Lesson Plan Vith Grade

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Name: Stanciu Irina-Oana

Class: 6th
Level: intermediate
No of students: 10
School: Scoala Gimnaziala nr.1 Viile, Firtanesti
Lesson: Books and Libraries
Textbook: English Factlife, Oxford University Press
Time: 50 min
1.to set interest in the topic by using the brainstorming method
2.to match the meaning with the pictures
3.to express likes and dislikes about a book
4.to practice the use of vocabulary related to fictional characters

Teaching techniques: individual work, conversation, role play, brainstorming, pair work
Skills: reading, speaking, writing, listening
Materials: whiteboard, textbook, handouts

Starting the lesson 6 min

Teacher greets the students, asks if there is someone missing and checks homework.

Objective 1: 8 min
Role of the teacher: organiser, prompter, resource
Type of interaction: T-S, S-S
Aids:textbook, whiteboard
Anticipated problems: ss may hear the new vocabulary for the first time and may not know the meaning; T
gives explanations, translation and examples
Correction techniques: T-S, S-S
Activity: T asks ss to brainstorms the noun books; T will ask further questions such as: Who writes
books, Who reads the books, what does a book contain, where do we buy books from, where do
we borrow books from
Ss are asked to solve ex. 1a, pag. 42: Look at the pictures and read the words in the box. Which picture
do they go with?
T checks with the Ss the exercise.

Objective 2: 8 min
Role of the teacher: organiser, prompter, resource
Type of interaction: T-S, S-S, pairwork
Anticipated problems: ss may not know all the words in the exercise; T gives examples and explanations
Correction techniques: T-S, S-S
Activity: Ss solve ex. 1b page 44: Work in pairs. Match the front covers with what you normally find in
each type of book.
T checks the exercise.

Objective 3: 12 min
Role of the teacher: organiser, prompter, resource
Type of interaction: T-S, S-S
Aids:textbook, handouts
Anticipated problems: may not understand the new language introduced by the Teacher; T gives examples
and further explanations
Correction techniques: T-S, S-S
Activity: Ss read in silence the Language Focus. T sets time: 2 minutes. Afterwards, they role play the
dialogue from ex. 2, page 44.
Then they are asked to use the new vocabulary in order to state their opinion on a book. T checks their

Objective 4: 12 min
Role of the teacher: organiser, prompter, resource
Type of interaction: individual work,
Anticipated problems: may not know all the new vocabulary from the handout; T gives examples and
further explanations
Correction techniques: T-S, S-S
Activity: Ss solve exercises 1,2,3,4,5 from the handout page 102: Translate these words into your
language. Then listen and repeat, Label the picture with the words in exercise 1, Complete the words
with consonants, Complete the sentences with words from exercise 1, Which word is the odd one out?
Why? Use the words in the box to help you.
T checks the exercise with the ss.

Ending the lesson: 5min.

T gives feedback and grades the ss who were active.

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