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What if one day you woke up, and all of a sudden you are in situation which you

have no control over? You have no one to turn to, nowhere to go, what do you
One day a young 10 year old boy came home from school to find his house
ransacked. At first he thought there was an intruder but then he heard faint
sobbing coming from upstairs. The boy ran upstairs and dashed into his parents
room to find his mother crying over his fathers body. With his father gone his
mother had to work multiple jobs and even then she couldnt pay the rent. They
had to move from their home to a council estate in South London.
It was here where the boy experienced the effects of drugs first hand. He would
see the addicts outside on the roads begging for money. But he also noticed the
ones providing them their fix werent broke at all. Within this trade he saw a way
out. A way out of this area, a way out for his mother, a way out of the struggle.
So he began selling on the streets at the age of 13. He realised over time in this
line of work there are no friends, everyone is looking for someone to leech off of
until they dont need you anymore. So he learned how to fight. His name quickly
became known throughout the streets and he worked his way up to become the
head of the chain, a long way from the small fry selling on the corner he once
Know he makes deals with the biggest organisations. He is used to having his
own way that was until he crossed the wrong people

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