakiklik krallara has bir inceliktir / Her ey vakit
ile olur, horoz bile vaktinde ter.

y ' y y "y

5 4 1 . Punctuality is the soul of business.

Dakiklik iin zdr / Her ey vakit ile olur, horoz
bile vaktinde ter.
.jllj'l ^Jj, l l i J L v J . 1
5 4 2 . Put your trust in God, but keep your powder dry.
Tevekkelin, gemisi batmaz / eeini kurt yemez.
.U. djjjtH. kilLlj <JI ^ JJ

5 4 3 . Quick to anger, quick to pardon.
abuk kzan, abuk affeder.

5 4 4 . Quickly come, quickly go.

abuk gelen abuk gider.

5 4 5 . Quit not certainty for hope.

Umuda kaplp gerei unutma.

5 4 6 . Rather a dog which barks with you than one which barks at you.
Senin iin havlayan kpek, sana havlayandan iyidir.

5 4 7 . Rather a mute sage than a fool who speaks.

Dilsiz bir bilge, konuan bir cahilden iyidir.

5 4 8 . Rather do without things than buy on credit.

Borca girmektense hi alma.

5 4 9 . Rather eat our barley than the wheat of others.

Bizim arpamz yabancnn budayndan evldr.

5 5 0 . Rather his bite than the kiss of another.

Kiiyi bakasnn pmesindense kendinin srmas
'. l " ' ' '' '

. &_) 1 f <u__a V j ^". A^

5 5 1 . Rats desert a sinking ship.
Batan gemiyi nce fareler terkeder.

5 5 2 . Rashness is not valour.

Dncesizce davranmak cesaret deildir.

5 5 3 . Real men, in times of difficulty, are few.

G durumlarla baa kabilenler azdr.
lxiA\ 'jllj
5 5 4 . Reason binds man.
Akl iin yol / tarik birdir.

555. Reproach reheves the heart.
Knamak vicdan rahatlatr.
.1 1JSJ oI (jj_L.<a
fi fi fi- fi
I l" 11

556. Rehef comes after patience.

Sabrn sonu selamettir.
.'j:>JlVl jlLjl'ikl Lo
557. Reputation of being rich is better than one of being poor.
Yoksulluunla taninmaktansa zenginliinle tann.

558. Reward and punishment are the basic of good government.

Ceza ve taltif iyi idarenin temelidir.

y "y > X *

559. Right is hke cork: it never sinks.

Hak ycedir ondan ycesi yoktur / Hak mantar (tpa)
gibidir, asla batmaz.

560. Righteousness exalteth a nation.

Drstlk milletleri yceltir.

561. Safety hes in the middle course.
Selamet orta yoldadr.

562. Safety lies in talking the truth.

Kurtulu doruluktadr.

563. Self-preservation is the first law of nature.

Nefsin korunmas tabiatn ilk yasasdr.

5 6 4 . Set a thief to catch a thief.
Hrsz, ancak hrsz yakalar.
.3jiljI Vl jjiljI VV.Aj V
5 6 5 . Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave.
Beikten mezara ilim taleb et.
^ > l j ^ l .-J-UI
5 6 6 . Seeing is believing.
Grmek inanmaktr.
.6jJLjj,l |_j_a (J-jj I^111

5 6 7 . Shame not only on him who backbites people, but also on one
who lets people backbite him.
Dedikodu yapanlara ve dedikodularn yaptranlara
yazklar olsun!
r ""." (ji IvoaJI J-1 fijIuJL (_HiLjJI JJLUj (JI II

yy * 1

5 6 8 . Show mercy unto those on earth, God in heaven shall be merciful

to you.
Yerdekilere merhamet edin ki Allah size merhamet
.^fiUJi ^ > ^ ^ j ^ j^ji\ (>. ij^ji
5 6 9 . Silence gives consent.
Skut ikrardan gelir (saylr).
L i ^ I ^ 1 o . I / Lb'jJ I 'llokl j^uJ I
5 7 0 . Six feet of earth make allmen equal.
Kabir insanlar ayn konuma getirir.
y y a y y fi f a y

5 7 1 . Some people's misfortunes are instructive to others.

Bazlarn felaketi bakalarna ders olur.
t yy o y y o O y f y y

. A!I I jj jj ile (>j2

j> u_t! I /I

5 7 2 . Spare the rod and spoil the child.

Kzn dvmeyen dizini dver.

" ' y y y

5 7 3 . Speak of the angels, you hear the sound of their wings.

yi insan laf zerine gelir.
' " y y y y y

5 7 4 . Speak well of the dead.

ly hayrla an.

5 7 5 . Speech is silver, silence is gold.

Sz gm ise skut altndr.
y y o > > fi y o P y y o y y y

D ' y fi ^ ' ^

5 7 6 . Spend and God will send.

