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Boomer 1

Jacqueline Boomer

English 4

Ms. Mantlo

February 21, 2017

Essential Question: Is the LGBTQ+ community properly represented in schools and the


Working Thesis: The LGBTQ+ community is/isnt properly represented in schools and the


Refined Thesis: The LGBTQ+ community is not properly represented in schools and the


Annotated Bibliography

Kahn, Michele, and Paul C. Gorski. "The Gendered and Heterosexist Evolution of the Teacher

Exemplar in the United States: Equity Implications for LGBTQ and Gender

Nonconforming Teachers." International Journal of Multicultural Education 18.2 (2016):

15. The Gendered and Hetero Sexist Evolution., 2016. Web.

In this article, they discussed the challenges that LGBTQ+ teachers face in the workplace and

address the efforts being made to change society's idea of the LGBTQ+ community. The are

multiple examples given of situations where out teachers had their teaching license revoked.

31 states in the USA have little to no laws in place for protection against gendered bullying. The
Boomer 2

sucide rate amongst the LGBTQ community is steady and rising due to the homophobic and

transphobic bullying. And the people who are causing these senseless deaths face, in some

situations, no repercussions for their actions. The lack of response from the public even further

shows the LGBTQ community of their worth. I will use this information to help prove the

discrimination of LGBTQ+ teachers in schools and the different struggles they face. It gives

direct examples of situations where people tried to stop the publishing of certain books or articles

in schools because it included LGBTQ issues. This further proves my side, that LGBTQ+ people

still face many problems in their daily lives simply for who they love.

Kuvalanka, Katherine A.1, Abbie E.2 Goldberg, and Ramona F.3 Oswald. "Incorporating

LGBTQ Issues Into Family Courses: Instructor Challenges And Strategies Relative To

Perceived Teaching Climate." Family Relations 62.5 (2013): 699-713. Education Full

Text (H.W. Wilson). Web. 22 Feb. 2017.



This article talks about the issues schools have with teaching about LGBTQ content and

incorporating LGBTQ issues into family courses. Incorporation LGBTQ content may help

promote tolerant behavior towards individuals. Most people simply have no knowledge on the

subject so therefore cant form a proper opinion on how they feel. One of the arguments for why

they don't teach about LGBTQ is because they are afraid it may further aid people who are
Boomer 3

homophobic and they might become hostile towards other students who are apart of the LGBTQ

community. I will use this information in my project to show that without teaching about the

LGBTQ community we are further aiding ignorance and homophobia.

Reyes, Pilar. "Achieving Trans Representation in the Workplace." Eastbayexpress. N.p., 25 Oct.

`2016. Web. 22 Feb. 2017.


This article is about the struggles trans women have getting jobs. A recent study shows that the

national unemployment rate for trans people is double that of the general population, and for

trans women of color that number is even higher (Reyes). Many gender nonconforming people

face employer discrimination and have even been fired in some cases due to their gender identity.

The Trans Employment Program is offering legal counseling and guidance for job seekers and

speaking with employers to try and solve this ongoing issue. The lack of representation and

visibility further supports transphobia and in turn continues the cycle of unemployment for non-

binary people. I will use this source to show the discrimination trans women face in the work


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