Unit 8 Brief Terms and Conditions

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UAL Awarding Body



Unit 8: Developing a creative media production

Date Issued: 4th April 2017

Final Deadline: 9th June 2017
Marking teachers: Adam Jones (1A) James Ashford (1B) Chris Leinster
Lead internal Verifier: Sarah Wilson (All classes)
External Verifier: UAL Senior External Moderator for subject
Unit 8: Developing a creative media production project

Provide you with the opportunity to make use of the skills,

knowledge and understanding developed through the previous units
to complete a creative media project. The unit will provide you with
a measure of self-directed learning, and an opportunity to begin to
clarify your longer-term goals through your choice of an activity to
explore in greater depth.

Marking criteria can be found at

Grades awarded and progression

Your Unit 8 Ceative media production project (Final major project) will
determin your 1st years grade and your progression to the year 2 180
credit extended diploma.
You will be awarded a PASS / MERIT or DISTINCTION (E / C / A) grade at
the end of this accademic year.
Only a merit or higher will see you progress to year 2

Marking process
Your marking teachers (AJON, JASH & CLEI)) will mark and feedback at
all stages of the assignment and will award you a FINAL grade at the end.
This feedback may be verbal, emailed or written but it is down to you as
the student to take this on board and change it in due time for ONE more
round of marking.
After this the marking teachers will submit the grades to the Lead IV. Once
these grades have been submitted students are not allowed to work on
any aspect of their project.
The lead Internal verifier (SARW) will then select 50% of students work
to verify to make sure marking is correct and the grades awarded reflect
the work submitted.
The FINAL grade given by the Lead IV the week of the 12 th June will be
submitted to the External Verifier by the 15th June.
The external verifier will then come in on the 16th June and assess 100%
of the submissions and grant the final grade ready for submission to the
exam board on Monday 19th June 2017. It is at this stage you will be told
your grade for year 1 by your tutors.
Vibe productions would like you to produce a final project which can be showcased in
next years exhibition and as a promotional tool for the course and college.

Your project will also determin your grade for the 90 credit diploma and your entrance
into year 2.

Whilst you can create a production of your choice there are a few rules which you must

All criteria must be met (outlines in the following pages) for you to pass
You will work on the re-submissions after each section and NOT at the end. As
soon as a section is completed, there will be no going back to it.
Although all teachers are guiding you, you must always go to your marking
teacher for grades and written feedback (all teachers can guide and feedback
verbally during lessons however)
1A: Adam
1B: James
1C: Chris
For you to gain the highest grade possible you will be required to work outside
your 11 lessons and be in on Wednesdays
Resubmissions for each section may be done on Wednesdays so you will be
required to attend in order to pass / improve
Group work is permitted but no more than 4 (with extra rules for groups)
A deadline is a deadline you are marked on your professionalism so late
submissions will go against your grade
You will sign hand in forms so we can track who has kept to each deadline
You will be required to sign a letter of authenticity (to state all work is your
There can be no extensions as this work is submitted to the exam board and if
it is not there on deadline day they will fail it
If you are filming off campus, the marking teacher must approve BEFORE you are
allowed to go and the filming days must match your production schedule.
Actors must be part of the course or have signed a declaration to say they will be
at the filming location no show actors will not be allowed as an excuse
Group work
If you decide to work as part of a team, you must allocate roles. These cannot be doubled
and everyone must be confident and good at that role (do not choose a group with your
mates and get stuck with a production job you are not good at your marking teacher
will decide if you can work with in that team based on your expertise)

ALL research will be carried out individually you must not submit the same
Production forms must be completed individually (someone else has them is not
an excuse)
You must ALL be at the filming of the production
You must ALL be at the edit of the production
In order to obtain an INDIVIDUAL grade you must log EVERYDAY with what you
did in that team and what your role was for that day. This also is marked after
each section and not at the end.
You must all individually evaluate
You must all be part of the pitch and presentation process (this can be a group
Evidence of communication and meetings between you must also be uploaded
You will be monitored and graded on your group work by the marking teacher who
will also keep a record of how you performed

Independent work
You are allowed / recommended to ask fellow peers on the course to help you as they will
know the importance of the deadline but all work must be carried out by you and you
What needs to be submitted!
Additional information can be found on Vibe

Create a page on your website (away from all other units) titled:

Unit 8: Developing a creative media production

LO1: Undertsand the requirements of a creative media production (5/5/17)

LO2: Be able to use research methods to inform ideas (12/5/17)
LO3: Use skills and knowledge to produce a creative media production
LO4: Be able to evaluate a creative media production (9/6/17)

The banner on each page must represent your project (make the work look professional)
and the deadline for each section must also be uploaded onto each page.

