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"oz "woneanpa yo oops Assanqun eMesae 102s apd 24 RATIO FOTST “TOROS PU ATCT fon" wef) aanisod v arowaud erp | auouuosyaua Sujuseat Uy ausellue aap2e uonzexaqut by pai od) sovBoiens yusdpueu | aanisode woucndeg "DOGPLIBL DAP LIT) ‘paensuowap au sorfayens yuauiodeueus | soayenys yuowodeuens € _ ‘woosssey> ‘woousse> ue fenplatpur yzoddns k tA 40 4 LAE pue euoneanot | 40/pue euoneanou jo sea swouuoaauo 91319 Lieve) “artisan wusjsuo> | jouonewuowojduy | uonewawijduitouso | oy saxo um syiom rowers sewusuowog| owos ssyensuoweg | supuesiapan pomury | ayy auouuasang Buluieer -o “SUORESyTpOUr "sprepues id pue ‘yBhy goou 04 sowreay yoea ajqeua ens ‘aun aun jo awios weip Syuauuostaus Bujuaea} uapms | spaau pue sipSuans spaou reisygpun ‘Sujuzeay squpms | pue sipSuons Bujuseay ae Jo8ujpueyszapun | _siuapnys 0) poyvauuos wojdut | ueayensuowapreip |“ youaxe uopannsuy | jo Buypueysiopun sosn Joysea) Anuaysisuoy | _ suossaj sywaworduay puesuossay | ous sssouasayia Supusway -z “SobUapredxe Bujureo] HusUayETS pure areqidoadd STI OT myY OL oun ayy aposderdhe “sysey jo ous aenidordde sneudoidde | yo sumed ug ‘Ajyewawidojanap Atperuauidojanap ‘dojanap pue mox8 ssousea} a start | oat | “Supa nde suossoy squowiajduy puesuosso7 | sys quamdojassa souseor “7 CurdasaBp Tur (ou Bu9qs fouayadwo> cr) si ouareduo9 BusqroustSouraduo | Squaw Aaeyduiax; =epen aUsog) soypeey Suywurdog) spypeay Buyuidog) ispaepuris ISVLUL nema " : ausreduroy Buidojasaq ‘Sujyer IOWe|SHETUN Ou Hata SHUNT TUpTOTHASp Z Pe SHUEY ATE fap ugueA/D PEEII02 soos Le /s1}% reg Suyds/tped :w104, AVeg 24 Ayo, CP Hosusodns Aysioatun Ue/sam7 asyerag uoweay soma “OVO ssousea4 suopmg Vez Ropenjeag RAPT Buyers apMs WOABINpY Jo jooyss Ayjssoajup ayLIG pwd Drake University School of Education Student Teaching Midterm Evaluation Competent va ' InTASCStandards: | _,(Cegisogtater | Geimingieaer | aginingiecher || "Ch Comments: 6 ampteney | eampteny bel met) Unsatisfactory Developing 4. Content Knowledge: The teacher understands the central or she teaches and creates learning experiences that make these aspects of the discipline accessible and meaningful for learners to assure mastery of the content. Content knowledge is, not evident for Content knowledge is evident; however, consistency with renting le lessons is Content knowledges oped and stently wisual supper ts 10! +0 5 wages lof per 5. Application of Content: The teacher understands how to Does not make connections between ‘Shows the connection between concepts and “epnap partes connect concepts and use concepts and real- orld difering perspecti ‘world applications | applications, ‘or does not Sometimes supports = task 's aligned itatethe use of | learners’ use of critical oe problem solving related and creative thinking with class Yoon? authentic local and global issues. and/or collaborative mstruction problem solving. ing. Assessment The teacher] Does not understand or | Primarily relies on one , Understands and uses multiple | use assessment form of assessment vongoing fort ve strategies effectively. | and/or shows limited acess t bull methods of assessment to engage learners in their own growth, to ‘monitor learner progress, and to {guide the teacher’s and learner's use of assessments for instructional purposes. Mate Aacrrat meeting rigorous lea by drawing upon kn content areas, curriculum, cross- disciplinary skills, and pedagogy, as well as knowledge of learners and the community context. Instructional plans are inadequate in detail or are not submitted. Tastructional plans show some details regarding curriculum goals, content standards, and students’ needs and/or planning for instruction is Inconsistent. Updated: 