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Genre Analysis

Cristian Botello

RWS 1302

University of Texas at El Paso



Communication is a process at which people interact with symbols to create and interpret

meanings. We use communication in every aspect of our lives and is the source of understanding

other and others to understand us. There are different forms of communication including mass

communication, interpersonal communication, and intrapersonal communication. In the field of

communication, knowledge is carried in a variety of sources. The subject on communication is

addressed in two different genres which include a scholarly journal and a digital non-scholarly

media source. The digital non-scholarly media source is an article from Forbes on why

communication is the most important skill today. The scholarly journal is a journal suggesting on

ways to improve organizational communication.

Audience and Purpose

The scholarly journal and digital non-scholarly media source have very different

audiences. In the non-scholarly sources by Greg Satell, the article is geared towards middle class

people with hope in making more income. Greg Satell motivates these people to acquire the skill

of communicating effectively in which would boost your opportunities in being more successful.

The digital non-scholarly media source purpose is to persuade the audience on developing a skill

the author thinks is the most important skill. In contrast, Randy Hirokawa taps to an audience of

corporate leaders that are in administration. He suggests ways to improve communication in the

organization by explaining strategies. The scholarly journal looks to inform the audience on

fundamentals for an effective high level organization.


Rhetorical Issues

The approach of how both genres establish credibility varies. In the journal, the

information provided by the author is validated by the scholarly community in the field. In

contrast, the digital sources or non-scholarly media print sources are possibly fact checked and

validated by the publisher. Both ways the genres establish credibility fulfills the purpose of both

genres. The genre of the journal values the accuracy of justified claims more than the journal

which both approaches show that. The digital non scholarly media source evokes a inspiring

response towards the audience. The author does this by giving different examples of historic

figures that used effective communication as a tool to achieving their goals. The emotional

response does fulfill the purpose of the article because it persuades the reader to believe that

communication is the most important skill. The journal is different because the purpose is to be

informative and not have an emotional response. The media source cites monologues from other

authors and direct quotes from reputable people to support the claims. The validation of claims is

different in the journal because the author cites other scholarly journals that have done research

in the field. For the purpose of the both genres, the way claims are validated is appropriate. This

is true because in the article, the quotes selected give the audience an emotion which

complements the article. The audience can easily relate to the quotes which are tied into stories.

The journal on the other hand, is especially appropriate because citing justified claims is a main

component to the genre.

Another difference is the layout of the scholarly journal. The journal consists of an

abstract which a summary of the papers purpose. The journal contains citations that are very

detailed and specific in the sources the information was extracted. Another difference is the

layout of the scholarly journal. The journal consists of an abstract which a summary of the

papers purpose. The journal contains citations that are very detailed and specific in the sources

the information was extracted. Another difference is the layout of the scholarly journal. The

journal consists of an abstract which a summary of the papers purpose. The journal contains

citations that are very detailed and specific in the sources the information was extracted.

Non scholarly media and digital sources such as the one Greg Satells wrote on Feb

15,2015 on Why Communication Is Today's Most Important Skill, might not contain citations at

all. At the end of the article of a journal contains a bibliography or references. The bibliography

or references contain the sources used in the research paper in APA format. Journals also contain

a conclusion when non-scholarly media and digital sources do not contain one. The author of a

non-scholar media could write an article in essay form that does not follow a specific format as

the journal does. When extracting information for research scholarly journals would be the

credible source in supporting claims. Claims need credible sources in order to be validated. Since

they go through very different processes, using accurate information that is accepted as common

knowledge in a discipline is important. Without the components of the journal, the journal would

not convey its message effectively because it would not be scholarly anymore. The article

without its components would not persuade the audience and would not fulfill the purpose of

communicating to the audience. The components of each genre are important because each

component is what makes up the type of genre the information falls in.


Both genres communicated their claims effectively relative to the audience and purpose

the genres were trying to accomplish. The scholarly journal was more effective in conveying the

message to audience because the claims that were presented in the journal were validated in

many ways to ensure the information was justified. Because of the structure and validation

process, scholars would value the scholarly journal in building new knowledge.


Greg Satell. (2015). Why communication is today's most important skill. Retrieved from


Hirokawa, R. Y. (1979). Communication and the managerial function: Some suggestions for

improving organizational communication. Communication, 8(1), 83.

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