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Michael Hill

Mr. Kays

English 102

11 February 2017

Annotated Bibliography

Schleifer, Theodore, and Joshua Berlinger. "Trump Says He'll Send in Feds If Chicago Doesn't

Fix 'carnage'." CNN. Cable News Network, 25 Jan. 2017. Web. 11 Feb. 2017.

Schleifer and Berlinger deciphered one of President Trumps most controversial tweets

since he has taken office in being the new leader of the free world. President Trump stated. If

Chicago doesn't fix the horrible "carnage" going on, 228 shootings in 2017 with 42 killings (up

24% from 2016), I will send in the Feds! President Trump even went as far to encourage Rahm

Emanuel, the mayor of Chicago, to ask for federal assistance. It is however, odd how President

Trump, a advocate of the second amendment and also been given support by the NRA, is in favor

of enforcing gun laws and stringent sentencing for armed felons. Another interesting point that

the source has included was President Trumps stance on stop and frisk. A policy like stop-and-

frisk could save thousands of lives in a city like Chicago, just like it saved thousands of lives in

New York. Overwhelmingly, this will save African-American and Hispanic lives -- citizens who

are entitled to the same protections as every American Not sure if comparing two different cities

will give you the same results, but President Trump seems positive about his decision.

McIntyre, Steven. Pockets of Resistance: Martial Law In America. E-book, F. Philip McIntyre; 1

edition, 2014.

McIntyres, Pockets of Resistance: Martial Law In America Kindle Edition, is a post

apocalyptic tale. It's a fast paced narrative about normal people resisting the government after
martial law is declared when the economy collapses. McIntyres dislike toward martial law has

given me an insight to how America would react if such a thing was in fact real. In the book,

McIntyre quoted, I've had enough of almighty government so my family and I will resist!

"Come get us! You will find that we prefer FREEDOM to tyranny! Whatever the cost!. The

passion of his voice conveys to his audience that he is against the federal government to try and

control his family.

Davies, Kirk L. "The Imposition of Martial Law in the United States." The Imposition of Martial

Law in the United States 49 air force law review 2000. Journal 11 Feb 2017.

Kirk L. Daviess, The Imposition of Martial Law in the United States, is his voice

speaking about what the cause and effect will come to if martial law was made legal in the

United States of America. The intended audience was people who were obviously against the

federal government coming to states, especially inner cities, and terrorizing the citizens in those

respective lands. He then quotes, Imagine the following frightening scenario: Members of an

American militia group enter a major metropolitan airport and attach small aerosol-like devices

in several restrooms throughout the concourse. These devices release deadly amounts of

smallpox bacteria into the air, infecting hundreds of Americans travelling through the airport.

Within days, citizens around the country begin to display the horrific symptoms of smallpox.

This can change the outlook of a persons opinion on martial law as it could be doing more harm

than good.
Richardson, Robert. Martial law in the United States: How likely is it, and what will happen

under martial law? Man-made Disasters. Off Grid Survival - Wilderness & Urban Survival

Skills, 15 July 2015. Web. 11 Feb. 2017.

Richardsons article gears towards more to conservatives rather liberals with his report of

martial law. Martial Law in the United States: How Likely is it, and What will happen under

Martial law?, is Richardson speaking about But whats happening in this country is exactly

what our founders warned us about, and martial law is something they took very, very seriously.

The entire article covers the timeline when martial law was in effect. From former president

Bush all the way to current president Trump. Not only does the article talks about giving us

liberty or giving us death, it also portrays how our founding fathers would never intend us to

enforce the military their citizens. Richardson also ends his article with this,The U.S that our

Founders created is gone; its been replaced by a system that has grown so powerful that most

people dont even realize theyve become enslaved by that very system.

Book, Doug. Obama Executive Order Imposes Martial Law On United States. Western

Journalism. Western Journalism, 19 Mar. 2012. Web. 11 Feb. 2017.

Doug Books opinion essay, Obama Executive Order Imposes Martial Law On United

States, speaks about when former president Obama signed the National Defense Resources

Preparedness Order. This Executive Order would afford the president dictatorial powers over the

nation and the American people whenever he chooses to implement it. In addition to those

powers listed above, the President will also control all civil transportation; all forms, supplies

and suppliers of energy; farm equipment; all food resources; food resource facilities; all water

resources; health resources; strategic and critical materials and national defense. Books tone is
anti-liberal, saying Obama doesnt do anything for the United States of America and believes

America will be in for a rude awakening.

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