Russerction Season 7 Episode 17

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Russerction Season 7 episode 17

The New World

(Fort Frances)(Prison)(Morning)

the camera was zoomed in on the floor of the prison and as it was it shown a solid white it did the camera stayed on the floor but fanned over to the bottom of a door and as it
did there was a buzzing noise and the door was opened and as it opened a man walked in.

You could tell it was a man by the bottom of his dress pants and his black dress shoes as he
walked along the floor the camera fanned up and it shown that it was President Truman and he
was in the solitary section of the prison and as he was the camera shown that he had over a
dozen guards with him and as he did he walked down to one of the end prison cells and as he
did the camera jumped behind the door and stayed on the door.

as it did the door buzzed and slid open and as it did the camera shown President Truman again
and as it did President Truman said.
President Truman Oliver: so...are you finally going to talk...

As he said that the camera shown who he was talking to and it was Dazman who had his hands
and feet chained to the walls stretched out by chains and he was in the center of the room and
he had a ball and gag in his mouth so he couldnt talk and as he couldnt Dazman glared at him
and as he didnt speak President Truman said.

President Truman Oliver: So be it.

as he said that he walked out of the cell and as he did he said.

President Truman Oliver: Let the torture begin.

as he said that one of the guards that were there had a tazzer and he turned it on and he walked
over to Dazman and he jabbed it into his side and he kept doing it over and over again...the
camera stayed with President Truman and as it did he walked to another prison cell and as it did
President Truman opened the door and as it did he stared at the person inside the cell...and the
camera shown that it was Maddie.

As President Truman was looking at her he said.

President Truman Oliver: its time we have a chat...Ms...Naurloa.

as he said that he snapped his fingers and as he did several military guards entered the room
and as they did they picked her up from under her arms and as they did they led her to
President Trumans office...with President Truman right behind them.

as they got to the office and once Maddie was cuffed and seated at her seat President Truman

President Truman Oliver: thanks boys...I can handle it from here.

as he said that he took a seat at his desk and as he did the guards left closing the door behind
them and as they left Maddie saw a book sitting on top of President Trumans desk and as she
saw it she said.

President Truman Oliver: whats that.

as she said that President Oliver picked up the book and read the cover and said.

President Truman Oliver: My Triumph...My Struggle...the story on how I survived the end of the Dr. Ethan Jackson.

as he said that he showed the book to Maddie and as he did he said.

President Truman Oliver: your old boyfriend right...

as he said that Maddie didnt answer him and as she didnt President Truman said.President
Truman Oliver: well...after he came up with the cure he gave it to us and he was the first one to
be let free from here several weeks ago...and after that his fame went off like that...hes smart Ill
give him that.

as he said that he flipped through his book and as he did he said.

President Truman Oliver: But Ill take his work as a doctor over his work as an author any
day...but I do say my favorite chapter has to be the one about your relationship during an
apyclopyse....would you like to read it.

as he said that he held up the chapter about there relationship and as he did he closed it as she
was about to say something and as he did he said.
President Truman Oliver: I need you to do something first...a few weeks ago when I first brought
you here you bit off one of my guards ear.
as he said that Maddie said.
Maddie: thats because he...

as she said that President Truman cut her off and as he did he said.President Truman Oliver:
Enough of that...I dont need to know what happened...what I need to have happened before you
can leave is several things out of you...the first...I need you to apologize to the guard whos ear
you bit need to agree to a list of rules to live by and 3rd you will not try and get
behind that wall again...what do you say...thats all the price of freedom is worth...all you have to
do is say yes to 2 of those questions and an apology.

as he said that Maddie glared at him and as she did she said.

Maddie: Fuck you and your rules...and as for your guard...Id bite his other ear off...hell...Id bite
more then that off if Id have the chance if you know what I mean. So you can take your rules
and take them and turn them into a tiny little ball and shove them up your ass...thats what I have
to say to that.

as she said that the camera jumped to her prison cell and the door quickly opened up and as it
did Maddie was thrown into her cell and as she was President Truman yelled at her and said.

President Truman Oliver: you will say yes to way or another...everyone else in your
group has.

as he said that he threw her Dr. Jacksons book and as he did he said.