Cebindekini harca, ummadn yerden yine gelir.

5 7 7 . Step after step the ladder is ascended.

Merdiven, basamak basamak klr.
.U-jJ La. j J j> I ..J I A j J u . ^

5 7 8 . Stili waters run deep.

Durgun sular derinden akar.
yy y fi y O y

S= y

5 7 9 . Stolen pleasures are sweetest.

Haram helalden tatldr.
..Ulll ( ^ La o l a l l l L . y U
5 8 0 . Store is not sore.
Biriktirmek, ayp deildir.
.jU_>;j.uij jiijv
$ y' " y y^

5 8 1 . Straight trees have crooked roots.

Dzgn aalarn kkleri eri olur.

5 8 2 . Strength is in unity.
Birlikte kuvvet vardr.
5 8 3 . Strike while the iron is hot.
Demir tavnda dvlr.

5 8 4 . Take a man by his word and a cow by its horns.

Kiiyi szne, inei boynuzuna bakarak se.

5 8 5 . Take heed of the snake in the grass.

Otun iindeki ylandan sakn.

5 8 6 . Take heed of one to whom you have been kind.

yilik ettiin kiinin k t l n d e n sakn.
.<(_ljj C r I 0 J i j_

5 8 7 . Take the rough with the smooth.

Gl seven dikenine katlanr / Muhakkak zorluktan
sonra kolaylk vardr. (Ayet)
t o > a f i y y i

5 8 8 . Take the will for the deed.

Ameller niyetlere gredir. (Hadis)

5 8 9 . Take things as you find them.

Zamana uymak gerek.
5 9 0 . Talk of an angel, and you will hear his wings.
yi insan laf zerine gelir.
> y f ya y y o t

5 9 1 . Talk of the devil and he is sure to appear.
ti an ta eline al.

5 9 2 . Tell me your associates, I tell you who you are.

Arkadan syle, sana kim olduunu syleyeyim.

. O J - I - J^ j-.i.L*:i
5 9 3 . Teli the killer that he shall be killed, though long afterwards.
Katile hatrlat ki, uzun bir mddet sonra da olsa,
fi y 4f y y yy

5 9 4 . The anvil fears no blows.

rs, yedii darbelerden korkmaz.

5 9 5 . The bait hides the hook.

Yem oltay gizler.
$ a fi fi o ^ y

5 9 6 . The beaten road is the safest.

Yollarn en emniye lisi ilek olandr.

.<ijyLJ j'jLiiJJlul
5 9 7 . The best friend leads ' ou to the right.
Arkadalarn en uayirlisi sana doruyu gsterendir.

5 9 8 . The best mirror is an old friend.

Eski dost en iyi aynadr.
.Sj J-O J-lii. j X J j i J I iJ-J , t'l II

5 9 9 . The best charity is one given right away.

yiliin hayrls hemen yaplandr.
fi fi , o fi a ,

.<LU.U J _ J I

6 0 0 . The burnt child dreads the fire.

Stten az yanan yourdu fleyerek yer.
. Lj_, (^^^pk 1 ( > V1 j l 1 V

6 0 1 . The cat is absent; frohc, mouse.
Kedi yok, ey fare oyna!

6 0 2 . The cord/rope of a lie is short.

Yalancnn mumu yatsya kadar yanar.
fi y y a fi a y

6 0 3 . The cowl does not make the monk.

Her sarkl abid deildir.

/ fi , ' y

6 0 4 . The crooked furrow is made by the big ox.

Byk kzn ektii sabann izi eri olur.

6 0 5 . The darkest hour is that before the dawn.

Darlktan sonra ferahlk vardr.

6 0 6 . The end justifies the means.

Ama, sebebi mubah klar.

6 0 7 . The exception proves the rule.

stisna kaideyi belirgin klar.

6 O 8. The eye is the pearl of the face.

Gz, yzn incisidir.

6 0 9 . The eye of love is blind.

Akn gz krdr.
f o_ fi o '
. >c_ yl o t n-r ,_-^ll

6 1 0 . The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.

Hikmetin ba Allah korkusudur.

6 1 1 . The fingers of the hand are not ahke.
Elin p a r m a k l a n , bir deildir.
#v y y fi , o fi y ^ o t a '

6 1 2 . The first blow is half the bate.

lk vuru savam yarsdr.
. <ydL ^ Ji I t l ' j A J I

6 1 3 . The first step to virtue is to abstain from vice.

Kusurdan kanmak fazilete doru atlan ilk admdr.
2 l_. . A S il j \ \ \J\ j't-i-^.d-jj^il ^ ^\\'n\
"y "y y y y

6 1 4 . The golden age was never the present age.

Eldeki frsat karma, bir daha ele gemez.

