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Literature Review:

Communication Department

Cristian Botello

The University of Texas at El Paso

RWS 1302

P.J. Vierra

April 2, 2017


The purpose of this literature review is to understand why the communication department

of the University of Texas at El Paso was established and affects it has on students or

community. This literature review examined twenty sources that included scholarly monographs,

essays from compilation and anthologies, journals, primary sources, and other digital or non-

scholarly media print sources. Each source was carefully examined to answer research questions

on the communication department.



Universities have strived to improve the education to college students. In order to

improve education, colleges have tried to offer diverse curriculum such as communication

studies. The University of Texas at El Paso established the communication department that offers

majors in organizational and corporate communication, media advertising, multimedia

journalism, digital media production, and communication studies. The department provides to

the students communication theory and skill sets to prepare students in the professional lives

after their education. The communication department also has played an important role in the

community of El Paso and residents accepted in the college.

Research Questions

Answering these questions could bring an understanding the reasons the communication

department was established and the influence the department has on its students professional


How would UTEP be different without a communications department?

How have communication programs at UTEP evolved over time?

Why does the communication department not publish a significant amount of research?

How have department of communications affected students?

The communication department of the University of Texas at El Paso was created and

revolutionized due to the expansion of knowledge, goals to generate revenue, and application of

knowledge taught in the curriculum. The purpose of the literature review is to have a better

understanding of the evolution of the communication department and answer the research

questions using a diverse pool of sources.


How would UTEP be different without a communications department?

Without the communication department, the University of Texas at El Paso would

be missing an important and fundamental pool of knowledge. Blanchard (1993) explained

that there was a crisis of knowledge in that the undergraduate programs such as social

sciences and humanities did not provide knowledge. The absence of proper education in

these disciplines is important because it led to the establishment of the communication

programs in universities. Blanchard goes on to explain that the liberal arts discipline is

narrow and fragmented that also shows that an expansion of a new discipline was

important in developing a college of liberal arts.

The University of Texas at El Paso and other Universities have adapted to change in the

discipline in many ways. Leung (2013) showed three challenges of mass communication and

journalism. These challenges include that the disciplines have been slow to adapting to new

changes in media technology, people of this discipline do not get traditional jobs, and how the

discipline is taught in globalization and multiculturalism. The challenges had significant

applications in developing communication in future universities. The understanding of these

challenges developed programs in order to improve education in the disciplines.

For the reach of higher education, several factors affected the influence in higher education.

Scott (1991) observed that factors such as educational philosophy, institutional goals, and

prospects of change affected the emphasis of higher education. Scotts discovery in ideology and

philosophy had significant applications in creating new ideas and system for Universities and

colleges. The University of Texas at El Paso strives for higher education was affected by the

ideology and philosophy in their education. With philosophy and ideology comes goals in which

colleges and Universities strive for. One of the goals for The University of Texas at El Paso was

to establish a college of liberal arts and the Department of Communication. It is important to


emphasize that the principles that a University follows could dictates decisions to expand and

diversify education.

There are many factors that have triggered change in universities. Baker (2015) states that

there are external and internal factors that are part of the evolutionary change. Bakers view is

flawed, explaining external and internal factors are what influence evolutionary change in liberal

arts is difficult to claim. Categorizing factors in two groups is not ethical and does not explain

evolution in an organization, much less in a college. Factors need to be specific and not

generalized into two groups. For example, money or profit is a factor that is specific and not


How have communication programs at UTEP evolved over time?

The communication department has adapted towards the workforce. Laura Tucker

(2015) claimed that a communications degree will help you communicate effectively to

audiences with a goal in mind. The claim that Laura Tucker makes matters because there are

many diverse jobs that are available. Laura Tucker mentions jobs such as human resources,

multimedia. marketing, law, and education. Since there are many careers that give the

opportunity to communication majors, it is important to universities to have this major. It gives

students more options after they graduate.

The university is seen as an educational institution where people learn from different

disciplines. Martin (1969) explained that University is a corporate enterprise aligned to

economies to improve its efficiency in a bureaucratic role. Martin vision is important because it

is connected to the influence money has on universities capability for higher education. The main

purpose driving universities is the orientation towards this principle. With this said, a main factor

for the expansion of new programs and departments in universities such as the communication

department was driven by this factor.

The discovery of communication being an important major for landing a job is significant to

the possibilities with a communication degree. It should be considered that having a major that is

in demand in the workforce is essential for a university to have. The high demand of students in

this major shows the value of education it offers. The value should not be undermined and the

major has an important role in universities.

The universities have changed the curriculum to improve the communication department.