President Truman Oliver: some light reading metrial.

as he said that he slammed the cell door shut behind him and it was locked and as it was
Maddie glared at the book. The camera jumped back out to President Truman and as it did he
looked at the guard who was guarding Maddies cell and as he did he said.

President Truman Oliver: tell the doc to prep for surgery...Ive got big plans for miss Naurloa.

as he said that the guard slouted the president and as he did he said.
Prison Security Guard 1: yes sir.

with that the guard left to do what he was told to do...and President Truman left for his office.

(Wisconsin)(Morning)(Military Escort of walkers)

the military escort came to a stop and as it did Aubries group heard the soldiers talking and as
they were talking the soldiers said.

Solider 1: all right 20 minuet break...were out in 20 everyone got that.

as the solider said that everyone responded to him and as they did one of the soldiers were
making there way to the back of Aubries truck and as they were The solider looked into the
truck and as he did all of a sodden the soldier saw Aubrie and her group and they all pointed
there weapons at the solider and as they did the solider reached for his and Aubrie pulled the
trigger of her gun first and she killed the solider.

as she did the walkers started to form around the dead solder and as they did Aubrie said.

Aubrie: Everyone out of the truck...move.

as she said that Aubrie made her way to the front of the truck and as she did people in her
group were being picked off one by one and as they were Aubrie got out of the truck and as she
did she looked back and she was the only one who made it out alive form her group.

as she saw this she was about to run for the woods when the group of soldiers all pointed there
guns at her and as they did she raised hers and fired her gun at them...killing them all but one of
them instantly.

as she killed them all but one of them she reloaded her gun and walked towards the last solider
as she did the solider kept his gun on her and as he did Aubrie aimed her gun at his head and
as she did she said.
Aubrie: Give me your weapon.

(Fort Frances)(Prison)(Afternoon)

The camera was zoomed in on the entrance to a prison cell door and as it was the camera
stayed on it for several seconds until the door slid the door opened the camera reveled
who was behind the door and it was Madeline Barone and she was in one of the prisons
integration rooms and she was handcuffed to a table and chair and facing a guard and as she
was the camera shown President Truman walking into the room.

As he entered the room the President looked at the guard and said.
President Truman Oliver: Leave us.

as he said that the guard glared at Madeline and as he did he walked out of the room...the guard
left the room and closed and locked the door behind the guard was gone the President
had a big smirk on his face and as he did the President walked over to the table and said.
President Truman Oliver: So the guards tell me your not giving me or them any information.

as he said that Madeline leaned back in her chair shrugged her shoulders and said.
Madeline Barone: what is there to tell them.

as she said that President Truman said.President Truman Oliver: How about where you and
Ryan Fantin came from...we took the blood samples Dr. Jackson gave us from the test he was
running on the cure and yours and Ryans both dont match up with any survivors on this
planet...and we ran the test for people before the virus went global and yours and Ryans blood
never came 2 just randomly showed up in Jamess group around mid season 4 of the
show...I want you to tell me where in the hell you came from.

as the president said that Madeline looked at him and said.

Madeline Barone: what can I say...youve watched the show from start to should know
what happened and how we got here.

as she said that the president laughed and as he did the president said.President Truman Oliver:
do you except me to believe that James really went to another dimension after he was bitten by
the walker virus and after he found out his blood was the cure and he turned back to normal he
brought back 2 people with him into our universe.

as he said that Madeline said.

Madeline Barone: thats what Im I said youve been watching the show since the
start so you should know more to this then me.

as she said that the president thought about what she just said for several seconds and as he
did he said.
President Truman Oliver: if this is true then...then that means alternate realitys exist and then
that means the episode where James and the leaders of the group had those hulisnations in the
barn means that there really might be an afterlife.

As he said that Madeline said.

Madeline Barone: lost me at alternate realitys...since youve got what you came for
can I finally be let go.

as she said that President Truman just walked out of the room and he closed the door behind
her and as he did he walked to the guard and as he did he said.
President Truman Oliver: I have several calls to keep her in her cell for now until I
need her.
as he said that the guard said.
Prison Maximun Security guard 2: yes sir.

as he said that the president left and as he did the camera stayed with the guard and the guard
opened the door and Madeline looked up at him.

