Assignment 2

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Question 1 [1]
Create DataBase in MS Access as follow :

This database has only 1 table with name : tblClass.

Create DNS name with name : ClassTest

Question 2 [10]
Create HTML Form with name newclass.html as follow : [2]

- Class Name must be entered with rule : Cxxyyz.

For Example : C0405L, C0311K.
- When user click on Cancel button, all elements of form will be cleared.
- When user click on Create button, this form will be submitted to new.jsp page.
- new.jsp uses NewBean.class to insert a new class into database.
o Create to insert a new class into database. [4.5]
If insert successfully, the message : Insert new class into database successfully! will be
appeared on new.jsp[1.5]
o Ortherwise an error message will be appeared on error.jsp. (error.jsp is a JSP error page) [2]

Question 3 [14]
Using taglib (custom tags) for show all class from database on showclass.jsp.
Form will be appeared as follow :

Q1. Create Tag Handler class with name [8.0]

Q2. Define custom tag with name showclass [2.0]

Q3. Write showclass.jsp to show class data [4.0]

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