6 1 5 . The greatest hate springs from the greatest love.

Byk nefretler byk aklardan doar.
.^,ju;r LJi - f^^^I '"'^I
6 1 6 . The greatest talker is the least doer.
Ayinesi itir kiinin lafa baklmaz.
.JlJVl J.SKJI y ^
6 1 7 . The greatest conqueror is he who conquers himself.
Kahramanlarn en by nefsine hakim olandr.

6 1 8 . The hand that takes not gives not.

Almayan el, vermez.
V 'jlii V I JJI
6 1 9 . The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.
Beik sallayan el, leme hkmeder.

6 2 0 . The heart that loves, hates not.

Seven kalp nefret etmez.
.Vjkl y L^(^LJi

6 2 1 . The higher up the greater the fall.
Hizh kn byk d olur.
(Her kn bir inii vardr.)

6 2 2 . The highest branch is not the safest roost.

Tayfann aklls, geminin dmeninden uzak durur.

623. The ignorant person learns at his own expense; the wise one, at
the expense of others.
Cahil kendi zararndan, alim bakasnn zararndan
- o y o > yo>j5yyyy O % y o ^ ^ y y

y ^ y - y y ' y ' ** y y ^ y y y * '

624. The insane are not repsonsible.

Deli sorumlu deildir.
^ y y .oyo y o y

625. The last resort is the hot iron.

Dalamak son aredir.
':^\ fiijlii
626. The last drop makes the cup run over.
Son damla barda tarr / Barda taran bir

627. The last straw breaks the camel's back.

Son yk devenin belini krar / Barda taran bir
- 0 ^ 8 . " fi ti ^ fi ^ ( a fi i
. j n i l l j j u. , . ^ - >_j_..;./l 5,';.;ll
y "y * ' y "y y

628. The last suitor wins the maid.

Kz bin kii ister, bir kii alr.
^ fi fi y fi e a fi ' a
.SLliJI ^Vl ._J=JI
y "y ** "y ' y

629. The lion's den is never devoid of bones.

Aslann evi kemiksiz kalmaz.
.jLkjj' ; > j , V j i i j 'o^e
630. The love of money is the root of all evil.
Mal sevgisi her ktln anasidir.
fi ^ fi fi fi a < ^ a i fi

. j ^ J:S J ^ l J U l
fi '

631. The man of rihght has the upper hand.

Hak sahibi stndr (galip gelir).
. I n I III ,3^' _.. -t L.a
632. The moon does not heed the barking of dogs.
i t rr, kervan yrr.

633. The monkey thinks its own offspring fairest.

M a y m u n , anasnn gznde ceylan gibidir.

634. The mountain was labouring and produced a mouse.

Da fare dourdu.
.IjCi J j j J a ^ I i_K>-i-

635. The need never see.

htiya sahibi krdr.
1 < ^ J I ,_jja.LLa

636. The night is a cloak for sinners.

Gece gnahkarlarn rtdr.
.6 illi I Vjluu jllii
6 3 7 . The nobles vengeance is to forgive.
Affetmek, en soylu intikamdr.
.jb J ^ I ^ I

638. The one unvorgivable sin is idleness.

Tembellik balanmayan bir hatadr.
.jili.:; y r . j i o - ; JWUI

639. The pen is mightier than the sword.

Kalem kltan keskindir.

640. The potter places the handle to his liking.

mleki, kulpu istedii gibi takar.

641. The promise of a gentleman is a debt.

Cmert kiinin vaadi bortur.
fi a - y o fi o ,

642. The proof of the pudding is in the eating.

Ak mi kara m nne dnce grrsn.

6 4 3 . The receiver is as had as the thief.
alan da, alnan alan da birdir.

6 4 4 . The rich man's pride is in his purse; the scholar, in his pamphlets.
Zenginin vnc kesesi, alimin vnc kitaplardr.
^ ^ ^ e t o ^ ^ o fi ^ a fi a ^

> fifi fif yyy fifi fil fifi ^ y y

6 4 5 . The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Aklsz dosttan akll dman hayrldr.
^ ^ ^ D ^ ^ fiffia^i-i^^ fi Si

.LlutaJI L l j j J L L^^i^j-o ji ' j j_jj| (JjJ-la-ll

6 4 6 . The rotten apple injures its neighbours.
tle yatan itle kalkar / Krle yatan a kalkar.
yyy * O t f - f i - O f f i - i t
. L f i l j M . a ' <_lijJI <^lllJI
*'y y y

6 4 7 . The she-wolf gives birth only to a wolf.