(Wisconsin)(half way point to Fort Frances)(Afternoon)

The camera jumped to Aubrie who was sitting next to the solider who she had held captive at
gun point and the solider was driving the military truck and it was full of walkers still and as they
were driving the soldier looked at Aubrie and he saw that she still had her pistol pointed at him
and as he saw that Aubrie saw him looking at her and she said.

Aubrie: pay attention to the road.

as she said that the soldier looked back at the road and as he did Aubrie said.

Aubrie: How much longer until we get to this...

as she was about to finish her sentence the soldier said.

Solider 1: For Frances...its the first thing you see when you get outside these walls to
freedom....anyways its still a several hour drive away from this point.

as he said that there was a few seconds of silence and as there was Aubrie said.
Aubrie: Why are you and your men taking walkers beyond the wall.

as she said that the soldier let out a long sigh and as he did he said.

Solider 1: your not going to like it.

as he said that Aubrie pulled the hammer of her gun back and aimed it at the solider and as she
did the solider said.

Solider 1: all right...all right...Ill talk...Ill talk...well the reason we bring the dead into the
community is for entertimante.

as he said that Aubrie looked at him with a pissed off look and as she did the solider said.

Solider 1: you know you still know what that what you watch on TV for
as he said that Aubrie said.
Aubrie: Yeah I know what entirtment your telling me you bring the walkers beyond that
wall into a safe place just for peoples enjoyment.

as he said that the solider said.

Solider 1: well pretty much.

as he said that Aubrie said.

Aubrie: Well that ends faster...

as she said that the soldier slammed his foot on the gas pedal and the truck started to pick up

(Fort Frances)(Prison)( Afternoon)

The camera jumped back to the prison and as it did President Truman walked into Dazmans cell
and as he did he looked right at the guard and as he did he said.

President Truman Oliver: leave us.

as he said that the guard in the room left and closed the door behind as the guard was gone
President Truman said.
President Truman Oliver: well are you going to talk now.

as he said that President Truman paused and waited for Dazman to answer him and as he did
Dazman just glared at him and as he did President Truman said.

President Truman Oliver: ok then...well I just stopped by here to let you know that your friends all
spoke to me and I already know everything there is to know about your you can stay
in here and rot all you want...your not leaving this cell until you talk.

as President Truman said that he walked up to the cell door and knocked on it and it slid open
and as it did President Truman looked back at Dazman and as he did he said.
President Truman Oliver: better get used to this cell.

as he said that he left the cell and the door closed behind him and as he did the camera
followed President Truman and as it did he walked up to a group of guards and as he did he
President Truman Oliver: Is she ready.

as he said that one of the guards said.

Maximum Security guard 2: yes sir she is...Ill lead you to her.

as he said that President Truman said.

President Truman Oliver: excellent.

The camera jumped to several miles outside the prison and as it did the camera shown that the
sun was setting and the camera also shown the military truck that Aubrie had taken hostage and
as it did Aubrie was outside the truck and she had her pistol aimed at the solider who was still
inside the drivers seat.

as she had her gun aimed at the solider the camera jumped closer to them and as it did Aubrie
Aubrie: all Im going to better not follow me if you know whats good for you.

as she said that the soldier looked at her gun and as he did he said.

Solider: all right...all right.

as he said that Aubrie walked backwards and she kept her gun on the soldier and as she did
she said.
Aubrie: go.

as she said that the solider started to drive off and as he did Aubrie looked around to make sure
the area was clear as the truck drove off in the distance and once the truck was out of her site
she made her way for a set of trees and she vanished.

the camera jumped back to the prison and as it did the group of guards were leading the
president to where they took Maddie and as they were they led him to a medical room and as
the door was slid open one of the guards said.

Maximum Prison security guard 2: Sir I present to you the newest member to our army...Maddie

as he said that the camera shown Maddie was wearing what the soliders were wearing and as
the camera shown her she was in a solute position and as she was the camera zoomed in on
the Presidents face he got a big smirk on his face.

President Truman Oliver: excellent.

(Screen Goes black)(End Scene)

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