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Donations are being made in
basically every branch of government,
including the Executive, Legislative, and
Judiciary branches as well as at the state
level. Contributions to campaigns running
for positions in those branches is where this
ruling excels according to Micheal Waldman
in his article, In 2016, the Integrity of Our
Democracy at Stake. He states,Where the
new big money really booms loudly is in
state and local races. Evidence is
accumulating of the ways that untrammeled
wealthy individuals now can effectively buy
a town council or county government. At the

Is money influencing politicians and lower level, it turns out, you dont have to
be a Koch brother to be a kingmaker.
undermining the democratic system that
makes this country great? A lot of things The problem with annoyomus
seem to point to the fact that the people are donations is that no one knows if a politician
taking a passanger seat on this democracy is being influnced by his big donors which
bus.With polititcians taking donations left help them win the race. Alot of winning
and right its hard to say who is really to campagins usually invest alot of money that
blame for governmental disfunction at times. they recieve in adertisement. Leading to
A lot of sources have some specualtion on as notion that who has the most money in a
to why there exitists a disfunctioning race for a seat in government will most
democracy in this country. Clift Elenor, likely win. So does having alot of money
from the Daily Beast, as long with many really make you the best candidate? does it
other journalits would believe that this mean you just have a bigger amount of
comes as a result of ruling that dates back 7 resources than youre competitor?
years from today. They are refering to the David Brookes, from the New York
Citizens United ruling which gave leway to Times, believes this not the case and will
huge Super PACS and annoymous donations never be the case. In his article,"Money
to take place in all regions of government. Matters Less", written back in 2014, he
claims that not a lot has happened with the
ruling on Citizens United. On the side that Trump liked to proclaim that alot of his
supports and pushes for money in politics campaign was funded by him and his
claims that there has not been any individual supporters alone. While still
significant changes within local and recieving endorsements from serveral
nationwide government. He states that companies he did not have a Super PAC.
according to some research databases in Hillary Cliton started out the race the 2016
2014, the Democratic Party was the highest Presidential race with not alot to say about
receiver and spender when it came to Citizens United but as the race went further
donations. Brooke brushes off the fear that she doubled down on the idea of getting rid
was riled up in the aftermath of the ruling. of it and doing something about it. While
From Brookes own personal experience he she did make passionate speaches about this
did see a lot of fear and uncertainty from the topic she was still taking in huge sums of
Democratic side. Stating in the article while money with her Super PAC. While her
he was in congress while the ruling counterparts were doing other actions.
happened, This is the end of our party,
Bernie Sanders was also a very
wailed one Democrat, aware he was going
prominante candidiate during the 2016
over the top. He goes on to say that the side
Presidential race when it came to doing
that was most afraid of the big money
something about Citizens United. He started
coming in was the one that was most
his campaign bascially saying that their
benefitting from it. He then comes out to say
needs to be a resurgance to retake back
that there is nothing to worry about,
democracy into the peoples hands, and the
claiming that this just helps people run
first step would be over turn Citizens
campaigns with more peace of mind.
United. He backed up his claims by not
Whichever side you are on, could it taking any donations from big corporations
be plausible that as an individual you would and only accepting those form sole
or would not be influenced by large sum of individuals. He raised the majority of his
money on your way to a position of power? campaign fund through sole individual
Does it make sense that anonymous entities donations almost matching that of what
are allowed to donate money to campaigns, Clinton had raised through her Super Pac.
never to reveal their identity? These large
While this all comes into play, it
sums of money do have to be deposited with
gives us an example of how money can
in a super PAC. Which is basically separate
affect the performance of a campaign.
account that basically just track what is
Bernie Sanders did not have the advantage
spent and where it is spent.
with name recognition and a small
Recalling back to the 2016 budget.This lead to a slow but solid start for
Presidential Election a few candidiates him. As time progressed and the number of
spoke out about Citizens United. Some of donations he was recieving was rising he
those including Donald Trump, Hillary started to get more name recognition
Clinton, and Bernie Sanders. These becuase of the infrustructure he was able to
candidates all had something to say about provide for his campaign. He was able to get
Citizens United, but as some would say ads, and flyers, and a well rounded staff to
actions speak louder than words. Donald help advance in the polling. While at the
same hand Cliton and Trump started their having all of this money, does it really make
campaigns with a soild amount of funds. it a fair Democratic System?
While having attained those funds from
different methods, it still proves the point
that they were able to get a upper hand in
this race agaisnt their competitors. While

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