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___________________________ Date: ______ CP: _____Book:______

Role 1: Summarizer!
While reading
Characters Setting

Post Reading: Step 1: Name it, verb it, big picture
Name It (Chapter # of book title) Verb It Big Picture (big idea of chapter 10 or less words!)


Step 2: Jot Dots
Remember: Each jot dot should be eight words or less and should tell the MOST important information from
the part you read.
Jot Dots

1. First, ________________________________________________________
2. Second, _______________________________________________________
3. Next, ________________________________________________________
4. Finally,________________________________________________________

Now, write what you have about in complete sentences (should be 5 total):


Name __________________________________________ Date: ________ CP: _____ Book: _____________

Role 2: Visualizer!
What do you think is the most important setting or event in this chapter? Pages ________ - ________
The most important setting or event in this chapter is_____________________________________________

How the text described the setting/event What I added in my head
- I see...

- 2.

I smell

- I hear


Illustrate it!

Name _______________________________________ Date: ________ CP: _______ Book: _______________

Role 3: Inferencer!
Pg:_______I think _______________________thought Pg:_______I think ______________________thought

___________________________________________ __________________________________________

because _____________________________________ because ____________________________________

____________________________________________ ___________________________________________

Pg: ________ When ____________________ Pg: ________ When ____________________
said ________________________________ said ________________________________
____________________________________ ____________________________________
it made me think ______________________ it made me think ______________________
____________________________________ _____________________________________
____________________________________ _____________________________________

Pg: _______ I think _____________ Pg: _______ I think _______________

felt __________________________ felt ___________________________
because ______________________ because _______________________
_____________________________ _______________________________
_____________________________ _______________________________
_____________________________ _______________________________

Pg: ________I think (character>) ______________ Pg: ________I think (character>) _______________
(action>) ___________________________________ (action>) ___________________________________
because ___________________________________ because ___________________________________
__________________________________________ __________________________________________
__________________________________________ __________________________________________

Pg: _____ The character ___________ influenced

Pg: ________ The character _____________ influenced
the character _____________ in this way
the character _____________ in this way

Name ____________________________________ Date: ______________ CP: ______ Book: _____________

Role 4: Symbolizer!

Step 1: Choose the BIG IDEA of the chapter.
(Hint: Think about theme. What did the character learn in this chapter? What was the most
important event and what is the author really trying to teach us about this? Think

BIG Idea Bank

Family Trust Faith Forgiveness Freedom
Honesty Love

Overcoming P erseverance

u p Redemption

Karma Nostalgia

C ourage

R egret

H ome

D etermination

Anything else you come up with!

The BIG Idea I chose was _____________________________________ because in the
Step 2: Think of a specific symbol (object, item, place, person, etc.) in this that represents this
BIG idea. What is the symbol and HOW does it represent the theme from this chapter?

Step 3: Get creative! Think of a symbol in your own life (object, item, place, person, etc.) that
represents this BIG idea for you. What is the symbol and how does it represent this to you?

Name _________________________________________ Date: ________ CP: _______ Book: _____________

Role 5: Word Detective!

Tricky Word Page Number Sentence that has this tricky word




Prefixes, suffixes, root words, or Connotation? What I think it means

little words inside?


- ___________
Tricky Word Page Number Sentence that has this tricky word




Prefixes, suffixes, root words, or Connotation? What I think it means

little words inside?


- ___________
Tricky Word Page Number Sentence that has this tricky word




Prefixes, suffixes, root words, or Connotation? What I think it means

little words inside?



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