Dii kurttan, ancak kurt doar.
.ljV <llii li V
6 4 8 . The servant of a king is a king.
Kraln hizmetisi de kraldr.
)* y ^ a f y

. a u a n ^ J U .
6 4 9 . The shoemaker goes barefot, and the weaver naked. ' ' '
Kundurac yaln, dokumac ise plaktr / Terzi kendi
skn dikemez.
" fi , , fi , ' t ' - fi

. j j L j j ; ttLLaJI j tjUi. 1 ^ Is I I I II

" fi

6 5 0 . The slaughtred ewe doesn't fear skinning.

Kesilmi koyun derisinin yzlmesinden korkmaz.
(lm eek kurttan korkmaz.)
fi i ^ fi a fi ^ t ^ fi o ^ a fi i

6 5 1 . The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.

< 111;s j M j 1 1
Can ister fakat beden gszdr. <<_ilj ^^j^^

6 5 2 . The soul is not where it lives, but where it loves.

Gnl sevdii yerdedir, bulunduu yerde deil.

653. The strength of the chain is in the weakest link.
Zincirin kuvveti en zayf halkas kadardr.

y y - - y y

654. The sun is larger than it looks.

ler grnd gibi deildir.

655. The sweetness of success wipes out the bitterness of waiting.

Zaferin tad, sabrn (bekleyiin) acln siler.
' ' , y fi o y fi t t t

656. The tree begins with a seed.

Aacn ash ekirdektir. (Aa ekirdekten yetiir.)
.SljJ. 4 j . a J I Jjl

6 5 7 . The ungrateful and the viper are brothers.

Nankr ile ylan, kardetir.
.pl^L l J l j J ^ l 'j^

658. The virtue of affairs lies in the middle course.

lerin en hayrls orta olandr.
LfJj1 j>aV I 'jlii
659. The watchman is the thief.
Bekisi (koruyucusu) hrszdr.
. I (] i n IJ-^ Id 1 a

660. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach.

Erkein kalbine giden yol midesinden geer.

y y y y * y * y '

661. The way to Babylon will never bring you to Jerusalem.

Babil yolu Kuds'e gitmez.
^ 1 dUji V J.L ^ 1 J^JLJI
y y y

662. The wicked even hate vice in others.

Ktler bile bakalarnn rezaletinden nefret eder.

663. The wise man is he who rules his tongue.
Akll dilini tutandr.
.'<1Cj j i l J31
664. The wish is father to the thought.
Dncenin babas istektir.

665. The worst wheel of the cart makes the most noise.
Arabann en kt tekerlei en ok grlt karandr.

666. There are tricks in every trade.

Her meslein srlar vardr.

667. There are two sides to every question.

Her meselenin iki yn vardr / Deve ne halde, deveci
ne halde?
L L ^ j SJlluIc J J
fi fi y y

668. There is always someone who is worse than yourself.

Her zaman kendinden kt durumda olan birisi vardr.
fi fi y fi o y o y , s ' f ' y a y
.I "1 1 j I 1 n 4 j Ir Oj-JLa L j J I . tll 1 ^ n | j k ' tj-"
669. There is a black sheep in every flock.
Her srde, bir kara koyun bulunur. (Her ailede bir
sorun karan vardr)
fi , a y fi^y a , y f fi

670. There is no darkness like ignorance.

Cehalet gibi bir karanlk yoktur.

671. There is no place like home.

Vatan gibi mekan yoktur.

672. There is no rose without a thorn.

Gl dikensiz olmaz.


6 7 3 . There is no garden without its weeds.
Dikensiz gl olmaz, engelsiz yar olmaz.

f "fi fi ^

6 7 4 . There is no pleasure without pain.

Cefay ekmeyen (ak) sefann kadrini bilmez.

6 7 5 . There is nc smoke without some fire.

Ate olmayan yerden duman kmaz.

6 7 6 . There is no time like the present.

Gn bu gndr.

6 7 7 . There is no wheat without chaff

Samansz buday olmaz.

6 7 8 . There is nothing new under the sun.

Deien bir ey yok / Eski hamam, eski tas.
.Qfifi^'cAS o ' - % - . ' . i j j l V
6 7 9 . There will be sleeping enough in the grave.
Sen ii brakmaynca i seni brakmaz.

6 8 0 . They brag most who can do least.

Bo f ok langrdar.
fi ^ fi fi o ' fi fi ^ " '

"fi " "fi **

6 8 1 . Things have resumed their old course.

Herey eski halini ald / ler yoluna girdi.

6 8 2 . Things said at night are erased by dayhght.

Gece sylenen gndz yok olur.

6 8 3 . This is the way of the world.
Bu, dnyann halidir.

6 8 4 . This world's riches remain in this world.

Dnya mal dnyada kalr.

6 8 5 . Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.

Sra kkte oturan komusuna ta atmamal.
^ fi e ' a fi fi o ' fi fi o fi fi t, ^ I' ^ o '

. 6 J I T . -t I L j O" L J I j^j^ V R L.^ J ( 3 - * ! " J . ' 0-

fi fi fi' fi fi

6 8 6 . Though reminded its a he-goat, he says, "Milk it".