05/2014 ” AV eA Mabel "102 tonwonpa 0 ooKs Aysi9nrUn ayEG 02/0 spaepdn 0554) yad|ye arodad wae Paoness 7p fo pansion - Sof0% diyssopeay ‘syeudosdde ano sayie9, img or Bupuiom Si-uonesoqeyto> atios ui saedionied ue sips diyssopea| 20s sarensuowiog “somruey ue ‘sandeaijoo foowps ‘sxoue9 yp eam axe sdqysiomseg “uonesogetio> us ‘a8eBu9 30u saop 10/pue SqIpis diyssapeay ‘yexnsuowiap 0u sa0q, Hossa ayy aoueape 0} pue ‘youl 19usea] ‘aunsua 0} suaquiou AyunuwI09 pure ‘sjeuoyssajoud 22 sapqumaioddo pate soy Aiysiopea| aetidosdde syoos Joype0 a wo esoqeTiOD ue digsiope2t “or “Buyyoeay “youea] ype Jo spaeu auf yoaut 0} “Buyypeas | sopoesd sidepe pur (Aayununutoo uy aopoead one om pte 's[evosrojoud pute euoissajoud | _soxpo ‘sayy siousea) sao saensuowap ous00q | uo suonoe pue sani y/o swourdanop "woutdofonop | yeuossojud anuuco R teuowsmjid |" oyanuaszousoop | os atopian sas pul Suaicy : nus ay ae | euossooadSuyoSuo uy sede PRM GIS FUOAS ppueSurypeassoienreno | syaas pue Butuieo pac fee | angen au onan yore “38s Anuoasisuoy | 2unoee sownena os sauoysisuoout | _pue Busey euoyssojoag “e = —aEpopAOD, “Shem BUUESU Up Add “‘aBpajmouy Aydde Audde 0) suapms | a8pajmouy éydde 01 siipis pling oy pp U9- Soy 0) santumoddo awos 40} sapjumgzoddo | pue ‘suonzauuoo sjous pu seare vi | 7 | sopue swopmssaag pue | ouaseaioinao/pue | auanuoayo Bupacisepun ieee fe $20/ f reuonprnsurjo iia | soiforens euononnsuy | soidoens euononateut | dojonporsiourer demon, 6% OAS? Jo Ayapte e ayerodsoaut Iryasodund | sarBayens jeuoponaysuy jo Aare. ow #0 suokh. et suossay jo Supueysiepun |e sasn pue spueysiepun 19y2e0} wos swowordua | pane mous suossoy | ays isoqSanesygfeuclonaavta pay) | CUBE umd fuiogiou urdu sswouoy — | Aiejduoxa juareduio3 Buydojaasa so4pean SuyuuyBag) Aro 2e}sHesuA ‘spaepuras ISVLUL wopeneay WisypyW SuyyoesL wapnys UoHednpg Jo jooyss AIsssatUN ayLIG Drake University Schooi of Education Student Teaching Midterm Evaluation School of Education Teaching Disp instructions: Use the questions and rating scale below to assess the student teacher's di jons Assessment tional attributes at midterm. 7. Please rate the student teacher’s success as a learning leader. 72. Please rate the student teacher's success as a reflective Sets professional goals. practitioner. Poor Fair Good Very Good Dre Reflects on the progress of his/her professional goals. : Poor Fair Good Very Good Expipit Demonstrates confidence and self-direction in pursuing solutions to problems or questions. ue fenpiaipur odds so uopequauojday ue euoneanow | s0/pue euogeanoujo wy swuoutuodtaue aea1> uasisuo> | jouonmuauayduy | uopewauijdiajou io | 1 sistpo ai sion zosooon sovensuowed | owossowensuowog | Suypueisiopun pawuyt | oys aueumosug duyasoey ¢ “HIORESG pou "SpIEpUES saplaodd pue Sty y99ur 0 sow.) yoeo a1qeud ‘spaou pue singuons aun ox jo wos wp swuoutuo uate future} ujusea, sauopms | spoou pue sinduanns spoou | isnot aunsua oy sorqunusios f sofujpuersiopun | Suuseay swuapmis | pue syuans Bupeaeo, ‘Bue soanajno asioaIp we oensuowopiea | —_yoduypueaszopun | suapmas oa powounce ue saouasayp enpiarpur Suosso| suowiiduy} | uemensuowepaem |“ rouazedononaisu | jo Suipuewiopun oon eco ‘nwarsisuoy | _suosso] suauioydut puesuossor | ays iseouosoma Suyuseay *Z ‘swuouzayduy pa ‘seoie voishyd pue . ‘eros ‘spe ‘n ay la te Ly sone pie ui Ld. caprvdeudcho ae = cpesper : Aewowdorenop | jo owos ayeudordde ‘aeudoidde |“ jo suioned ein Surziufoo91 eedepenp are wip, Aiqeuaurdojaaap Ajtesuawdojanap ‘dojeaap pue mou siowsea] eee suossoy suouto,dun aie yep | rou aie suoneivodxo -Mol{spltnsiopun ioypeat ye ea | suneteu eet urs | eu ant umsipun ys Taurdojanap ew (GauBiq sy oumodos Copy) | CPuLFag tuo fupqroust Guseduos |, E Axed