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BTEC Media Studies

Treatment Sheet

Name of Bastille- Pompeii

Song and Indie, rock band
Description They are an indie pop band or electro pop band
of your artist which where formed in 2010. The group began as a
solo project by lead singer Dan Smith, that expanded
soon after to include a keyboardist (Kyle Simmons) a
bassist (Will Farquarson), and a drummer (Chris
Wood). The name of the band cam from Bastille Day,
which is celebrated on the 14th July which is the date
of Dan Smiths Birthday.
Music video Our video has a narrative structure about a man who
structure ad looses his job as he isnt preforming well enough it
synopsis seems like his life isnt going to plan and hes had
enough upset and angry he has a flash back to his
life before being job less, where he was loving life
and enjoying his time. Then the video takes a turn for
the worse where he ends up homeless and all alone.
Target The target audience would be towards a middle class
audience community traditionally towards white but now it has
expanded to the wider community. It cause also be
targeted to brands from any style mainly fashion.
Locations During the filming we used 3 locations including the
required school for the effect of office blocks and a work
place, a darkened corner that was filled with litter
and rubbish to resemble me being homeless. Also a
park, which had a football goal to resemble my
happy times, which take place in the flash back, my
character has during the film.
Character During the filming me (will) plays a homeless man
profiles who is feeling a lot of emotions which are showed
through the whole video when will goes homeless
and his life starts to go down hill.
Josh has the role of wills boss at the beginning of the
video when he fires will for not achieving well
enough. He is seemed to be the antagonist
throughout the video.
Then we had a few extras including (George, ben,
matt, will and Joshua) these took part in the flash
back showing that will is having fun times during the
Filming style During the feeling we will use a collection of different
shot types, which show the style of the video. This
included pan shots, close ups and over the shoulder
shots to show a sense of emotion during the filming.

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