Ona teke dersen, o da sana "stn sa" der.
>0 0 ^ ^ tt fi fi fi t, ^ fi ^ o fi

' y y "

6 8 7 . Time and tide wait for no man.

Frsat elden gidince bir daha bulunmaz.
6 8 8 . Time is money.
Vakit nakittir.

6 8 9 . Tit for tat.

Gze gz, die di / ksasa ksas.

fi fi fi fi "fi

6 9 0 . To add fuel to the fire.

Yangna krkle gitmek.

6 9 1 . To be a chief of people is to serve them.

Milletin by milletine hizmet edendir.
afifi ^ o.-e^
.jl-J-OjLi. ^ j J J I >J-J^

6 9 2 . To be in debt -even for a penny - is humiliation.

Bor, bir kuru da olsa kltcdr.

6 9 3 . To build casdes in the air.

Gereklemeyecek hayaller peinde komak.

6 9 4 . To honour the dead is to bury them.

lye en byk sayg onu defnetmektir.

6 9 5 . To kill two birds with one stone.

Bir tala iki ku vurmak.

fi y fi y y " "

6 9 6 . Tomorrow is another day.

Yarn baka bir gndr.

6 9 7 . Too many cooks spoil the broth.

Horozu ok olan kyn sabah ge olur.

6 9 8 . To much blame causes friends to part.

ok knama, dostlar ayrr.

6 9 9 . Truthfulness helps one to gain livelihood.

Doruluk rzk bollatrr.

7 0 0 . Truth is stranger than fiction.

nsan ryada grse inanmaz.
y y o y % yfl^^y y

7 0 1 . Trul l is the daughter of time.

Hakikat zamana gredir.
702 Truth will prevail.
Hak yerini bulur / Hak daima galip olur.
. y y ^ y
LjI^I ^ <_JLt 4j-tl
7 0 3 . Truth needs 110 (lowers of speech.
Gerek, ssl szler gerektirmez.

704. Try your friend before you trust him.
Arkadana gvenmeden nce onu bir dene. ^

fi fi fi ' *

705. Two eyes see more than one.

ki gz, bir gzden iyi grr.
> fi- ^ > fifi ji ^jo^ fi- a fifi f- fi- fifi

706. Two heads are better than one.

ki gr bir grten iyidir.
. (j-o ^^^^ i j Q U
707. Two of a trade can never agree.
Ayn meslekten iki kii anlaamaz.
X^\ o^ L^I
708. Two water melons can't be held in one hand.
ki karpuz bir koltuka smaz.
y , - - .fi ^ f i f i f . f i f i O * . '

709. Two wrongs do not make a right.

ki hata bir doru etmez.

710. Union is strength.
Birlik Kuvvettir.
fi s- fi^ fi ,^ fi . .

711. United we stand, divided we fall.
Birlikten kuvvet doar.
fi fi fi fi i ' i ^ fi ^ ^ fi ^ fi

712. Unless one suffers, one does not learn.

Zora katlanmadan (ac ekmeden) renilmez.

7 1 3 . Use makes perfection.
Mek kemale erdirir.

714. Use soft words and hard arguments.

Tatl dilli ol ve azimle mcadele et.
.^(.y^ J j j '^^J 0 ^
7 1 5 . Use the means and trust in God.
nce, zerine deni yap, sonra Allah'a tevekkl et.
.<lj j^ij jji'f l^ ^
716. Use your wit as a buckler not as a sword.
Akln kalkan gibi kullan kl gibi kullanma.
' u - ^ j Lyjf J*JI
717. Use your mind first, and then rely on God.
(Deveni) salam kaza bala sonra tevekkl et.
3 .'J^'jh L ^ l

718. Vain glory blosssoms, but never bears.
Sahte eref, iek aar ama meyve vermez.
f ^ . * y y > o f f i f o "

. j-oJL V j j j > j j _ l Ij J I A a J . I

7 1 9 . Variety is the spice of life.

Tebdil-i mekanda ferahlk vardr.
.6 \-\\\ j I If ^J I I
720. Venture a small fish to catch a great one.
Kaz gelen yerden tavuk esirgenmez.
. j ^ jilkl^y JdijL Lijil
7 2 1 . Victory over the weak is a defeat.
Zayfa kar galip gelmek hezimettir.

7 2 2 . Vinegar offered free is as sweet as honey.

Bedava sirke baldan tatldr.

723. Virtue is a jewel of great price.

Kemlin var ise bulursun yerin.

