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Maintenance Alabio ducks in South Kalimantan is currently reported to have been

mostly using the system in a closed or intensive farming. Jin et al. (2011) states in this
intensive system, additional lighting at night is absolutely necessary to meet the needs of light
in the tropics that only 11-12 hours from nature by adding 3-4 hours in order to achieve the
needs of 14-16 hours for laying ducks. Light serves as a stimulator of the pituitary gland that
secrete hormones into the blood Gonadtropin causes an increase in the growth and
development of ovarian thus directly influence the rate of egg production (Binkley et al.,
1993). Apeldoorn et al., (1999) stated that light stimulates the pituitary gland to secrete
hormones and force FSH increased in number, so activate the ovaries.

The function of light is important for poultry light color due to light source and light
intensity. The light color from the light source can affect the performance of poultry (Jin et
al., 2011). Blue lights give a calm atmosphere in poultry, while the red light can enhance the
activity of the movement of the wings and cannibalism. The green lights stimulates growth
rate, while the color of reddish orange light stimulates reproduction (Rozenboim et al., 2004).
According to Lewis and Morris (2000) that red and yellow lights can increase the activity of
the fowl while the blue and green otherwise. The red color will increase the aggressiveness
and activity so that the chicken feed consumption is met and recommended to the brooding
period. Instead of blue and green will control the aggressiveness and activity to avoid
excessive, in addition to the colors blue and green are also able to bully protein synthesis and
provide the opportunity to perform multiplication in duck muscle fibers in calmer conditions.
According to Classen et al., (2004) the green light can stimulate the growth of young birds,
while the blue light stimulates the older birds.

On the other hand it turns light intensity significantly increase the growth and
production (Buyse et al., 1996). The higher the intensity of light given to increase the activity
of locomotion, feed consumption and egg production rate by influencing the time of
ovulation in ducks. Unlike the duck, still little reported research investigated the optimal light
intensity needs to duck (Shabiha et al., 2013). The intensity of light given to duck of 0.2 - 1
lux, while for the type of laying ducks require much higher light to stimulate ovulation the
egg reaches 5-10 lux (Olanrewaju et al., 2006). To the tropics with a length ranging from 11-
12 hours per day, it would require an extra light in the evening as much as 3-4 hours to reach
the light requirements for laying ducks for 14-16 hours per day. However, the combination of
light colors and optimal light intensity information has not been obtained, so that the study
aims to look at the effect of the combination of light color and intensity of light on the rate of
production of duck eggs from South Kalimantan Alabio. On other hand it turns light intensity
significantly increase the growth and production (Buyse et al., 1996). The higher the intensity
of light given to increase the activity of locomotion, feed consumption and egg production
rate by influencing the time of ovulation in ducks. Unlike the chicken, still little reported
research investigated the optimal light intensity needs to duck (Shabiha et al., 2013). The
intensity of light given to broiler duck of 0.2 - 1 lux, while for the type of laying ducks
require much higher light to stimulate ovulation the egg reaches 5-10 lux (Olanrewaju et al.,
2006). To the tropics with a length ranging from 11-12 hours per day, it would require an
extra light in the evening as much as 3-4 hours to reach the light requirements for laying
ducks for 14-16 hours per day. However, the combination of light colors and optimal light
intensity information has not been obtained, so that the study aims to look at the effect of the
combination of light color and intensity of light on the rate of production of duck eggs from
South Kalimantan Alabio.

Material and methods

Research from preparation to execution of the experiment would take 30 days of
observation using the 360 layer ducks Alabio age 7 months. The research will be carried out
in poultry cages. Feed used was a commercial feed, while the type of incandescent light bulb
that is used (incandescent light) yellow, red, blue and green. While the light intensity is
measured with a lux meter using different wattage lamps and lamp height settings suitable for
the achievement of good intensity 5, 10 and 15 lux.


This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) 4 x 3 factorial with 3

replications, with a light color and intensity of light as a treatment, comprising 10 ducks per
layer replicates the age of 7 months for a total of as many as 180 layers Alabio duck tail.
There are 4 levels of light color consists of yellow color (W1), red (W2), blue (W3) and
green (W4), while there are 3 levels of light intensity consists of 5 lux (T1), 10 lux (T2) and
15 lux (T3), so there are 12 combinations of treatments. Data were analyzed for variance
(ANOVA) and if there is a treatment effect followed by Duncan's test (DMRT). The variables
measured were age at first laying to see the first spawning age in days), hen day egg
production (to calculate the daily egg production rate according to the number of ducks that
live), hen house egg production (to calculate the daily egg production rate based on the
number of ducks start of the study).

Results and discussion

Age first laying
Age at first laying is used to see how quickly the birds reach sexual maturity
(puberty), is measured by recording at age of first spawn In Table 1 it showed a significant
effect on accelerating the age at first laying ducks (p<0.05), in which the color combination
of light blue with a light intensity of 10 lux (W3T2) is the best combination that can produce
Alabio ducks for the first spawn faster on age of 159 1.9 days, followed by blue light
treatment and the intensity of 15 lux (W3T3) laying age 163 2.1 days and light blue color
and intensity of 5 lux (W3T1) laying age 166 2.1 days. Light blue color produces real age
at first laying faster than three other colors with an average of 162.6 days laying age,
followed by the green color of 168.3 days, 171 days and then red and finally yellow. 178.6
days. Meanwhile, for the intensity of light the best results achieved by the provision of a light
intensity of 10 lux with average first spawning age 166.7days, followed intensity of 15 lux
170.5 days and no later than age at first laying is the intensity of 5 lux at 173.2 days. It shows
a blue light able to give a better effect in accelerating adult sex or age of puberty in the egg-
laying ducks.

