OOP Lab Prog List

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Oo PS LAB (CEN-492) Deptt. of Computer Engg. reate a class for counting the number of re arious block ng constructor and destructors, 1 as roll_no & name. Create a member function set_d print() member function to print which object has Write a C++ program to implement virtual funet polygon which has virtual function area(). Two classes from ¢ polygon and they have area() to calculate and retur 7. Wri a C+ pr gram to count the number of persons inside @ bank, by increasing count son enters a bank, using an increment (++) operator overloading function, and g a decrement (--) operator decrease the count whenever a person leaves the bank usi ding function inside a class. 8, Write 4 C++ program to create two objects of a cl s called company and add their dats ‘operator and ‘operator members using an operator overloaded function for class matrix, 9. Write a program in C++ to crea addition and subtraction. id overload +, - operator to perform matrix accept five different numb mn i rege aici i 1 W Deram to accept dent detail such as name and 3 differe b ssi di hod and disp me and average of marks using displ Define te a program that uses a function template called min to 4 ‘ of two The program should work for inte ara uments to this function. rogram to explain class template by creating temp) s named pair ha sbers of type T which are inputted by a constructor and a member in get-max() retum the greatest of two n to main. Note blo spon th yf fied during object creation w hhich contains student detail {student st Cin>> st Writ D which inherits another class 2D, for 3 dimensional calculations. Usi any 2 points in a 3D space and find the distance between them. The formula for ec finding the distance between any 2 pts in 3D sp ti Distance = SquareRoot (xd*xd + yd*yd + zd*zd) seman Where d=x2-x' yd 1 dm 22-21 6:Write a program in java to implement a calculator having. addition and subtraction operations along, with the concept of memory (M+) i re the current value on the screen for later 17.Weite a program bt C++ that acts as a Contact Manager. I jes the content to a file & ced by the user. Modules of the program include: Add, Delete, Seat

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