724. Virtue is its own reward.

yilik yap denize at, balk bilmezse Halik bilir.
, , a ^ fi fi fi fi' ^

725. Virtue may be overclouded for a while, but will shine at last.
F a z i l e t bir mddet gizli kalsa da sonunda aa kar.
^ ^ t, $ a fi fi - fi' f ^ ^ o f ' - o f o i '

.-LfJI j j . ^ ' I j *\ I <l-l.aj <l j iAS II .-.I - > " J-5

726. Virtue means sweat.
Fazilet, aln teridir.

7 2 7 . Vows made in storms are forgotten in calms.

Gk grlemeyince "Allah Allah" denmez.

' w '

728. Wait and let things take their course.

Bekle, herey yoluna girsin.

729. Waiting for death is worse than death itself

lm beklemek lmekten daha ktdr.
>Jiy D oy oy
.jLl_J_J C J J - I I iJ-O
y * y y

730. Wake not a sleeping dog.

Uyuyan kpei uyandrma.

731. Walls have ears.

Yerin kula vardr.
Jl y y O > fl

.jjljl (jljj^
732. Want is the mother of industry.

Hacet almann anasdr.

7 3 3 . Want of care admits despair.

Yardm istemek, aresizlii kabullenmektir.

7 3 4 . War for the spectators is easy.

Sava, seyredene kolay gelir.

7 3 5 . War is death's feast.

Harp lmn ziyafetidir.
. O ^ l <-ajJj . _ j j ^ l

7 3 6 . Warmth is health, though in the midst of summer.

Yazn ortasnda bile olsa scaklk salktr.
'._tj>ll jx j]j l c U'jJI"

7 3 7 . Waste not, want not.

sraf yoksulluu getirir.

7 3 8 . Water flowed under his feet and he was not aware of it.
Altmtan sular akt fakat haberi olmad.

7 3 9 . Water is a boon in the desert, but the drowning man curses it.
Su lde nimettir, ama boulan iin felakettir.

7 4 0 . We are ali slaves of opinion.

Hepimiz grmzn klesiyiz / Herkes kendi
akln beenir.

7 4 1 . We can live without our friends, but not without our neighbours.
Arkadasz yaanr komusuz yaanmaz.

7 4 2 . We easily forget our faults when nobody knows them.

Yanllarmz bakalar bilmeyince h e m e n unuturuz.

7 4 3 . Wedlock is padlock.
Evinde rahat olmayan dnya cehennemindedir.

7 4 4 . We shall lie all alike in our graves.

Kabirde hepimiz eitiz.

7 4 5 . Wealth and content do not always live together.

Zenginlik ve kanaat bir arada bulunmaz.

7 4 6 . Wealth is not his who gets it, but his who enjoys it.
Servet sahibinin deil, ondan faydalananndr.

7 4 7 . Wealth unused might as well not exist.

Kullanlmayan servet, yok saylr.

7 4 8 . Weigh right, and sell d' ar.

Doru tart, pahal: sat.
fi ^ o ^ fi ^ e

.LJU L->J-..r. (JJ

7 4 9 . Well begun is half done.
Doru balang, iin yarsdr.
fi- - O f O P 1 &

7 5 0 . What cannot be cured must be endured.

Baa gelen ekilir.
.jcilal < L U ^ .^I V U
7 5 1 . What children hear at home soon flies abroad.
ocuklarn evde dinledikleri, darda abuk yaylr.

yy **y y * * y * * ' "

7 5 2 . What is done cannot be undone.

Olan oldu. / Gemie mazi derler.

7 5 3 . What is done by night appears by day.

Gecenin gizlediini gndz ifa eder.
f , i fi fi y it y fi o i. fi y y y y

.jLallli-^.i^ij j l l l l < ^ Lo
7 5 4 . What is learnt young is hard to lose.
Kk yata renilen unutulmaz.

7 5 5 . What is not right must be wrong.

Doru olmayan ey yanltr.
^y y y t t y , a y ,

7 5 6 . What man had done, man can do.

nsanolunun yapt bir eyi insan yapabilir.
.'jui oi-^v' i-j^^V-'j 'L-^y 'o'jV^ Lo
7 5 7 . What the eye does not see the heart does not grieve over.
Gz grmeyince gnl katlanr.
.jijlii ^Cj. V ' t j l l i i 6 1 ^ 1 V Lo

7 5 8 . What your glass tells you will not be told by counsel.

Gznle grdn, duyduun gibi olmaz.
fiyyayafiayyfi o fi y y fi fi o y y fi afi f

. 6 J J M . 1 1 . 1 Ljjt d j I ^ ' V d j l j - o -(-lc d j I ^ " Lo

7 5 9 . When ali men speak, no man hears.
Herkes konutuu zaman kimse duymaz.

7 6 0 . When abundant, everything is cheap in price except intelligence:

the more abundant the more precious.
Herey oaldka ucuz olur. Ancak akl oaldka
deeri artar.