Factors might be responsible for the color of light has a different response to the age
at first laying ducks are different wavelengths of each color of light. According Shabiha et
al., (2013) for the red wavelength is 700 nm, yellow 580 nm, green 520 nm, while the blue
color display has a shorter wavelength range of 480 nm. Color light with shorter wavelengths
was faster in color than stimulate the eye's retina with long wavelengths, in stimulating the
hypothalamus to produce gonadotropin hormone and stimulate the pituitary gland to produce
FSH and LH (Hartwig and Veen, 1979). Both these hormones play a role in stimulating
puberty (the process of reproduction). Physiological process of egg production at the
beginning of adulthood, under the influence of light gland of the brain is stimulated to
produce sex hormones that promote growth of ovarian and oviduct and start producing eggs.
In the light of the vision process serves to stimulate the internal reproductive cycle and
stimulates the release of hormones, both growth hormone and reproductive hormones. Light
can affect the behavior and reproduction of birds, so that Pond and Wilson (2000) states that
the light that penetrates into the brain to stimulate the hypothalamus poultry to produce
Gonadotropin hormone and stimulate the pituitary gland to produce FSH and LH that
stimulate and maintain reproductive function.

Hen Day Egg Production

The combination of light colors and light intensity significantly affected hen day egg
production (P <0.05) is presented in Table 1, in which the color combination of light blue
with a light intensity of 10 lux (W3T2) generates highest Alabio duck egg production by 85
0.7%, followed by color blue light with less intensity of 15 lux (W3T3) by 83 1.1% and the
light blue color with the intensity of 5 lux (W3T1) and light green color with the intensity of
10 lux (W4T2) by 82 0.8% and 82 1.1%. While the red light and the yellow hen day egg
production resulted in lower 7-17% compared to the effect of light blue or green color,
supposedly different wavelengths of light color that is affected the behavior of ducks as
reported by Rozenboim et al., (2004).

Senses of sight birds have sensitivity to color due to the color stimulus received by the
retina of the eye and can distinguish colors with different sensitivity levels (Lewis and
Morris, 2000). The color of light is useful in influencing the behavior patterns of poultry,
while sufficient light intensity would be able to bully the stimulation of ovulation the egg
(ovum) which initiate egg production. Intensity is less in addition to causing cannibalism also
inhibits ovulation stimulation that occurs due to inhibition of gonadotropin secretion in birds
(Classen, 2004), while the intensity of that excess would disrupt the rhythm of the daily
(diurnal), foot and bone disorders (Sanotra et al., 2002; Wong-Valle et al., 1993).

Shabiha et al., (2013) said that the color blue and the green light has a shorter
wavelength than the red and yellow colors, so that the feeding behavior of ducks were given a
blue and green illumination will be calmer, feed consumption thus largely used for the
production of eggs (Moore and Siopes, 2000). While the colors yellow and red light causing
more active and aggressive ducks that feed consumption is widely used to assist energy in
motion activities in addition to egg production. Efficiency of energy and protein is fully
manifested in the result in the production of eggs (Rozenboim et al., 2004) so that in addition
to higher production, egg weight produced is also larger and heavier. Further added by
Sanotra et al., (2002) optimal egg production will be obtained not only by the metabolic
processes of food but also strongly influenced by environmental factors primarily
temperature and humidity, and lighting poultry cages. Good lighting in ducks besides
palatable light color (blue, green) is also offset by the adequacy of light intensity or amount
of light lumens per watt which should be accepted ducks.

Hen House Egg Poduction

The combination of light colors and light intensity significantly affected to hen house
egg production (p <0.05) is presented in Table 1, in which the color combination of light blue
with a light intensity of 10 lux (W3T2) generates highest egg production by 83 1.0%,
followed by light blue color with the intensity of 15 lux (W3T3) by 82 1.1% and light blue
color with the intensity of 5 lux (W3T1) of 80 1.2%, whereas the lowest achieved by
treatment with the achievements W1T1 production by 66 2.2%. Egg production in the hen
house with the color blue light treatment was significantly higher with 81.6% compared to
the achievements of the provision of light colors green, red and yellow produces the lowest
production with the achievement of 69.3%, while for the light intensity, the intensity of 10
lux markedly better production reached 77.5% compared to that given by 15 and the lowest
intensity to 5 lux with egg production performance 73.2 %. This indicates the color of light
greater influence than the increase in the intensity of light in the hen house affect egg

Light blue color will decrease locomotion (movement activity) and stand on that duck
duck becomes quieter (Renden et al., 1996). Daily rhythm and light regulate several
important functions in the body such as body temperature and various stages of metabolism
associated with feeding and digestion (Olanrewaju et al., 2006). Feed consumption become
more efficient use of ducks to produce egg production entirely because ducks do not waste a
lot of energy for energy purposes to locomotion in the move. Jin et al., (2001) said that the
provision of a light yellow color is less well used on laying birds because it will decrease the
efficiency of the use of food (feed conversion) and the daily egg production will decrease.
The statement in line with the results of this study, where the effects of light yellow color
indicates the lowest production level both hen day egg production and egg production hen

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