Essay Cae Sample Answer

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1 Your class has attended a panel discussion on facilities which should receive money
local authorities. You have made the notes below:
Write an essay discussing two of the facilities in your notes. You should explain which
facility it is more important for local authorities to give money to, giving reasons in
support of your answer.

You may, if you wish, make use of the opinions expressed in the discussion, but you
should use your own words as far as possible.

Which facilities should receive money from local


sports centres
public gardens

Some opinions expressed in the discussion:

"Museums aren't popular with everybody!"

Sports centres mean healthier people.

A town needs green spaces parks are great for everybody

Sample Answer

The allocation of public funds can be a contentious issue, which often

provokes passionate debate from the public. It is virtually impossible to
please everybody, given the limited funds available and the myriad
amenities in need of investment. That said, complex problems call for
creative solutions which serve the needs of the majority without ignoring
those of the few.
Among the suggestions put forward in a recent radio debate about where
funding would best be spent was sports centres. It was argued that sports
centres contribute to a healthier population. It is hard to disagree with this.
As increasing levels of obesity and related diseases put pressure on
public health services, sports centres could certainly play a part in
improving the general health of society. However, the proliferation of
private health clubs in recent years means that most urban populations
already have access to reasonably-priced sports facilities.

Public gardens, on the other hand, are still mainly created and maintained
by the state, perhaps because they are not profitable. Nevertheless,
visiting green spaces is known to improve peoples emotional well-being.
Furthermore, walking, running and cycling routes around the gardens
could offer visitors of all ages and fitness levels the opportunity to improve
their health while enjoying the surroundings.

In conclusion, I would say that state funding is most required in the

provision of amenities not offered by the private sector. If public gardens
were creatively planned to cater to a variety of interests and age groups,
there would be few better ways to achieve true value for taxpayers mo


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