. t o l a j L j l ' J J k / J J I Vl / j i k l'jl LkI^; ^ y i . ''J^

7 6 1 . When asked about his father, the mule says, the horse is his uncle.
Katra "baban kimdir" demiler, "at daymdr"

762. When children stand still, they have done some ill.
ocuklar sustuklar zaman bu onlarn bir yaramazlk
yaptklar anlamna gelir.
.lilli IjJjll dJ'j 'JVI ' C L ^ l'jl

763. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

Ya bu deveyi gdersin ya bu diyardan gidersin. /
Zaman sana uymazsa sen zamana uy.
^jl ^ Ijl / l+Ul s J i ^ j-^il' l ^ j j J - = ^ Oi^

764. When it concerns the stomach, the mind is lost.

Midesi bo olann kafas almaz.
> >>o ^ ^ t fi a ^ o
. J j 1 j l A \ C j ^ L jjjJo-JI A C
fi fi fi

765. When modesty is lost, adversity prevails.

Utanma duygular giderse musibetler gelir.
> f " f fi- fi- a - "

. f i i L J I J a . fiUaJI cjjnj Ijl

766. When one door shuts, another opens.
Allah bir kapy kaparsa baka kapy aar.
>IIJ-jI O l - . " t a t_jLj j - J I j l
* ' fi * * fi ^
1 6 1 . When poverty comes in at the door, love flies out of the window.
Fakirlik kapdan girdii zaman ak pencereden kaar.
^ s ^ i fi o $ ^ fi o < a ^ ^ ^

. J J U J I (j-o II-.II _>-a LJI jj-o j i J I J ^ j I j l

fi fi fi ' ^" * fi *

768. When sorrow is asleep, wake it not.

Hzn uykuda olduu zaman onu uyandrma.
. d S u ILL. 'jj>JI Ijl
769. When the cat is away, the mice will play.
Kedinin olmad yerde fareler cirit atar.
.'a(j^\ .-y/lIIJI J
fifi fifi *f fi- ' *

770. When the well is dry, we know the worth of water.

Suyun kymetini ancak kuyu kuruduu zaman anlarz.
fi o a t fi fi ^ i ^o^^o fi a ^ '

. j - j _ J I9 1( a -^" V | <=U.I 2 . j V
771. When the iron is hot, it is time to strilce.
Demir tavnda dvlr.
a i t y ^ y y y * y a y y

.L_iJ . A l l ( j l j l t d J i i .L-oL. i j l ^ Ijl

772. When you know the reason, there is no more surprise.
Nedeni bilinirse aknlk olmaz.
. _ J - a j J I J J o - J . _ l r II _ 5 j X lj|

773. When your son is grown up, take him as brother.

Olun byd zaman ona yolda ol.
.(-jjL. - I j_k Ijl

11 A. Where ignorance is bhss it is folly to be wise.

Cehaletin nimet sayld yerde, filozof olmak
fi y y fi y o < ^ ^ ^ 0 ^ fi f fi y y y a fi fi ' y fi a '

115. Where love fails, we spy all faults.

Aba da bir diba da bir giyene, gzel de bir irkin de
bir sevene.
.pLLIVI f-J-al J i ^ L . L t a J |rnj i l a .

776. Where there is a will, there is a way.

Meramn elinden birey kurtulmaz.
^0 f i fi ' fi ' y

7 7 7 . Wherever you earn your living, there you stay.

Nerede karnn doyarsa orada kal.

778. Where words fail, beating succeeds.

Szn fayda vermedii yerde (bazan) dayak fayda verir.
fi a fi , a , y fi o , fi af fi , a ,

.jiKll ^a'j V ,t.,j~^ , A I ^a ' j

779. White hair is a show of dignity.
Sa aarmas olgunluun belirtisidir.
. < L ^ ,_, ..^1 II
780. While there is life there is hope.
mitsiz yaam olmaz.

^ fi - f ^ ^

781. Why regret the fodder-bag after the mare is stolen.
At gittiine gre, yem torbasna zlmek gerekmez.

fi fi
782. Wit has always an answer ready.
Zekinin cevab hazrdr.
.<i_LjI ->' ul^

783. With good health, everything tastes delicious.

Herey salk ve afiyetle gzeldir.

784. Women have long hair and short wisdom.

Kadnlarn sa uzun akl ksa olur.
fi ^ fi o ^ fi fi fi n ^ ^ fi

j \ > r \ \ Jit j -iJJ-^ J * "I "I d I

785. Women in mischief are wiser than men.

Fesatlkta kadnlarn akl erkekleri tikinden stndr.

786. Women laugh when they can, and weep when they will.
Kadnlar glebildikleri zaman glerler ve istedikleri
zaman alarlar.