On your main unit 8 tab, please upload the following link - This is the marking criteria for
your Final project http://www.arts.ac.uk/media/arts/about-ual/ual-awarding-

Deadlines and marking dates along with resubmission dates

Deadline Resubmission
LO1 5TH May Feedback Monday 8th May
Final resubmission Wednesday 10th
You are required to attend workshop to
submit this work and get it signed off
LO2 12th May Feedback Monday 15th May
Final resubmission Wednesday 17th
You are required to attend workshop to
submit this work and get it signed off
LO3 Pre-production and Pre-production feedback given week of
planning19th June 22nd May and must be completed BEFORE
Production 2nd June shoot- this work will be marked in class as
you work on it so should not require a
Production feedback
This work should also be getting marked as
you work on it show your teacher and re-
shoot when told to.
LO4 9th June Pitch
5th and 6th June with Evaluations being
written when you are not completing your
Evaluation Friday 9th June
It is COMPULSORY you attend Wednesday as
an evaluation workshop will be held to
guide students through the process

The whole project will be marked and internally verified the week of 12 th June

Students are required to attend in order to PASS the unit or work on gaining a
higher grade if needed
LO1: Undertsand the requirements of a creative media production

Fail Pass Merit Distinction

Context Limited Understandi Good Comprehensi

understandi ng of subject understandi ve
ng of subject context used ng and understandin
Write a professional context, appropriately knowledge of g and
and informal brief lacking clarity to make subject knowledge of
in aims and judgments, context used subject
purpose. describe to make context used
aims and sound to
clarify judgments, communicate
purpose. articulate complex
ambitions concepts,
and clarify articulate
purpose. ambitions and

You are required to write your own brief, which must look professional and follow the
required guidelines.

You must include in your brief (Individually written with your own roles)

Concept (music video / documentary etc.)

Who you will be producing this work for (find a production company / artist who
you could produce this work for)
Why you are creating this production
Deadlines for the production
Items required for the project (planning items, pre-production items and the
production itself)
Name of production
Team (names and job titles)
Your role and exactly what is required of you
Clearly state your ambitions and purpose for this project
LO2: Be able to use research methods to inform ideas


Fail Pass Merit Distinction

Research Little or no Sufficient Thorough and Independently

evidence relevant sustained identified,
Research your presented or information has research and thorough and
information does been gathered, investigation of sustained
not relate documented and relevant sources, research and
sufficiently to used in the interpretation investigation of a
everything task. development of and synthesis of range of relevant
ideas. information used sources,
to inform, insightful
support and interpretation
develop ideas. and synthesis of
information used
to inform,
support and
develop ideas.

Individually, you are required to research your production

Items to include in your research are:

Medium (short film / music video / documentary etc.) What is it?

Genre the conventions of your chosen genre along with TWO examples from
that genre focusing on camera angles, lighting, narrative and mise-en-scene
Artists / professionals within the chosen medium who you admire and whose
work you would like to draw on for your own project
Target audience (this needs to be primary and secondary and your findings
need to be presented professionally using infographics)
Platforms your work can be viewed on - internet / TV etc. and the advantages of
such platforms this could be researched through a focus group

All work MUST be referenced and you must use different types of research such as
internet search, survey monkeys and focus groups

Harvard Referencing can be completed using Neils toolbox


Infographics can be generated using Venngage


All survey monkey answers must be uploaded and all face to face interviews or focus
groups must be voice recorded or filmed and uploaded.
Problem Solving

Fail Pass Merit Distinction

Insufficient Sufficient Decisive Decisive

Problems faced exploration of exploration of demonstration of demonstration of
alternative ideas alternative ideas initiative in initiative in
and processes. using established effectively effectively
What problems
Problems approaches to solving solving
do you see
unresolved. resolve practical problems, problems,
yourself facing and theoretical adapting to autonomously
and how will problems unforeseen implementing
you overcome practical and creative
these? theoretical solutions and
This work must challenges to adapting to
also be achieve unforeseen
documented in identified goals practical and
your blogs
challenges to
identified goals.

