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Dominant movement patterns in action

Statics and physical preparation

Introduce basic static shapes throughout your warm-up activities and games and extend them to
encourage physical preparation and development. Ideas from the physical prep section and can be
performed using handheld and fixed equipment. These should be displayed and mastered on the
floor first before extending them onto other apparatus.

 Rocket (lying on ground (or standing) with legs straight and arms by ears)

 Rocket rolls (rolling sideways in rocket position)

 Rocket launcher (4 or more do rocket rolls in unison and one lies on top and is rolled off)

 Motorbike shape (see landings)

 Tuck (or bomb) shape (sitting on floor hugging knees to chest)

 Straddle (sitting on floor with legs stretched out in front and apart)
 Pike or L-sit (sitting on floor with legs stretched out in front)
 Front support (hands directly below shoulders with arms straight and body in a line down to
where toes meet ground)
 Rear support (opposite of front support but ensure fingers are pointing towards feet to avoid
possible elbow injuries)

 Angry cat (same as front support but with knees on ground and shoulder and upper back pushed
up in the air)

 Superman/Supergirl rocks (lying on belly with chest and knees off floor) while partner gently
rocks you to and fro

 Banana rocks (same as Superman rocks only performed on your back use bent knees to make it

 Turn the turtle (one partner in angry cat shape (turtle) and other partner has to try and push you

 Crack the egg

 Clocks (with a partner assume different analogue times as directed by teacher while staying in
front support or rear support)

Handstand (static)

Lead-ups: bear walk, front support activities, front support with feet elevated, Spiderman up wall
(with turn out for safe exit), bunny hops (with turn out for safe exit), scorpion walks, change leg
scorpions, handstand variations (star, genie, soldier etc).

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