787. Words cut more than swords.

Dil yaras mzrak yarasndan acdr. / Dil kltan

788. Would he who fears not the lion fear a dog?

Aslandan korkmayan, kpekten korkar m?

789. Years know more than books.

ok yaayan ok bilir.
.I.-I si j-*>i-i

790. Yesterday will not be called again.
Gemie mazi denir.
. o t l a o U La

7 9 1 . You cannot bum the candle at both ends.

M u m ilci ucundan yaklmaz.
^ 9 ^ ^ a f a & f ^ > y

.L4_>Ja j > L..a,.;?J I ,= LAn V

7 9 2 . You cannot build a wall with one stone.
Duvar, bir tala rlmez.
.O^lj j ^ JcljJI '1 i i V

7 9 3 . You cannot whistle and drink at the same time.

Her eyi bilen birey bilmez.

7 9 4 . You cannot judge a man till you know his story.

Kiinin yksn bilmeden hakknda hkm verme.
f ' fi " o-' fi ^ a o f a f ^

y fi ^ '
795. You cannot know the good in him until you have tried other.
Bakasn denemedike onun hayrn bilemezsin.
* - ) ^ ^jx:; V
796. You cannot make an omelet without breaking eggs.
Yumurta krmadan omlet yaplmaz.
1^ ^
^ yi 1 ^ 1 j . A - . - . V
7 9 7 . You cannot put old heads on young shoulders.
Yal kafalar, gen omuzlarn zerine oturtulmaz

798. You cannot serve God and mammon.

Ayn anda hem Allah'a hem de mala taplmaz.
.Ula Jiiij j l i y ^ jH;?
799. You have no real friend except after a fight with him.
Gerek arkada, kavgadan sonra edinilir.
. 6 J H l i f V l a . i l a 'jliS V

800. You must take the will for the deed.

Ameller niyetlere gredir.
.cijIllIL jtllV Lal
8 0 1 . You never know that you can do till you try.
Denemeden, yapabileceini bilemezsin.
. <i rir." j j J11 j V - i 11
8 0 2 . You near neighbour is better than your distant brother.
Yakn komun, uzak kardeinden iyidir.
.jjjL-JI d ^ l V j <v^>Lll d j U .
8 0 3 . You are fine as long as your nighbour is fine.
Komun iyi olduka sen de iyi olursun.
. j - - a - j d j L j . ^ I j Lo j I ^ I

804. Your ruler is your oppressor; who can you appeal to?
Bandaki zaiimse, kime ikayet edeceksin?

y y y

805. Youth and health are only valued when lost.

ki ey vardr ki onlar kaybetmeyince deerini
anlayamayz: Genlik ve afiyet.

8 0 6 . Zeal without knowledge is fire without light.

ok abalayan ok yorulur.
.oLui j j j j ^ jL UAIJ l^LoJI
y y y y '

8 0 7 . Zeal without knowledge is a runaway horse.

Suyun akntsna gitmeyen yorulur / Kuru gayret
ark eskitir.
* t ^ * i- fi ^ fi^, ^ ,


Aksoy, mer Asm, A t a s z l e r i ve Deyimler Szl

ATASZLER SZL 1, TDK. Yay.: 325, Ankara 198L
Burckhardt, J.L., Arabic Proverbs, Curzon Press 1984.
, Ataszleri ve Deyimler Szl DEYMLER SZL
2, TDK. Yaynlar: 325/2, Ankara 1981.
Cowie, A.P. & Mackin R., Oxford Dictionary of Current
Idiomatic English, Vol. I, Oxford University Press, London
Dapnar, Aydn, Trke-ngilizce / ngilizce-Trke Ataszleri
ve Deyimler Szl, Minnetolu Yaynlar, istanbul 1982.
Hava, J. G., al-Faraid Arabic-English Dictionary, Beyrut 1970.
Hornby, A.S. & Others, The Learner's Dictionary of Current
E n g l i s h , Second Edition, Oxford University Press, London 1963.
Redhouse Szl, ngilizce-Trke, Redhouse Yaynevi, Istanbul
Redhouse Yeni Trke-ngilizce Szlk, Redhouse Yaynevi,
Istanbul 1968.
Tulac, Pars, ngilizce-Trke Deyimler Szl, stanbul 1978.
Wehr, Hans, A Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic, Ed. J.
Milton Cowan, Otto Harrassowitz, Wies den 1979.
Yurtba, Metin, A Dictionary of Turkish Proverbs, Turkish Daily
News, Ankara 1993.

.i>. .Jli-VI ^.f, ^ L l S,^lxJ.I J ^ l ^ 1

' J J " I I 4 - u j x J I <i n k 'i LI Cli IJ J IM 'i 1 ^-o < ^ ml iiiVl 1 ^ JJLJ I ^ > 1,1


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