You are required to individually complete:

Contingency plan for all aspects that you could face during filming
Legal and ethical issues you may face producing this production focus on
plagiarism and copyright as well as filming in unauthorised locations, scenes of
nudity, upsetting scenes, covering difficult subjects / topics, advertising
unauthorised material / products, content of the narrative could be sensitive etc.
You are required to obtain consent forms to film in locations as well email
confirmation of actors and their involvement

All problems faced must be recorded in your log

LO3: Use skills and knowledge to produce a creative media

Planning and production and practical skills

Fail Pass Merit Distinction

Ineffective Evidence of Coherent and Detailed and

Planning and planning and effective reasoned coherent self-
production little or no planning and planning, subject directed
evaluation evaluation engagement and planning and
against aims. against aims that commitment. negotiation,
Task or tasks are have contributed Realistic subject
Production and incomplete. to a satisfactory evaluation engagement
self-evaluation completion of against aims and and
the task or tasks. efficient commitment.
production Continuous
against evaluation
timescales. against aims and
Limited range of Adequate range Consistent and In depth
Practical skills processes of processes, appropriate understanding
demonstrated, skills and processes, skills and aesthetic
judgement and knowledge and knowledge awareness,
execution of demonstrated. applied to imaginative
techniques is Competent extend enquiry and flexible
Mise-en-scene poor. execution and and develop processes, skills
Sound application of creative and knowledge
Editing techniques used solutions. applied in
to develop ideas. extensive
enquiry to
develop creative
You are required to produce:


Production schedule - this is vital for your filming and must be submitted (hard copy as
well as uploaded) to your marking teacher so they know when you are filming and where

Location recces
Health and safety
Crew list
Props list
Equipment hire forms
Found footage (including sounds)


Print screens as you edit different stages (to prove authenticity of work)
Critical evaluation of the process (complete this as you go and compare to your
intentions and discuss YOUR role in the production phase)
A distinction grade student would film the process and upload a behind the
scenes clip
Final production

LO4: Be able to evaluate a creative media production

Fail Pass Merit Distinction

Presentation Ineffective Competent Confident Confident

and pitch communication communication selection, selection,
and presentation and sufficient organisation and organisation and
of ideas. Lack of clarity and communication communication
clarity in consistency in of ideas. of ideas.
structure, presentation of Consistent Demonstrating
selection and ideas approach to autonomy,
organisation. appropriate to presentation personal style
the intended demonstrating a and an
audience good ambitious use
understanding of of available
conventions and resources to
standards. communicate
effectively to
an intended
Evaluation and Insufficient Clearly Effective Accomplished
refelction evidence of communicated communication and professional
ongoing evidence of valid of analysis and communication
evaluation, lack evaluation and interpretation, of perceptive
of or only basic realistic analysis independent analysis and
analysis and independently synthesis of interpretation,
little or no used to inform information and demonstrating
justification for and develop application of clarity and
ideas ideas. reasoned sophistication
decision making in thinking and
to inform maturity in
development of decision
ideas making to
progress ideas.

Presentation and pitch

Once you have produced you production you are required to showcase it to your peers
and gather feedback for your evaluation

Your presentation should contain

A confident delivery
A hand out with questions so peers can answer for your evaluation

Your pitch must include (no PowerPoint Be creative)

Your brief
Details on who you produced the work for (company / artists)
Platform it will be aired
Target audience
Your finished production
Your opinion of your production

Presentations will be filmed and must be uploaded to your site


Along with your log you will produce a final evaluation

You could record your evaluation as a blog or a video evaluation or write it as an


The evaluation must cover:

Your intentions
How you met these
Did you produce a production that suited your target audience?
Did you meet the conventions of the genre?
Discuss the technical aspect and if your skills were professional (filming, lighting,
mise-en-scene, editig)
What you could do to improve
Compare your work to work already produced (the work you looked at in your
Role you played
Did your production team work well together?
Did you work to the best of your ability?
Is this now an area of media you would like to go into (music video / editing etc.)

Your evaluation must include print screens / footage of your work and the behind the
scenes if you did this

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