Liberman (2012) argued the possibilities of the emerging communication center in liberal

arts and the problems the centers face. Although Liberman was right in the fact that oral

communication is considered to be an important skill as an employer, he does not extend to the

fact that communication is very important in all aspects of life. Because of the high demand for

this skill, it is one of the reasons that the discipline is offered in universities today. It is important

that students have available classes in this discipline. As Liberman goes on, most colleges have

mission statements with oral communication proficiency in them. It should be considered that the

discipline is essential to universities today that has an impact to students studying the discipline.

Why does the communication department not publish a significant amount of


The money affects the amount of research done in universities. The liberal arts contains

curriculum that is diverse and rich in content. The struggles for these ideas and material

continues even today to teach and expand this knowledge. Burbue (2006) emphasized to think

about the way he teaches in his classes and what goes on and the struggles of the fight against his

ideas. On one hand, Burbue is correct that conservative legislation affected Universities

curriculum for the liberal arts. On the other hand the legislation influenced all curriculum in the

liberal arts including material on communication. If one subject was limited then in some ways

the material and possibilities of other material was also limited. With these limitations it should

be emphasized that the communications department or programs in Universities were limited to

the law due to legislation made by republicans.

The University is seen as an educational institution where people learn from different

disciplines. Martin (1969) explained that University is a corporate enterprise aligned to

economies to improve its efficiency in a bureaucratic role. Martin vision is important because it

is connected to the influence money has on universities capability for higher education. The main

purpose driving universities is the orientation towards this principle. With this said, a main factor

for the expansion of new programs and departments in universities such as the communication

department was driven by this factor.

Docking (2015) emphasized his proposal of a growth model to build student capacity and

growth in revenue. Although Docking states that the factor of money is the final decision of the

existence of colleges, it should be emphasized that the same factor does the opposite. Money

drives the growth of colleges. Higher education and the expanding of disciplines is affected by

how much the universities or colleges revenue. With the lack of funds, there cannot be a

sufficient amount of research which influences the quality of education students are getting.

Money is a key influence of higher education and should be used for to the universities

advantage to generate more research and higher education.

The University of Texas at Austin publishes a larger amount of research than the University

of Texas of El Paso. The University of Texas of El Paso uses a database called common grounds

that reflects the research done over the past six years and have 44 research papers published over

the course of these years. The University of Texas at Austin uses a database called Texas Scholar

Works to show the amount of research done. The University of Texas at Austin have published

374 research papers over the past years. The research was done by examining the websites that

contained the information of the amount of research done. Every paper published was counted

for to compare the results of both Universities.

Figure 1. Papers published comparison. This figure shows the amount of research published

by the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) and the University of Texas at Austin (UT).

How have department of communications affected students?

The department of communications has affected student in many ways. Communication is a

powerful skill that can make an impact in education. Davis (1978) argued a philosophical

stance and displays a method of teaching for mass communication. Davis thesis of

communication being a primary tool to being effective in the world because it shed a light on the

difficult problem that education on communication did not help students excel in their careers

that was discussed earlier in the journal. Olsen words Davis uses are true to counter the belief of

communication not playing a role in education. Davis claims show that communication as an

emerging discipline plays a key role in universities and statements used such as this are valid.

Guclu (2016) questions whether communication skills education will have an effect on

university students communicating more effectively their emotions and empathy. While it is

true that the study conducted showed that student improved in their communication skills in an

emotional aspect, it should be emphasized that universities offering communication education

has a critical role in students lives. The improvement of overall wellbeing relative to

relationships shows that student should have communication education in their universities.

Regardless of whether the education offers an opportunity for a career, the study shows that

offering the education can make in impact in our everyday lives and that is a valid reason to have

communication education in universities.

Blanchard (1986) argued about to revolutions in the field of communication that have an

impact outside and inside of campus. Blanchard is right in that having a department of

communication will be people with the same interest together. Bringing students and faculty will

create a program of common interest that will change the campus. The people brought together

will combine thought and learning that will bring collaboration among other departments. The

collaboration for the common interest will be important in a university. Integration of the people

with common interest will help improve the connections within the university.

Altbach (2001) conceded liberal arts is essential for the future of leaders in making a

difference. Altbach is right in that higher education brings benefits in earnings. It should be

reported that offering a degree that puts college students in a position to make more earnings

causes University to also make earrings. Universities are a business that have goals to make

certain profits. In order to make these goals, proper return of what students pay for should be

given. The University of Texas of El Paso would provide education that makes profits. One of

the reasons why the communication department was created in the University of Texas of El

Paso is to make profit.

Morreale (2014) argued that the emerging field of communication education is

important for modern scholarly study. Although Morreale defines that communication

education scholars look to best teach communication, it should be also noted that communication

has an important role in our personal and professional lives. Interpersonal communication, public

speaking, and other communication subjects are essential and providing the education in

universities enhances and diversifies the education system.



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