pieces) saypeo Butuutfog) ‘ateos Suruutiog) ispxepurrs DsV.LUI stroum709 ‘ “a aayeduioy Surdojaaaq Asoweyspesun, HoneY COBEN OF a SURES RUROAap z paw ORT ATUUxa 0 WipdUO GTO TORENT UY see any METRE pais uieo 0 soypeauopms wg soypeay ase eo [oa IPs Np aeasvouap.alpebadaaronr ed eee eee “stan of aia oqo oy ueuoday 3 puepueas 9Sy a Yoe9 1} fol IBS Noes) opmaaN seem OaiMIatio eee Reape) P11.) stooyas LI-8]-/, ‘rea Guysd3) ea smog savoury ostarodns Ayss9amiA V49482Cr) 709K ayDEO4 JOM P\3%y uaypeay juapms /- uonenoa wen Baypvo, quepmys UOReINpy jo jooyps Ayssaatuy ayer Drake University School of Education Student Teaching Final Evaluation InTASC Standards: Unsatisfactory (Beginning teacher not being Developing (Geginning teacher competency is developing) Competent (Beginning teacher competency is being met) Exemplary (check) Comments: 4. Content Knowledge: The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of th ine(s) he or she teaches and creates learning experiences that make these aspects of the discipline accessible and meaningful for learners to assure mastery of the content. Content knowledge is, not evident for teaching and/or lesson content is not accessible to students, Content knowledge is evident; however, consistency with implementing accessible lessons is, needed. Content knowledge is well developed and lessons are consistently implemented which ‘make the content accessible and meaningful for the students. '5. Application of Content: The teacher understands how to ‘connect concepts and use differing perspectives to engage learners in critical thinking, creativity, and collaborative problem solving related to Does not make connections between concepts and real- ‘world applications and/or does not facilitate the use of critical and creative ‘Shows the connection between concepts and real-world applications. Sometimes supports learners’ use of critical and creative thinking Consistently implements instruction ‘that engages learners in applying concepts to real-world situations and supports the use of critical and creative authentic local and global issues. | thinking and/or and/or collaborative inking and collaborative problem | problem solving. collaborative problem solving. solving. 6, Assessment: The teacher Does not understand or | Primarily relies on one | Understands and uses a understands and uses multiple | use assessment form of assess variety of assessments methods of assessment to engage | strategies effectively. | and/or shows limited _| for multiple purposes. learners in their own growth, to monitor learner progress, and to ‘guide the teacher's and learner's decision-making. use of assessments for instructional purposes. 7. Planning for Instruction: ‘The teacher plans instruction that supports every student in meeting rigorous leat and the community context. are not submitted. Instructional plans show some details regarding curriculum goals, content standards, and students’ needs and/or planning for truction Is consistent. Consistently plans methods to meet curriculum goals, content standards, and students’ needs. v Updated: 05/2014 ‘©Drake University School of Education, 2011 1107 woneonpa jo oops Asse axa ‘vi02/so :pawepd ‘sdrysuonefau Teuorssajoud Waim wonesogeyjoa uy sofieBua ‘sajox diys1opeay ‘ayeudosdde yno sayiueg ‘sdrysuonefaa Teuoyssayoud Pring 03 Bupjz0m S| wonexoqejtoo awos wi saredianied ue sinjs diyssopeoy ‘wios sayensuouiag ‘somurey pur ‘saneaqjo Joouss ‘siauseay yam axe sdiysioueg “uonesoqetjoo uy ‘a8eBuo 0u Soop 10/pue stipis diysiapeay ayexsuowiap you ssoq, TOSI TT aoueape 0) pue ‘yiaoul s9use9| ‘ainsua 0) siaquiow Ayunumu09 ue ‘sjeuorssayoud ooyas 19t0 ‘sanBeajjoo ‘somurey ‘ssuse9] ‘489 09 sanjunioddo pue sajox