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Most people opt to buy processed food than healthy alternatives because its

inexpensive and a whole lot cheaper. But how do you live a healthy life in this world
full of chips and gummy bears? Set youre your worries. Healthy living doesnt mean
drilling a hole to your pocket. Although vegetables become cheap depending on the
seasons, heres a list of vegetables that are nutritious but can be often find cheap in
the market:

1. Carrots

No matter where you are, you can always find carrots in the list of cheap
vegetables to buy. Not only is it budget-friendly, its also good for the eyes. Carrots
are very rich in Vitamin A that helps maintain good eyesight. There are also
researches about this vegetable helping fight heart disease and cancer because of
its antioxidant properties. You can put in your soup or make a quick snack from it.
There are practically many ways to cook or prepare carrots; so, no need to fret on
how to serve it. I guess now we know why bugs bunny loves his carrots.

2. Onions

Onions are the vegetables that are present in almost all dishes. Who doesnt
love onions? From soups and snacks to roasted dishes, onions are excellent
complementary vegetables. It contains flavonoids that have antioxidant capabilities
to reduce risk of colorectal, esophageal and ovarian cancer.

3. Tomatoes

If youre looking for some juicy alternatives, tomatoes are the best for you.
Tomatoes are actually considered to be a fruit but well still include it in the list since
it has become one of the most loved foods by vegans. Tomatoes contain lycopene
that reduces the risk of heart disease by increasing the bodys antioxidant defenses
while preventing DNA damage. Tomatoes also improve skin cells by fighting aging
and damage from everyday exposure to sun and dirt.

4. Okra

Also known as bamia or ladys finger because of its distinct shape, okra are
popular vegetables in Africa and Asia. It contains antioxidants like beta-carotene
and lutein that help keep mucus membranes and skin healthy. Doctors recommend
this vegetable to protect the body from the risk of lung cancer and oral cavity
cancer. It also helps boost immunity by fighting infectious diseases that result to
common cold and cough.

5. Cabbage

Cabbage is a very flexible vegetable since it can be prepared in so many

ways. It can be short-cooked or eaten raw but its benefits will never fall short. This
vegetable is rich in sulfur which is essential in clearing up an oily skin. It helps
detoxify the body by flushing away toxins like free radicals and uric acid to prevent
arthritis and rheumatism. It is also rich in keratin, a protein that is essential for a
vibrant and healthy hair and nails.

6. Cauliflower

Steamed cauliflower is an excellent snack for those who are in hurry.

Researchers agreed that cauliflower contain properties that help prevent cancer.
The link between cauliflower and cancer shouldnt be too surprising because this
vegetable it has three main health benefits: it helps detoxify the body; it has
antioxidant properties; and it boosts the anti-inflammatory system. Aside from all
these benefits, its a healthy snack for the brain as researches proved how it boosts

7. Bell Peppers

Peppers contain great amount of vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin B6. This
vegetable is rich in fiber which is the main thing to look at when youre trying to
lose weight. It helps improve the bodys digestive system and prevent constipation
and hemorrhoids. But which between green and red bell peppers are healthier to
eat? Dont fret because both have great health benefits. Scientists found out that
green bell peppers reduce the risk of chronic illnesses that are age and stress-
related; while red bell peppers contain antioxidants that prevent free radical
damage which cause heart problems and membrane inflammation.

8. Celery

If you find yourself stress-eating, it always helps to include celery in your

salads or dishes. Not only is celery a great stress-relief, it is also good when youre
trying keep your diet intact. This vegetable contains minerals such as magnesium
that helps relieve the nervous system. Celery is also high in water which makes it a
great food to ease the passage of stool. So this is a good choice for those who are
having a digestive problem.

9. Eggplant

Eggplants are rich in iron, calcium and minerals which is necessary to

replenish all the lost nutrients in the body. It helps maintain healthy skin because of
its ability to improve blood circulation. If youre planning to ace in class, you might
want to stock your fridge with plenty of eggplants because this vegetable contains
nutrients that nourish the brain. You can grill, bake, roast or stew it. Now thats
another good thing about eggplants.

10. Calabaza Squash/ Pumpkin

This vegetable is rich in carotenoids that contain vitamin A that is necessary

to keep sharp eyesight. Pumpkins are great source of fiber which is an excellent tool
for weight loss. Pumpkins are always included in this list of health magazines for
maintaining a wrinkle-free skin. Not only does it help improves body condition, it is
also a great food to boost your mood. Pumpkins contain tryptophan, an amino that
is essential in the production of serotonin, an important nutrient in boosting ones

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