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Jasmine Pankey

Mrs. Balestieri
Biology HN 4th period

Genetic Disease

Many people today are born with a genetic disease. You may be wondering, what

exactly is a genetic disease? How can I get a genetic disease? How can I prevent

myself from getting a genetic disease? A genetic disease is the result of changes, or

mutations, in an individuals DNA. A mutation is a change in the DNA sequence that

makes up a gene. Gene codes for proteins, the molecules that carry out the most work,

perform most of the life functions, and make up the majority of cell structures. When a

gene is mutated so that its protein product can no longer carry out its normal function, a

disorder can result. Genetic diseases can inherited because they are mutations I the

germ cells of the body; the calls that are involved in passing genetic information from

parents to offspring. Genetic diseases can also result from changes in the somatic cells,

or cells in the body that are not gem cells. (Genetic Alliance 1) Genetic disease has

advanced this the years of science. Now, doctors have found out how you get a genetic

disease and researching more on how they can help others.

There are numerous types of genetic diseases. There are four types of genetic

diseases; which are chromosomal abnormalities, single gene defects, multifactorial

problems, and teratogenic problems. These four types of genetic disease have many

specific diseases categorized with one of the four types. Chromosomal abnormalities in

the baby may be inherited from the parent or may occur with no family history

(University of Rochester 1). A familiar chromosomal abnormality disease is down

syndrome. Down syndrome is a condition in which extra genetic material causes delays

in the way a child develops, both mentally and physically (The Nemours Foundation 1).
Jasmine Pankey
Mrs. Balestieri
Biology HN 4th period

Other diseases are deletion, inversion, and translocation. Single gene disorder is

responsible for a defect or abnormality. Single gene disorder usually have greater risks

of inheritance. Single gene disorder can be a dominant or recessive, which is passed

through the parents of the offspring. A familiar dominant disorder is the Marfan

Syndrome. Marfan Syndrome affects the bodys connective system, which is found

everywhere in the body. A familiar recessive disorder is sickle cell disease, which is a

condition causing abnormal red blood cells. Other recessive disorders are Cystic

Fibrosis and Tay-Sachs disease. Multifactorial problems are conditions caused by

multiple problems. Examples of multifactorial problems are heart defects, cleft lip or cleft

palate, defects of the spine or brain. Teratogenic problems are certain substances that

cause abnormalities in the offspring. Examples of these substances are some

medications, alcohol, a high level of radiation exposure, lead, and certain infections.

(The University of Rochester 1).

The study of genetic diseases have many careers, but related to genetic disease

in some way. These careers range from developing molecular tools to diagnose genetic

diseases, study of chromosomal abnormalities, and the study of the influence of genes

on behavior. Of course, this research will better doctors knowledge on genetic disease

and benefit others who have a genetic disease. Researchers are focused on

multifactorial problems because multifactorial problems are more difficult to differentiate

from other; more than one problem has occurred. All of these different majors of study

benefit our society as a whole. These researchers are looking for what they can and

using it in their everyday analysis to gain more information.

Jasmine Pankey
Mrs. Balestieri
Biology HN 4th period

Do genetic diseases only affect people here in the United States? No, genetic

diseases can affect any offspring in any part of the world. This is why it is more

important for researchers to accumulate as much data and information on genetic

diseases as possible. Any information is useful in a way to better our world! Millions of

offspring are produced and born each day. We use doctors knowledge to inform parents

how they can reduce the risk of their offspring of having a genetic disease. Some

parents cant control passing a genetic disease to their offspring. Doctors can help

benefit the offspring as much as possible.

In conclusion, there are numerous types of genetic diseases that the offspring

can inherit from its parents. Luckily, some parents can avoid the risk of passing a

genetic disease to its offspring. Even if a genetic disease is passed to the offspring, the

doctors we have today in our society can benefit the offspring as much as possible. The

research and tools to help indicate genetic diseases has increase over many years.

This improves all of our studies and prepares us for more.

Jasmine Pankey
Mrs. Balestieri
Biology HN 4th period

Work Cited

"What Is a Genetic Disease?" Advocacy, Education & Empowerment. N.p., n.d. Web. 25

Oct. 2014

"Types of Genetic Diseases." - Online Medical Encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Oct.


"Down Syndrome." KidsHealth - the Web's Most Visited Site about Children's Health.

Ed. Mary L. Gavin. The Nemours Foundation, 01 Feb. 2012. Web. 26 Oct. 2014.

"Marfan Syndrome." KidsHealth - the Web's Most Visited Site about Children's Health.

Ed. Karen W. Gripp. The Nemours Foundation, 01 July 2011. Web. 26 Oct. 2014.

"What Kind of Jobs Can I Get with a Genetics Major?" Texas A&M Career Center. N.p.,

n.d. Web. 27 Oct. 2014.

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