diysiapeay ayeydoadde soos Jaye} BULL ‘MoNeLOgEIIOD ue diyssopeet “oT Bune uy aoppead reap pue jeuoissajoud sayensuowap Apuaysisuoy ‘uauidojanap [euoyssajoud onuuoa ‘ox aanpeid aannoyar sasn pue Sujuseay ue 8uyyseay sayenyens ‘Bupeay ‘ut aopoead reottpa pu jeuojssajoud auios sayensuouiag uauidozenap reuoyssayoud ‘anupuod oy yeas pue Sujuseay pue “Bumyoeay ‘uy sonpedd eon ure jeuoyssajoid ‘aiensuowiep 304 s90q, auowidojanap [euorssojord anunuos ‘1 ans you sa0p 40/pue Suyuseay pue Suyypear sorenyeasjos “TaULe9| ype Jo spaau arp eau 03 aonoead sydepe pue “(fayunuiw0s au pue ‘sjeuoissajord AaIpo ‘saypure ‘siauswal) s194N0 ‘Mo suonse pue samjoy> 194/s144 30, swaya amy Atuemnonsed ‘aapoead s9y/sy axenqesa Ajjenunuod ‘01 aouapiaa sasn pue Suruse9y [euoyssajoud BujoSu0 wy saBeua oupe=) au, sopDeAA TORT suossa] suswro|duy, Wp sus Jo Suypurysiapun “3198 Apuarsisuoy | Buyyoeoi sarenyead-os Anuarsisuoouy | pur Supuseo7 peuoissajord 6 “SEO OID “apa MOU “ste Aqdde 03 suapms ‘aBpaymouy Ajdde Aidde 01 suapms | abpopmouy Atdde o 40} sapjumuoddo | 0, sanyunuioddo awos 40} sanjumuoddo | pue ston20uuos sSpiaoid puesoifoiens | swopmssaai pue| ou are asaya io/pue | yuowuoo yo Buspueisepun dove 77 | teuonanasuyso éoues | saysorens evononsnsuy | sojfarens aceoeson dojonap 03 siauea| aBesnosus oy eareiodioau)yeip | jo Axoqsea e ayesoda ryesodind | saBoyens feuoponsasu jo oq200 sasn pue spuesiapun Jo43e0) ‘Apuaysisuoy, autos quam Payuly|e moys suossay | ayy :saWaeNs [eUORIN.NSUT ‘g teams) | Cmesieaa cumndam | CRG [Ton :syuauru0), Aavjdurexg, “yuaiedutoy soypeay Suyuuisog) alpen Su1uurog) ISPAePURIS ISVLUT Burdojanaq Asopejspesun wonenyeag [eury Suryoeay jwepms UoneoNpg Jo [ooYDs ArIsioATUN ayeIG Drake University School of Education Student Teaching Final Evaluation School of Education Teaching Dispositions Assessment Instructions: Use the questions and rating scale below to assess the student teacher's di jonal attributes. 7. Please rate the student teacher's success as a learning leader. Sets professional goals. Excell Poor Fair Good Very Good iz Demonstrates confidence and self-direction in pursuing solutions to problems or questions. Poor Fair Good Very Good (Excellent Communicates high expectations to students. Poor Fair Good Very Good (Excellent) Demonstrates a professional attitude/appearance. Poor Fair Good Very Good: Comments: ALiwvayo Acwaina preofessioncs 2. Please rate the student teacher's success as a reflective practitioner. Reflects on the progress of his/her pro Poor Fair Good Very Good 1al goals. Ponta “Good Very Goode Excellent > Incorporates feedback into his/her professional practice. Poor Fair Good Very Gook—Excellent > Comments: We hese geod discuadiens about Arryermarcre urd subletting en practice 3. Please rate the student teacher's success as a student advocate. Poor Fair Good Very Good (CEicalent 9 Demonstrates flexibility by adapting, adjusting, and ‘modifying practices to meet the needs of students. Poor Fair Good Very Good CExceMent > Comments: She rtapecta all herners whe Ln than ae ‘4. (Final evaluation only) What does the student teacher need to improve before assuming his/her own classroom? What goals should this student teacher continue to work on? Comtinunete weirs on sngaging oll Souda to avery activity. -lYor wot wean this, Set — ue ottlh de 5. (Final evaluation only) What do you feel are his/her strongest qualities as a teacher? . Katine very ergoniyd oo chasd woorluer ko Ling companiterate ot CaAlng collegues ,parcects, kD. Signatures: Student ‘Teacher/Date Mentor Teacher/Date fersy Supervisor /Date f Kg : oe {i ee Dena lO cody YE) Sich th 4-18-10 questions to eam all fou con “from

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